Doom 2 скачать торрент
- v1.6
- Levels[edit]
- Интересные факты[]
- v1.3
- Legal issues in Germany[edit]
- Trivia
- v1.5
- Тактика[]
- Legal issues in Germany
- Levels
- Story
- v1.1
- Speedrunning
- Gameplay[edit]
- Reviews and sales[edit]
- From
- Triviaedit
- External linksedit
- Trivia[edit]
- Story[edit]
- Геймплей
- From
- Storyedit
- Contentedit
- Triviaedit
- Игровой процесс
The registered version for 1.6 appears to be «semi-official», the patch was created by Eric Yick Leung
and was distributed around various newsgroups, the IWAD file has changed since 1.2 and is not reported modified by the game executable.
- Released August 3, 1994.
- ENDOOM had changed, text was added by Eric, calling himself a «DOOM-GOD» and John Romero a «Chicken», a reference of the former also appears on a newsgroup thread.
- All demos are different, but are recreations of earlier demos. DEMO1 is almost the same, DEMO2 is a demo, possibly of Leung and Romero playing, and DEMO3 is another recreation, that desyncs towards the end.
Doom II’s levels are divided into three «episodes», though these are not official. The sky texture for each episode is different, and an intermission screen describes the progress in story in transitioning between them. There are also two secret levels. There are further story interludes before level 7, before each of the secret levels, and after finishing the game. Old versions of SETUP.EXE give names for these episodes, though this was later removed.
Episode 1: «The Space Station»
- Level 1: Entryway
- Level 2: Underhalls (Exit to secret level; Xbox only)
- Level 3: The Gantlet
- Level 4: The Focus
- Level 5: The Waste Tunnels
- Level 6: The Crusher
- Level 7: Dead Simple
- Level 8: Tricks and Traps
- Level 9: The Pit
- Level 10: Refueling Base
- Level 11: ‘O’ of Destruction!1
- 1: Known as Circle of Death on the intermission screen.
Episode 2: «The City»
- Level 12: The Factory
- Level 13: Downtown
- Level 14: The Inmost Dens
- Level 15: Industrial Zone (Exit to secret level)
- Level 16: Suburbs
- Level 17: Tenements
- Level 18: The Courtyard
- Level 19: The Citadel
- Level 20: Gotcha!
Episode 3: «Hell»
- Level 21: Nirvana
- Level 22: The Catacombs
- Level 23: Barrels o’ Fun
- Level 24: The Chasm
- Level 25: Bloodfalls
- Level 26: The Abandoned Mines
- Level 27: Monster Condo
- Level 28: The Spirit World
- Level 29: The Living End
- Level 30: Icon of Sin
Secret levels:
- Level 31: Wolfenstein2(Exit to super secret level)
- Level 32: Grosse2
- 2: These two levels do not appear in the German version.
Bonus Xbox level:
Level 33: Betray
The new episode, No Rest for the Living, originally designed for the :
- Level 1: The Earth Base
- Level 2: The Pain Labs
- Level 3: Canyon of the Dead
- Level 4: Hell Mountain (Exit to secret level)
- Level 5: Vivisection
- Level 6: Inferno of Blood
- Level 7: Baron’s Banquet
- Level 8: Tomb of Malevolence
- Level 9: March of the Demons (Secret level)
Интересные факты[]
- Исходный код Doom даёт зомби-коммандосу имя MT_CHAINGUY, ссылаясь тем самым на бензопилу.
- В то время как зомби-пехотинец и зомби-пехотинец с дробовиком носят ту же базовую униформу, что и главный герой (хотя и разные цветные версии), и имеют схожее телосложение и, таким образом, имеют общую базу для своих наборов спрайтов, спрайт зомби-коммандос уникален из-за его избыточного веса.
- Анимация смерти зомби-коммандос также уникальна среди человеческих зомби; в то время как зомби-пехотинец и зомби-пехотинец с дробовиком разделяют одну и ту же умирающую последовательность разрыва груди/живота, зомби-коммандос падают назад, правое плечо и голова зомби-коммандос лопаются, а его правое предплечье отваливается.
