
Extended Functionality and “Mods”

If you comply with and follow the Essential Requirements (in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines) and Naming Guidelines above, YOU MAY distribute or make available plug-ins and other bits and pieces of extended functionality etc. that you create (together, «Mods») for free and without any charge, but not if the purpose of your Mod is to advertise or promote other products or services (see the section below on Building Promotions with Minecraft). By «Mods,» we mean something original that you created that doesn’t contain a substantial part of our copyrightable code or content. We have the final say on what constitutes a Mod and what doesn’t. When you combine your Mod with the Minecraft software, we will call that combination a «Modded Version» of the Game. You MAY NOT distribute any Modded Versions of our Game or software, though you may distribute Mods. You may make money from Mods as described below in the section, «Servers and Hosting.»


The terms of this EULA do not affect any legal (statutory) rights that you may have under the law that applies to you for the Game. You might have certain rights which the law that applies to you says cannot be excluded. Nothing we say in these terms will affect those legal rights, even if we say something which sounds like it contradicts your legal rights. That’s what we mean when we say «subject to applicable law».


The laws of the country where you have your habitual residence govern this EULA and all disputes, including disputes relating to it, our Game, or our Website, regardless of conflict of laws principles.

Уход Нотча из Mojang

Началось эта история именно с этого, так как после ухода Маркус соответственно перестал принимать участие в дальнейшей разработке своего детища.

Напомним, что его уход из Mojang AB, студии, разработавшей Minecraft, был связан во многом с бешеной популярностью оного. Нотч заявлял, что всегда хотел быть именно разработчиком, а стоя во главе команды разработчиков проекта подобного масштаба, он себя таковым не чувствует.

Закончилось всё тем, что во второй половине 2014 Маркус продал Mojang вместе с Minecraft компании Microsoft за 2,5 миллиарда американских долларов. После чего Перссон покинул студию вместе с несколькими сооснователями.

Minecraft тогда уже была по сути готовой игрой, так что уход «отца-основателя» не оказался для неё большим ударом.

Твиты, ставшие камнем преткновения

Но даже после ухода Нотча, игра не забыла своего создателя. Она сохранила на него несколько отсылок. Например, фразы: «Made by Notch!» (Сделано Нотчем!), «The Work of Notch!» (Работа Нотча!) и «110813» (дата свадьбы Нотча).

Возле логотипа игры надпись: «Сделано Нотчем!»Возле логотипа игры надпись: «Сделано Нотчем!»

И всё бы оставалось как есть, если бы у Маркуса не было привычки часто излагать свои мысли в твиттере.

Если вы против концепции #ДняГордостиГетеросексуалов, то вы полнейший придурок и заслуживаете быть пристреленнымЕсли вы против концепции #ДняГордостиГетеросексуалов, то вы полнейший придурок и заслуживаете быть пристреленным

Нормально быть белым

Эти высказывания послужили поводом для обвинения Нотча в расизме и гомофобии.

Тем не менее, не нормально радоваться наличию привелегий. А это именно то, что вы делаете

Но интернет помнит всё, и никогда не знаешь, кто именно и когда припомнит тебе твои грешки.


The one major rule is that you must not distribute anything we’ve made unless we specifically agree to it. By «distribute anything we’ve made» what we mean is:

  • give copies of our Game to anyone else;
  • make commercial use of anything we’ve made;
  • try to make money from anything we’ve made; or
  • let other people get access to anything we’ve made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable;

unless we specifically agree to it. And so that we are crystal clear, «the Game» or «what we have made» includes, but is not limited to, the client or the server software for our Game and includes Minecraft and Minecraft: Java Edition on all platforms. It also includes updates, patches, downloadable content, add-ons, or modified versions of a Game, part of those things, or anything else we’ve made.

Otherwise we are quite relaxed about what you do — in fact we really encourage you to do cool stuff — but just don’t do those things that we say you can’t.


You have been granted a license to the Game so you can play and use it, yourself, on your devices.

Below we also give you limited rights to do other things but we have to draw a line somewhere or else people will go too far. If you wish to make something pertaining to anything we’ve made we’re humbled, but please make sure that it can’t be interpreted as being official and that it complies with this EULA and the brand and asset usage guidelines and above all do not make commercial use of anything we’ve made.

