Barotrauma подлодки


Rooms in the ruins sometimes contain traps.

Motion Activated Turret

This trap features a motion sensor activated turret that periodically switches on and off. It is powered by an Alien Power Generator, and can be disabled by removing the Alien Power Cell within.

Three Buttons

This obstacle features a door locked by a simple puzzle. It has 3 buttons, each of which toggle one or more of 3 lights. When all 3 lights are lit, the door opens.

Timed Button

This door has 2 lights beside it. One of the lights periodically turns on and off. When the button is pressed while the light is turned on, the second light lights and the door opens.

Объятия бездны

Barotrauma — это двухмерный кооперативный симулятор подводной лодки в космосе с элементами выживания. В нем вы и ваша команда должны направлять свою маленькую подводную лодку среди различных ужасов, многообразие которых вас приятно удивит. Иногда эти ужасы будут очевидны, как большой древний монстр, который больше вашей подлодки в 10 раз, а иногда они могут быть настолько же неявными насколько и изощренными. Вы каждую минуту должны думать о том как не умереть в ближайшие 100 метров, потому что они опасностей Barotrauma очень много и они крайне редко сообщают вам, что у вас сейчас могут быть проблемы.

Это одна из самых напряженных игр, и не только потому, что люди, с которыми вы сможете играть в кооперативе, категорически отказываются слушать инструкции. Каждое действие заставит вас задуматься о последствиях. Хаос, который может развернутся в любой момент, одновременно забавен, но иногда крайне неприятен. Но это тот контраст который делает Barotrauma живой и интересной. Если вам удастся каким-то образом вовлечь шестнадцать знакомых в один матч, то вы получите абсолютный взрыв.

Barotrauma читы

ballastflora infect: заражает случайную помпу
ballastflora growthwarp : + скорость роста
enablecheats: для включения читов
explosion : создает взрыв
fire: создает огонь в том месте, где вы указываете
fixwalls/fixhulls: заполнить все стены
fixitems: восстановить все элементы
freecam: бесплатная камера
giveaffliction : недуг для персонажа
godmode: режим бога
godmode_mainsub: божественный узел для главной подводной лодки
heal : лечить персонажа
killmonsters: убить монстров всех уровней
lighting: переключает освещение
los: Переключить окклюзию линии прямой видимости
oxygen/air: кислород в каждой комнате 100%
power: для всех ядерных реакторов
respawnnow: вызвать возрождение
revive : оживить персонажа
setclientcharacter : дает контроль над персонажем
setskill [all/indentifier] [max/level] : для установки навыков
spawn [creaturename/jobname] [near/inside/outside/cursor]: для создания существ
spawnitem [item name/identifier] [cursor/inventory/cargo/random/]: для создания предметов
teleportcharacter : в позицию курсора
teleportsub [start/end/cursor]: телепортировать подводную лодку в позицию курсора
upgradeitem : для улучшения предметов
water: переключает воду, щелкните левой кнопкой мыши> добавляет, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши> сливает


A Thalamus can be a challenging obstacle, especially for inexperienced players who are overwhelmed by the sudden and usually surprising attack from a wreck. Thalami can either be boarded and killed, or shot with piercing ammo in an attempt to hit what’s on the inside. Boarding is typically the most dangerous way to kill a Thalamus, but is usually what players will be forced to do if they have already been pinned by a Thalamus, lack piercing ammunition, or are generally in a chaotic state of emergency. Before entering a Thalamus, it is advisable to bring lots of ammunition and Anaparalyzant. Because the defensive Leucocytes are swarm creatures with low health but high numbers, weapons with high rate of fire like the SMG are generally preferable. A melee weapon that does high item damage should be brought in order to effectively rupture organs. Optionally, explosives such as grenades can be brought for the same purpose. Melee weapons for Leucocyte combat are inadvisable; Even with paralysis resistance, many Leucocytes can swarm and stunlock a player who gets too close. Plasma cutters, and other wreck salvaging and hull-breaching equipment are a must. Before leaving, always do a final check to make sure you have everything. It is not infrequent for players to have forgotten something, and be killed on the way back to get it.

When approaching the Thalamus from the outside, be wary of any turrets or discharge coils on the outside. You may have to find detours or cut into the ship if an offensive installation is in the way. When breaching the Thalamus, you can either choose to look for its flesh sacks or its brain. The brain may be a better option if your sub is having difficulty with terminal cells on board, and the flesh sacks may be a better option if you are in a hurry and just want to get free. On encountering a room with a cell spawner, you can choose to either avoid the room through detours, or destroy the cell spawner. If you try to destroy the cell spawner, do not become overconfident. Use your Anaparalyzant as soon as possible, as it will provide paralysis resistance. If you opt to only destroy the flesh sacks, be mindful on the way out of turrets and Leucocytes that have escaped into the open waters. Once the brain is shredded, all hostile functions of the Thalamus, including its antibodies, will be rendered harmless.

