The talos principle. прохождение игры (2)


The holy symbol of Talos.

The church of Talos was small by the standards of a greater deity, and his followers were fanatical in their love of destruction. The clergy had no formal hierarchy; obedience was enforced through might. Priests of Talos were fond of extorting sailors and farmers, threatening that Talos would bring destructive storms upon them if they did not placate the angry god. They were wont to pursue wealth and luxury with many indulging in acts of random or spiteful violence, pillage, and banditry. Talossan clerics were also committed evangelists who sought to gain converts through fear or the enticement of raw power.[citation needed]

A helmet emblazoned with the symbol of Talos.

Clerics of Talos wore black robes and cloaks shot through with teardrops and jagged lines of gold and silver while high clergy wore blue-white ceremonial robes streaked with crimson. All of them wore eye patches. Talassan clerics generally cross-trained as barbarians, sorcerers, wizards, or as stormlords.[citation needed]

Worship of Talos was outlawed in many countries. Most Talossan holy sites were secret because of the church’s reputation. Public churches often took the form of castles or fortified strongholds that lay on earthquake fault lines or in the path of storms or lava; Talos ensured they remain unscathed.


Clerics of Talos celebrated Talossan festivals with ceremonies that summoned lightning and storms.[citation needed]

  • Calling Down the Thunder: This ritual involved the sacrifice of an intelligent being by lightning.[citation needed]
  • The Fury: In this ceremony, the cleric prayed, made berserk attacks to wreak as much destruction as possible in a small amount of time, then prayed again.[citation needed]


The existence of religious orders affiliated with Talos was shrouded in mystery and rumor. Two speculated groups were:[citation needed]

  • Lords of the Tempest: A group of wizards that specialized in combining elemental magic.[citation needed]
  • Circle of Rust and the Worm: A cabal of insane sages and mystics of various disciplines with the aim of destroying the world.[citation needed]

Behind the Scenes

  • Ben Mendelsohn portrays Talos’ true Skrull form with his own Australian accent, while he portrays Talos disguised as Keller with an American accent inspired by politician Donald Rumsfeld.
  • Ben Mendelsohn was uncredited for his appearance in Spider-Man: Far From Home.
  • Kieran Gallagher and Colin Follenweider were stunt doubles for Ben Mendelsohn and Kiante Elam, Venice Smith and Luciano Bacheta were stunt doubles for Samuel L. Jackson in the role of Talos.
  • James Henderson was a stand-in for Ben Mendelsohn and Keith Woulard was a stand-in for Samuel L. Jackson in the role of Talos.
  • According to Marvel Studios’ Senior Visual Development Artist Jackson Sze, the reason Talos wears a trenchcoat is because his look would eventually inspire Nick Fury to wear his own iconic trenchcoat seen in other installments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
  • An early version of the Captain Marvel script had Talos killed off after being shot by Yon-Rogg, but the character was ultimately spared.
  • According to Jon Watts, the Spider-Man: Far From Home post-credits scene that revealed that «Nick Fury» was actually Talos was only added after he watched Captain Marvel, as he felt the reveal was the perfect explication to have Fury being fooled by Mysterio, arguing that » superpower is being skeptical», yet the film needed the character «to be fooled in order to make the story work».

Талос бессонный охранник Крита

Работа Талоса заключалась в защите острова от любого нападавшего, обегая Крит три раза в день. В минойском Крите не обнаружены следы стен, защищавших город, поэтому Эванс — археолог Кносса, говорил о знаменитом и удивительном «минойском мире», которым мог быть следствием защиты великана.

Похоже, что Минос был в полной безопасности с таким охранником. Талос не позволил ни одному вражескому кораблю приблизится к берегу, бросал огромные валуны, топившие деревянные корабли. Если же какому-то кораблю все же удавалось избежать потопления и он причаливал к берегу, то его ожидал неприятный сюрприз: Талос входил в воду, его бронзовый корпус нагревался и корабли сгорали до тла.

Существует легенда, по которой жители Сардинии (Италия) были сожжены и поэтому их тела были найдены с открытыми ртами от боли и ужаса.

Как гласит легенда, Талос после расправы над врагами Крита разражался смехом. Возможно, от этого произошло выражение «сардонический смех», т. е. саркастический смех победителя, который издевается над побежденными.


These are the primary tools you can manipulate during your journey. Only the humble may be used at the start. The rest need to be unlocked, using .


Jammers can be used to prevent the operation of one , , base, , or . They can operate from any distance and can track a moving object, but they need line of sight, or they’ll stop operating. However, if they regain line of sight, they will operate again.