The license and permission we give you to use and play our Game can be revoked if you break any of the terms of this EULA.

When you buy our Game, you receive a license that gives you permission to install the Game on your own personal device and use and play it on that device as set out in this EULA. This permission is personal to you, so you are not allowed to distribute the Game (or any part of it) to anyone else. This also means you cannot sell or rent the Game, or make it available for access to other people and you cannot pass on or resell any license keys. You may however give gift codes that have been bought through our official gift code system. This is important to help us stop piracy and fraud and to protect our Game. It is also important to prevent members of our community from buying pirated versions of our Game or fraudulent license keys — which we may cancel, such as in the case of fraud.

If you’ve bought the Game, you may play around with it and modify it by adding modifications, tools, or plugins, which we will refer to collectively as «Mods.» By «Mods,» we mean something original that you or someone else created that doesn’t contain a substantial part of our copyrightable code or content. When you combine your Mod with the Minecraft software, we will call that combination a «Modded Version» of the Game. We have the final say on what constitutes a Mod and what doesn’t. You may not distribute any Modded Versions of our Game or software, and we’d appreciate it if you didn’t use Mods for griefing. Basically, Mods are okay to distribute; hacked versions or Modded Versions of the Game client or server software are not okay to distribute.

Within reason you’re free to do whatever you want with screenshots and videos of the Game. By «within reason» we mean that you can‘t make any commercial use of them or do things that are unfair or adversely affect our rights unless we’ve specifically said it’s okay in this EULA, allowed it through the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines, or provided for it in a specific agreement with you. If you upload videos of the game to video sharing and streaming sites you are however allowed to put ads on them. Also, don’t just rip art resources and pass them around, that’s no fun.

Essentially the simple rule is do not make commercial use of anything we’ve made unless we’ve specifically said it’s okay. Oh and if the law expressly allows it, such as under a «fair use» or fair dealing» doctrine then that’s ok too — but only to the extent that the law applicable to you says so.

In order to ensure the integrity of the Game, we need all Game downloads and updates to come from an authorized source. It’s also important for us that 3rd party tools/services don’t seem «official» as we can’t guarantee their quality. It’s part of the responsibility we have to the customers of Minecraft. Make sure that you read through our brand and asset usage guidelines too.

Остальные игры[]


Логотип Scrolls

Основная статья: Scrolls

Scrolls — ещё одна игра Mojang Studios, которая была задумана и разработана JahKob’ом. Она была анонсирована 2 марта 2011, игра стремится объединить элементы из традиционных карточных игр и традиционных настольных игр в жанр стратегии. Неизвестно, кто ещё из Mojang Studios работает над Scrolls, однако Нотч заявил, что он по-прежнему всё своё время посвящает Minecraft. В августе 2011, юристы ZeniMax Media пригрозили Mojang судебным иском, обвиняя их в том, что название «Scrolls» нарушает товарный знак The Elder Scrolls — серии RPG-игр опубликованных Bethesda Softworks (дочерняя компания ZeniMax Media). В середине октября 2011 года, судебное дело выиграла Mojang. Один сотрудник сказал, что «Суд посмотрел на это дело с нашей стороны — имя «Scrolls» остаётся». 3 июня 2013 года стартует ОБТ. Летом 2015 года Mojang объявила о закрытии Scrolls.


Логотип Cobalt

Основная статья: Cobalt

Cobalt — это экшн про «бег, прыжки, вращения, стрельбу, метание, танцы, взлом, полёты, скольжение, скалолазание, собирание предметов, уклонения, гонки, зарабатывание очков… и ещё там много-много вращений и поворотов!»
Cobalt написан на языке , есть версии для Windows, Mac и Linux.

