Muck: гайд по выживанию для новичков (советы, хитрости и стратегии)
- Game settings
- Armor
- Iron
- Gold
- Mithril
- Adamite
- Chunkium
- Еще больше ухудшить графику в Muck (режим «картошки») — выключить сглаживание и т.п.
- Bossfight preparation
- Powerups
- Low Tier
- Medium Tier
- High Tier
- Трейнер (+8) от 12.07.2021 [WeMod]
- Инструкция по установке трейнера
- Muck не запускается. Ошибка при запуске. Решение
- poopoo
- Basics
- Tips
- Power Ups
- Changelog
- Как создать лук в Muck
- Rocks & Ores
- Что сделать в первую очередь
- Включить режим производительности Nvidia
- sh*tsaladsandwich
- Enemies
Game settings
There are 3 types of game settings:
Game difficulty
There are 3 levels of game difficulty:
- Easy (Bosses spawn on the 6th night, 12th night and every night after; Enemies have lower health and damage)
- Normal (Bosses spawn on the 4th night, 8th night and every night after; Enemies have normal health and damage)
- Gamer (Bosses spawn on the 3rd night and every night after; Enemies have more health and damage)
There are 2 options:
- On (You can damage other players)
- Off (You can’t damage other players)
Game Mode
There are 3 options:
- Survival (Normal mode of Muck: days pass like normal, received damage is normal)
- Versus (Battle royale mode)
- Creative(Days don’t pass, mobs don’t spawn at night, received damage is VERY reduced)
Armor comes in 4 pieces (Helmet, Vest, Pants and Shoes) and can be made from the 5 different metals.
Helmet Materials: 5 Iron Bars Protection: 5 Chest Materials: 20 Iron Bars Protection: 10 Legs Materials: 15 Iron Bars Protection: 7 Shoes Materials: 5 Iron Bars Protection: 3
Helmet Materials: 5 Gold Bars Protection: 3 Chest Materials: 15 Gold Bars Protection: 8 Legs Materials: 15 Gold Bars Protection: 5 Shoes Materials: 5 Gold Bars Protection: 2
Helmet Materials: 5 Mithril Bars Protection: Chest Materials: 20 Mithril Bars Protection: 15 Legs Materials: 15 Mithril Bars Protection: 10 Shoes Materials: 5 Mithril Bars Protection:
Helmet Materials: 5 Gold Bars Protection: Chest Materials: 15 Gold Bars Protection: Legs Materials: 15 Gold Bars Protection: Shoes Materials: 5 Gold Bars Protection:
Helmet Materials: 5 Chunkium Bars Protection: Chest Materials: 10 Chunkium Bars Protection: Legs Materials: 10 Chunkium Bars Protection: Shoes Materials: 5 Chunkium Bars Protection:
Еще больше ухудшить графику в Muck (режим «картошки») — выключить сглаживание и т.п.
Если Muck запускается, но сильно тормозит, то перед началом всех процедур следует снизить графику до минимума через настройки игры. Если это не помогло, то придется прибегнуть к помощи сторонних программ для настройки видеокарты:
- NVIDIA Inspector для видеокарт от Nvidia;
- RadeonMod для видеокарт от AMD.
Загрузив программу, запускаем ее. В случае с NVIDIA Inspector нужно запускать файл nvidiaProfileInspector.exe, а не nvidiaInspector.exe. Сверху, в строке «Profiles:» можно выбрать любую игру, которая поддерживается драйверами Nvidia.
Ниже представлены все доступные настройки. Их много, но для того, чтобы ухудшить графику в игре до «картофельной», вполне достаточно всего нескольких, которые находятся в разделе «Antialiasing».
Наибольший прирост производительности дает изменение этих двух параметров:
- Texture filtering — LOD bias;
- Antialiasing — Transparency Supersampling.
Каждая из этих настроек имеет разные значения. Некоторые из них могут делать картинку в Muck неудобоваримой, поэтому следует попробовать разные комбинации значений, которые дают более-менее сносное играбельную картинку.
В случае с RadeonMod все аналогично: нужно найти настройки, отвечающие за отображение текстур и снижать их до тех пор, пока FPS в игре не станет достаточно высоким.
