Applied energistics 2


Основная статья: Установка модификаций с помощью Forge

  1. Установите Minecraft Forge.
  2. Скопируйте файл в папку .


Изображение Название Описание
Кварцевая руда Встречается на высоте от 16 до 72 блоков. Базовый элемент для создания всех предметов и блоков этой модификации. При разрушении выпадает 1-2 кварцевых кристалла и 0-1 кварцевой пыли.


Изображение Название Описание
Кварцевый кристалл Базовый предмет, необходимый для изготовления конвертирующих матриц и компонентов молекулярного сборщика. В некоторых крафтах взаимозаменяем с кварцем Нижнего мира.
Кварцевая пыль Используется для создания кремния, а также при крафте аметистовой пыли. В некоторых крафтах взаимозаменяем с пылью кварца Нижнего мира.
Пыль кварца Нижнего мира Используется для создания аметистовой пыли. В некоторых крафтах взаимозаменяем с кварцевой пылью. Используется для создания кремния.
Аметистовая пыль Основной компонент для создания МЭ кабеля. Используется при создании конвертирующих матриц.
Аметистовый кристалл Компонент для создания МЭ контроллера.
Аметистовая жемчужина Основной элемент при создании предметов беспроводной МЭ сети.
Кремний Используется при крафте процессоров.
Конвертирующая матрица Важный предмет, используемый в крафте машин, в которых происходит превращение предметов в энергию и наоборот.
Энергетическая ячейка Промежуточный компонент для создания предметов, потребляющих энергию.
Беспроводной приёмник Основной элемент при создании предметов беспроводной МЭ сети.


Изображение Название Описание
Механизм базового процессора При переплавке образует МЭ базовый процессор.
МЭ базовый процессор Используется в крафте базовых механизмов и хранилищ.
Механизм улучшенного процессора При переплавке образует МЭ улучшенный процессор.
МЭ улучшенный процессор Используется в крафте более сложных механизмов и хранилищ.


Изображение Название Описание
Кварцевая кирка Полностью идентичны своим железным аналогам.
Кварцевая лопата
Кварцевый топор
Кварцевая мотыга
Кварцевый меч
Кварцевый нож Служит для создания механизмов процессоров.
Кварцевый ключ Служит для поворота шин, настройки приоритетов хранения и демонтажа механизмов. Взаимозаменяем с ключами из BuildCraft, Thermal Expansion и OmniTools.
Катализатор вибрации Раскаляет блоки: превращает лёд в воду, булыжник в камень, песок в стекло, при использовании на руде выпадает сразу переплавленная руда. Использует энергию.
Ускоритель энтропии Охлаждает блоки: превращает лаву в обсидиан; камень в булыжник; воду в лёд. Использует энергию.
Материальная пушка Дальнобойное оружие. Стреляет шариками материи или самородками (в том числе и из других модификаций).
Ручной дробитель Аналогичен дробителю из IndustrialCraft 2, но не использует энергию. Вместо этого вы должны крутить рукоятку. Необходимое количество оборотов зависит от типа руды. Очень рекомендована на начальных этапах игры.


Изображение Название Описание
Кварцевый блок Декоративный блок.
Железная пыль Получается путём дробления железной руды в ручном дробителе. Совместима с другими модификациями.
Золотая пыль Получается путём дробления золотой руды в ручном дробителе. Совместима с другими модификациями.
Мука Получается путём дробления пшеницы в ручном дробителе. Совместима с другими модификациями.
Маленький динамит Уменьшенная версия стандартного динамита.

In Conclusion​

It really is a different mod from the predecessor, isn’t it? Yes, there’s been some nerfs, but let’s be fair… they probably needed to happen. It requires a lot more thinking to set up a good ME Network, and some things you used to hook up to your main system because ‘why not’ you’ll find can often be put on their own separate channels. Once you get your head wrapped around the new system, I think you’ll agree that while it is a bit more challenging to play with, it’s also a lot more engaging and fun to play with as well. I really think a good balance has been struck here.