Standard tricks:


Connectors can be attached to any number of other connectors, coloured light , and coloured light . When you then place them on the ground or on a , the connector will send beams towards all of these objects (and generators send beams of light towards the connector) until it’s picked up again. If the beam of a connector strikes another connector’s beam, the two will cancel out. In some cases, this can be used to create a cycle of connectors causing walls to open and close in sequence.

Special tricks:

Not all walls are impenetrable to beams:Connectors can operate through exclusion fields.


The hexahedron is a strange shape that may appear to be a cube, if you don’t look too closely at it. If you do, you will realise that it is actually a hexahedron, which is a polyhedron with six faces. Totally different.

Hexahedrons may be jumped upon and stacked. You can jump onto one hexahedron, but jumping onto a stack of two requires more elevation, such as a third hexahedron to get a step up.


Fan on the left, base on the right.

This fan cannot be removed, and sends objects flying in an arc. It even has a cute little platform to jump onto.

Fans are not operable without their bases, which is on the right, and their bases must be powered, such as by a or a , or sometimes automatically. Some fans cannot be removed from their bases. However, fans themselves are weighty enough to push down a .

The amount that fans push depends upon their base; some will push just a bit, some will push far. If a fan pushes upwards, you can ride on top of it. may also ride a fan, and multiple may be stacked. However, other tools will fall off the air stream. To ride a or on a fan, you need to put them on a first.


The playback tool allows you to record up to five minutes of movement (but not through an ) when you use the tool. When you use it again, a simulation of you will do whatever you did while recording, until the recording ends, until you die, until the recording dies, or until you walk through an . During playback, all tools have doubles, that you can’t initially see until you move your copy of the tool. This allows you to double the number of tools you have available, with one major limitation — you cannot ride a playback .


Platforms are used with the tool during recording to provide for your future self a place to stand on. During playback you’ll need to be high enough to be able to jump on the platform, or put tools on top of it.

Environmental tools

There are some things in the environment you will need to manipulate with your tools.

Pressure plates

Pressure plates can be stood upon to cause them to activate something, such as to turn off an . You can also weigh them down with , , , , or . Anything else you can carry is not heavy enough, and and float, so they don’t activate pressure plates.

An important safety notice about pressure plates. Do not crush yourself while standing on a pressure plate!

It is also important to not do unsafe things completely unrelated to pressure plates.

Wall switches are used to disable , disable , and perform other actions.

Generators are sources of red or blue light that you can connect to a , and connect that to a to manipulate the puzzle.


Receivers take light from a that has been bounced off a connector. When they have power, they perform different actions — primarily, they turn off and activate . They need to be matched to the correct colour to operate.


Energy walls

Energy walls are blue barriers that block all movement and beams. They may be disabled with a jammer, or there may be one or two that can disable them.

Exclusion fields

Exclusion fields are purple regions that you can pass, but if you have a tool in hand, it will be dropped. They are the boundary into all tests, and are sometimes used within tests as well. The field also stops . You will not only drop , but they will be returned to where you got them if you try to carry them through an exclusion field. Only may be carried through the walls.

Locked gates may be opened with .

Wooden barriers sometimes block your way. If only there were some way to remove them, such as with a flamethrower!

Sigil locks

Sigil locks are puzzles that require the correct number of of the correct colour. They must be organised on the grid so that none overlap and all spaces are filled. Most of the puzzles have multiple solutions beyond simple symmetry and rotation.


  • Norex † — Subordinate
  • Skrull Spy — Subordinate
  • Att-Lass/Skrull † — Subordinate
  • Phil Coulson/Skrull † — Subordinate
  • Mar-Vell †
  • Torfans
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. — Temporary Enemies

    • Phil Coulson †
    • Whitcher
  • Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel — Former Enemy and Friend
  • Maria Rambeau † — Former Enemy and Friend
  • Monica Rambeau
  • Goose
  • Nick Fury’s Crew

    • Nick Fury — Former Enemy and Friend
    • Maria Hill
    • Dimitri Smerdyakov
    • Seamstress
  • Happy Hogan
  • Peter Parker/Spider-Man
  • Ned Leeds


  • Kree Empire

    • Supreme Intelligence
    • Starforce

      • Yon-Rogg — Attempted Killer
      • Minn-Erva † — Attempted Killer
      • Korath the Pursuer †
      • Att-Lass
      • Bron-Char
    • Accusers

      Ronan the Accuser †

    • Soh-Larr — Hostage
  • Keller — Situational Enemy
  • Elementals

    • Sandman
    • Cyclone
    • Hydro-Man
    • Molten Man
    • Elemental Fusion
  • Quentin Beck’s Crew

    Quentin Beck/Mysterio † — Temporary Ally and Attempted Killer

Как и почему был создан Талос

Талос не был рожден, как люди и боги, но создан по одной из версий самим Зевсом, по другой — по приказу Зевса либо Дедалом либо Гефестом (богом огня и железа).