Bossfight preparation
Once the 6th / 5th / 3rd day is reached, or the player interacts with a Boss Totem or the wheel on the Shipwreck, a Boss will spawn. To ensure the player is well prepared, the player may opt to follow the following guide.
General boss preparation
- It could be useful to have Structure Blocks or Workstations on hand, as most enemies, namely the Wyvern, can be distracted by them. Place these down during the bossfights.
- Memorize the boss’ attacks as soon as possible. Try attack from a long distance from a boss, or behind it.
- It might be worthwhile scouting an area to fight the boss, or making a quick arena out of Structure Blocks
It should be noted that the boss will spawn randomly near any player’s position.
Shipwreck location and repair
To locate the Shipwreck, a Boat Map is typically recommended, although the player can find it without one. The Shipwreck’s mast can be spotted from extremely far distances because of its massive height. In order to repair the wreck, the player must gather a variety of items. Upon repairing the ship with these items, the player will be prompted to press whilst at the ship’s steering wheel in order to «Leave Muck», a few seconds later, Bob will spawn.
Items required to repair the Shipwreck | |
Item | Number required to repair |
Wood | 110-152 |
Fir Wood | 15 |
Oak Wood | 15 |
Dark Oak Wood | 28 |
Wheat | 30 |
Raw Meat | 10 |
Flax Fibers | 13 |
Rope | 5 |
Rock | 60 |
Ruby | 11 |
Gems (one of each) | 5 |
Iron Bar | 32 |
Gold Bar | 9 |
Adamantite Bar | 5 |
Obamium Bar | 5 |
AncientCore | 1 |
To make this guide more understandable and easier to read the differences between the selections involved through this guide, some items and sets will be marked with symbols.
- Ω signifies that this item or set is rare, and, though being viable if lucky enough, is not entirely recommended.
- ★ signifies that this item or set is the best choice at this point in the game for said class (this will not apply to weapons which may be too rare).
- π signifies that this item or set is viable, but not entirely recommended, and the player should only use it if confident.
This stage is for a player’s setup before either Big Chunk or Gronk, of whom will spawn naturally every 6th / 5th / 3rd day. At this point, the player is pretty limited on weapon choices, especially with the melee class, with only small chances of obtaining other weapons through great luck.
Class | Weapon | Armor Set | Powerups | Ammunition |
Melee |
Obamium Sword ★ Steel Sword π Night Blade Ω Wolf Claws Ω π |
Obamium Armor ★ Steel Armor π |
Janniks Frog Crimson Dagger Orange Juice Horseshoe Wings of Glory Ω |
Ranged |
Oak Bow ★ Birch Bow π Ancient Bow Ω |
Obamium Armor ★
Wolfskin Armor ★ Mithril Armor π |
Robin Hood Hat
Horseshoe |
Adamantite Arrow ★ Fire Arrow Ω |
This stage highlights the player’s setup after they have defeated at least one of the first two bosses. At this stage, the player has access to a greater variety of weapons and Powerups, from the items dropped from these bosses. At this point the player is preparing to repair the Shipwreck and looking to defeat the Guardians for Gems, whilst also encountering new enemies.
Class | Weapon | Armor Set | Powerups | Ammunition |
Melee |
Chiefs Spear ★ Wyvern Dagger Ω Night Blade Ω |
Obamium Armor ★ |
Orange Juice
Juice Horseshoe Crimson Dagger Wings of Glory Knuts Hammer |
Ranged |
Ancient Bow ★ |
Wolfskin Armor ★
Obamium Armor ★ |
Robin Hood Hat
Horseshoe Sniper Scope |
Adamantite Arrow ★ Fire Arrow Ω |
This stage highlights the player’s setup after they’ve fully prepared the Shipwreck and are preparing to fight Bob as a final boss.
Powerups are found in Chests. They provide the player with increased stats or special abilities like Double Jump. The powerful ones are found high tier chests while the less powerful ones are found in low tier chests or the unlocked ones. There are four types of chests: Old Chests Cost: Nothing. They are unlocked by defualt. They drop Low-Medium tier Powerups. Wooden Chests
Cost: 25 Gold They drop Low-Medium tier Powerups. Blue Chests
Cost: 100 Gold They drop Low-High Tier Powerups. Orange Chests
Cost: 250 Gold They only drop High Tier Powerups.
