Dishonored: the brigmore witches

Special Editions

Limited Edition

The standard edition of Dishonored 2 for pre-orders is the Limited Edition. It contains the game as well as a digital copy of Dishonored: Definitive Edition.

Collector’s Edition

The Collector’s Edition reveal and content.

Dishonored 2: Collector’s Edition was announced on June 12th, 2016 for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. It contains the game as well as several other bonuses:

  • A replica of Corvo’s mask on a stand (13.5″ x 6″ x 5.5″).
  • A replica of Emily’s ring with a display box.
  • A full size propaganda poster of the new Empress.
  • A metal case for the game with the portraits of Emily on the front side and Corvo on the rear.
  • The Imperial Assassin’s Pack, including exclusive Bone Charms, lore books, a musical instrument in-game and 500 coins.
  • A digital copy of Dishonored: Definitive Edition.


  • According to Harvey Smith of Arkane Studios, the muttered phrases when Corvo uses a power are gibberish phrases made up of words in French, English, Arabic, Chinese and Portuguese.
  • Opening up the Quick-Access Wheel will slow time to 1/20th its original speed. Having the radial open is not ability-based, as movement speed is also reduced to a twentieth.
  • With the New Game + mode for Dishonored 2

    Before this function, it was still possible via hacking.

    , it is possible to use Emily’s powers when playing as Corvo and vice versa.

  • During the Dishonored 2 mission A Crack in the Slab

    Originally, Blink and Far Reach were going to be left active, but this decision was changed when the developers decided that time travel was interesting enough.

    , the protagonist’s active supernatural abilities are disabled, though the passive ones still work as it was decided that removing them would be too disempowering.

  • In Dishonored 2, supernatural abilities used in the Void consume no mana.
  • Originally, Emily had the ability to walk on walls and ceilings, changing gravity for herself and objects she touched. This was cut very early on due to the technical difficulties associated with it, eventually becoming Shadow Walk.
  • With the Original Game + mode (see New Game +) for Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, you will be able to play with three of Corvo and Emily’s abilities, which will replace three of your own.
  • Void House, a power that was cut from Dishonored, allows Corvo to summon a portal on any wall surface, granting him access to a name-sake hub area. This place features food that is refilled after each mission, a mana fountain, a gallery displaying paintings and valuable items he has collected, a training area, and a strange bird that would comment on Corvo’s actions and choices. The technology developed for this power later serves as the basis for the time-alternating function of the Timepiece, virtually allowing character models to be moved from one map to another.


Поиски разгадки тайны Чужого приводят Дауда к Арнольду Тимшу — потомственному аристократу и пособнику Хайрема Берроуза. Исключительно гадкий и беспринципный поверенный и его юристы занимаются тем, что отбирают имущество у совершенно здоровых собственников, выдавая тех за больных крысиной чумой, и спускают с молотка в пользу лорда-регента. Арнольд не бедствовал и до начала эпидемии, а после удачно проворачиваемых афер по экспроприации чужого имущества приумножил свой грязный капитал в несколько раз. Но Дауду плевать на тёмные делишки Тимша: ему нужно больше сведений о Далиле. Предоставить их согласилась племянница поверенного — Талия Тимш, но, естественно, за небольшую услугу…

Major Arcana

I — Judgement: Emily Kaldwin, daughter of the late Empress and rightful heir to the throne of Gristol.

II — Lust: Madame Prudence, owner and mistress of the Golden Cat pleasure house.

III — The Man on Stilts: One of the tallboys, heavily armored and chemically enhanced members of the City Watch that stalk the streets of Dunwall on their stilts.

IV — The Boatman: Samuel Beechworth, sailor, ferryman and moral guide of Death, Corvo Attano.

V — The Witch: Vera Moray, now known as Granny Rags, who is blind, mad and deceitful, and not quite as harmless as one might think.

VI — The Weeper: Victims of the plague in its last stage, weepers are senseless horrors that roam the streets of Dunwall, abandoned by society.

VII — The Lady: Lady Boyle, a ruthless mistress and powerful supporter of the Lord Regent, Hiram Burrows.

VIII — Regret: Daud, leader of a group of assassins and the one responsible for killing the Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, «blessed» with dark powers by the Outsider.