- Интересно, что когда зомби-пехотинец умирает, его миниган все еще можно увидеть как часть его трупа, несмотря на то, что он бросил пистолет после своей смерти (это выглядит логичным, когда игрок просто подбирает боеприпасы, но если игрок впервые получает миниган, то это не логично).
- Final Doom The Plutonia Experiment имеет самое большое количество зомби-коммандос. Они есть почти на каждом уровне, за исключением MAP11: Hunted.
- Зомби-коммандос — один из трех врагов, чей пулемет звучит как дробовик, стреляющий быстро, наряду с солдатами SS из Wolfenstein и пауками-демонами (это имеет смысл для паука-демона, так как он стреляет тремя пулями за выстрел, подобно дробовику зомби-пехотинца с дробовиком-однако это поведение, вероятно, было применено случайно к зомби-коммандос и солдату SS). В версиях Doom для PlayStation и GBA шум выстрелов коммандос «корректируется», чтобы звучать так же, как и у игроков.
- В исходном порту ZDoom, если игрок убит зомби-коммандос (монстру приписывают нанесение удара, который уменьшает здоровье игрока до 0%), в верхней части экрана отображается сообщение: » был пробит зомби-коммандос».
There are two known variants of this version: first level and second level betas.
Id Software stated that these releases were unauthorized, possibly because these executables had partial support for Doom II, which was being developed at the time.
Second level
- Improvements to MIDI and modem code.
- Additional PAS console information.
- Could load doomr.wad (commercial mode, what would become DOOM2.WAD)
- Textual changes:
- «malloc() in I_InitNetwork() failed» was added.
- «program loaded at: 0x%p» was removed.
- «Game mode indeterminate» was added and «Adding external file %s.» was removed.
- «registered version.» was added.
- «Do not distribute!» was added when in commercial mode.
- was changed to support loading from MAP** files, also located in m:/cdata/ (including E*M* files).
- The command line parameters: and were added.
- -regdev loads these files: c:/localid/doom.wad, m:/data/texture1.lmp, m:/data/texture2.lmp, m:/data/pnames.lmp and c:/localid/default.cfg.
- -comdev loads these files: c:/localid/doomr.wad, m:/cdata/texture1.lmp and m:/cdata/pnames.lmp.
- It is understood that these parameters were used to aid in the development of Doom and Doom II into 1 unique executable, «regdev» would have meant «registered development mode» and the «com» in «comdev» would have meant «commercial».
Legal issues in Germany[edit]
According to the German Strafgesetzbuch section 86a, the usage of unconstitutional symbols is forbidden outside of certain contexts such as research, teaching and others. Because the two secret maps Wolfenstein and Grosse use swastikas, the German version does not contain these maps to prevent the game from being the subject of search and seizure procedures (as Wolfenstein 3-D had been). This means that it is forbidden to sell, hire or otherwise give the game to anybody, although merely owning the game is legal.
On 31 December 1994 (date of official announcement), however, the game was put on the Index of the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften (Medien), which means only that the game can not be advertised, sold, rented, or otherwise given to minors.
This restriction applies to all versions of the game, except for the Game Boy Advance version.
The German release is engine version 1.666, and doom2.wad is a little bit smaller than is standard. Under MS-DOS, when the player attempts to use the level warp cheat for either of the secret maps, the game instantly crashes.
On the 4th of august 2011 the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien deleted Doom from the Index on request by ZeniMax Media.[dead link]
However, the official announcement state, that not all versions are delisted.
«Lediglich die amerikanische Fassung von ‘Doom II — Hell on Earth’ wurde in der Liste belassen, da diese zwei zusätzliche Level mit Darstellungen aus dem indizierten und bundesweit beschlagnahmten Spiel ‘Wolfenstein 3D’ enthält.»
Translated: «Only the American version of ‘Doom II — Hell on Earth’ has been left in the list, because it contains two additional levels with representations from the indexed and nationwide-seized ‘Wolfenstein 3D'».
- Various screenshots on the back cover of the original game box display scenery — possibly an early version of MAP15 and sky from the first game — and an Arachnotron sprite which are not found in the officially released game. These were likely screenshots from a pre-release version of Doom II which had differing level structure and graphics than what was included in the official commercial release. These unconventional screenshots have been later used in various Doom II re-releases, including the Doom95 repackaging in 1995, the Steam release in 2007, and on id Software’s own Doom II page.
