Топ билды по классам в path of exile пое 3.14

Blade Blast Взрыв клинков Assassin через Яд 3.15 Path of Exile

Blade Blast Взрыв клинков — обычный выбор для игроков, которые ищут хорошо сбалансированную сборку с точки зрения урона по одной цели и живучести. Это одна из лучших сборок для убийц боссов благодаря Яду в сочетании с механикой Bladefall и Blade Blast. Используйте Bladefall, чтобы поместить много лезвий в землю, а затем используйте Blad Blast, чтобы нанести урон и нанести яд, взрыв может многократно накладываться на одного врага, нанося большой урон, если он правильно нацелен. Assassin Class предлагает приличный бафф для всех основанных на критах ядовитых сборок с точки зрения урона и защиты. Неуловимость, шанс уклонения, уклонение и максимальное количество здоровья не дадут вам умереть, в то время как комбинация Toxic Delivery, Coralito’s Signature и Ungil’s Harmony создает единственную в своем роде синергию, которая увеличивает ваш урон с помощью яда, усиленного вашим критическим ударом. Билд дешевый, для нее требуется пара уникальных жезлов Obliteration. Другие предметы, которые стоит экипировать, — Carcass Jack и Atziri’s Step, эти относительно недорогие уникальные предметы исключительно хороши для этой и некоторых других билдов. В целом — минимальная цена за запуск этой сборки действительно скромная, но сборка отлично работает на более поздних этапах лиги после некоторых вложений. Да и прокачка с ним в ПоЕ совсем легкая. Даже с недавними нерфами эта сборка полностью жизнеспособна благодаря увеличению на 50% множителя урона к глобальному урону от яда, который должен частично компенсировать большинство нерфов, затронувших Blade Blast и Assassin Ascendancy в патче 3.15.

Камни заклинаний

Blade Blast Взрыв клинков — Vile Toxins Едкие токсины — Deadly Ailments Смертельные состояния — Void Manipulation Манипуляция пустотой — Chance to Poison Шанс отравить — Critical Strike Affliction

Bladefall Мечепад — Unleash Высвобождение — Spell Cascade Каскад чар — Faster Casting Ускоренное сотворение чар

Plague Bearer Носитель чумы

Malevolence Злорадство — Herald of Agony Вестник агонии

Wither Увядание — Spell Totem Колдующий тотем

Smoke Mine Дымовая мина


Что делает этот билд отличным стартером, так это то, что все уникальные предметы дешевы

Обратите внимание, что ни один из этих предметов не является абсолютно необходимым, и вам, вероятно, удастся не использовать их до определенного момента

Obliteration — Очевидный выбор для жезла, все предлагаемые им модификации напрямую увеличивают наносимый вами урон. Это один из лучших инструментов чистой скорости, который вы можете найти с большим отрывом — ваши враги имеют высокий шанс взорваться, нанеся большой урон ближайшим врагам и запустив цепную реакцию. Используйте два таких жезла.

Carcass Jack — Нательный доспех, который увеличивает вашу область действия и урон по области — оба чрезвычайно полезны для вас, DPS Bladeblast и Plague Bearer.

Atziri’s Step — Шанс уклонения от ударов заклинаниями, приятный бонус к скорости передвижения, уклонение и максимальное количество здоровья — все это действительно важные характеристики, которые обеспечивает эта пара ботинок.

Ungil’s Harmony — увеличение шанса критического удара до 350% за счет отсутствия дополнительного урона с помощью критических ударов — отличный компромисс, благодаря подписи Коралито ваши критические удары в любом случае не будут наносить дополнительный урон.

Coralito’s Signature — увеличивает ваш урон ядом с помощью критических ударов, что делает его идеальным универсальным флаконом для класса убийц.

Редкие предметы — В нашем приоритете будет повышение сопротивлений к стихийному урону и запаса здоровья. После идут — урон ядом, длительность яда, урон хаосом, хаос DoT урон, шанс критического удара, урон заклинаний, скорость чтения заклинаний и физический урон.

Пассивные навыки

35 очков — Возьмем Trickery, Acrobatics Phase Acrobatics, Growth и Decay, и Fatal Toxins. ними вы получите достаточно урона от яда для первых нескольких актов.

71 очко — Кластер с Atrophy и Force Shaper предлагает огромный прирост урона, а Wind Dancer и узлы, которые вы можете выбрать на своем пути, повысят вашу выживаемость.

Бандиты — Убейте всех

Основной: Soul of Brine King
Второстепенный: Soul of Garukhan

Reap Build Ideas

Reap is not too far off in terms of concept when compared to Exsanguinate. It is, again, a Physical spell stacking a damage over time debuff. Once again, like all the new blood-themed skills, Reap too does have a Life cost to pay instead of the usual Mana cost for spells and attacks.