Hand Crafted Products

If you comply with and follow the Essential Requirements (in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines) and Naming Guidelines, YOU MAY:

  • make and sell certain individual (i.e. not mass produced) handcrafted products that are inspired by Minecraft so long as you conform with all of the following:
    • any product or design is otherwise entirely original and unique (a “Unique Design”);
    • no part of the Brand and / or Assets forms a dominant element or substantial part of the product or its design;
    • you make no use of any software, sound, or audio from Minecraft;
    • you mark clearly and prominently on each such product and all related materials and product listings/descriptions that it is “NOT OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.”;
    • you are explicit about who to contact about the product and / or purchase, who the seller and manufacturer are, and that the seller and manufacturer are NOT Mojang, NOT associated with Mojang, and NOT supported by Mojang;
    • Mojang has no liability for the products or purchase;
    • you don’t make and sell more than 20 product items using the same (or a substantially similar) Unique Design. This means you can make 20 T-shirts using Design A and 20 T-shirts using Design B, but you cannot make 21 T-shirts using Design A; nor can you make 20 T-shirts using Design A plus 3 mugs using Design A;
    • you sell those products only through a website or service / channel that independently records the quantities of the product sold and enables us to independently verify that information;
    • you comply with all other laws and requirements; and
    • make no more than $5000 for any calendar year from selling products under these Guidelines.

To help you understand this and just so we are clear, a Unique Design is something that adds enough personal creativity to make the work distinctive and original. You can’t just feature the graphics (textures) of Steve’s face on a product and call it “Inspired by Minecraft”. You also can’t just change a few pixels or colors.

Additionally, we have set these product number limitations because we do not mean to permit people to commercialize our Name, Brand, or Assets, or run businesses selling products featuring our Name, Brands, or Assets.

Indeed, the goal is to allow hobbyists to share their work and the fruits of their creative labors and make some money using their own creativity. It is not a way for businesses to start using our Brands and / or Assets — if that happens, we’ll do something about it.

История маджонга

История игры покрыта тайной. Есть несколько версий происхождения, которые, скорее, напоминают легенды.

  • По одной из них, игра была придумана Конфуцием. Ее сторонники приводят в один из аргументов то, что “Маджонг” в переводе с китайского означает “Воробей”. А Конфуций был любителем птиц. Кроме того, именование фишек драконов совпадают с тремя добродетелями, обозначенными китайским мыслителем.

  • Вторая версия обозначает создателем китайского рыбака. По легенде, игра была создана им как средство отвлечения от морской болезни.

  • По третьей, Маджонг был придуман китайским военачальником.

  • Большинство историков сходятся в том, что все это – легенды и датируют происхождение игры не ранее чем 19 веком. Как бы то ни было, игра была придумана именно в Китае – в этом точно нет никаких сомнений.

Naming Guidelines

If you comply with and follow the Essential Requirements (in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines) YOU MAY use our Names (as defined in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines) in connection with a product or service title or listing (including on web sites or YouTube) if:

  • the Name is in a secondary name or title (or secondary part of it);
  • you do so because it is necessary to honestly and fairly describe those things or the purpose of them;
  • you ensure that the Name (which includes any confusingly similar name) is not the dominant element or the distinctive part of your complete name or title;
  • you don’t use any other aspect of the Brands or Assets (as defined in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines) as part of any related branding, including as or as part of any logo.

Examples of naming: «The Shaft — a Minecraft podcast» (we’re cool with that). «Minecraft — the ultimate help app» (we’re NOT cool with that).

To help you understand part of this and just so we are clear, regardless of anything else, YOU MAY NOT use the Name in or as the main or dominant name or title of any commercial product or service.

These are the “Naming Guidelines” and they apply to everything you might do under these Guidelines.

Пасьянс Маджонг

Стоит подробнее рассказать об этом варианте, так как только он представлен на нашем сайте. Чаще всего, это именно онлайн-версии, так как в режиме с реальными фишками (настольная игра) участвуют несколько игроков. Классически есть разделение на 2 типа пасьянс маджонга: Пирамида и Линк (Связь).

В пирамиде фишки выкладываются в несколько слоев. При этом большинство из них в начале партии заблокированы. Свободны для разбора только те фишки, выше которых нет другой, либо те, где есть хотя бы одна свободная сторона (правая или левая).

В Линке (Связь) все немного проще. Здесь есть только один слой и все фишки в начале свободны. Здесь есть 2 возможных условия для удаления пары: это должны быть либо соседние фишки, либо между фишками должна быть возможность проведения линии не более чем из 3-х отрезков.