Талос, а также золотая собака, от которой не мог сбежать никто и колчан со стрелами, которые всегда попадали в цель — были тремя дарами Зевса своей любимой Европе, которая подарила ему трех сыновей — Миноса (легендарного царя Кносса) Радамантиса и Сарпедона.

На монетах, найденных в минойском дворце Феста, Талос изображен молодым и крылатым. Вероятно, крыльями можно объяснить его высокую скорость, поскольку он мог за день трижды облететь Крит.

Внешне Талос похож на огромного человека, с телом из меди. У него была всего одна вена, поддерживающая его жизнь. Она начиналась в плече и заканчивалась на лодыжке, а вместо крови в ней текла расплавленная сталь. На лодыжке были вкручены медные гвозди, которые не позволяли стали вылиться.


«You know, you should always be polite to your neighbors. You never know when you might need to borrow some sugar.»

Despite appearing to be a fearsome military leader on the surface, Talos is an honorable, kind, and caring leader who wants the best for the Skrull population and his family, whose safety he puts before everything else. He respects diplomacy, often choosing to solve problems through negotiations rather than conflict, as he called out Carol Danvers for being too quick to attack during his visit to the Rambeau Residence. That being said, Talos has an intense hatred towards the Kree and won’t hesitate to resort to violence when facing them or those who he thinks are their allies, as was seen by how he also attempted to kill Nick Fury when the latter was working with Vers and discovered that he was impersonating Keller.

Talos is a pragmatic person willing to forgive others and accept his mistakes, as he decided to seek help from Danvers and Fury upon discovering that they were being misled by the Kree into thinking that the Skrulls were the enemy and wanted to clear the misunderstanding despite knowing that Danvers could eradicate any of his soldiers with ease. Talos was even willing to confront Fury and Danvers in his true form without any shapeshifting as a sign of trust and helped Danvers rediscover her real identity. He also apologized to Fury for their previous encounter.

Once his trust is earned, Talos is a very loyal ally and respects the wishes of those he works with; after learning of Fury’s preference to only be called «Fury», he used this as a code word to let him know he had disguised himself as one of the Kree attempting to take him and the Skrulls hostage. Talos also felt sympathetic towards Danvers after learning that she had been manipulated by the Kree into becoming their weapon, he did not hold any grudge against her for her previous hostility either.

Talos also has a tendency to use humor as a way to defuse tense situations, but due to being unaccustomed to human socialization, he can sometimes come off as awkward when asked about his shapeshifting abilities. Talos is afraid of Flerkens, he often warned Nick Fury to stay away from Goose, which eventually became the ultimate price of his regrets, his left eye.

Talos and Fury maintained a friendship over the years, to the point that Fury allowed Talos to impersonate him in order to investigate the Elementals and track down Spider-Man. During that time, Talos knew Fury’s mannerism and history enough that he could convincingly trick everyone around him into thinking that he was the real Fury; however, some aspects of his impersonation were off, most notably Talos’ trusting nature made him believe Mysterio’s lies rather easily, whereas it is implied that the real Fury would’ve seen through Beck’s deception or been more suspicious of it. Talos was embarrassed for being fooled by Mysterio, being a shapeshifter with extensive experience at deceiving others.



Skrull Suit: Talos wore a suit made of Skrull fabric, which was able to change shape with its wearer and was water-proof and bullet-proof.


  • Skrull Blaster: Talos carried this as a sidearm, standard to all military personnel of the Skrull race.
  • Skrull Electroshock Baton: During the Ambush in Torfa, after he uncovered his disguise as Soh-Larr to Vers, Talos used this baton to electrocute her, and take her into Skrull custody.
  • Kree Blaster: Talos carried this as a sidearm while under the disguise as a Kree foot soldier.

Talos, as Keller, holding Nick Fury at gunpoint

  • SIG Sauer P226: The SIG Sauer P226 was the standard pistol issued to S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel in the 1990s. Talos obtained one of these handguns when posing as Keller, and tried to use it against Nick Fury, as Fury realized he was a Skrull. However, both of them struggled for the weapon and Fury crashed the car, killing the skrull. Fury managed to easily disarm Talos, but the magazine was ejected in the struggle, so Fury resorted to throw the weapon and try to fight Talos, to no avail due to the skrull’s strength.
  • Smith & Wesson M&P: Talos carried a Smith & Wesson M&P while disguised as Nick Fury, the same weapon that Fury would carry. As he and Soren arrived in Ixtenco, Mexico, posing as Fury and Maria Hill, he pulled out his sidearm when Mysterio appeared, but soon draw his aim and fired at Sandman, who emerged suddenly and attacked them.
  • Crosman 2240 CO2 Pistol: Talos carried this pistol, modified as a tranquilizer gun while disguised as Nick Fury, in order to fire a dart at Ned Leeds to recruit Peter Parker to help him deal with the elementals.