- The was drawn by occult/fantasy artist Gerald Brom.
- A modified version of the cover art also makes an appearance in Jazz Jackrabbit 2 as the image of the shareware episode. The typeface is also similar to that of Doom.
- Doom II was the first Doom game to be commercially released to the retail market. The original Doom could only be purchased through mail order, and an updated version, The Ultimate Doom, wouldn’t be released until April 30, 1995.
- Released July 8, 1994.
- Rewrite of the null-modem/modem support (SERSETUP).
- Improved GUS instrument mapping file.
- Increased savegame buffer size.
- Added MIDI support, in addition to MUS.
- Factored in mobj radius in P_CheckMeleeRange.
- Replaced short-range hitscan by melee range check in A_SargAttack. This made demon-triggered infighting impossible.
Bug fixes:
- Help screen mentions the gamma correction function.
- Bug with response file fixed.
- Bug when using a baud rate greater than 38,400 bps in null-modem/modem games fixed.
- Deathmatch bug fixed where items reappeared but could not be picked up.
Поскольку зомби-коммандос используют дальнюю атаку, которая начинается быстро и продолжается почти без прерывно (даже паук-демон ненадолго останавливается перед стрельбой, давая игроку долю секунды, чтобы укрыться) и от которой невозможно уклониться, игрок должен спешить убить его в пределах короткого или среднего расстояния от него, если это возможно.
Один выстрел из дробовика с близкого расстояния часто (но не всегда) убивает зомби-коммандос, а непрерывный огонь из бензопилы игрока с близкого расстояния почти всегда мешает зомби стрелять. При наличии нескольких зомби-коммандос в групповом строю, рекомендуется использовать ракетную установку или плазменную пушку
Поскольку, как и все монстры, зомби-коммандос не имеют никаких ограничений на используемые боеприпасы, несколько зомби-коммандос на любом приличном расстоянии могут быстро истощить здоровье игрока за время, необходимое для пересечения большой комнаты; в такой ситуации может быть важно оставаться в движении.
Высокая скорострельность минигана делает зомби-коммандос грозным бойцом в битвах монстров против монстров; если он выживет после первоначального попадания, один из этих зомби часто может уничтожить здорового Какодемона или Ревенанта. Зомби-коммандос также иногда может победить адского рыцаря, Манкуба или Арахнотрона с близкого расстояния, когда зомби-коммандос удается непрерывно оглушать противника, предотвращая любой ответный огонь. Как и почти все монстры, зомби-коммандос с радостью набросятся друг на друга, если их спровоцировать.
Из-за их неумолимого автоматического огня и их склонности появляться в большом количестве, они не враги, к которым можно относиться так же легко, как к другим бывшим людям. Они должны рассматриваться в качестве первоочередной угрозы в тех случаях, когда их много в закрытом районе, даже когда в этом районе есть более мощные враги. Близкие столкновения с зомби-коммандос могут быстро закончится для игрока смертью, если от них быстро не избавиться. В Плутонии они представляют собой огромную угрозу, часто располагаясь в отдаленных окнах и снайперских гнездах, что делает многие комнаты опасными для нападения без надлежащего снайперского обстрела.
Final Doom известен тем, что имеет большое количество этих врагов, особенно на трудности ультра-насилия.
Legal issues in Germany
According to the German Strafgesetzbuch §86a, the usage of unconstitutional symbols is forbidden outside of certain contexts such as research, teaching and others. Because the two secret maps called Wolfenstein and Grosse use swastikas, the German version does not contain these maps to prevent the game from being the subject of search and seizure procedures (as Wolfenstein 3D had been, which was banned for 20 years in Germany). This means that it is forbidden to sell, hire or otherwise give the game to anybody, although merely owning the game is legal.
On 31 December 1994 (date of official announcement), however, the game was put on the Index of the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften (Medien), which means only that the game can not be advertised, sold, rented, or otherwise given to minors.
This restriction applies to all versions of the game, except for the Game Boy Advance version.