And if you are having trouble finding your press plates, and you just ‘happen’ to end up in creative mode and have them ‘mysteriously’ appear in your inventory… eh, who’s gonna know? Who knows, maybe someone with MineTweaker will create expensive but fair recipes for them in the mod pack you play on. Just sayin’… it’s an option.

Unlocking Technology — Hunting For The Last Few Pieces

No, AE2 isn’t broken. The «final» pieces of the AE2 puzzle needed to move up the tech tree into ME Networks are the Inscriber Presses.  There are four presses that you need (Listed in order of «tier»):

These presses are used to make the Circuits needed for the Tech 2 machines and beyond.  They’re found randomly in Sky Stone Chest, which are located within Meteorites.  Meteorites are randomly spawned throughout the world, normally underground.  So, the hunt begins!

This hunt is a little less aimless than the hunt for your first Charged Certus Quartz Crystal. You’ll have a tool to help you on your way, the Meteorite Compass.  The Compass will point you toward the chunk the meteor has generated in, not the specific block or the center of the meteor itself.  You’ll have to do some digging and searching in order to find the meteor, and then you’ll have to take it apart and find the center, which is where the Sky Stone Chest will be located.

I did it!

After this is where the fun starts. You now have all the tools to start making the complex pieces that Applied Energistics has to offer!  Get out there and start filling up data drives.

Matter Energy Tech: ME Networks and Storage

What is ME Storage?

Its pronounced Emm-Eee, and stands for Matter Energy.

Matter Energy is the main component of Applied Energistics 2, it’s like a mad scientist version of a Multi-Block chest, and it can revolutionize your storage situation. ME is extremely different then other storage systems in Minecraft, and it might take a little out of the box thinking to get used to; but once you get started vast amounts of storage in tiny space, and multiple access terminals are just the tip of the iceberg of what becomes possible.

What do I need to know to get started?

First, ME Stores items inside of other items, called Storage Cells; there are 4 tiers with ever increasing amounts of storage. In order to use a Storage Cell it must be placed inside either an ME Chest, or an ME Drive.

The ME Chest shows you the contents of the Cell as soon as its placed inside, and you can add and remove items from it as if it were a Chest, with the exception that the items are actually stored in the Storage cells, and not the ME Chest itself.

While the ME Chest is a great way to get introduced to the concept of ME, to really take advantage you need to set up an ME Network.

How do I setup my first network?

An ME Network is pretty easy to get started you need 2 things, an ME Chest / or ME Drive, and an ME Terminal ( or ME Crafting Terminal ) you’ll also need some kind of cable, such as ME Glass Cable to attach the ME Terminal too.

Place all these next to each other, and you have the world’s simplest network, storage and access.

You can add storage cells to the ME Drive, or use one in a ME Chest for storage, and access it all from the ME Terminal.

You might want to add more ME Terminal to other rooms, for this you’ll want to make some ME Glass Cable, any ME Blocks attached to ME Glass Cable will be connected to the ME Network

Expanding your Network

So you have some basic storage, and access to that storage, its a good start, but you’ll likely be looking to maybe automate some processing.

A great example of this is to place a ME Export Bus on the top of a furnace to dump in ores, and a ME Import Bus on the bottom of the furance to extract furnaced ores.

The ME Export Bus lets you export items from the network, into the attached inventory, while the ME Import Bus imports items from the attached inventory into the network.

Overcoming Limits

At this point you probably getting close to 8 or so devices, once you hit 9 devices you’ll have to start managing channels. Many devices but not all, require a channel to function. If the device deals solely with power, or connectivity like cables the device will not require a channel. Anything that uses items, or moves them around, will.

By default  network can support 8 channels, once you break this limit, you’ll have to add an ME Controller to your network. this allows you to expand your network greatly.

Each face of the controller will output 32 channels, depending on whats is accepting these channels will determin how they get used, for instance, if you place a ME Dense Cable next tohe controller you will beable to carry a full 32 channels, however if you place a ME Drive next to it, or non-dense cable, you will only get 8 channels.


