Europa universalis 5: everything we want to see


Historically, the tumultuous relationship between the crown and the estates was often the focus of internal conflict throughout much of the period. Even as late as the 18th century, these localised bodies intersected with the life of the citizens in a much more intimate manner than the monarchy or the state.

Speaking of speculation: What is Warhammer 3 going to be like?

So our first suggestion is that the relationship between monarchy and estates should become the central feature of EU5, and the one through which all others should interact. The coring process would be completely reworked to emphasise the challenges of integrating the estates from newly conquered territories into your realm. Autonomy would become a struggle for control between crown and estates. And absolutism would make estates more pliant and easier to core in the late game eras.

Loyal estates would provide plenty of powerful boons such as collateral for loans and local militias to the crown. But highly disloyal estates could also meddle in the domestic affairs of the realm. Foreign countries could likewise interfere with your disloyal or highly autonomous domestic estates by negotiating directly with them, therefore bypassing the crown. An expanded estates system would enable Paradox to simulate state-building and internal politics without dramatically altering the essence of the series.

Additional Content[edit]

Country Representationedit

# Country / Region Representation Players
1  Turkey 16 / 64 (25%) Apocalyp, BSD, CodeMarco, ctrkN, Hueth, LAHZA, mertgungor, Mitraleius, Onur, Quetpa, rip9, rup7ure, Scof1eld, Smashbae, Thenderlost, xLyron
2  Russia 13 / 64 (20%) ADOUZ1E, AIMLUL, alya, BatulinS, DaNt3-, Dan1mon, fate, Faultlessly, Lu, Muver, Qwizzy, Salik-, xmpl
3  Finland 9 / 64 (14%) curexi, D1gg3r1, Jembty, mxey, PaG3, Rustanmar, SKUIJKE, Sambty, Tiikzu
4  Denmark 7 / 64 (11%) Beami, clib, Flamyy, Gustav, HjortdalN, Keano, YellowFTW
5  Ukraine 5 / 64 (8%) Art1_x, Dab00m, iZooom, Perfect1ks, spyrro
6  United Kingdom 3 / 64 (5%) Fexx, TeaBone, vard
7  Croatia 2 / 64 (3%) Karxx, Yuriy
7  Norway 2 / 64 (3%) Aitzy, Jeemzz
7  Sweden 2 / 64 (3%) Fuzzface, iMomme
10  Belarus 1 / 64 (2%) btm
10  Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 / 64 (2%) Godrillaa
10  Czech Republic 1 / 64 (2%) PiXeL1K
10  Georgia 1 / 64 (2%) Mellman
10  Netherlands 1 / 64 (2%) ibiza

Religious Minorities

Early modern Europe was a combustible patchwork of different faiths, where even the most obscure disagreements could “ignite revolutions and overturn thrones,” according to the historian Christopher Clark. The current religious system — an odd relic of EU3 — arguably doesn’t capture the full scope of religious strife during this period. So religious minorities should be represented as an actual percentage of your population that acts with a semblance of unity and purpose across your entire realm.

This would force players to make difficult trade-offs. If the player chooses to eradicate a minority religion, then it will threaten widespread strife and disharmony that could plunge the entire nation into chaos. But if the player chooses to tolerate the minority, then they will need to respect their religious customs and devolve power to the local level, which could generate friction with other religions.

If the struggle between religious solidarity and tolerance affected the internal politics of a nation, it could also provide a useful diplomatic instrument of statecraft and diplomacy on the international scene. Particularly devout and pious rulers often expressed solidarity with the plight of oppressed minorities in other realms to win favours with like-minded nations. Therefore, EU5 could allow you to offer religious asylum to oppressed peoples to gain some development at home and some diplomatic credentials abroad.

Europa Universalis 5 — A better AI

The Holy Grail of game development and one that must be a thousand times harder when simulating the real world with all its complexity. Diplomacy with an AI is always fraught with bugs and their strategic decisions often leave you scratching your head, and we don’t think anyone expects AI to ever be really good at grand strategy games. However, making them feel more lifelike would be a step in the right direction and Paradox already have the tools to improve it.

Each character in CK3 has their own goals and these can change either in their lifetimes or over multiple generations. Bringing something like this into the behind the scenes calculations for EU5 would add life to the nations. Having their politics and ambitions shift from decade to decade could keep you on your toes far more than knowing everyone will always want more and your neighbour will always hate you over border tension, regardless of anything else.

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Фон Габсбургов Австрии, имперские инциденты и папский контролер

В отличие от богемного прохождения, где я строго следовал гуситской вере, опыт католической Австрии будет для вас легким. Вы уже начинаете кампанию Europa Universalis IV в 1444 году нашей эры как Император Священной Римской империи, и несколько избирателей хотят проголосовать за своего наследника позже. Небольшое улучшение отношений плюс дипломатические махинации (королевские браки, а также личные союзы с Богемией и Венгрией с помощью миссий) помогли значительно расширить экспансию.