IX — The Urchin Prince: Slackjaw, ruthless, yet principled leader of the Bottle Street Gang.

X — The Twins: The Pendleton twins, Custis and Morgan, slavers, sadists and corrupt members of parliament who support the Lord Regent.

XI — The Hermit: Piero Joplin, a socially inept genius, alchemist, weaponsmith and member of the Loyalists who oppose the Lord Regent.

XII — The Artist: Anton Sokolov, Royal Physician, unscrupulous scientist, and inventor.

XIII — Cruelty: The Royal Interrogator, a sadistic torturer with a dark passion and an even darker secret.

XIV — The Governess: Callista Curnow, a member of the Loyalists and a caring tutor to Emily Kaldwin.

XV — Nobility: Treavor Pendleton, the younger brother of the malicious Pendleton twins, as well as a leading member of the Loyalists.

XVI — The High Overseer: Thaddeus Campbell, a corrupt supporter of the Lord Regent, and Teague Martin, a leading member of the Loyalists.

XVII — The Drowned Man: Admiral Farley Havelock, astute military mind and leader of the Loyalists who will go to great lengths to see his work done.

XVIII — The Lord Regent: Hiram Burrows, the former Royal Spymaster for the Empress and instigator of her assassination, who now rules Gristol with an iron first.

XIX — The Empress: Jessamine Kaldwin, beloved Empress of the Empire of the Isles, who died at the hands of the assassin Daud in order to enable the coup d’état of Hiram Burrows.

XX — The World: A map of the Empire.

XXI — Death: Corvo Attano, once Lord Protector and bodyguard of Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, who was framed for her murder by Hiram Burrows. Freed by the Loyalists, he now treads a thin line between vengeance and justice.

The Outsider: A timeless being of magic and mystery that takes interest in select humans, including Corvo Attano.


Childhood and Upbringing

Daud’s mother was rumored to have originated from an island off the Pandyssian Continent. He was conceived on the 13th Day of the Month of Ice, , onboard a pirate vessel which held her captive. She was rumored to be a witch marked by the Outsider and took control of said ship during its return to Serkonos. Daud noted that she was simply proficient in the use of poisons and hallucinogens, and ruthless in their administration.

Daud was born in Serkonos and grew up in various cities of the Isle.. At some point in his early childhood, his natural abilities caught the attention of a mysterious actor, which subsequently led to his abduction. At the age of 16, Daud moved to Dunwall where he began to make a name for himself «moving among the shopkeepers and City Watch officers of Dunwall like a reaper through wheat». Daud traveled throughout the Isles seeking the Outsider’s shrines and was rumored to have spent a winter at the Academy of Natural Philosophy, of which he made cryptic mentions a few times to his followers. He eventually attracted the attention of the Outsider who marked him in 1820.

Marked by the Outsider

Daud training assassins.

«For years I’d held together a shadowy band of ex-mercenaries, street kids, and refugees through discipline and a bit of black magic.»
—Daud, on the Whalers

Now branded by the Outsider, Daud became infamous as an assassin for hire, feared not only for his skill, but also for his magic powers. His known powers are Blink (referred to as «transversals»), Bend Time, Summon Assassin, Void Gaze, Pull (referred to as «tethering»), and resistance to poisons and sedatives. Another power, known as Arcane Bond, gives him the ability to grant lesser versions of his magic to others, which he utilizes to empower his followers.
Daud used these powers to establish himself as an assassin for hire to the elite of Dunwall. He started gathering other marginals of Dunwall and established his own gang of mercenaries and assassins, the Whalers, with which he shared his powers. In 1829, he crossed paths with Billie Lurk, a street urchin with an affinity for the trade who a year prior murdered Radanis Abele, son of the Duke of Serkonos. He trained her personally, and her quick-learning and skills would eventually earn her place as his second-in-command. During the plague, Daud moved his base of operation to the Rudshore Chamber of Commerce in the devastated and quarantined Flooded District. In 1835, he met some of the witches from the newly formed Brigmore coven.