So your getting things started, but getting channels where you want them is kinda a nusance. Its time to start using P2P Tunnels. These when configured for ME, allow you to move channels from point to point; this allows you to move up to 32 channels per pair of P2P Tunnel.

Last modified on 08/20/2014 12:16 PM CDTBy AlgorithmX2


A basic ME Network starts with an ME Controller powered by a reliable energy source (EU RF or MJ) and an ME Drive or ME Chest with a Storage Cell inserted to be functional. Although the chest’s storage capacity is limited to one Cell, it has it’s purpose. The ME 1k Storage cell is the smallest and easiest to craft to get started, and can easily be upgraded to an ME 4k Storage cell as needed in time.  Finally adding an ME Access Terminal will give access to the Network’s inventory. The layout of the components is versatile as long as they are touching each other or connected using ME Cable or ME Covered Cable.

The ME Controller is the hub of the network and coordinates and supply power to all components connected to it. From this basic set-up there are practically no limits to the ability to expand the network with a whole array of ME devices from remote access to full on demand Automation, the highlight of the ME Network.

Seed Growing & A Better Terminal[edit]

You’ve been getting stuff into your terminal, but you want a way to craft things inside the terminal. It’s time to upgrade to a crafting terminal!

Now, you need a ME Terminal, a Crafting Table, and a Calculation Processor. For the calculation processor, you need Pure Certus Quartz Crystal, which you get from growing Certus Quartz Seed in water. However, this process is extremely slow, taking several hours. Its time for a new machine, a Crystal Growth Accelerator. It takes AE power in from the top face. Simply place it next to your water puddle, and the accelerator will speed up crystal seed growth inside the puddle of water. More accelerators will further increase the speed. With 1 accelerator, it takes 12 minutes to grow a seed. With 2, time gets reduced to less than 10 minutes (confirmation needed).

When the seed finishes growing, you can use the pure certus quartz to make the processor, which you should be pretty good at by now. Once you craft the Crafting Terminal and place it again, you will notice a new crafting interface inside the terminal, making your crafting work easier.

Now you mastered the art of seed growing, you should know that you can also grow fluix crystals into its pure form.

Mod-Specific Compatibility Notes

  • BuildCraft — MJ usage, Pipe support, Facade support, Wrench support, certain recipe changes
  • Thermal Expansion — additional Pulverizer recipes.
  • Industrial Craft 2 — EU usage, electric tools, additional Macerator and Compressor recipes.
  • Factorization Mod — Barrel support
  • GregTech — Quantum Chest support
  • MineFactory Reloaded — Deep Storage Unit support
  • Logistics Pipes (not in Ultimate Pack) — Pipe support
  • Minecraft Forge’s Ore Dictionary — The Quartz Grind Stone will be able to use existing Pulverizer and Macerator recipes, ensuring the low-tech grinder will work with all ores added by mods supporting Forge’s Ore Dictionary
  • Universal Electricity — Power Usage (only available in the most current version available for MC 1.5.2)
  • OmniTools — The OmniWrench will work like the AE wrench, rotating buses and such as expected.

Steve’s First ME Network​

Now then, I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that you don’t actually need a Controller to start up an ME Network! The bad news is… once you get to the point where you need one, it is going to get very complicated. But for now, hey… not too shabby.

You’re still going to need power it, and for that, you need an Energy Acceptor. For that, however, we get introduced to something new: Quartz Glass. Certus Quartz Dust and Glass in a checker pattern. Combine it with glowstone dust to make Vibrant Quartz Glass which will emit light! But the Power Acceptor itself just needs four Quartz Glass, four iron, and a Fluix Crystal. It’ll accept just about any ol’ kind of power, including Energy Units, Minecraft Joules, Redstone Flux, and Joules from either Mekanism or the identically named Joules from RotaryCraft.