Because of this, some players have already come up with a solution that allows them to bypass the Life cost entirely, and that is to use the skill on a Spellslinger link. Spellslinger is a Support Gem that allows players to link a spell to it and have it cast while attacking with a wand, and this makes the associated skills go off without paying their cost. The issue here is that Spellslinger reserves Mana, so reduced Mana reservation nodes might be needed. The silver lining is that Spellslinger is not limited to a single setup, which means that players can use even more skills by triggering them this way. The Ascendant is a good fit here.

However, a great benefit of Reap is that if it doesn’t kill enemies with the secondary DoT debuff, then the skill gains a Blood Charge and it deals more damage (which, «more» in Path of Exile is a sort of final damage multiplier that comes into play after all other sources of «increased» damage). The charges can stack up to 5 but they are lost whenever an enemy dies while affected by the DoT. This means that a good way to have them up at all times would be to pair the skill with Avatar of Fire. Avatar of Fire is a Keystone that makes players unable to deal damage that is not Fire damage, while also converting 50% of all other damage sources into Fire. Playing Reap with this combination would result in the skill never losing any charge.

As for the defensive boons, Reap can be paired with Physical damage leeched as Life, Life Regeneration, Life Flasks, or even the same block combo discussed above in the Exsanguinate section. Being it an area skill, it is going to work well in terms of clearing, and it can scale even better against bosses thanks to Intensify Support. Even better if it is used with the Assassin and his awesome single-target DPS.


April 16th Update: Having seen the same amount of play as it usually does, Herald of Agony remains one of those special skills that gets you everywhere at a lower budget.

If you’re looking for something super tanky that kills everything in the game – and is minmaxable very far – this is a build that you’d want to play! Being a mixture of a Cyclone & Minion build, it also suits a lot of players very well.

Fireball – Blazing Slavo Spellslinger Elementalist

April 16th Update: Spellslinger has lost a lot of popularity over the course of the last leagues but Fire Slinger has remained a solid leaguestarter regardless.

Fireball & Blazing Salvo, two Fire skills that work incredibly well together when being spell slung and don’t require much investment to get you through the earlier stages of your character’s progression. Therefore, we think it’s a very potent leaguestarter for both new & experienced players.

Bleed Bow Gladiator

April 16th Update: Bleed Bow builds have been popping off lately to the point where they’ve never been as popular as they were last league. Even with nerfs, we expect them to thrive early game.

Gladiator in combination with Bleed builds and even bows has been a decently strong build for quite a while now but as other builds get nerfed more and more, obviously others rise to peoples attention.

Ignite Penance Brand Elementalist

April 16th Update: A new build last league but it has risen to shine at the top of the buidlists. We keep it on a lower tier as it is quite complicated to get going.

As long as you understand the mechanics behind this build, it is incredibly potent and fun to play. It probably requires a higher tiering but because of those complicated mechanics, it remains here.

Carrion Golems Elementalist

April 16th Update: Carrion Golems were better than expected last league and have gotten nerfed a bit. Therefore, they’ve moved to the B-Tier.

Summon Carrion Golem has been nerfed quite “significantly” in the last patch. However, the build did ludicrous damage on a very acceptable budget and will still do very good damage on that budget even after the nerfs. The changes to Elementalist definitely helped the build’s defensive capabilities and allows it to mitigate both Elemental and Physical damage very adequately. We feel like the build definitely still warrants an A-tier mention.

Best League Starters TL;DR

This page covers the builds that we have picked out to be excellent choices to be your League Starter. Whilst some of the are more notorious for being strong early game, others might have risen up there because they bring a decent early game but scale into the end game so easily. Note that within each tier, the builds are not in order.

Tier Build Tier Build
S+ Detonate Dead Necromancer S Storm Brand Assassin
S+ Raise Spectre Necromancer S Toxic Rain Trickster
S+ Poison Bladefall Bladeblast Assassin S Arc Elementalist
S+ Freezing Pulse Totems Hierophant S Essence Drain Trickster
S+ Poison Blade Vortex Assassin S Bladefall Bladeblast Chieftain
A Glacial Cascade Mines Saboteur B Herald of Agony Juggernaut
A Archmage Cremation Necromancer B Fireball/Blazing Salvo Slinger Elementalist
A Bladestorm Berserker B Bleed Bow Gladiator
A Cyclone Slayer B Ignite Penance Brand Elementalist
A Vortex Occultist B Carrion Golems Elementalist

You can read below to get more details about each of the builds we mentioned.