The Whalers’ reputation in the underworld of Dunwall caught the attention of Hiram Burrows, who made use of their services a number of times in his capacity as Royal Spymaster. Eventually during the Rat Plague, Burrows hired Daud and his assassins to murder the Empress and kidnap her daughter. Despite the Outsider’s initial favor for Daud, a rift developed between the two sometime before this event. The Outsider himself notes that he lost interest in Daud prior to the assassination of the Empress, and interacts with Daud in a hostile and derisive manner throughout The Knife of Dunwall.

Law and Order

The Dunwall City Watch.

The Dunwall City Watch is the primary law enforcement agency for the entire city, with three different tiers: the Lower Watch, the Guards, the Officers and a specialized rank, the tallboys. The Wrenhaven River Patrol enforces Dunwall’s laws across the River and its tributaries. The soldiers of the Combined Armies of the Empire work with the Watch. During the reign of Hiram Burrows, the Abbey of the Everyman’s Overseers worked alongside the Watch, given all the powers of a civil police, though they largely deal with crimes of heresy. Some of Dunwall’s largest criminal organizations include the Bottle Street Gang, Dead Eels, the Hatters, and Parliament Street Cutters.

During the rat plague, Arnold Timsh served in the newly-created position of City Barrister, and was responsible for confiscating properties left abandoned during the plague crisis, and to incorporate those holdings into state hands if no owner came forwards. The Responsible Citizens Group reported directly to the Royal Spymaster, and were tasked with reporting on suspicious activities.

The City Planning Department is one of the civil-oriented departments of Dunwall’s administration, and oversaw the reinforcement of the Dunwall Sewers during the reign of Emperor Euhorn Kaldwin the First.

The Knife of Dunwall

Дауд, широко известный в Дануолле наёмный убийца, вместе со своими верными китобоями совершил дерзкое покушение на действующую императрицу Джессамину Колдуин. Покушение удалось, несмотря на то, что Дауду пытался помешать верный телохранитель венценосной особы — лорд-защитник Корво Аттано.

Дауд и Джессамина

После своего удачного заказа, после того, как императрица погибла, а её дочь Эмили Колдуин оказалась похищена, Дауда начинает терзать чувство вины. Да, Клинку Дануолла и раньше приходилось пускать кровь богатым аристократам, коммерсантам и политикам, но убийство императрицы выбило Дауда из колеи.

В одну из ночей Чужой затягивает Дауда в Бездну, дабы побеседовать с наёмным убийцей с глазу на глаз. Чужой достаточно холодно приветствует меченого и пространными речами завязывает узелок будущего сюжета. В конце Чужой называет имя — Далила, — и отпускает Дауда.

возвращении в грешный мир Дауд через информаторов принимается скрупулёзно
собирать информацию об этом имени, мимоходом гадая, кому оно может
принадлежать. В этом нелёгком деле ему помогает верная напарница Билли Лерк. С помощью неё Дауд отыскивает китобойное судно «Далила», принадлежащее Бандри Ротвильду, и через него выходит на Далилу Копперспун, художницу и главу ковена Бригморских ведьм. Желая убрать Дауда с пути, Далила сговаривается с Билли Лерк, и вместе они выдают местоположение тайного логова китобоев смотрителям. Немного сомневаясь, оголтелые смотрители под предводительством Леонарда Хьюма врываются в убежище наёмных убийц, но вовремя возвратившийся Дауд в неравной схватке отвоёвывает свои владения.

Первая встреча с Далилой

Когда Леонард Хьюм окажется нейтрализован, а дезорганизованные смотрители пойманы, появится Далила собственной персоной. Билли Лерк признаётся, что это она дала наводку
смотрителям, и, в зависимости от уровня Хаоса, раскаивается или вызывает наставника на смертельную дуэль.

Низкий уровень Хаоса

Лерк признается, что это она привела смотрителей в логово своего наставника. Женщина скажет, что сделала это под влиянием Далилы и её речей о необходимости смены лидера китобоев. Видя своими глазами, что Дауд ещё не растерял своих навыков и способен решать проблемы с толикой пацифизма, Лерк раскаивается в содеянном, публично отрекается от Далилы и вверяет свою жизнь Дауду. Игрок может либо убить Лерк, либо отпустить её восвояси.