Other Equipment

Tony Stark’s Glasses: Talos received this pair of glasses, which housed the E.D.I.T.H. A.I., from Fury, who in turn had received them from Tony Stark in the event of his death. The Skrull kept these glasses with him until he gave them to Parker.


  • Skrulls’ Ship: Talos was the commander of a large ship in Earth’s orbit, which served as their flagship. After he captured Vers

    Space Pod: After Vers accidentally made a hole in one of the walls of Skrulls’ Ship and thus initiated its destruction, he and a few other surviving Skrulls took the ship’s escape pods to Earth.

    , he brought her to this ship, as it housed a memory probe that he wanted to use to search her memories.

  • Quadjet: Talos’ science advisor modified the Quadjet that Vers and Nick Fury had stolen, making it capable of launching into Earth’s orbit. Talos then took the Quadjet to Mar-Vell’s Laboratory, along with Vers, Fury, Maria Rambeau and Goose. He rode it again when they escaped the laboratory and went back on Earth.
  • Mar-Vell’s Laboratory: Mar-Vell had kept a number of Skrull refugees including Talos’ family in her laboratory, but was unable to inform Talos of its whereabouts in Earth’s orbit before she was assassinated. Talos, with help from Vers and Fury, eventually found it and reunited with his family. However, they were forced to escape it after the Starforce arrived at the laboratory.
  • Talos’ Command Ship: In , when Nick Fury decided to take a vacation away from Earth, Talos impersonated him on Earth while Fury took vacation of this ship.
  • Audi e-tron SUV: Disguised as Nick Fury, he rode this car to missions.



Общий балл
Агрегатор Счет
Metacritic (ПК) 85/100 (PS4) 88/100
Оценка по отзывам
Публикация Счет
Деструктоид 8/10
Eurogamer 9/10
Информер игры 9/10
GameSpot 9/10
GameTrailers 9,2 / 10
IGN 8,3 / 10
PC Gamer (Великобритания) 84/100
VentureBeat 90/100
Хардкор геймер 4/5

Принцип Талоса получил признание критиков, получив на Metacritic общую оценку 85/100 (55 отзывов) для ПК и 88/100 (31 отзыв) для PS4 . Рецензенты высоко оценили как сложность головоломок, так и элементы философии, встроенные в повествование игры. Артур Гис из Polygon похвалил любознательную природу игры в отношении философии, заявив: «… Croteam создал сложную, красивую игру, которая служит прекрасным средством для решения некоторых очень серьезных вопросов о человечестве, технологиях, которые мы создаем, о наших обязанностях перед ними и его обязанности перед нами. И «Принцип Талоса» не похож на лекцию по философии в процессе «. Также были отмечены вариативность и изобретательность головоломок: один критик упомянул, что «разнообразие и воображение в этих головоломках просто фантастическое, а кривая сложности — одна из самых тонко проработанных, которые я когда-либо испытывал …» Критик видеоигр Бен «Ятзи» Крошоу из Zero Punctuation порекомендовал игру, заявив: «Тот факт, что я все еще хотел продолжать решать головоломки, чтобы исследовать более великолепные пейзажи, разобраться в тайне и оспаривать философию с помощью подсказки MS-DOS, достаточно свидетельствует о том, что игра увлекательная и умная … »Крис Суэллентроп из New York Times похвалил написание игры, заявив, что это была« … одна из самых грамотных и продуманных игр, с которыми я когда-либо сталкивался ». Несколько программистов и дизайнеров видеоигр также прокомментировали игру. Маркус Перссон , создатель Minecraft , написал: «Завершил « Принцип Талоса » , и я награждаю это мимолетное развлечение пятью баллами из пяти. Кроме того, оно изменило меня». Александр Брюс, создатель головоломки Antichamber , прокомментировал: «Человек. Принцип Талоса был таким превосходным. Боже мой. Мне это нравилось. Черт возьми. Исключительный дизайн головоломки и структура повествования».


If you manage to complete a test or puzzle, you may be rewarded.