Now that you’ve got that, we’re going to need some storage. For this, I’d strongly recommend an ME Drive. The reason for this is due to the number of channels, which is something we haven’t covered yet. Suffice to say, if you have more than eight channels, you need an ME Controller. And, unfortunately, each ME Chest is going to be its own independent channel, which pretty much makes ME Chests even less useful than they were previously. I wasn’t a fan of ME Chests before, but this pretty much makes them impossible to use for any practical purposes.

For this, we need some ME Cable, which means now we get to be introduced to Quartz Fiber. Three quartz glass in a row makes four quartz fiber. And yes, ME Cable is now significantly more expensive than it used to be. Quartz Fiber by itself can also be used to break up networks to avoid overloading channels, but still share energy. We’ll get into that when we start talking about channels, but for now, just know that it can be useful for things other than ME Cable.

The ME Drive takes up one channel. This will be important later. It is used to store the storage cells, but by itself doesn’t really do much. So now we need some storage. Generally, I suggest 4k storage cells. It can only store 63 items, just like any other storage cell, but it lets you store more stacks of the same items. But if you just want to make some basic 1k cells, that’s certainly a viable option, at least early on.

You start off making storage cells by making Storage Components, the most basic storage part there is. Four certus quartz and four redstone around a gold processor. Now, to make a 4k disk, you need a Storage Segment, which is three of these, and a Pure Certus Quartz processor, plus some more redstone around a quartz glass.

Okay, so now we’ve got some storage and the drive to put the disks in. Now we need to access it, which brings us to another significant change, and one which I am really in favor of: the ME Terminal. This isn’t a block anymore, it’s a multipart facade that goes on cable. More importantly, you can use a View Cell to filter what each individual ME Terminal accesses. And yes, you can upgrade them to ME Crafting Terminals. Do keep in mind that every Terminal also requires a Channel.

Materials you will need​

Like before, this mod is very iron hungry, redstone hungry, very gold and diamond hungry, and introduces Certus Quartz. You’re also going to need power to run your system on.

New in this edition, however, you’re going to need four different Press Plates. These are ONLY found in Sky Stone Chests which are only found in the middle of meteors. If you can’t find a meteor on the surface, you may need to dig around a bit to find one. There’s also a compass you can use to find them, however it means you have to remove every last piece of Skystone from a meteor, or the compass will just point back to it. Joy. And there’s four different plates, but only two of them are found per chest. And no guarantees the next chest has anything unique. Skystone currently has only one use: the ME Controller.

Now, if you are on a multiplayer server, once all four have been located, you can copy them easy enough. But if you are playing single player, finding them all can be a royal pain.

Starting Out

AE2 isn’t the most expensive mod out there, but it definitely isn’t designed for the early game. Before you start to dive in you should make sure you have a decent amount of quartz, iron, redstone, glass, silicon, glowstone, diamonds, lapis, crystallized menril, and ender pearls. You will also need a few machines, including an enrichment chamber and some form of crusher, and the ability to cast liquids (Tinkers’ Construct seared brick smeltery or Tinkers’ Complement porcelain smeltery). You will also need a source of power.

The key to all of the AE2 machines are four crafting components that are made in the Inscriber. To make these components, you will need four corresponding presses: Inscriber Calculation Press, Inscriber Engineering Press, Inscriber Logic Press, Inscriber Silicon Press. All of these presses can be replicated in an Inscriber with the press as the top input, and an iron block as the middle input, but the first time you obtain them you will have to cast them in a casting table by pouring molten tough alloy, molten ferroboron, molten steel, and molten iron respectively over a cobblestone circuit mold. After you have your four presses, you are going to want to make yourself an Inscriber. You are now able to craft logic processors, logic circuits, and all sorts of lovely components you will need for AE2.