Honorable Mentions

Aside from the top picks in the list, there’s multiple other guides that can be played as a league starter. However, they might require you to farm some a couple of Chaos Orbs whilst leveling up to pick up a necessary unique, fall of after the story line or rely on some skill swaps to make them feel great. They’ve therefore not made an appearance in the Best League Starters but still deserve to be referenced on this page. More information about them is to be found inside the guide.

  • Volatile Dead Slinger Necromancer
  • Cyclone Champion
  • Cyclone Gladiator
  • Explosive Trap Saboteur
  • Shattering Steel Champion
  • Earthquake Juggernaut
  • Scourge Arrow Pathfinder
  • Warchief UberLabber Champion
  • Soulrend Trickster


It looks like Grinding Gear Games focused on revamping old content more so than anything else. The League-mechanic looks fairly simple in a sense that it just requires you to “kill more monsters” to “get more rewards” but the entirety of the announcement looks like one of their greatest accomplishments in a long time. A lot of people will enjoy all the newly reworked rewards both in SSF and Trade League environments.

I firmly stand to believe that from what we’ve seen so far, Path of Exile’s 3.14 Ultimatum Challenge League will be one of the most refreshing & fun in recent memory.

Ultimatum League will launch April 16th on PC and April 21st on Consoles.

Impactful non-League-related changes

Because there are so many improvements which were made for this 3.14 release, I felt the necessity to pinpoint some of them. First of all, a lot of highly valueable, sought-after drops have been moved away from being a League-exclusive and were added in to the main drop pools. This means that any monster you kill in the game (above zone-level 40) could now drop the infamous Headhunter which does provide a little bit more potential “rush” from doing any content.

Next up, they’ve added numerous new Atlas specific base-types meaning that you’ll be able to farm bases in certain regions of the Atlas only. Examples of these were things like Steel Rings before. The teased Seaglass Amulet provides a % faster start of Energy Shield Recharge implicit.

Other than a lot of reworked rewards, changes to a lot of dated League-Content, new vendor recipes, the major change that a large part of players were waiting for is finally here. You will now be able to check your obtained Labyrinth Enchants before choosing which items they go on. You will be offered three helmet enchants and one of each for gloves/boots. This allows you to more adequately pick enchants and choose which item you are going to end up enchanting. This is a huge buff to Labyrinth Runners!

Best Practices and Tips

There are likely going to be some high-end strategies to maximize the rewards and obtain the correct items, once the league has released. Those strategies and tips will be covered in this section. Feel free to leave a comment down below, if you have some strategies or tips that are not covered in this guide. Depending on how challenging the previous challenge level felt for your build, be wary of going to the next one as it’s generally a pretty steep step up!

Given that there are 3 types of encounters you can find, Survive – Kill & Capture the Circle, there’s different playstyles involved. Do note that it’s incredibly important to understand that moving in this game is considered the most important layer of defense. Therefore, when I saw players trying to capture the Circles one by one I felt sad for not being able to coach them towards a playstyle that’d make their lives a lot easier. If you opt to capture the circles in a moving circular motion, your life will become a lot easier. This means you’ll capture 1/3rd of the first circle before moving to the next and so on. Standing still means monsters will pile up on you and demolish your character.

The other two mechanics are more straight forward. If you’re supposed to survive the waves, killing monsters will make them respawn, resulting on the encounter being challenging througout its duration where as the encounters where you’re supposed to kill monsters are the most straight forward. You’re just supposed to kill them. In both of these, we also strongle recommend running in circles.


April 16th Update: The gear requirements of the build have proven to be lower than expected last league as most items were a lot cheaper than they usually are. Therefore, this build was moved up to be an S-Tier pick now as it provides exquisite Clear, Speed & Damage on a relatively medium budget.

Storm Brand will almost always remain a top pick as long as the skill is functional & playable because of how it works mechanically. Being able to drop some brands and dodge on bosses whilst being able to control the environment with recalls, the playstyle just allows people to play a lot more aggressively than on other builds.

Toxic Rain Trickster

April 16th Update:: we’re predicting the META is more shifting back in favor of the Trickster as the scaling on Toxic Rain changed. It actually looks like Toxic Rain will be a stronger league starter than it was before the nerf due t o scaling.

Toxic Rain and its newly researched mechanics have not been changed whatsoever. This means that even though its Ascendancies got nerfed a little bit the build still packs plenty of bunch to be considered by a lot of people as a league starter. We predict the build to be very widely present and amongst the best builds in the game when it comes to clear and boss killing potential at the start of a new League.