Low Tier
Sneakers Tier: Low Abilities: Increase Movement Speed Broccoli Tier: Low Abilities: Add Health Regeneration to Player (one of the best things you could get). Red Pill
Tier: Low Abilities: Increase Max Health by 10 points Blue Pill
Tier: Low Abilities: Add 10 points of Shield value to Player’s Health Jetpack
Tier: Low Abilities: Increases Jump Height Peanut Butter
Tier: Low Abilities: Improves Stamina Dumbell
Tier: Low Abilities: Increase Player Strength which increases Melee Damage. Orange Juice
Tier: Low Abilities: Increase Attack Speed
Medium Tier
Dani’s Milk Tier: Medium Abilities: Drink up Boners! This carton of milk will make your bones strong and increase your defense! Bulldozer
Tier: Medium Abilities: Adds a small chance to Knock Back enemies (further than usual) Jannik’s Frog
Tier: Medium Abilities: Add’s the Ability to Double Jump Piggy Bank
Tier: Medium Abilities: Increase Amount of Gold Enemies Drop Dracula
Tier: Medium Abilities: Increases Player Max HP by 1 on each kill (Cows count too). Horseshoe
Tier: Medium Abilities: Increase chance of Critical Strike
High Tier
Wings of Glory Tier: High Abilities: Deal Bonus damage while falling. For those of you who love ground slamming. Adrenaline
Tier: High Abilities: Increase Player’s Stats if his HP falls below 30%. One of the stats it increases is the Player’s movement speed which is great for running away. Knut’s Hammer
Tier: High Abilities: Adds a small chance on Attack (landing) to fire a burst of Lightning forward, dealing an areal damage to the front. Works on Resources too. Checkerd Shirt
Tier: High Abilities: Increases damage dealt to resources (trees & rocks). Sniper Scope
Tier: High Abilities: Add a small chance to deal super high Critical Damage. One-shotting most enemies. How high can the damage go? Highest number recorded by me has been 2061 damage. Awesome for bosses. How high can it get by stacking? Well mineman1 managed to stack 6 of them together and do 46,000 damage!
Трейнер (+8) от 12.07.2021 [WeMod]
Категории файлов для Muck
— Все файлы (2)
— Читы (2) — Трейнеры (2)
Добавить новый файл
Дата создания/обновления трейнера: 12.07.2021Язык трейнера: АнглийскийКоличество функций: 8
Во время игрового процесса нажимаем на нужные клавиши (которые можно редактировать) и получаем желаемый результат.
Внимание:Для использования трейнера необходима установка системы WeMod (требуется онлайн подключение).Скачивание трейнера осуществляется только через WeMod, используя прикреплённый к посту лаунчер.Возможна ложная тревога антивирусов на лаунчер, перед игрой не забудьте отключить AV во избежание конфликтных ситуаций с ним. На пиратке требует покупку PRO версии
На пиратке требует покупку PRO версии.
Инструкция по установке трейнера
Как правильно распаковать файл?В 95% случаев файлы для игр представлены в формате .RAR или .ZIP. Первые можно скачать и распаковать с помощью триал-версии программы WinRAR. Для этого откройте архив с помощью этой программы с нажмите на кнопку “Извлечь” (“Extract to” в английской версии) и выберите любую папку на жестком диске, но не выбирайте папку с игрой, так как в архиве могут быть вложенные папки, и тогда файл не заработает.Если файл запакован в ZIP-архив, то достаточно будет открыть его через стандартный “Проводник” Windows. Иногда могут встречаться архивы с расширением .7Z, чтобы распаковать их, потребуется загрузить архиватор 7-Zip. Он бесплатный и довольно удобный, и к тому же может работать с .RAR и кучей других, менее популярных типов архивов.Как правильно установить трейнер?Когда вы распаковали архив, найдите его через «Проводник» и просмотрите содержимое папки. Обычно трейнер представляет собой один-единственный файл с расширением .EXE, но иногда может включать в себя и другие, а также инструкцию (обычно называется ReadMe.txt).Способ установки у всех трейнеров схож и заключается в том, чтобы поместить все файлы в дистрибутив игры, в ту же папку, где находится исполняемый файл, который и отвечает за запуск игры. Иногда найти его не так уж и просто, но если у вас на рабочем столе есть иконка, с помощью которой можно запустить игру, то вы можете воспользоваться следующим способом:1. Нажать правой кнопкой мыши на иконку;2. В открывшемся контекстном меню выбрать опцию «Свойства»;3. В открывшемся окне перейти на вкладку «Ярлык» и нажать на кнопку «Расположение файла».После этого в «Проводнике» откроется папка, в которой и находится EXE-файл игры. Трейнер нужно скопировать в ту же папку, если в инструкции, приложенной к трейнеру, не сказано иначе.После этого останется только запустить трейнер и ознакомиться с сочетаниями клавиш для активации его возможностей, а затем, не закрывая трейнер, запустить игру.