A basic ME Network starts with an ME Controller powered by a reliable energy source (EU RF or MJ) and an ME Drive or ME Chest with a Storage Cell inserted to be functional. Although the chest’s storage capacity is limited to one Cell, it has it’s purpose. The ME 1k Storage cell is the smallest and easiest to craft to get started, and can easily be upgraded to an ME 4k Storage cell as needed in time. Finally adding an ME Access Terminal will give access to the Network’s inventory. The layout of the components is versatile as long as they are touching each other or connected using ME Cable or ME Covered Cable.

The ME Controller is the hub of the network and coordinates and supply power to all components connected to it. From this basic set-up there are practically no limits to the ability to expand the network with a whole array of ME devices from remote access to full on demand Automation, the highlight of the ME Network.

Applied Energistics 2 API

The API for Applied Energistics 2. It is open source to discuss changes, improve documentation, and provide better add-on support in general.


Our authoritative Maven repository is Github Packages, which you can also use in your builds. Use of Github Packages

to authenticate with your personal access token.

AE2 is also available without authentication from Modmaven. You can use the following snippet as example on how to add a repository to your gradle build file.

When compiling against the AE2 API you can use gradle dependencies, just add

or add the line to your existing dependencies task to your build.gradle.

An example string would be for the API only or for the whole mod.

Builds obtained here or via maven should work in a development environment.
However the dependency might need to be wrapped in like


In AE, you upgraded a basic bus to a fuzzy or precision bus when you wanted it to run stacks at a time. In AE2, however, this is handled differently.

There are various Upgrade Cards you can craft and slot into various components. For example, if we wanted to import five specific items, we’d want to put a Capacity Card upgrade into that import bus so it can handle more than one unique item. If we’re wanting to add the capability of using fuzzy logic, then you’d add in a Fuzzy Card. You can put an Acceleration Card into a bus to make it process more things at a time, or into a Molecular Assembler to make it craft faster.

Upgrade Cards aren’t cheap, but they can be used quite effectively.


It is important to realize that Applied Energistics 2 (AE2) is a very different mod in the universe of Sky Factory 4 than it is in an isolated modded environment. The main reason for this is because the mod pack has disabled channels and removed a block called the ME Controller as it would be essentially useless in the absence of channels. The pack has also removed a number of other key elements of the mod such as a resource called Certus Quartz and a block called sky stone. Sky Factory 4 has instead altered crafting recipes accordingly so that these resources are not needed to progress. As a result, many aspects of the mod have limited usefulness and many of the tutorials or documentation on AE2 that are not made specifically for Sky Factory 4 will not be as useful. This guide will focus on the elements of AE2 which maintain functionality in the universe of Sky Factory 4.

Межсетевые экраны типа «Д»

Класс защиты № сертификата — Межсетевые экраны
ИТ.МЭ.Д1.ПЗ не предусмотрен
ИТ.МЭ.Д2.ПЗ не предусмотрен
ИТ.МЭ.Д3.ПЗ не предусмотрен
ИТ.МЭ.Д4.ПЗ пока нет
ИТ.МЭ.Д5.ПЗ пока нет
ИТ.МЭ.Д6.ПЗ пока нет

Как видно, некоторые типы сертифицированных межсетевых экранов представлены в крайне ограниченном количестве, а например, МЭ типа Д и вовсе пока отсутствуют.

Для полноты картины стоит отметить, что, судя по уже выданным сертификатам, есть возможность сертифицировать как МЭ типа А шестого класса защиты (ИТ.МЭ.А6.ПЗ) партии устройств Cisco:

  • коммутатор Cisco 6504 VS-S720-10G с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS версии 15.1(2)SY10
  • коммутатор Cisco Catalyst WS-C3560V2-24TS с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS версии 12.2(55)SE12
  • коммутатор Cisco Catalyst WS-C3560X-24T с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS версии 15.0(2)SE11
  • коммутатор Cisco Catalyst WS-C3650-24TD-E с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS-XE версии 03.06.07.E
  • коммутатор Cisco Nexus 5596 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco NX-OS версии 7.1(2)N1(1)
  • коммутатор Cisco Nexus 7000 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco NX-OS версии 7.2(1)D1(1)
  • коммутатор Cisco WS-C6506-E с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS версии 15.1(2)SY10
  • маршрутизатор Cisco 2901/K9 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS версии 15.4(3)М9
  • маршрутизатор Cisco 2911/K9 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS версии 15.4(3)М9
  • маршрутизатор Cisco C3900-SPE200/K9 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco IOS версии 15.4(3)М9
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA 5512-X с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software v. 9.6.3
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA 5525-X с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software v. 9.6.3
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5508-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.6(4)3
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5510-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.1(7)19
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5512-X-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.2(4)27
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5515-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.2(4)27
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5520-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.1(7)23
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5525-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.2(4)27
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5550-K8 c установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.1(7)23
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5555-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.2(4)27
  • межсетевой экран Cisco ASA5585-K8 с установленным программным обеспечением Cisco ASA версии 9.2(4)27

— === @zlonov === —

On Demand Automation

Orchestrated by the ME Molecular Assembler Chamber, an expansible  multi-block structure that is the central processing unit of ME automation. Crafting information is stored by encoding ME Blank Patterns with recipes using an ME Pattern Encoder. The resulting ME Encoded Pattern is then stored in the Assembler Chamber which makes these items become available to the Player on demand via the ME Access Terminal provided all the required items are available in the system or are encoded. This automation is easily extended to machine processing and managed by ME Interfaces, ME Import and Export Bus connected by ME Cable and Itemduct. This allows to pulverize, Smelt, and even Transpose Liquids needed to craft anything the Player orders.

Applied Energistics also adds a new Ore to world generation, the Certus Quartz, a main resource used in the crafting of ME Tools and components. When the ore is mined, there is also a chance of Certus Quartz Dust being dropped. If more Quartz Dust is needed, it can also be produced by grinding up the Quartz Crystal in Player’s available grinding machine.

The Absolute Basics & Material Requirements[edit]

So, your chests have been overfilling, and you heard of this thing called a «ME System”, from the AE2 mod that might be able to help. What does that mean?

ME (pronounced Emm-Eee) Stands for Matter <=> Energy. It is a very useful advanced storage and automation mod that is very useful in handling your resources, and also helping you start basic to advanced automation.

First things first, that sounds cool! What do I need?

AE2 requires a lot of glass, sand, gold, iron, and nether quartz. It also adds Certus Quartz, a special quartz that you need for a lot of the technology. All you need to do now is go for a big mining trip and gather materials. Lots. For a basic ME System, you want at least a stack of iron, two stacks of redstone, two stacks of Certus Quartz, a stack of glass, half a stack of sand, a few diamonds, and 15 gold ingots, and a couple nether quartz.

The Basic Network

Now comes the fun part. A basic AE2 network consists of a powered Energy Acceptor, an ME Drive or ME Chest, some cable, and a terminal. Your items are stored in items called storage cells which come in four different sizes: 1K, 4K, 16K, and 64K bytes of storage. Regardless of size, each storage cell can only hold 63 unique items. The difference between the ME Chest and the ME Drive is that the chest has a built in terminal, but can only hold 1 storage cell as opposed to the ME Drive which needs an external terminal to access your items, but can store up to 8 storage cells. The ME Chest’s terminal can also only access items within itself even if it is connected to other ME Drives.

The energy acceptor can be placed anywhere in the network, as long as it is connected, meaning adjacent, to an ME Drive or a cable in the network. What the energy acceptor does is take energy from other mods/forms and convert it to a usable form for AE2. ME Drives which are placed next to each other will connect to each other as if they are wired together, so there is no need to lay cables connecting every ME drive. With that said, anything else that you want to be in the network will have to be connected with cables, including a terminal. In order to create storage space in the network for items, you have to craft some storage cells and place them into your ME Drives, or in your ME Chest. When you put storage cells into the ME Drives, you can see a visual update on the front of the ME Drive. When they are powered, ME Drives will show green lights in the slots that contain almost-empty storage cells, orange lights in the slots that contain semi-filled storage cells, and red lights in the slots that contain full storage cells. Additionally, most of the devices, including ME Drives, can have a priority set so that items will always try to go into devices with higher priorities first. The last thing to do is place a terminal onto some cable and right click the terminal to open up your AE2 network. You can see any items in the network using the terminal, as well as put items into and take items out of the system.