Arc Elementalist

April 16th Update: As Arc remains a very warm welcomed skill for all sorts of players, it still has a spot amongst the most popular skills.

Arc and more in particular this iteration of the build packs an incredible amount of punch without being to complicated to gear making it exquisite all around for new or less new players.

Essence Drain Trickster

April 16th Update: Being further in the league, the popularity of ED will drop because it shines in scenarios where you don’t have a lot of currency to invest. Therefore, it’s a top League Start pick.

Essence Drain brings incredible clear speed through Contagion and respectable boss damage combined with Blight. On top of that, it lines up with a lot of Passive Tree pathing to get relatively tanky early on in a characters progress netting them a highly ranked overall spot.

Bladefall Bladeblast Chieftain

April 16th Update: Given the recent changes to both Assassin and Chieftain both are fairly balanced out in terms of amount of people playing the builds. I would argue Chieftain is a lower tier because scaling Poison builds is just absolutely insane where as this build focuses more on being tankier. Blade Blast remains one of the strongest skills in the game.

Blade Blast remains one of the strongest skills in the game as it has the potential of deleting entire screens at once whilst having respectable boss damage even though it mostly invests into being tanky.

About the List of Builds

Hello, I’m TbXie, someone who has sunk over 25.000 hours in Path of Exile as of when I started to write Guides. That experience as well as getting as much insight as possible from other potent and top tier Path of Exile players is what determines whether a build guide is warranted a higher or lower ranking on this page. Whilst all of the writers, including myself, put in a tremendous amount of effort to get their guides updated before a new League, it’s important to us that this page helps you understand why and how you should be picking a build.

The build tier list has different subsections that will rank builds as per their strengths. A build might qualify as a top tier mapping build but not be considered any good for starting in a new and fresh economy or killing bosses. Overall, the emphasis on the build and whether you want it to be more defensive or offensive depends on the ultimate goal of the build and whether that includes tough content or just farming some extra currency.

Understanding Your Own Goals

While I could go on about why you could want to play the better tier of builds it is of utmost importance for you to understand what your goals are in the game. If you don’t mind having to play through the game at a slower pace or if you’re just in it to play whatever skill is fun, any of the Guides on this page have been written by exquisite players and will all get you to the endgame sufficiently. Sure, there might be a discrepancy between how fast, cheap and easy they are to play but by no means should you feel pressured to play S-Tier builds exclusively. Generally, it is recommended to play Spellcasters or Minion builds before dabbling into Melee or Bow archetypes as they are usually way harder to gear for and execute.

Испытания и награды[]

Основная статья: Испытания и награды лиги Ультиматум

Лига Ультиматум включает в себя 40 испытаний. За их выполнение игрок получает следующие микротранзакции:

Испытаний Награда
12 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Шлем Ультиматума».
19 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».
22 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».
24 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Питомец Ультиматума».
25 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».
28 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».
31 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».
34 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».
36 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Портал Ультиматума».
37 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».
40 Ошибка модуля: Item link: не найдено результатов для параметра поиска «Тотем испытаний Ультиматума».

Ultimate Essence Drain Trickster Плут PoE Ритуал Ritual

Это наш взгляд на обманщика ED-Contagion. Это сделано для всего контента в игре, предназначенного для Softcore режима игры. Несмотря на то, что существует множество других руководств по ED, показанные здесь концепции являются наиболее эффективными в целом для очистки большей части игрового контента. В большинстве из них нет ничего нового, но в этом руководстве собраны лучшие из них, чтобы обеспечить максимум комфорта.

ED + Contagion имеет БЕЗУМНУЮ ЧИСТУЮ СКОРОСТЬ, одну, если не лучшую, которую вы можете получить без хедхантера. Это компенсируется умением, имеющим низкий сингл таргет урон)), около 1 млн дпс в бюджете.

Он отличается от других плутов Похищение сущности Essence Drain тем, что является чрезвычайно живучим, используя множество защитных баффов, чтобы быть очень прочным. У нас есть в запасе около 7-8k eph с хорошим смягчением и очень хорошим уворотом, наряду с 2-3k постоянными регеном от ED.

Плюсы и минусы


Очень быстро чистит карты;

Убивает с легкостью любых боссов, включая дельв;

Подходит для ХК режима игры;

Дешевый для зачистки. Т16 карты в шмоте ~3 Сферы Возвышения.


Не очень высокий урон по одиночным целям;

Требует изменений в шмоте для прохождения HoTGM.