Также существуют другие различия, которые могут быть связаны с:

  • Ограничением / без ограничения времени

  • Подсказками / отсутствием подсказок

  • Также могут быть игры, созданные на Flash (технология недоступна с января 2021 г.) / HTML5


Although we license you permission to install on your device and play our Game, we are still the owners of it. We are also the owners of our brands and any content contained in the Game. Therefore, when you pay for our Game, you are buying a license to play / use our Game in accordance with this EULA — you are not buying the Game itself. The only permissions you have in connection with the Game and your installation of it are the permissions set out in this EULA.

Any Mods you create for the Game from scratch belong to you (including pre-run Mods and in-memory Mods) and you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you don’t sell them for money / try to make money from them and so long as you don’t distribute Modded Versions of the Game. Remember that a Mod means something that is your original work and that does not contain a substantial part of our code or content. You only own what you created; you do not own our code or content.

Constructed Promotions in Minecraft

Without prior written approval from Mojang, corporations, businesses, advertising agencies, non-profits, governments, and other entities MAY NOT use Minecraft gameplay to promote or market unrelated brands, products, campaigns, or services.

Specifically, if you are one of these entities or someone who is hired by them, you MAY NOT exploit Minecraft or Minecraft assets to:

  • build or commission others to build a Minecraft mod, map, or server that promotes or markets unrelated products or services in playable form; for example, you are NOT allowed to market or promote a branded automobile using a mod that depicts branded automobiles within Minecraft game play;
  • build or commission others to build a Minecraft mod, map, or server that promotes or markets a company’s movie or TV show; for example, you are NOT allowed to build maps and/or videos using Minecraft blocks that build out the world or characters of a movie to promote and market your company’s or your client’s movie or TV program;
  • offer Minecraft gameplay displayed or projected publicly within physical locations; for example, you are NOT allowed to promote or advertise big-screen Minecraft gameplay inside restaurants or other commercial venues; and you are NOT allowed to charge money for Minecraft gameplay, leagues, or competitions in theaters where gameplay is projected onto the movie screen;
  • create or commission others to create promotional or marketing videos or movie trailers through Minecraft gameplay; for example, you are NOT allowed to create or produce movie trailers through Minecraft gameplay for promoting or marketing a movie;
  • to promote your (or your client’s) corporate brands, products, or services.

However YOU MAY:

  • Pay to advertise your business in an advertisement window within a Minecraft video; for example, by displaying a banner ad or by selling your ads on YouTube where they may be shown in connection with Minecraft videos uploaded independently by players;
  • Pay for advertisements of your business to be served on websites or servers related to Minecraft, so long as you are not hiring the server operator to design or host a Minecraft mod/map/server that builds an in-world representation of your brand, products, or services.
  • Build products or movie environments that you are a fan of into a Minecraft mod/map/server so long as you have not been asked to do so by the entity who makes the product or by someone they have hired to promote their brand or products; likewise, you can express your support for a political candidate in a map/mod/server, but not if you have been hired to promote them.

Books and Other Publications

If you comply with and follow the Essential Requirements (in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines) and Naming Guidelines, YOU MAY write and publish works inspired by Minecraft (“Publications”) so long as:

  • you don’t use the Minecraft logo or the word “Minecraft” in letters that look like, or attempt to look like, the style of our logo anywhere on the front or back covers of your Publication;
  • you don’t just copy the Brand or Assets in the Publication, but instead you add your own unique and original content such as your own story – so no coloring books, posters, sticker books, or charts that just copy our Assets;
  • the main content and value of your work is original material that you create or contribute, and not the Brand or Assets;
  • you do not use official Minecraft artwork, such as images taken from official Minecraft product packaging, official Minecraft merchandise, or official Minecraft marketing, on the cover of your Publication. However, for example, you may use screenshots of your original Minecraft creations on the cover of your Publication, provided the overall cover of your Publication does not create the impression that it is an official Mojang publication or authorized by Mojang;
  • the word “Minecraft” is not the first word or dominant part of the title of your Publication or the name of your publisher or the name of a series of books – but it may be used as a secondary name or secondary title (or secondary part of it) where it is necessary to honestly and fairly describe the Publication or the purpose of it. For example, “Minecraft Players Guide” is not okay as a title, but “Guidebook for Minecraft Players” might be okay if the other rules are followed too;
  • you mark clearly and prominently on each Publication and all related materials and product listings/descriptions that it is «NOT OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.»;
  • you are explicit about who to contact about the Publication and/or any related purchase, who the seller and manufacturer/publisher are, and that the seller and manufacturer/publisher are NOT Mojang, NOT associated with Mojang, and NOT supported by Mojang;
  • you understand and agree that Mojang has no liability for the Publication or any related purchase;
  • you comply with all other laws, regulations, and legal requirements;
  • the title you use does not create the impression that it is official or authorized.