The German release is engine version 1.666, and doom2.wad is a little bit smaller than its standard, as a result of the removed content. Under MS-DOS, when the player attempts to use the level warp cheat for either of the secret maps, the game instantly crashes, because the code for the maps is still there, but the maps are simply removed.
Following an appeal by Bethesda Softworks (now owning ID Software) Doom and Doom II have been taken from the Index of the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährende Medien (BPjM). The restriction on the two games expired on 31 August 2011 following a meeting of the BPjM. The decision was based mainly on the fact that in context with modern day video games the violence depicted in Doom and Doom II can’t be described as realistic anymore and its pixelated presentation makes it more cartoonish in nature. This didn’t include the Doom II version containing the two Wolfenstein levels with its swastikas and SS soldiers.
In 2019, Doom II was struck from the index together with Wolfenstein 3D and is now available in Germany without restrictions.
The levels can be divided up into three episode-like sections, defined by their corresponding sky texture and separated by a textual intermission in addition to the standard intermission screen; as well as two secret levels. Additional textual interludes appear before MAP07, before each of the secret levels, and at the conclusion of the game.
MAP01 to MAP06; subterranean/outpost levels:
- Level 1: Entryway (Petersen)
- Level 2: Underhalls (McGee; exit to secret level; Xbox only)
- Level 3: The Gantlet (McGee)
- Level 4: The Focus (McGee)
- Level 5: The Waste Tunnels (McGee)
- Level 6: The Crusher (McGee)
- Level 7: Dead Simple (Petersen and McGee)
- Level 8: Tricks and Traps (Petersen)
- Level 9: The Pit (Petersen)
- Level 10: Refueling Base (Petersen and Hall)
- Level 11: ‘O’ of Destruction!1(Romero)
- 1: Known as Circle of Death on the intermission screen.
MAP12 to MAP20; city levels:
- Level 12: The Factory (Petersen)
- Level 13: Downtown (Petersen)
- Level 14: The Inmost Dens (McGee)
- Level 15: Industrial Zone (Romero; exit to secret level)
- Level 16: Suburbs (Petersen)
- Level 17: Tenements (Romero)
- Level 18: The Courtyard (Petersen)
- Level 19: The Citadel (Petersen)
- Level 20: Gotcha! (Romero)
MAP21 to MAP30; Hell levels:
- Level 21: Nirvana (Petersen)
- Level 22: The Catacombs (McGee)
- Level 23: Barrels o’ Fun (Petersen)
- Level 24: The Chasm (Petersen)
- Level 25: Bloodfalls (Green)
- Level 26: The Abandoned Mines (Romero)
- Level 27: Monster Condo (Petersen)
- Level 28: The Spirit World (Petersen)
- Level 29: The Living End (Romero)
- Level 30: Icon of Sin (Petersen)
MAP31 and MAP32; secret levels:
- Level 31: Wolfenstein2(Petersen, exit to super secret level)
- Level 32: Grosse2(Petersen)
- 2: These two levels do not appear in the German version.
MAP33; bonus Xbox level:
Level 33: Betray (Michael Bukowski)
The player once again takes the role of a lone Marine, an unnamed hero, who, after escaping Hell and being the only survivor, returns to Earth. He discovers that Earth has been invaded (as foreshadowed back in Doom I).
With all the major cities in the world in ruins, the remaining leaders plan to use spacecraft to transport the survivors of Earth’s population. However, the starport is the only way for the ships to depart and the demons have protected it with a force field. All of humanity’s remaining soldiers make a desperate assault on the starport, but eventually they are decimated and only the player remains.
The Marine manages to enter the infested starport, slay all the demons in his way and is able to shut down the force field. Humanity escapes, and he sits quietly waiting for death, knowing he saved his species.
Then, the remaining humans discover the source of the hellish invasion: the Marine’s hometown. He gets back into the fight and exterminates the hellspawn from the town, and finds another entryway into Hell.
To close the portal, he must enter Hell again to stop the invasion. After journeying through its twisted surface, the Marine manages to confront the Icon of Sin, a gigantic demon, and kills it. Its gruesome death causes devastation on Hell, and the portal to Earth has been sealed.
- Released December 16, 1993.
- The first registered release of Doom.
- First appearance of gamma correction, which is either on or off.