Earthshatter Juggernaut Покоритель Ritual

Двуручные оружия получили значительный бафф с новой категорией умений. Среди них единственный новый — Разлом земли Earthshatter, и, честно говоря, он не получает той любви, которой заслуживает. У этой штуки базовый урон на 30% больше, чем у Землетрясения, при этом она действует примерно так же. Мы будем создавать огромные трещины на широком экране благодаря новой поддержке Fist of War и навыку Warcry Seismic Cry.

Чтобы получить абсолютные стоонкеров, мы будем масштабировать их преимущественно за счет физического урона и использования новых навыков Warcry. Эти боевые кличи позволяют нам усилить наши следующие несколько атак, которые будут попадать как грузовик, а также имеют другие преимущества, такие как взрывы и огромная область действия.

Плюсы и минусы


Боевые кличи дают огромный прирост урона в %;

Большой урон по области;

Легко застанить противников;

Высокие показатели танковки.


Не очень удобный в плане геймлпея;

Не для 1 кнопки;

Lich Queen Skeleton Summoner Necromancer Некромант

Сборки через использование скелетов отлично подходят для новых игроков, а также для более опытных игроков, которым нужен топовый стартер лиги и / или сильная сборка, для всего контента.

Для новых игроков скелеты предлагают простой стиль игры с лайтовыми требованиями к эквипу и дополнительным улучшениям.

Почему эта сборка для вас?

Если вы ищете настоящую сборку скелли, которую можно правильно играть как скелли ближнего боя, так и скелли-мага!

Сборка, которая жизнеспособна не только в хардкоре и софкоре, но и в Uber Atziri, Uber Izaro и Uber Elder!

Безумно высокое eHP с действительно хорошей скоростью очистки, которая не является ни SRS, ни Zombie.

Сборка с высокобюджетной версией, позволяющая буквально иметь дело со ВСЕМ контентом в игре.

Exsanguinate Build Ideas

Exsanguinate is a promising new skill added alongside Ultimatum, and it is a Physical spell that deals high amounts of Physical damage and applies a Physical damage over time debuff (not bleed). The spell is cast in a narrow cone and can target several targets at once, making it good for both clearing and single-target DPS. It is likely that it’s going to work very well with Petrified Blood (another new, blood-themed skill) to take advantage of playing a Low Life character and deal even more damage thanks to Pain Attunement.

Given the nature of the damage over time applied by Exsanguinate stacking up to three times, the skill could see some Unleash action. Unleash is a Support Gem that stores charges the longer the players don’t cast the supported skills, and then a single cast is repeated a number of times equal to the charges spent this way. As such, another good option could be pairing Exsanguinate with mines, and playing the build as if it were a regular Glacial Cascade Saboteur.

Otherwise, the DoT debuff can simply be scaled with other supports, nodes, items, and classes granting extra damage over time multiplier. The best option here would be the Trickster Ascendancy class, with the Gladiator and the Ascendant also being nice choices, as they all scale DoT and some nice defensive bonuses. Another option to further increase the damage over time from this build would be to use another new gem, in the form of Corrupted Fever. This spell consumes the player’s Life but adds the Corrupting Blood damage over time to hits dealt. Corrupting Blood, much like Exsanguinate’s debuff and bleed, does scale with damage over time multiplier.

As for defenses, a great way to stay safe in Ultimatum—which is a League with a heavy theme of risking items and loot by facing increasingly difficult encounters—would be to go the block route. Block was never really popular up until two big changes were made: first, the Glancing Blows Keystone was added via Timeless Jewels from Legion (and, subsequently, directly on the passive skill tree); second, affixes granting a percentage of the players’ Life, Mana, and Energy Shield were added to the mod pool of shields.

Glancing Blows is a phenomenal Keystone that doubles one’s Chance to Block Attacks and Spells at the cost of taking 65% of the damage coming from all blocked hits. The mods that make gamers recover a small percentage of Life, Mana, or Energy Shield when they block is also a great fit with block-based builds, regardless if they use Glancing Blows or not. With this in mind, builds revolving around one or more of these elements are likely to succeed in Ultimatum, because the clear speed for Exsanguinate sounds very promising, and the single-target damage can be good too.


В каждой лиге PoE разработчики из Grinding Gear Games создают или улучшают различные механики, камни заклинаний, пассивные навыки и многое другое. Из-за этого некоторые билды стают не столь популярными и эффективными, но при этом некоторые остаются все еще популярными. На данный момент самым использованным камнем считается Cyclone Вихрь. Одна из главных особенной этого камня это то, что при правильном подходе он прекрасно подойдет для любого класса в игре.

В скором времени разработчики игры обещают начать выпускать новости о грядущем патче 3.15 и новой лиге. Также стоит напомнить, что примерно через 6 месяцев планируется выход Path of Exile 2.

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