Videos and Screenshots

You are allowed to put footage of our game on YouTube or any other website. In fact, we like you doing so.

So long as you stay within the Essential Requirements:

You may create, use and distribute videos of you playing or using our game for any lawful reason provided that you don’t make any money from them.

However, you may make money using your videos of our game by, for instance, through ad revenue, as long as you also add your own unique content to the video, such as audio commentary. The amount you add must also be enough to make it fair and worthwhile for someone to pay for it or for you to make money from it. For example you couldn’t just include your logo, web address or indent but you could add an audio commentary or your own music if you are creating a music video.

You may also make money using videos and screen-shots if it is covered by so called «fair dealing» or «fair use» exceptions to copyright, such as where it is for criticism and review, reporting current affairs etc. In each case, you will still need to add appropriate additional content and credits where applicable.

…more will follow as and when we decide what to add — so feel free to make requests.

If something isn’t covered by these Guidelines and we haven’t otherwise said it’s okay, that probably means we don’t want you to do it. In any case if it isn’t covered please don’t do it without getting written permission from us. You can contact us at https://help.minecraft.net/hc/requests/new If something is specifically covered and permitted by these Guidelines, our Account Terms or EULAs applicable to any of our games then you don’t need to contact us.

Commercial Things

We are less relaxed about commercial things. You may not use any Names in or as the main name or title of commercial things.

You may use a Name in a secondary name or title if you:

  • do so because it is necessary to honestly and fairly describe those things or the purpose of them;
  • follow the Essential Requirements;
  • ensure that the secondary title (which includes a Name or any confusingly similar name) is not the dominant element or the distinctive part of the complete name or title; and
  • don’t use any other aspect of any of our Brands or Assets as part of any related branding, including as or as part of any logo.

To help you we’ve suggested the following examples:

  • Kotoba Miners: A Minecraft server for learning » (we’re cool with that).
  • «Minecraft — the ultimate server for learning» (we’re NOT cool with that)

You may not make any other commercial use of any of our Brands or Assets. For example, you may not sell any merchandise that uses any of our Brands or Assets and you definitely may not use our Names as keywords or search tags for products that have no relationship with them or that are infringing or counterfeit.

We love the idea of people doing cool things with our games and sharing those things with the community. That’s something we totally support and encourage. So please feel free to do so but please also make sure you don’t go too far. For additional information, consult the (which are outside the scope of and do not form a part this agreement).

In addition to the specifics set out above, where we do allow you to do something you will always need to add a notice as follows:


Domain Names and Web Sites

If you comply with and follow the Essential Requirements (in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines), YOU MAY:

  • set up and run your own web site to provide information regarding the Minecraft game and to run related forums, so long as you comply with these Guidelines;
  • also register and use an appropriate domain name that includes one of our Names or Brands for this purpose so long as:
    • we don’t consider the domain name you register to seem official, you don’t use the domain name in a way that seems official, and it doesn’t become something that seems official;
    • your website actually relates to the Minecraft game, the Brand, and/or Assets in a fair or reasonable and appropriate way;
    • your website relates exclusively to Minecraft and not other third-party games;
    • any third-party advertising does not harm our Brand;
    • you don’t do so for cybersquatting or principally to make money, including through affiliate services.