Во втором случае женщина на первом попавшемся судне уплывёт из Дануолла навстречу новой жизни, при этом сохранив в душе образ великодушного и милосердного мэтра-убийцы.

Высокий уровень Хаоса

Лерк не без напутствий Далилы заявляет о том, что китобоям нужен новый лидер, такой,
который не так слаб и кровожаден, как Дауд. Женщина-ассасин бросает вызов
бывшему наставнику, и остальные китобои ретируются, дабы не мешать сражающимся. В случае победы Дауд может либо добить её, либо усыпить дротиком (считается за пощаду).

В заключении вам покажут картину, на которой убийца Дауд стоит на горе трупов своих многочисленных жертв.

High Chaos

The most violent path the protagonist can choose, high chaos, is mainly achieved by killing many human characters.

In Dishonored, having a high chaos rating when Corvo arrives at his final mission drastically changes the situation he encounters on Kingsparrow Island. Cosmetic changes, such as the presence of a large storm on the island, are paired with changes to the environment and story line that will alter how Corvo must navigate the area. At this level, Samuel will fire a gunshot to alert the guards to Corvo’s presence, as a demonstration of his absolute disgust with Corvo’s actions.

In Dishonored 2, high chaos is taken even further, granting the protagonist the option to leave either Emily or Corvo in stone and rule the Empire alone (which can result in Corvo becoming the new Emperor of the Isles).

Technology and Transportation

Electric lights and a wall of light, powered by whale oil. A large rail car and a loudspeaker can be seen in the distance.

Dunwall, being one of the most industrialized cities of the Isles, possesses numerous advanced technologies from the mundane to the sophisticated. Electric lighting and heaters are common in almost every home, while for security purposes, walls of light and arc pylons are utilized to control movement. The most infamous of these technologies is the tallboy, a heavily armored soldier armed with explosive arrows, walking on motorized stilts. Almost all of these technologies are powered by whale oil.

Due to Dunwall’s port environment, boats, from small motor boats to massive, hulking whaling trawlers, form the bulk of transportation in and out of Dunwall. On the ground, railway tracks provide transport for the City Watch and smaller rail cars are used by the aristocracy as a means of personal transport. Elevated rail lines provide fast and easy transport for people, cargo and even corpses.

The Brigmore Witches

A Stay of Execution For Lizzy

Name Description Function Cost
Overseer Daud You are disguised as an Overseer. An Overseer has been summoned to Coldridge Prison. Your contacts will intercept him and send you in his place. Using this overseer’s uniform as a disguise should fool the prison guards long enough to get you inside. This favor allows Daud to enter the prison disguised as an Overseer, and the arc pylon inside will be unpowered. 100 coins
Misplaced Rune A recent sweep of the prison for contraband has yielded a number of heretical artifacts, one of them will accidentally be misplaced for the right bribe. This favor provides Daud with a rune confiscated during a sweep. It will be hidden somewhere in the prison. 200 coins
Forged Requisition Forged requisition orders allow your contact to deliver stun mines to the prison. The key to the munitions locker will be hidden nearby.

Two stun mines and a note will be left in one of the locked munitions lockers inside the guard booth between sections C and D of the holding cells, and the can be found nearby.

The key can otherwise be found on a patrolling guard two floors above, but there will be no stun mines.

100 coins

The Dead Eels

Name Description Function Cost
The Sunken Crate Allied Whalers will dump a crate loaded with supplies overboard near the Undine. You will have to dive to retrieve the contents. A sunken chest can be found in the Riverfront, containing a bone charm, an ingot worth 100, sleep darts, a pistol and an elixir and remedy. 100 coins
The Hidden Rune A tunnel dweller has been bribed to bring a Rune from the depths of the Dunwall storm drains and place it within reach of the surface. A rune will be left for Daud with a note at the entrance of the sewers from where the Millenary Canal flows. 200 coins
Former Rothwild Laborer A laborer you saved from the jail cell in Rothwild’s Slaughterhouse has some useful information for you. Meet him at the Textile Mill. Daud can meet a man to tell him information at the Mill. The favor will only be available if Daud accomplished the side objective «Free the Captive Laborers» during the mission A Captain of Industry of The Knife of Dunwall. 75 coins
A Gift From Abigail Ames Abigail Ames has contacted you through your network. She’s offering a bone charm that might be useful to you, in exchange for a small fee. If Daud sabotaged Rothwild Slaughterhouse for Ames during the mission A Captain of Industry of The Knife of Dunwall, there will be a bone charm and a note in Jerome’s safe. If he and spared her in the same mission, there will be a bomb with a different note instead. Otherwise, the favor will not be available.