Вы также можете сделать несколько «хитрых» трюков, таких как победа над соседями, чтобы заставить их выпускать новые нации (сами по себе становящиеся принцами ОПЧ), чтобы увеличить свои доходы от Имперской власти. Это позволяет вам провести все имперские реформы, чтобы объединить ОПЧ или превратить всех в ваших вассалов.

Я должен также упомянуть новые «имперские инциденты», исторические события, которые определили политические маневры внутри и вне Священной Римской империи. Есть такие, как «Королевство теней» (обуздание итальянских принцев против того, чтобы они стали независимыми от империи) или участие с «Судьбой Ганзы» (независимо от того, защитите ли вы Любека от Дании или нет).

Также стоит поговорить о механике курии. Католицизм имеет тенденцию быть немного слабым в Europa Universalis IV, и, хотя функция Папского Контроллера существует уже некоторое время, вы не хотели сосредоточиться на этом. Император немного оживляет вещи благодаря сундукам курии, позволяя папскому контролеру тратить часть накопленного богатства (из всех католических стран) на принятие Золотого быка. Вы также можете созвать Вселенский Совет, чтобы увеличить ваши шансы стать Папским Контролером еще раз.

Эти изменения очень приветствуются, чтобы полностью раскрыть особенности католицизма в Europa Universalis IV . Тем не менее, я думаю, что эти концепции подходят для небольших прохождений, например, при выборе Папских штатов:

Попытка сосредоточиться на этом механике как на фон Габсбургах Австрии была в лучшем случае неэффективной. У вас было слишком много дел во время развития вашей нации, стабилизации ОПЧ и дальнейшего расширения путем завоеваний. Также возможно, что вы редко будете смотреть на панель, если, скажем, вы играете за Кастилию, Португалию или Англию, поскольку вы слишком заняты колонизацией.

В Emperor DLC также не было функции качества жизни, которую я бы хотел видеть, и это средство автоматизации процесса или уведомления вас, если у другой нации больше шансов стать Папским Контролером. Я обычно заканчивал тем, что должен был уменьшить влияние, чтобы достичь 30% -ого шанса на успех. Я похлопал себя по спине, лишь спустя несколько месяцев осознав, что ИИ занял первое место, пока меня отвлекали войны.

Примечание 1: Существует также особая ошибка при попытке создания свободных городов, даже если требования были выполнены. Возможно, как Император Священной Римской империи, вы не сможете создавать дополнительные. И наоборот, как субъект, вы можете получать спам с уведомлениями о слабых и повторных попытках текущего Императора.

Примечание 2: Хотя Europa Universalis IV: Emperor вводит реформы для революционных правительств, я решил придерживаться традиций в моих прохождениях в Чехии и Австрии.

Europa Universalis 5 — Better Events

The flavour events in EU4 have always irked plenty of people, with everything from cost scaling for balance leading to players paying triple their GDP because they’d been saving up for a few years, to events mocking their mob of an army because they had Quantity ideas… even as their army has the highest professionalism in the world. Balance is important, but the flavour text should fit the cost, otherwise — and ironically — it just feels cheap.

This next suggestion may not be to everyones taste, but the branching events in Stellaris added a lot of weight to the world and made you feel the outcomes were at least partly down to your choices. A single sprawling multi-layered event could take the place of half a dozen lacklustre ones and also make for a more enjoyable long game where you don’t keep seeing the same handful of flavour.



1  Perfect1ks
2  Lu
3  spyrro
4  BatulinS
C  Blamous

Team Liquid

1  Jeemzz
2  ibiza
3  mxey
4  clib
C  7Teen

Natus Vincere

1  Mellman
2  Qwizzy
3  alya
4  xmpl


1  Rustanmar
3  Tiikzu
4  D1gg3r1

BBL Esports

1  Mitraleius
2  mert
3  CodeMarco
4  Smashbae

FaZe Clan

1  Aitzy
2  Fexx
3  Fuzzface
4  Gustav
C  didz

Digital Athletics

1  PiXeL1K
2  vard
3  Jembty
4  Sambty
C  feyee



1  Flamyy
2  HjortdalN
3  Keano
4  YellowFTW
C  Wiking
EU West Qualifier


1  Beami
2  TeaBone
3  Pag3
4  curexi
C  ball1n
EU West Qualifier

Hall of Game2

1  karxx
2  IMomme
3  Godrillaa
4  Yuriy
EU West Qualifier

Question Mark

1  Faultlessly
2  fate
4  DaNt3-
EU East Qualifier

Tokyo Manji Gang

1  Muver
3  Art1_x
4  Dan1mon
EU East Qualifier


1  Dab00m
2  iZooom
3  Btm
4  Salik-
EU East Qualifier

SuperMassive Blaze

1  rip9
2  Apocalyp
4  Hueth
EU MEA Qualifier

Gear Up

1  BSD
2  rup7ure
3  ctrkn
4  scof1eld
EU MEA Qualifier


1  xLyron
2  onur
3  Thenderlost
4  Quetpa
EU MEA Qualifier

For «News and Roster Changes» Click here.