- A more stable version of the DOS extender (DOS/4GW).
- support.
- Textual changes:
- At the text screen of Knee-Deep in the Dead, «buy» is changed to «play» in the final sentence.
- The «This version is NOT SHAREWARE, do not distribute!» text was added, to be shown with the registered version.
- Many more, including capitalization, spelling corrections, and additional error messages.
- Serial mode multiplayer was added.
- The command line parameters -send and -receive were added.
Current records
The Compet-N episode records for Doom II are:
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
UV Episode, MAP01-MAP10 | 06:32 | Drew «stx-Vile» DeVore | 2002-12-02 | | |
UV Episode, MAP11-MAP20 | 09:52 | Radek Pecka | 2003-08-08 | | |
UV Episode, MAP21-MAP30 | 08:59 | Radek Pecka | 2004-09-28 | | |
UV Run | 26:09 | Radek Pecka | 2003-12-28 | | |
NM Episode, MAP01-MAP10 | 07:11 | Juho «ocelot» Ruohonen | 2003-09-03 | | |
NM Episode, MAP11-MAP20 | 11:19 | Drew «stx-Vile» DeVore | 2002-03-24 | | |
NM Episode, MAP21-MAP30 | 13:35 | Vincent Catalaá | 2002-07-22 | | |
NM Run | 29:56 | Drew «stx-Vile» DeVore | 2004-10-18 | | |
UV Max Episode, MAP01-MAP10 | 25:50 | Radek Pecka | 2001-06-15 | | |
UV Max Episode, MAP11-MAP20 | 47:10 | Radek Pecka | 2002-04-18 | | |
UV Max Episode, MAP21-MAP30 | 39:16 | Radek Pecka | 2002-08-29 | | |
UV Max Run | 113:18 | Radek Pecka | 2002-04-22 | | |
NS Episode, MAP01-MAP10 | 14:25 | Drew «stx-Vile» DeVore | 2002-01-27 | | |
NS Episode, MAP11-MAP20 | 23:48 | Drew «stx-Vile» DeVore | 2002-01-11 | | |
NS Episode, MAP21-MAP30 | 18:27 | Jan «Doomgeek» Vida | 2002-07-15 | | |
NS Run | 56:00 | Drew «stx-Vile» DeVore | 2004-05-30 | | |
UV -fast Episode, MAP01-MAP10 | 25:52 | Ian Sabourin | 2002-04-27 | | |
UV -fast Episode, MAP11-MAP20 | 57:44 | Radek Pecka | 2002-08-31 | | |
UV -fast Episode, MAP21-MAP30 | 61:35 | Vincent Catalaá | 2001-02-15 | | |
UV -fast Run | 128:04 | Radek Pecka | 2003-06-24 | |
Doom II CD from the Depths of Doom collection.
In terms of gameplay, Doom II is similar to the first game, adding only incremental changes to its formula in the form of new monsters and a new weapon. To progress, the player must still navigate non-linear levels, find keys, and unlock new areas while defending against an onslaught of demons. Technologically and graphically the game is identical, though due to more complicated levels and larger fights the base system requirements for the game were higher.
One of Doom II’s most significant changes over its predecessor is that it takes place over a single linear sequence of levels — the episode-based structure of the first game was abandoned, as was the map shown on intermission screens; this means that the player no longer has to find new weapons at the start of each episode. Occasional textual interludes are used to advance the story, in the same fashion as the first game’s episode endings.
While Doom II’s level design is ostensibly based on structures and locations on Earth, in practice it retains much of the abstract design of the first game. Early levels present a techbase theme representing the military starport. The mid-game presents levels with an urban city theme that the player navigates attempting to find the origin of the demonic invasion. The later levels are intended to represent Hell merging with reality, and therefore have a style reminiscent of the Inferno episode of the first game.
Doom II’s new monsters include the heavy weapon dude, Hell knight, mancubus, revenant, arachnotron, pain elemental, arch-vile, and Icon of Sin. The SS trooper from Wolfenstein 3D appears in a cameo in two secret levels which reproduce maps from Wolfenstein 3D. Commander Keen also appears, albeit in effigy. According to Sandy Petersen, the new monsters of Doom II had originally been intended for the first game and had been left incomplete — this is corroborated by the timing of their sculpting by Gregor Punchatz as well.