If this favor is not bought, or if Ames leaves a bomb for Daud, Jerome will sell a bone charm in his shop for 100 coins instead.

100 coins

Delilah’s Masterwork

Name Description Function Cost
Hole in the Fence Your operatives will drop you a rune, some mana and open the fence to allow for a more stealthy approach to the estate. This favor leaves a rune and a vial of Piero’s Spiritual Remedy atop the shed outside of Brigmore Manor and a hole in the fence on the right side of the estate. 200 coins
Thieving Butler The former butler smuggled goods from the estate and hid them by the shore. One of your agents will unearth the cache for a price.

Daud can collect a Brigmore urn worth 150 coin and a remedy in a chest underwater near the shore. In a box on land near the chest is a hint as to where to find the butler’s body. Next to the butler’s body are a key to the front door and another remedy.

The body and key can still be found without purchasing the favor, but not the crate and its items.

75 coins
Turncoat Your agents have paid one of the witches to meet with you and provide information. She’ll be wearing a red jacket. A red-dressed witch will give information regarding the secret entrance into the manor. She will wait by the large fountain behind the manor and isolate herself to talk to Daud as soon as he approaches the garden. 50 coins

В Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall не работает управление. Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall не видит мышь, клавиатуру или геймпад. Решение

Как играть, если невозможно управлять процессом? Проблемы поддержки специфических устройств тут неуместны, ведь речь идет о привычных девайсах — клавиатуре, мыши и контроллере.

Таким образом, ошибки в самой игре практически исключены, почти всегда проблема на стороне пользователя. Решить ее можно по-разному, но, так или иначе, придется обращаться к драйверу. Обычно при подключении нового устройства операционная система сразу же пытается задействовать один из стандартных драйверов, но некоторые модели клавиатур, мышей и геймпадов несовместимы с ними.

Таким образом, нужно узнать точную модель устройства и постараться найти именно ее драйвер. Часто с устройствами от известных геймерских брендов идут собственные комплекты ПО, так как стандартный драйвер Windows банально не может обеспечить правильную работу всех функций того или иного устройства.

Если искать драйверы для всех устройств по отдельности не хочется, то можно воспользоваться программой Driver Updater. Она предназначена для автоматического поиска драйверов, так что нужно будет только дождаться результатов сканирования и загрузить нужные драйвера в интерфейсе программы.

Нередко тормоза в Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall могут быть вызваны вирусами. В таком случае нет разницы, насколько мощная видеокарта стоит в системном блоке. Проверить компьютер и отчистить его от вирусов и другого нежелательного ПО можно с помощью специальных программ. Например NOD32. Антивирус зарекомендовал себя с наилучшей стороны и получили одобрение миллионов пользователей по всему миру.

ZoneAlarm подходит как для личного использования, так и для малого бизнеса, способен защитить компьютер с операционной системой Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista и Windows XP от любых атак: фишинговых, вирусов, вредоносных программ, шпионских программ и других кибер угроз. Новым пользователям предоставляется 30-дневный бесплатный период.

Nod32 — анитивирус от компании ESET, которая была удостоена многих наград за вклад в развитие безопасности. На сайте разработчика доступны версии анивирусных программ как для ПК, так и для мобильных устройств, предоставляется 30-дневная пробная версия. Есть специальные условия для бизнеса.

Related Bone Charms


  • Welcoming Host — Possession lasts 30 seconds on white rats (normally 20).
  • Carrion Killer — Killing rats grants some adrenaline.
  • Sustained Rage — Adrenaline takes slightly longer to cool down.
  • Vengeance — Being damaged grants a small amount of adrenaline.