Videos and Streams

If you comply with and follow the Essential Requirements (in the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines) and Naming Guidelines, YOU MAY create, use, and distribute videos and streams of you playing or using Minecraft for any lawful reason, and YOU MAY make money from them by adding or permitting advertising in them, so long as:

  • all video downloads are free to view (i.e. there is no pay wall or other charge to view the videos);
  • all streams are made free to view within 24 hours;
  • you add your own unique content to the video or stream, such as audio commentary or footage of you making cool stuff;
  • you don’t create and use videos or streams whose purpose is to advertise or promote other products or services;
  • you don’t sell physical copies of videos or streams, i.e., DVDs, etc.;
  • you don’t broadcast or distribute videos or streams via television. To help you understand this, the amount of unique content you add must be enough to make it reasonable for you to make money through advertising (and we reserve our right to decide on that).

This means that you can upload your own unique content to sites such as YouTube and make money from advertising around the video but you cannot distribute those videos on iTunes and charge for the content. Nor can you charge for a subscription to a channel where those videos are available unless the Minecraft related videos are also readily available for free outside of that subscription channel. Basically, videos must be free to consumers at the point of consumption and any money you make should come from other sources like display ads and sponsors, subject to the section below on “Constructed Promotions in Minecraft.”


These Guidelines cover the use of our Brands and our Assets. For these purposes, when we refer to:

  • a «Name» what we mean is the name of any one of our games, taglines, features, events, or company identity, as well as any names which are confusingly similar to the names of any of our games, taglines, features, events, or company identity;
  • our «Brands» what we mean is any Names and/or the related logos and distinctive characteristics of any of our Names and games;
  • our «Assets» what we mean is the code, software, graphics, textures, images, models, sound and audio from any of our games and any videos or screenshots taken from or our games.

These Guidelines apply in addition to and not in place of our Account Terms or End User License Agreements (EULAs). Please remember that we have always said in our EULAs that we have one major rule: do not distribute anything we’ve made. This means don’t:

  • give copies of our games to anyone else;
  • make commercial use of anything we’ve made (including our Names, Brands, and Assets);
  • try to make money from anything we’ve made (including our Names, Brands, and Assets); or
  • let other people get access to anything we’ve made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable;

unless we specifically agree to it or allow it.

These Guidelines do not change that principle but are intended to help people understand what we expect and want.

Please also check back here from time to time because we may update these guidelines and provide further guidance.


The first thing to say is that there are Essential Requirements that apply to all use of our Names, Brands, and Assets. If you are using any part of any Name, any of our Brands and /or any of our Assets, then what you are doing MUST:

  • NOT make people think that you or what you are doing is official; approved or endorsed by us; or associated or connected with us;
  • NOT be unlawful, deceptive, obscene, harmful or disparaging;
  • NOT take action that would harm or damage any of our Brands or any of our Assets;
  • NOT include anything else around it that makes people think that you or what you are doing is official; approved or endorsed by us; or associated or connected with us;
  • comply with the relevant Account Terms/EULA; and
  • sufficiently differentiate the use of any Name you are using from any other branding.

These are the «Essential Requirements».

Немного запоздавшие санкции от Microsoft

Когда уже больше года прошло с того момента, как обсуждались наиболее резонансные твиты Маркуса, неожиданный ход предприняла нынешняя правообладательница Minecraft, компания Microsoft.

После установки очередного обновления в марте этого года, игроки заметили, что указанные выше упоминания о Нотче были удалены. Тогда можно было догадываться о наличии прямой связи между действиями Microsoft и высказываниями Нотча, но так как компания никак не высказалась об этой ситуации, догадки так и остались догадками. Сам Перссон прокомментировал ситуацию на своей странице в твиттере следующим образом:

Что за день!!

Однако эта история уже через месяц получила практически прямое продолжение. Стало известно, что на грядущее празднование десятилетней годовщины Minecraft не будет приглашён главный человек, ответственный за её реализацю, собственно Маркус Перссон.

И на сей раз официальный представитель Microsoft даже прокомментировал это решение в интервью американскому бизнес-журналу Variety:

— Представитель Microsoft

Также представитель отметил, что Перссон не имеет ровным счётом никакого отношения к Minecraft с самого момента продажи студии и прав на игру.