Also introduced is the super shotgun, a more powerful double barreled version of the shotgun from the first game. The Megasphere is additionally introduced as a more powerful version of the Supercharge power up, offering a maximum amount of both health and armor.
Reviews and sales[edit]
Doom II sold over two million copies, the most sales of any id Software game at the time. The new and varied enemies, and its innovative non-linear level design were praised by critics. While well-received, the game was regarded by some as a disappointment due to the lack of major new features and boring level design. It was released around the same time as Star Wars: Dark Forces which presented more obvious enhancements to the genre.
There was no shareware version of Doom II released and it was only sold in retail stores. Internally Doom II is referred to as the «commercial» version, though an enhanced version of the first game was also later re-released in stores as The Ultimate Doom. Official ports were made to various platforms, including the Apple Macintosh, PlayStation, Game Boy Advance, and Xbox.
The soundtrack of Doom II consists of music in MUS format composed by Robert Prince. 21 distinct tracks are present. At least some of these are known to have originally been written for Doom. Two of the tracks are re-adapted by Prince from his earlier work on Wolfenstein 3D.
Track name | Lump | Levels | Length | Inspiration / base |
Running From Evil | D_RUNNIN | MAP01: Entryway | 03:49 | |
D_RUNNI2 | MAP15: Industrial Zone | |||
The Healer Stalks | D_STALKS | MAP02: Underhalls | 04:51 | |
D_STLKS2 | MAP11: Circle of Death | |||
D_STLKS3 | MAP17: Tenements | |||
Countdown to Death | D_COUNTD | MAP03: The Gantlet | 03:49 | |
D_COUNT2 | MAP21: Nirvana | |||
Between Levels | D_BETWEE | MAP04: The Focus | 02:34 | Wolfenstein 3D — Zero Hour (E6M4/E6M8 music) |
DOOM | D_DOOM | MAP05: The Waste Tunnels | 04:18 | |
D_DOOM2 | MAP13: Downtown | |||
In the Dark | D_THE_DA | MAP06: The Crusher | 06:57 | |
D_THEDA2 | MAP12: The Factory | |||
D_THEDA3 | MAP24: The Chasm | |||
Shawn’s got the Shotgun | D_SHAWN | MAP07: Dead Simple | 04:17 | Slayer — 1 |
D_SHAWN2 | MAP19: The Citadel | |||
D_SHAWN3 | MAP29: The Living End | |||
The Dave D. Taylor Blues | D_DDTBLU | MAP08: Tricks and Traps | 04:59 | |
D_DDTBL2 | MAP14: The Inmost Dens | |||
D_DDTBL3 | MAP22: The Catacombs | |||
Into Sandy’s City | D_IN_CIT | MAP09: The Pit | 04:39 | Stone Temple Pilots — Sex Type Thing 1 |
The Demon’s Dead | D_DEAD | MAP10: Refueling Base | 04:23 | Black Sabbath — |
D_DEAD2 | MAP16: Suburbs | |||
Waiting for Romero to Play | D_ROMERO | MAP18: The Courtyard | 05:06 | Pantera — This Love |
D_ROMER2 | MAP27: Monster Condo | |||
Message for the Archvile | D_MESSAG | MAP20: Gotcha! | 04:38 | |
D_MESSG2 | MAP26: The Abandoned Mines | |||
Bye bye American Pie | D_AMPIE | MAP23: Barrels o’ Fun | 01:38 | Alice in Chains — Them Bones 1 |
Adrian’s Asleep | D_ADRIAN | MAP25: Bloodfalls | 01:55 | Alice in Chains — Angry Chair 1 |
Getting too Tense | D_TENSE | MAP28: The Spirit World | 04:42 | |
Opening to Hell | D_OPENIN | MAP30: Icon of Sin | 04:39 | |
Evil Incarnate | D_EVIL | MAP31: Wolfenstein | 01:11 | Spear of Destiny — MAP21 music |
Cast sequence | ||||
The Ultimate Challenge/Conquest | D_ULTIMA | MAP32: Grosse | 01:18 | Wolfenstein 3D — Ultimate Conquest (E3M9/E6M9 music) |
untitled | D_DM2TTL | Title music | 00:16 | |
untitled | D_DM2INT | Intermission music | 02:52 | |
untitled | D_READ_M | Text screen music | 04:47 |
- The inspirations for the tracks noted above are substantiated by metadata comments found in the unreleased MIDI tracks released by John Romero, many of which are alternate versions of the MIDI tracks used in Doom.