1August 20th — OrgLess gets signed by Galakticos.
2September 6th — The Last Dance gets signed by Hall of Game.

Claims & Warfare

The espionage-based claims system in EU4 was always a rather imperfect and peculiar approximation of historical reality. Even up to the 18th century, strategic marriage was the preferred instrument of territorial acquisition for any ambitious state. So EU5 should emphasise the critical importance of royal marriages and inheritance for generating claims. Once you have a claim in hand, foreign nations can pledge to support or even oppose it, perhaps sparking an international crisis.

Given the centrality of warfare to the series, Paradox could significantly improve it by introducing new unit types and a supply system similar to Imperator. Nations would also ‘pledge’ a percentage of their armies and income to a war, depending on many factors such as trust. The rest of the army would remain neutral to prevent every conflict from escalating into all-out bitter struggles. Another possible mechanic would allow you to decline to engage in an unfavourable battle. You can either stand and fight or immediately withdraw.

More like this: A guide to grand strategy games

EU4 made interesting strides in the realm of warfare, especially in re-working the significance and impact of forts, but these are strategic (and peace-time) decisions. Imperator showed that there is a way of making grand strategy combat more tactical and interesting without going into the weeds of a Hearts of Iron-style system, and it would be good to see a sequel incorporate these newer ideas.

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The EU4 timeframe between 1444 and 1820 almost perfectly encapsulates the high watermark of the mercantilist doctrine. This was an era of convergence between states and businesses in which traders and proto-industrialists came to see the ruler as a partner in economic policy who often promoted the values of trade abroad.

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This can be modelled by a deeper and more dynamic Victoria-style trade system that allows you to control the flow of individual goods through tariffs and regulations. The other important economic trend in this era was the precipitous growth of a financial system to pay for expensive wars and building projects. In a hypothetical Europa Universalis 5, this could require you to negotiate loans with specific providers of finance.

Унижение Австрии и покорение Бранденбурга и Саксонии

Прохождение Богемии в Europa Universalis IV: Emperor начинает борьбу с австрийским Габсбургами. Исторически династия была ответственна за большинство политических махинаций в Центральной Европе, но вы могли подняться на первое место с некоторым дипломатическим талантом и тактической проницательностью. Как только Австрия будет унижена, вы можете начать стрелять в Бранденбург и Саксонию, чтобы расширить свой охват. Вы получите миссии с этим выбором:

  • Создать личный союз – сделать Бранденбург младшим партнером; + 20% желание свободы.
  • Восстановите Бранденбургский марш – сделайте Бранденбург вассалом; -20% желание свободы.
  • Текущая ситуация нас устраивает – сохранить результаты недавних мирных переговоров; +5 престиж.

Эти варианты делают Бранденбург и Саксонию (HRE выборщики) богемными подданными. Они считаются «легитимными», таким образом, не назначая наказаний во время имперских выборов. Однако в моем прохождении Europa Universalis IV: Emperor я начал задумываться, работает ли он так, как задумано. Во-первых, оба субъекта все еще вызывали у имперской власти малус, что было немного излишним, учитывая, что они «узаконены». Я бы предпочел, чтобы штраф в отношении Имперской власти был также отменен.

Пока это происходит, вы также узнаете о событиях, связанных с восстанием гуситов. Вы можете либо придерживаться убеждений Яна Гуса (что я и сделал), примириться с католической церковью, где правитель следует за Гусом, но нация остается католиком (что будет делать ИИ), либо полностью покалечить движение гуситов, оставаясь верный Риму

О, прежде чем я забуду, вы увидите мощные бонусы за веру гуситов на изображении ниже. Религия также использует механику церковных аспектов как протестанты:

Coalition and League Wars

The War of the League of Cambrai, which lasted between 1508 and 1516, was the type of international conflict at which EU4 should excel. What began as an anti-Venetian alliance quickly evolved into a pact between Venice and the Papal States to drive the French from Italy. It ended with France and Venice allied against England, Castile, Austria, and the Pope. But as anyone who has played the 1508 start date knows, the war is impossible to model within the current war system.