The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches

  • Carrion Killer — Killing rats grants some adrenaline.
  • Hearty Crew — Summoned assassins deal more damage.
  • Sustained Rage — Adrenaline takes slightly longer to cool down.
  • Vengeance — Adrenaline builds up faster but cools down quicker.
  • Leverage — Pull range and speed are increased, but so is the mana cost.

Dishonored 2

  • Accommodating Host — Animal Possession lasts slightly longer.
  • Agile Will — Possession lasts slightly longer.
  • Bright Moon — Doppelgängers inflict more damage, but their duration is halved.
  • Dark Extraction — Shadow Walk assassination restores some Health.
  • Enduring Allies — Summoned Doppelgängers last longer.
  • Fading Light — Far Reach and Blink consume no Mana if used within a second of Assassination.
  • Invisible Thread — Far Reach renders you invisible during movement.
  • Life Bond — When you heal yourself, your summoned Doppelgängers are also healed.
  • Mind Runner — Your possessed human host can sprint.
  • Relocation Sickness — Witches sometimes stumble off-balance after magical relocation.
  • Resilient Allies — Summoned Doppelgängers have more health.
  • Restorative Glimmer — Health regenerates while using Dark Vision.
  • Separation Trauma — Enemies are rendered unconscious when you leave your host.
  • Shadow Embrace — Shadow Walk lasts slightly longer.
  • Shadow Repose — Regain Health during Shadow Walk.
  • Stolen Breath — Far Reach uses more mana, but enemies being pulled are silenced.
  • Twin Leech — Regain Health while your Doppelgänger is active.
  • Void Rapture — Sometimes enemies are rendered unconscious by Mesmerize.
  • Accommodating Host — Animal Possession lasts slightly longer.

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

  • Distracting Visit — When Displace is used, a version of Billie is left behind which will attract enemies.
  • Rapid Displacement — Use Displace without placing a marker (quick tap of L2/LB/right click).
  • Perfect Balance — Maintain your balance after Displace interpenetration, and sustain only half damage.
  • Leap Frog — Displace costs no Void Energy if used close to an unaware character, but Displace interpenetration will always kill you.
  • Discreet Swap — Brief invisibility after moving with Displace, but the distance is reduced.
  • Superior Foresight — Mark more objects with Foresight.
  • Third Eye — Gain an extra target marker when using Displace and Foresight.
  • Blink Eye — Targets marked by Foresight have reduced perception.
  • Cursed Gaze — Targets marked with Foresight have reduced health, but can only mark 1 living target.
  • Mobile Mimicry — Semblance drains less Void Energy.
  • Tactical Mimicry — Semblance can be used to briefly blind enemies in combat.
  • Void Leech — While using Semblance, killing an unaware target increases Void Energy, but move with a reduced speed.

Что сделать в первую очередь

  1. Скачайте и запустите всемирно известный CCleaner (скачать по прямой ссылке) — это программа, которая очистит ваш компьютер от ненужного мусора, в результате чего система станет работать быстрее после первой же перезагрузки;
  2. Обновите все драйверы в системе с помощью программы Driver Updater (скачать по прямой ссылке) — она просканирует ваш компьютер и обновит все драйверы до актуальной версии за 5 минут;
  3. Установите Advanced System Optimizer (скачать по прямой ссылке) и включите в ней игровой режим, который завершит бесполезные фоновые процессы во время запуска игр и повысит производительность в игре.


«Revenge Solves Everything»
—Marketing tagline

Set in the plague-ravaged city of Dunwall, Dishonored follows the story of Corvo Attano, the last bodyguard to Empress Jessamine Kaldwin. Framed for her murder and the abduction of her daughter, Emily, Corvo is falsely imprisoned by the Empress’ Royal Spymaster and usurper, Hiram Burrows.

Six months later, on the eve of his execution, Corvo escapes confinement with the help of a shadowy group of loyalists who seek to eliminate those involved in the assassination of the Empress and restore Emily to the throne. He is further assisted by an enigmatic god called the Outsider, who grants him Supernatural Abilities for reasons equally mysterious.

Corvo takes on the role of a feared and infamous assassin as he pursues members of the coup one by one — but whether he is out for justice or revenge is another question. Dishonored features multiple endings, which are dependent on Corvo’s actions and player choice throughout the course of the game.

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