Muck не запускается. Ошибка при запуске. Решение
Muck установилась, но попросту отказывается работать. Как быть?
Выдает ли Muck какую-нибудь ошибку после вылета? Если да, то какой у нее текст? Возможно, она не поддерживает вашу видеокарту или какое-то другое оборудование? Или ей не хватает оперативной памяти?
Помните, что разработчики сами заинтересованы в том, чтобы встроить в игры систему описания ошибки при сбое. Им это нужно, чтобы понять, почему их проект не запускается при тестировании.
Обязательно запишите текст ошибки. Если вы не владеете иностранным языком, то обратитесь на официальный форум разработчиков Muck. Также будет полезно заглянуть в крупные игровые сообщества и, конечно, в наш FAQ.
Если Muck не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.
The first seed I tried is poopoo. You’ll find a smith’s hut north-east of your direct spawn. Just look to your right basically. Tool-wise: Starts with Steel pickaxe and sword, and a Mythril axe Resource-wise: You’ll find coins, gold bars, iron bars, coal and wood in the 2 chests with an anvil right next to the hut. Map-wise: Nearby the hut there is plenty of trees (Normal, Birch, Fir and Dark Oak wood is nearby, Oak wood is found right-side of the entrance of the hut in the distance) and plenty of stone nodes. There are 4 mythril and 2 adamantite nodes to the left-side of the entrance of the hut and 1 adamantite node to the right-side and behind the hut. There are plenty of chests nearby with 2 gold chests directly in front of the hut. There are 3 battle pillars behind the hut and more around the area. If you keep moving straight forward from the hut entrance you’ll find 2 carts which give nothing useful, some even being empty, but follow them as a trail and you’ll find plenty more adamantite nodes and even more nearby resources of gold, iron and mythril nodes. Map is red in colour and has the nearby lakes being a good landmark to find the hut through the carts or just the general location. There is a big empty space also near the hut so you can build a house or something if you want. That is the basics of the seed,poopoo , the rest of the map is up to you if you want to continue playing on the seed.
Perhaps one of the most vital elements of the game is to first get to grips with the controls, becoming familiar with these is a great way to prepare yourself for movement during later Bossfights.
Default controls | |
Control | Default keybind |
Move Forwards | |
Move Backwards | |
Move Left | |
Move Right | |
Jump | |
Sprint | |
Interact | |
Inventory | |
Map | |
Attack / Consume | |
Place |
Game basics
This section covers some very basic tips to start off a player’s adventure.
- As soon as you spawn into a world, you will want to start progressing immediately. Start this by picking upa Rock, this can be used to mine plain Trees in order to harvest Wood.
- Enter the inventoryand craft and place downa Workbench. This crafting station provides crafting capabilities for most early-game items. With your acquired wood, open the Workbenchand craft some basic materials, such as a Wood Pickaxe, Wood Axe and Bowls for later use.
- Scavenge around to try find Foodstuffs on the ground, try to gather a good number of these, as running out of hunger can disable sprinting and jumping. Hold downto consume these.
- Look around to try find Huts, Caves and Wooden Carts. These can be extremely useful to provide the player with early equipment, such as Coins, Weapons and Foodstuffs.
As soon as the player has early-game items. The player will need to start gathering better materials to become stronger. Upgrading is an essential part to overcome future Bossfights.
- With enough Coins, start opening Loot Containers for Powerups. These are extremely beneficial to the player, providing bonus life, health regeneration, strength and abilities.
- Locate Birch Trees to harvest Birch Wood with a Wood Axe. This new wood provides many Powerups.