You will have to use the same type of cable for each network because different types of cable do not connect to each other. This is useful for creating different networks using different colored cables.

Feature #5105: Major UI rework

Completely reworked most of the UI internals

This changes how items are synchronized from server->client for all terminals, which should fix all «cannot take item X out of terminal» issues (i.e. ), and also significantly reduce the amount of data sent when a terminal is opened (and kept open). The reworked syncing should also fix (and related issues), where terminals could sometimes appear to be empty if the network contained items with very large NBT tags (i.e. bags of holding or similar).

Check for missing items in JEI recipe transfer

When shift-clicking items into a crafting terminal from JEI, we now consider which items are actually available and show missing items in red in JEI.

Use standard Vanilla slots for the player inventory and hotbar

This should fix a bunch of problems with inventory sorting mods that would mix hotbar/inventory content when auto-sorting the player inventory in AE2 screens.

Adds information to the priority screen on how priority actually works.Add clickable «Show Recipes» areas to Grindstone and Inscriber, which will show the appropriate JEI recipe category.


  • In Applied Energetics versions, released for Minecraft 1.5.0 and greater, Quartz has been renamed Certus Quartz to differentiate it from Nether Quartz added to vanilla MC.
  • In the event that the Energy Supply to the ME Controller is interrupted, the whole network would be inaccessible until power is restored. For this reason it is highly recommended to install an UPS system using Energy Cells.
  • Changing the ME Network (adding or removing a cable or block) will reset the Controller and cancel any pending automated crafting order.
  • The ability to automate is not only extended to the traditionally BuildCraft compatible Mods like Forestry and Thermal Expansion, but also to machines from IndustrialCraft2, GregTech 4, MineFactory Reloaded, and more.

Mod-Specific Compatibilityedit

  • BuildCraft — MJ usage, Pipe support Facade support, Wrench support, certain recipe changes
  • Factorization — Barrel support
  • GregTech 4 — Quantum Chest support
  • IndustrialCraft2 — EU usage, electric tools, additional Macerator and Compressor recipes.
  • JABBA — Better Barrel support
  • Logistics Pipes — Pipe support (not in Ultimate Pack)?
  • MineFactory Reloaded — Deep Storage Unit support
  • Minecraft Forge’s Ore Dictionary — The Quartz Grind Stone will be able to use existing Pulverizer and Macerator recipes, ensuring the low-tech grinder will work with all ores added by mods supporting Forge’s Ore Dictionary
  • Not Enough Items — Shift-Clicking the question mark to input recipes into a ME Crafting Terminal is supported.
  • OmniTools — The OmniWrench will work like the AE wrench, rotating buses and such as expected.
  • Thermal Expansion — RF usage, additional Pulverizer recipes.
  • Universal Electricity — Power Usage (only available in the most current version available for MC 1.6.2-1.5.2).
  • Extra Cells — Adds larger Storage Cells and adds the components necessary to store fluids directly into the ME Network.


Applied Energistics 2 crashing, have a suggestion, found a bug? Create an issue now!

  1. Make sure your issue has not already been answered or fixed and you are using the latest version. Also think about whether your issue is a valid one before submitting it.
    • If it is already possible with vanilla and AE2 itself, the suggestion will be considered invalid.
    • Asking for a smaller version, more compact version, or more efficient version of something will also be considered invalid.
  2. Go to the issues page and click new issue
  3. If applicable, use on of the provided templates. It will also contain further details about required or useful information to add.
  4. Click , and wait for feedback!

Providing as many details as possible does help us to find and resolve the issue faster and also you getting a fixed version as fast as possible.

Please note that we might close any issue not matching these requirements.

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