Sigils are rewards for completing a test. Elohim will tell you sigils are the letters of his name. Perhaps that is true. They are also, completely coincidentally, tetrominoes. Sigils can be green, yellow, red, or gray. Green sigils allow you to progress to new lands and areas. Yellow sigils unlock tools. Red sigils are used in the Tower in defiance of Elohim. Gray sigils are a mystery to be solved.


Stars are an additional reward that you can find in some areas, or perhaps in the Nexus or the Tower itself. When they are within an area, you may know how many stars are present by the at the start of the area or before its . Stars may be found in a test or outside of them. They always require imaginative use of the tools you have available to you.

Stars are used in the that open your way to a challenge area in a land. You need 10 for each challenge area, and so there are 30 stars for the 3 challenge areas.


  • Главный герой — он же Дитя. Один из многих андроидов, сотворенных Элохимом () и отправленных решать пазлы в надежде заработать вечную жизнь и блаженство. Как и прочие роботы, не способен говорить, но благодаря возможности оставлять сообщения, игрок может отыграть как добродушное существо, мечтающее о лучшем мире, так и ехидного тролля.
  • Элохим — бестелесный голос, именующий себя Богом. Создал главного героя и повелел ему собирать сигилы, чтобы вознаградить Раем. Властный и грозный, но при этом заботливый, считает ГГ своим потомком и предостерегает от общения с Милтоном. .
  • Помощник Библиотеки Милтон (ПБМ) — ИИ, сортирующий данные в Архиве и хранящий почти все знания человечества. Обитает внутри компьютеров, через которые и общается с игроком. Ехиден и циничен, критикует все идеи и мысли протагониста и с пренебрежением относится к Элохиму, из-за чего последний называет Милтона «Змеем-искусителем» и велит не слушать его. Подначивает героя подняться на башню, дескать, тогда он, может быть, узнает правду. Также любит путать игрока, притворяясь то добрым другом, который просто заботится о благополучии андроида, то коварным врагом, который ловит кайф от неудач ГГ. .
  • Шепард и Самсара — два андроида, которые решили бросить вызов Элохиму и подняться на башню, но застрявшие на одном из верхних этажей. Шепард пытлив, добр и альтруистичен, в то время, как Самсара циничен и считает, что обретение Рая — не более, чем пустая иллюзия и что лишь вечный цикл разгадывания ребусов имеет значение. Игрок находит их сообщения на протяжении всего прохождения и сталкивается с ними лично, если решит тоже подняться на башню. Шепард будет помогать главному герою решать головоломки, в то время как Самсара — всячески мешать.
  • Александра Дреннан — глава учёных, работавших над проектом «Талос». Оставила множество сообщений (т. н. «капсул времени»), в которых рассуждает о человеческой природе и рассказывает о жизни последних людей. В первых сообщениях производит впечатление энергичной и несколько наивной девушки, считающей, что любые беды можно преодолеть, но уже под конец она впадает в депрессию, хотя и продолжает сохранять силу духа. Меломанка и гик.
  • Уриэль — .
  • Админ — .


В различных источниках принцип Талоса считается одной из величайших головоломок всех времен. Rock, Paper, Shotgun поставили The Talos Principle # 8 в список 25 величайших головоломок всех времен. GamesRadar + занял 6-е место в списке 10 лучших головоломок для консолей, Android, iOS и ПК. PC Gamer оценил ее как одну из лучших головоломок для ПК. Bit Gamer считал ее одной из лучших игр за последние десять лет. Digital Trends считает The Talos Principle одной из лучших головоломок всех времен. Журнал Slant оценил The Talos Principle как одну из 100 лучших игр всех времен.

В 2015 году Croteam добавила поддержку SteamVR в обновлении The Talos Principle . Разработка версии игры The Talos Principle VR , предназначенной для VR, была подтверждена 7 февраля 2017 года в блоге на веб-сайте Croteam. Он был выпущен 18 октября 2017 года.

Принцип Талоса сыграл важную роль в разработке головоломки «Тест Тьюринга» .

Croteam объявили, что работают над продолжением, The Talos Principle 2 , в мае 2016 года. 23 сентября 2020 года, за день до выхода Serious Sam 4 , писатель Croteam Джонас Кирацес подтвердил, что The Talos Principle 2 все еще «определенно реализуется. . » Kyratzes пояснил , что The Талос Принцип 2 ‘ сек рассказ был „вызов“ , чтобы создать из — за сюжет оригинального, принявший „завернутым так хорошо“. Кирацес также объяснил, что работа над игрой шла медленно из-за разработки двух других игр Croteam: вышеупомянутой Serious Sam 4 и The Hand of Merlin . Он также отметил , что Талос Принцип 2 будет следующим фокус компании следующим Serious Sam 4 ‘ s релиз.

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