- Locate Caves or areas with great Ore Outcrop density, with a Wood Pickaxe, start by mining out Rock, Iron Ore and Coal from their corresponding outcrops. Use these materials to craft a Furnace at a Workbench, and start refining the Iron Ore into Iron Bars. You will need to do this for all Ores you come across.
- With the acquired Iron Bars and Birch Wood, craft an Anvil at a Workbench, you will want to try to craft a Steel Pickaxe, Steel Axe and optionally a Steel Sword and Steel Armor.
- Use these new items to harvest new Ores and Wood types, repeating the process to craft better equipment.
- Start interacting with Shrines. These will summon Buff Enemies, however, in return, grant the player with Powerups, Item drops and Coins.
- Try to craft more complex foods through a Cauldron, an easy way to do this is by cooking Raw Meat, dropped by Cows. These Foodstuff are more sustainable and will keep the player’s energy for longer.
- With any spare Coins, the player may wish to locate a Trader Camp in order to trade with Woodmen, this is an easy way of attaining gear which otherwise may be difficult to get. Sell cheap items like Wood to the aforementioned Woodmen to achieve this easily.
Although the player won’t meet every enemy straight away, they will encounter more monsters as they progress and the nights quickly wear on. These creatures will also become more dangerous overtime as they gain more health and deal more damage. It’s good to know their general gimmicks so that you are prepared for the next threat.
List of Enemies | |||
Enemy | Starts Spawning Naturally On | Description | Weakness |
Dave | Day 0 | Typically the first enemy the player encounters. Very weak. Can be found roaming at any time of day. | None |
Goblin | Stronger than Dave. Has a ranged and melee attack. Can sometimes be annoying or even fatal, if one is not prepared, in groups. | ||
Wolf | Day 1 | Extremely fast. Can easily overpower players that aren’t prepared, especially with other enemies distracting them. | Fire |
Small Chunk | Slow and tanky. Can distract players from other threats. Has a melee and ranged attack. Use a Pickaxe, as they are weak to blunt weapons. | Blunt | |
Fire Dave | Day 4 | Stronger variant of Dave. Shoots powerful Fireball projectiles. Take care when disposing of this elemental beast. | Water |
Lightning Dave | Day 5 | Stronger variant of Dave. Shoots powerful Lightningball projectiles. Take care when disposing of this elemental beast. | Fire |
Water Dave | Day 6 | Stronger variant of Dave. Shoots powerful Waterball projectiles. Take care when disposing of this elemental beast. | Lightning |
Wyvern | Night 7 | A flying fiend that shoots deadly Windballs at anyone who dares approach. Use a ranged weapon or gather Janniks Frog or Jetpack Powerups to combat this threat. For whatever reason, Wyverns cannot damage workbenches. Use this to your advantage! | Lightning |
- Natural resources such as Shrooms, Wheat, and Cows respawn in the same areas after you pick them up. This means you can have a sustainable food source if you stay near them.
- Remember, Big Chunk can destroy a forest at will.
- There are multiple strategies for combat:
- First, running in circles and attacking enemies from behind. This is typically preferred by lightly-armored players wielding swords or daggers.
- Second, melee-oriented players can also adapt the «death from above» type of gameplay, which consists of overhead strikes upon a group of enemies.
- Third, ranged gameplay via bow and arrow vastly favors the majority of boss encounters, as kiting and juking are more effective than face-tanking.
- Enemies are programmed to attack manmade structures such as Walls or Stations. You can use this to your advantage by putting up a distraction to run or heal.
- The swinging range of weapons and tools allows you to hit multiple enemies, trees, rocks etc. This allows you to destroy multiple trees that are close together and damage multiple enemies, although the damage decreases with each additional target affected by the strike.
- Big Chunk drops Chunkium Ore which can be used to make armor or make a Chunkium Hammer. Big Chunk’s Hitbox is split into multiple parts due to its size, so jumping into it while hitting can hit multiple parts at once, increasing overall damage dealt to it.
- Use the seed 917845201 for a hut with a golden pickaxe and easily accessible ores.
- Use the seed 312837182 for a hut with an iron pickaxe and a mithril axe.
- Use the seed 221294511 for a cave with a Night Blade.
- Don’t be a coward; enemies will spawn even if the enemies from before are still alive, so the more enemies you can kill, the better.