«The Dave D. Taylor Blues», which is present thrice in the IWAD, exists in two slightly different versions:
Lump names Size CRC-32 D_DDTBLU 64571 629660ef D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3 64808 6ab6cf4e
- Audible differences:
- A cymbal crash can be heard at the very beginning of D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3, which is absent from D_DDTBLU.
- The intro passage is an extra measure long in D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3.
- The instrument on the descending tones that repeat every two bars throughout the song is changed for the sixth «repeat» of the song in D_DDTBLU (to a kalimba), and is not for D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3 (where it remains the instrument from the fifth repeat — FX 2 (soundtrack)).
- The final note in the song’s lead melody is the correct length in D_DDTBLU, while in D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3 it appears to be of infinite length (in General MIDI this is defined as 546 bars and 15 tics). In-game it will either play for the length of the whole final measure, or hang indefinitely; in the latter cases it will either prevent the song from looping, or the note will persist across all further loops of the song.
- It can perhaps be surmised that D_DDTBLU is the «correct» version of the track.
- «Waiting for Romero to Play» was used instead of «Dark Halls» for E1M3 in an unreleased beta, as seen during a Visit to id Software.
- In the version of Doom II included in Doom 3: BFG Edition, D_EVIL and D_ULTIMA are copies of D_DOOM. The «Doom» song is therefore used in both secret levels and during the cast sequence.
External linksedit
- Doomworld page about Doom II music
- Doom Covers, an article at Doomworld in which samples of Prince’s music are compared with his sources
- , from the Doomworld forums
Lump names Size CRC-32 D_DDTBLU 64571 629660ef D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3 64808 6ab6cf4e
- Audible differences:
- A cymbal crash can be heard at the very beginning of D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3, which is absent from D_DDTBLU.
- The intro passage is an extra measure long in D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3.
- The instrument on the descending tones that repeat every two bars throughout the song is changed for the sixth «repeat» of the song in D_DDTBLU (to a kalimba), and is not for D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3 (where it remains the instrument from the fifth repeat — FX 2 (soundtrack)).
- The final note in the song’s lead melody is the correct length in D_DDTBLU, while in D_DDTBL2 and D_DDTBL3 it appears to be of infinite length (in General MIDI this is defined as 546 bars and 15 tics). In-game it will either play for the length of the whole final measure, or hang indefinitely; in the latter cases it will either prevent the song from looping, or the note will persist across all further loops of the song.
- It can perhaps be surmised that D_DDTBLU is the «correct» version of the track.
- «Waiting for Romero to Play» was used instead of «Dark Halls» for E1M3 in an unreleased beta, as seen during a Visit to id Software.
- In the version of Doom II included in Doom 3: BFG Edition, D_EVIL and D_ULTIMA are copies of D_DOOM. The «Doom» song is therefore used in both secret levels and during the cast sequence.
The Ultimate Doom’s story ended with the Marine protagonist’s defeat of the second Spider Mastermind in a gateway between Hell and Earth. Stepping through a portal to Earth which opens after the creature’s death, however, there is a cliffhanger ending — it is discovered that the demons which invaded the Mars moonbases have now invaded Earth as well.
After Earth’s major cities are left in ruins by the attack, the human survivors await evacuation from a starport, but the demons have surrounded it with a barrier of flames. All of humanity’s remaining soldiers make a desperate assault on the starport, but eventually they are annihilated and only the Marine remains.
Fighting through the starport, the Marine manages to lower the demonic defenses, allowing the survivors to escape to the safety of space. Left behind, he at first prepares for death, but soon receives a radio message from the ships’ commanders that they have pinpointed the source of the demonic invasion not far from his current location. He fights through the ravaged city, where Hell’s reality is once again beginning to merge with our own, twisting and corrupting the heavily damaged ruins. After finding the portal to Hell and returning once more to the underworld, the Marine eventually confronts the ultimate source of the hellspawn, a gigantic demon. Pumping his rockets into the creature’s exposed brain, it dies, devastating miles of Hell’s surface in all directions in its death throes, ending the invasion and giving humanity a chance to rebuild.