В очередной раз напрашивается вывод: Чем крупнее компания, тем сильнее она сторонится «нетолерантных» людей.

  • Стример играл в хардкорный Minecraft на одной карте в течение пяти лет, а потом умер от обычного паука
  • Фильм по Minecraft появится в 2022 году
  • Посмотрите, какой Minecraft была в 2009 и какой она стала сейчас — видео

Как осуществляется миграция аккаунта Mojang в Microsoft

После нажатия на кнопку миграции в лаунчере (я нажимал «Get started» на картинке выше), открылся сайт Minecraft, куда мне пришлось войти под аккаунтом Mojang, ответив на три секретных вопроса.

После этого открылись настройки профиля, где я сразу увидел Диннербона и сообщение «Пора двигать!».

Почему он перевёрнут?!

Подтверждение электронной почты заключается в отправке на почту кода. Я эту процедуру не проходил, но, как стало известно ещё до начала миграция, эта процедура всё-таки была реализована.

После этого — вход на сайт под своим аккаунтом Microsoft. Мой аккаунт был определён, и мне было достаточно кликнуть по нему.

Следующий этап — решающий, в котором происходит непосредственная связь аккаунта Mojang с аккаунтом Microsoft.

И… всё! Теперь для входа на minecraft.net и в Minecraft Launcher нужно использовать аккаунт Microsoft. Старый аккаунт использовать не получится.

Одновременно с этим на почту приходит вот такое письмо.


Your local law may give you rights that this EULA cannot change; if so, this EULA applies as far as the law allows. Nothing in this license limits our liability for death or bodily injury resulting from our negligence or fraudulent misrepresentations.

We may change this EULA from time to time, if we have reason to, such as changes to our games, our practices, or our legal obligation. But those changes will be effective only to the extent that they can legally apply. For example if you use the Game only in single-player mode and don’t use the updates we make available then the old EULA applies but if you do use the updates or use parts of the game that rely on our providing ongoing online services then the new EULA will apply. In that case we’ll inform you of the change before it takes effect, either by posting a notice on our Website or by other reasonable means. We’re not going to be unfair about this though — but sometimes the law changes or someone does something that affects other users of the Game and we therefore need to put a lid on it.

If you come to us with a suggestion for any one of our Websites or Games, that suggestion is made for free and we have no obligation to accept or consider it. This means we can use or not use your suggestion in any way we want and we don’t have to pay you for it. If you think you have a suggestion that we would be willing to pay you for, please do not submit your suggestion unless you have first told us you expect to be paid and we have responded in writing by asking you to submit the suggestion.

Non-Commercial Things

We are very relaxed about things you create for yourself. Pretty much anything goes there — so go for it, have fun, and just don’t distribute anything we’ve made.

We are also quite relaxed about other non-commercial things so feel free to create and share videos, screen shots, independently created mods (that don’t use any of our Assets), fan art, machinima, etc.

However, if you want to use any Name in the title of a product that you distribute or service that you provide (even if it is for free) then you have to:

  • follow the Essential Requirements;
  • do so in a way that honestly and fairly describes those things or the purpose of them;
  • ensure that the Name (which includes any confusingly similar name) is not the first word, doesn’t use any other aspect of any of our Brands or Assets as part of any related branding, including as or as part of any logo; and
  • make it clear that the product is unofficial and not from Minecraft or approved by Minecraft.

This applies especially if you want to set up and run any non-commercial blogs, servers, community forums, fan sites, fan clubs, news groups, events and gatherings.

All Uses

In relation to all uses (permitted or otherwise):

  • all rights (including copyright, trademark rights, and related rights) in the Name, Brand, Assets, and any derivatives are and will remain owned by Mojang;
  • all and any permissions and consents are given by Mojang in our discretion and make be revoked at any time if we think that it is appropriate to do so or we don’t like what you are doing; and
  • all rights are expressly reserved.

If something isn’t covered by these Guidelines, that probably means we don’t want you to do it. In any case if it isn’t covered, please don’t do it without getting permission from us.

You can contact us at https://help.minecraft.net/hc/requests/new

If something is specifically covered and permitted by these Guidelines and our Minecraft terms of use, then you don’t need to contact us.


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