Power Ups
There are 3 rarities:
- Broccoli — Regenerates your health, 1 HP every 5s/Stack Count.
- Sneakers — Boosts your movement speed.
Robin Hood Hat — Increases bow draw speed, arrow damage and arrow speed
Jetpack — Increases jump boost
Red Pill — Increases health
Spooo Bean — Hunger drains slower
Blue Pill — Increases shield capacity
Dumbbell — Increases strength
Peanut Butter — Increases Stamina
Orange Juice — Increases Attack Speed
Juice- get juiced up after landing a critical attack (extra damage speed and attack speed)
Dani’s Milk — Increases Defense
Bulldozer — Increases the chance to knock back enemies
Jannik’s Frog — Adds an additional jump per frog (so if you have 3 frogs you can jump 4 times in succession)
Piggybank — Increases amount of coins dropped from enemies
Dracula — Increases max HP by 1 for every kill
- Horseshoe — Increases chance of Critical Strike
- Crimson Dagger — Dealing damage heals your health
Wings Of Glory — Increases damage while falling
Adrenaline — Increases all stats if your health falls under 30%
Knut’s Hammer — Small Chance to fire an AoE burst of lightning
Checkered Shirt — Increases damage done to all resources
- Sniper Scope — Adds a small chance to deal CHUNKY damage
- Enforcer — Deal more damage while sprinting
- Berserk — Deal more damage the lower your health is
- Jun 5 2021 — Muck released
- Jun 5 2021 (few hours after release) — Multiplayer made more accessible, several bug fixes, and difficulty adjustment
- Jun 14 2021 — The game has become more difficult and atmospheric, there are new items, resources and enemies
Update 1
Big changes
- Changed item cap from 64 to 69
- New respawn system; on death you spawn a grave. Can only be used during day
- Respawn Totem allow you to revive teammates without being close to the grave, but comes at a price
- «Buff» enemies can now spawn randomly. They are more dangerous than their normal counterparts and will drop better loot
- Versus mode / Battle royale is now more fast paced, and you gather resources at 2x the previous speed
Minor changes
- Chest prices increase with time, hopefully to balance things out a bit more as the player gets better loot
- Profanity filter added
- Added free camera when spectating
- Displays when stations are in use
Update 2
- Jun 14 2021
New Enemies:
- Gronk (Boss)
- Wolf
New Powerups:
- Enforcer (Legendary)
- Juice (Rare)
- Robin Hood Hat (Common)
- Spooo Bean (Common)
New Items:
- Gronks Sword (Rare)
- Ancient Core (Rare)
- Blade (Rare)
- Sword Hilt (Rare)
- Ancient Bow (Rare)
- Ancient Bone (Rare)
- Dark Oak Wood (Uncommon)
- Elemental Arrows (Rare)
- Flax Fibers (Common)
- Wolf Armor Set (Uncommon)
- Wolfskin (Common)
- Wolf Claw (Rare)
- Mushroom soups (4 different types of soup for each mushroom)
New Resources:
- Dark Oak Trees
- Coal Deposits
- Boss Totems
- Graves (Revive system changes)
Other Game Changes:
- Mobs have weaknesses (Pickaxe is strong against golems, big chunk, etc)
- Free roaming enemies
- Stations no longer float (no more sky-bases)
- Some armor sets now give full set bonuses
- Muck is harder since the game was too easy, especially mid/late game
- Nerfed Dracula Powerup & balanced some other powerups
- One shot protection on Easy and Normal
- Random atmospheres for each world
- FOV Slider
- Improved some visuals / animations
- Fullscreen mode settings. Allows you to use Exclusive Fullscreen, which should hopefully fix some issues with recording the game
- In singleplayer mode, you can now pause the game
- Inverted Mouse Options
- Mobs shouldn’t teleport anymore, but synchronize smoothly to their correct positions
- Might have fixed an issue where not all players would load in. But frankly, who knows if it actually works.