На самом деле, представленный игровой проект полностью отличается от очередной части. Как вы помните, в предыдущей части не было никаких существенных технологических разработок и серьезных графических улучшений. Теперь геймплей также состоит из нелинейных уровней с поиском ключей для открытия новых локаций и перестрелками с монстрами.
Самое главное, в отличие от оригинального проекта, сюжет Doom 2 подается с непрерывной последовательностью связанных уровней, различными текстовыми вставками и сюжетной кампанией, в то время, как одиночный режим Doom включает в себя сразу восемь уровней и четыре бонусных эпизода, которые доступны после завершения кампании. Также экран загрузки вместо карты изобилует фоновым изображением. В игровом проекте имеется 30 уровней, а также две секретных миссии. Интересно, что уровни во многом идентичны оригинальной версии игры, только за некоторым исключением. Стоит отметить, что в игре секретных уровней стало значительно больше, теперь на них вы можете найти амуницию и обратить против противников. Подробнее о геймплее вы узнаете сразу после того, как решитесь скачать Doom 2 через торрент на сайте нашего удобного меню.
Doom 2 Reloaded | |
Author | Andy Stewart |
Port | Vanilla Doom |
IWAD | Doom II |
Year | |
Link |
Doom 2 Reloaded (D2RELOAD.WAD) is a 2009 megawad designed by Andy Stewart (eschdoom). Most of the 32 levels contained are vanilla-compatible, but errors could appear at a few points while using the original executable, so it is better to play through a limit removing source port; another reason is that additional graphics are present. Almost all of the maps could be played in deathmatch or cooperative mode.
A DeHackEd patch is used to change the levels’ names and par times. This WAD is widely known not only by the means of detail and texture alignment or frequent use of non-standard graphics, but also by enhancing gameplay on some of the levels, most notably on the super secret level, which contains 32 secrets that should be accessed one by one using various techniques including rocket jumping, waiting for a monster to open a locked door from behind or just by careful observation of the level’s objects.
The player is a UAC employee working on Mars who is requested to investigate loss of contact with a water processing facility. A textfile included in the WAD also gives description of all of the missions, including the bases’ inspection, return to Earth and journey through Hell.
A cyberdemon walking behind the fence in MAP20: Revelations. |
Built-in demosedit
This WAD features four , including an oddly named HELP18 lump. All require Doom II v1.9 to view them. The demo levels are:
Demo | Level | Tics | Length | |
DEMO1 | MAP04: Alpha Base | 4 | 5575 | 2:39.29 |
DEMO2 | MAP23: Elysian Plains | 4 | 4381 | 2:05.17 |
DEMO3 | MAP13: Slime Falls | 4 | 5176 | 2:27.89 |
HELP18 | MAP18: Warehouse Siege | 4 | 6736 | 3:12.46 |
MAP32: The Super Secret Level contains 32 secrets which are accompanied by references to well-known film scenes (probably).
Игровой процесс
Поразительный игровой процесс, который так напоминает предыдущие части игр (впрочем, и последующие), графика среднего уровня и классический сюжет вселенной Doom — вот что вас ждет внутри игры. Исследуйте все локации, которые очень обширны и огромны, отыщите возможность уничтожить всех мутантов и искорените зло с ваших земель. Сделайте так, чтобы демоны навсегда убрались в Ад и больше никогда не возвращались. Для разработки качественного дизайна (на то время), были приглашены специальные профессиональные люди, которые сделали картинку достаточно привлекательной и уникальной. Впрочем, судя по 2020 году, такая графика будет изрядно резать глаза. Встречайте огромные карты, а также самые разнообразные уровни. В игре есть как обычные повествовательные миссии, так и режимы по типу “арена”, где вас просто бросают в Колизей, как какого-нибудь гладиатора, и дают на уничтожение тысячу монстров. А дальше — разбирайтесь как хотите.
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