To make them more dynamic and interesting to interact with, coalitions should be quick to form, especially against big and threatening nations. They would attract rivals and other opportunistic nations looking for a quick land grab. To make them fairer, however, the game should offer a measure of flexibility and diplomacy — such as the opportunity to buy off wavering coalition members with promises of land or money. Assuming it can be correctly implemented (which is a big ask), wavering nations should be able to switch sides during an ongoing war (something the current system doesn’t allow for).

These changes should make coalitions still very powerful but more volatile and unreliable to work with. Early battlefield setbacks or diplomatic friction between members (especially rivals) could cause a tenuous coalition to unravel quickly as members lose the will to fight. However, friendly coalition members are more willing to support each other until the end.


Broadcast Talentedit

  • Host:

     Kaelaris (James Carrol)

  • Analysts:

    •  TheNameIsToby (Tobias Wiinblad)
    •  Avnqr (Martin Gøth)
  • Commentators:

    •  TheSimms (Richard Simms)
    •  Pansy (Lauren Scott)
    •  Frosz (Patrick Iu)
  • Russian Commentators:

    •  odesskin (Nikolai Lutsenko)
    •  Yarrmosh (Mikhail Yarmosh)
  • German Commentators:

    •  Invisan (Patrick S.)
    •  Trauni (Klaus Parzinger)
    •  Gideon (Jannik Rädisch)
    •  zuluxxman (Soleiman Wazirzoy)
  • German Co-Caster and Analysts:

    •  Souljah87 (Adnan Rashid)
    •  Philiimon (Philipp Baldauf)
    •  TiuriFalk (Till P.)
    •  Itzyourgames (Paul W.)
    •  KathyRose (Kathryn E.)
  • Finnish Commentators:

    •  c0pter (Matti Korvenmaa)
    •  Heksy 
  • French Commentator:


  • Spanish Commentator:

     JerrySenpai (Fernando Guzmán)

  • Czech Commentator:

     AmIDivinE (Jan Cizek)

  • Turkish Commentators:

    •  Wreckage (Buğrahan Şevke)
    •  Kahia (Fatih Kahya)
  • Chinese Commentator:


  • Thai Commentator:

     ZoFeaRz (Atthasid Intravichai)


  • Series 5: Europe

    • 16 teams:

      • 7 Invited teams
      • Top 3 of EU West Qualifier
      • Top 3 of EU East Qualifier
      • Top 3 of MEA Qualifier
    • 36 matches over 6 days
    • (MC) Most Chicken Rule

Most Chicken Rule

  • The winner of the match is the team who wins the Chicken Dinner
  • The winning team of the Series will be determined by the number of Chicken Dinners won

Tiebreakers (in order)

  • 1. Total kills
  • 2. Last match placement
  • 3. Best performing match (best placement)
  • 4. Most kills in team’s best performing match
  • 5. Most damage in team’s best performing match
  • 6. If all cannot break the tie, prize is evenly split among tied teams

The team with the most amount of prize money will be declared the Champion of Series 5

Prize Pooledit

The initial prize pool of the tournament is $250,000 USD. $230,000 USD is awarded throughout the tournament and $20,000 USD awarded as Special Awards



PGC Points Team



Global Championship



330 FaZe Clan



265 Question Mark



220 BBL Esports



175 Natus Vincere



130 Tokyo Manji Gang



110 Heroic






65 Team Liquid



65 Digital Athletics



50 Galakticos



50 EXhalatioN



30 Hall of Game



30 SuperMassive Blaze


20 Vanir


20 Gear Up
PCS5 Weekly Series Prize
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Place $ USD Place $ USD Place $ USD
1st $ 17,000 1st $ 20,000 1st $ 29,000
2nd $ 12,000 2nd $ 14,000 2nd $ 20,000
3rd $ 8,500 3rd $ 10,000 3rd $ 14,500
4th $ 7,000 4th $ 8,000 4th $ 11,000
5th $ 5,000 5th $ 6,000 5th $ 8,500
6th $ 4,500 6th $ 5,000 6th $ 7,000
7th $ 3,500 7th $ 4,000 7th $ 5,500
8th $ 2,500 8th $ 3,000 8th $ 4,500



$ USD Team

Impressive Team




Player Team

Most Kill


 xmpl Natus Vincere

All-PCS (All-Star)


 xmpl Natus Vincere
 Gustav FaZe Clan
 mxey Team Liquid

Europa Universalis 5 — More Mod Integration

Paradox titles rely on mods and many players won’t game without them. They increase re-playability and often solve various issues introduced by the developers, letting you tailor your experience how you like it. The support is already here, and their games are some of the easiest to mod full-stop, but lots of people won’t consider playing with them, partly due to the restriction on achievements.

Now, we aren’t suggesting that achievements be possible with all mods — too many people would cheat to get them — but as we’ve already seen, Paradox is willing to build mod features into the base game rules. We’d like to see this happen more often so that all players, regardless of whether they want achievements, can enjoy the creativity of the community.

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