- Might have fixed an issue where you get soft-locked and can’t take damage or pick up anything
- Might have fixed an issue where dropping an item while standing on several other items would send items into the void forever
Update 3
Jun 27 2021
- There is now an ending to Muck, allowing you to complete the game. This is optional, and you can just ignore it if you wish to muck around forever,
- New unknown structure now spawns randomly somewhere on the island…
New Enemies
- Bob (Boss)
- Guardian (Boss)
- You can now swim (and drown)
- Changed terrain generation slightly
- Adjusted some difficulty curves (slightly harder)
- Mobs hopefully shouldn’t phase through objects too much anymore
New Items
- Maps (Common)
- Guardian Gems (Rare)
- Night Blade (Rare)
- Black Shard (Rare)
- Ruby (Uncommon)
- Obamium Ore / Bar (Uncommon)
New Resources
- Obamium Ore
- Ruby Ore
- Caves
- Can see other players on map
- Fixed a bug where music wouldn’t play
- Resources now always spawn a minimum amount, so you are guaranteed to find everything
Can now invert mouse x and y axis separately
Как создать лук в Muck
Перед тем, как углубиться в систему крафта и произвести долгожданное оружие, необходимо собрать 10 единиц дерева и установить верстак. Для этого подбираем ближайший камушек (Rock) и добываем нужное количество с самых обычных деревьев. Открываем инвентарь и используем накопленные ресурсы для размещения верстака (Workbench).
Теперь необходимо установить специальный стол для луков и стрел (Fletching Table). На его постройку необходимо накопить 25 единиц берёзовой древесины (Birch Wood) и 10 единиц кремня (Flint). Создаём деревянный топор (Wood Axe), для которого потребуется собрать 5 единиц коры и 5 единиц дерева, и отправляемся к берёзе. Для получения достаточного количества коры необходимо скрафтить предмет в инвентаре при помощи 5 единиц дерева.
Используем топор и разрубаем деревья, чтобы получить все необходимые ресурсы. Также крафтим деревянную кирку (Wood Pickaxe) и добываем при помощи неё кремень из ближайших каменных залежей. Устанавливаем стол для луков и стрел недалеко от верстака. На этом этапе рецепт лука будет всё ещё недоступен. Отправляемся на изучение окрестностней и собираем 10 единиц пшеницы (Wheat). Снова создаём 10 единиц коры и крафтим в инвентаре верёвку (Rope).
После выполнения этого действия на верстаке для луков и стрел появится соответствующие рецепты. Накапливаем 10 единиц дерева и созданную ранее верёвку для крафта первого дальнобойного лука. Учтите, что для оружия потребуются стрелы, поэтому сразу же необходимо создать кремнёвые стрелы (Flint Arrow). Для единоразового крафта четырёх таких стрел потребуется 4 единицы дерева и 1 единица кремня.
Перенесите полученные стрелы в инвентаре в соответствующую вкладку вооружения, иначе использовать лук точно не получится. Для успешной атаки нацеливаемся на врага и зажимаем левую кнопку мыши для усиления мощности стрелы. Отпускаем клавишу и наблюдаем за эффектным полётом стрелы.
Rocks & Ores
Rocks are used to craft a few things, and Ores are melted to create metallic items (such as Steel tools and Armor). Rock Rocks are medium sized and grey. Used in crafting Stations and some items. Where: They can be found on the ground (if you need one or two). But for more they can be extracted from the biggrey rocks laying around the map. Required Tools: Wooden Pickaxe or above. Flint
Flints are small stones, resembling the shape of an egg with a sharp point. Mostly used in crafting arrows. Where: They can be found on the ground (if you need one or two). But for more they can be extracted from the same big grey rocks around the map you extract the normal Rocks from. Required Tools: Wooden Pickaxe or above. Coal
Coal is used as fuel in Furnace and Cauldron. One Coal burns twice as long as regular wood. They are small black stones in appearance. Where: They can be found on the ground (if you need one or two). They can also drop randomly from other Ores and Rocks. Required Tools: Wooden Pickaxe or above. Iron Ore
Iron ore is melted and used to craft iron/steel items. Where: They are extracted from big dark rocks/ores laying around. Required Tools: Wooden Pickaxe or above. Gold Ore
Goldore is melted and used to craft Gold items. Where: They are extracted from medium, shiny golden rocks/ores laying around. Required Tools: Steel Pickaxe or above Mithril Ore
Mithril ore is melted and used to craft mithril items. Where: They are extracted from big, shiny dark blue rocks/ores laying around. Required Tools: Steel Pickaxe or above Adamite Ore
Adamite Ore is melted and used to craft Adamite items. Where: They are extracted from big, shiny green rocks/ores laying around. Required Tools: Mithril Pickaxe or above Chunkium Ore Chunkium Ore is a rare Ore, dropped only by Big Chunk boss when killed. It can be melted and used to craft as an alternate Adamite (they’re equal in stats). Where: They are extracted from big, shiny green rocks/ores laying around. Required Tools: Mithril Pickaxe or above
Что сделать в первую очередь
- Скачайте и запустите всемирно известный CCleaner (скачать по прямой ссылке) — это программа, которая очистит ваш компьютер от ненужного мусора, в результате чего система станет работать быстрее после первой же перезагрузки;
- Обновите все драйверы в системе с помощью программы Driver Updater (скачать по прямой ссылке) — она просканирует ваш компьютер и обновит все драйверы до актуальной версии за 5 минут;
- Установите Advanced System Optimizer (скачать по прямой ссылке) и включите в ней игровой режим, который завершит бесполезные фоновые процессы во время запуска игр и повысит производительность в игре.
Включить режим производительности Nvidia
После установки драйвера для видеокарты от компании Nvidia можно ускорить работу Muck с помощью режима производительности. Это немного упростит графику в игре, но повысит FPS
Обратите внимание, что этот метод доступен только в случае, если у вас видеокарта с чипом от Nvidia. Вот как это сделать:
- В нижнем правом углу экрана, в трее, нажать правой кнопкой мыши на иконку «Настройки NVIDIA»;
- В открывшемся окне справа выбрать вкладку «Параметры 3D»;
- Нажать на опцию «Регулировка настроек изображения с просмотром»;
- Справа поставить флажок напротив «Пользовательские настройки с упором на:»;
- Передвинуть «ползунок», который находится ниже, в крайнюю левую позицию «Производительность»;
- Снизу нажать на кнопку «Применить».
Далее необходимо запустить Muck и убедиться, что все отображается корректно. Если возникают проблемы, то нужно вместо «Пользовательские настройки с упором на:» выбрать «Настройки согласно 3D-приложению».
The second seed I tried is sh*itsaladsandwich where you switch the asterisk(*) with (i). I’m not gonna say much about this seed as it’s been pretty famous and explained by other guides already. Personally speaking I do not recommend this seed as resource-wise it’s not really rich compared to the likes of poopoo or the upcoming seed. Even in co-op or when your playing multiplayer with others the nearby resources will not be able to fit all of your needs and need to travel to acquire them. The start is ok though but you’ll need to grind through travelling further around the map to progress through the game. Not elaborating as this seed is just overrated in my opinion when it is called a very good seed. If you have a different opinion about it I’m sorry! If you enjoy it you don’t have to listen to me.
Enemies | |
Karlson (3D) | RobotBig RobotMilk BotRocketRocket LaunchersCardboard CutoutEvil Guy |
Karlson (2D) | Evil Guy |
Milkman Karlson | RobotBig RobotExplosive Billy |
Ogga Bogga | CavemanTurrets |
Re: Run | Red EnemyBlue Enemy |
Muck | Stone GolemBig ChunkDaveGoblinGronkWyvernWolfGuardianBobWoodsmanChief |
Removed | Yellow GuyTurrets (Karlson (3D) only) |
Enemies with no individual pages | Off The SticksBalls?Fair ‘n SquareA Triangle GameTrashy Pistol Whip |
- Cow: Non-aggressive source of meat.
Dave: The simplest enemy. Simply runs around and attacks.
- Fire Dave: Dave with fire powers.
- Water Dave: Dave with water powers.
- Shock Dave: Dave with electric powers.
- Wolf: Wolves like to gang up and kill you instead of simply running and attacking aimlessly.
- Goblin: Wielding the Ancient bone, Goblins try to throw them at you.
- Woodman: A trader that will attack you if you attack them.
- Wyvern: A flying enemy that shoots Windballs at you.
- Gronk: Gronk wields the legendary Gronks Sword.
- Chief: Chief is the chief of the village where Woodsmen reside. It wields the legendary Chief’s Spear.
- Big Chunk: He uses his giant rock hands to crush you. Also has rock powers.
- Guardian: The only source of the Guardian Gem.
- Bob: The Ender Dragon but cooler.