Команды консоли Баротравмы — Модерация

ban : запретить персонажа
banendpoint [IP Address/SteamID]: запретить ip или steam id
banid : заблокировать идентификатор клиента
clientlist: Список игроков
givecommandperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address]: разрешение на использование консольных команд
giveperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address]: для предоставления разрешений
giverank [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address]: для присвоения ранга
kick : чтобы выгнать персонажа
kickid : удалить идентификатор
killdisconnecttimer : игроки-разъединители умирают через
mute : чтобы отключить звук персонажа
resetkarma : сбросить карму
revokecommandperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address]: удаляет разрешение игрока на использование консольных команд.
revokeperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address]: для удаления разрешений
setkarma : установить карму
showkarma: показать карму
showperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address]: для отображения разрешений
togglecharacternames: показывает имена над игроками
togglekarma: переключает карму
togglekarmatestmode: переключает режим проверки кармы
unban : разблокировать персонажа
unbanip : разблокировать ip
unmute : включить звук персонажа


Due to their sharp beak, Mudraptors are extremely efficient at piercing Hulls and Doors, flooding the Submarine, and their size allows them to easily fit inside and run around the ship. Should they find a way in; they will peck to death each and every Human on board.

Mudraptors are comparatively weaker than most other Creatures, however they are the most powerful creature capable of breaching into the submarine, totaling at 120 HP (Slightly more than a Human). Their Armor will also protect fully protect them from , and have the effect of . If one intends to fight a mudraptor, it is recommended to shoot their unprotected areas, like their legs and underside (which are easy targets, as they are naturally exposed when they are walking) as damage done there is 100% more effective. However, the best course of action is shooting them before they have a chance to breach into the Submarine, as a Railgun will make short work of Mudraptors, whether they are armored or not.

Mudraptors in the environment are hard to avoid, as nothing but a Decoy will distract them from attacking, furthermore, they are aggressive towards light sources.

Killing a Mudraptor allows the Crew to always extract one unit of from its carcass, and roughly 6.25% of the time, they will yield an intact Mudraptor Shell.
Hydroxiapatite is a mineral which can be deconstructed into and two units of .


  • The Thalamus has been confirmed to be a plant infestation despite its animal-like qualities. Its fleshy appearance can be likened to the Rafflesia Arnoldii

    «Thalamus» stems from the plant organ, not the brain.


  • The Thalamus is a matured form of Ballast Flora, which is another obstacle in Barotrauma. This info is further elaborated during loading screens: «If left undisturbed for several years, a colony of ballast flora can eventually grow into a Thalamus, an intelligent organism capable of exerting some degree of control over the systems of the submarine it’s inhabiting.
  • The Thalamus is the spiritual successor to the Carrier from the Legacy version of Barotrauma. Internally, the sound files still use the name Carrier, and in development it was only named Thalamus in the few final commits.

Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin[]

Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin

Hallucinogenic toxin secreted by some Europan species. Serves as an antiparalysant in a pinch.

Type Exotic Item
Habitation 160 mk
Colony 160 mk
Research 160 mk
Military 160 mk
Mining 160 mk
Deconstructing Time 20
Deconstructor Materials


See also: Chemicals

The Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin is a chemical that is considered both a poison and an antidote.


The Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin is obtainable from a well-fed and happyPsilotoad. It also has a 5% chance to be inside the .


The Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin has an effect duration of 20 seconds. It is generally a toxin used to cause hallucination, which is 20% Psychosis, but it also has a side effect which relieves 20% Paralysis.


The Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin can be held in one hand. Without using the Health GUI, by holding the «Aim» keybind (Right Mouse Button by default) and pressing the «Shoot» keybind (Left Mouse Button by default), the player’s character will swing the chemical and inject its content to anything it hits, both Creatures and humans. It can also be applied in the Health GUI by dragging and dropping the chemical on any limbs.

The Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin can be loaded in the Syringe Gun and its effects remain the same.

Артефакты в Barotrauma

Существует 5 типов артефактов:

  • Термический. Излучает непрерывный огонь, очень распространенный и простой в использовании.
  • Насонов. Привлекает существ, самых опасных, довольно редких. Будьте очень осторожны, когда выходите из комнаты с этим.
  • Фарадей. Испускает электрические импульсы, разрушающие окружающие системы. Может быть очень опасным, если использовать его неправильно.
  • Психоз. Сводит людей с ума. Редкий и не очень опасный.
  • Скайхолд. Откачивает кислород из комнаты. Умеренно редкий и не очень опасный. Если шлюз не закрывается, вы всегда можете поставить его в закрытое помещение.

Mucus Ball[]

Mucus Ball

A sticky ball of mucus.

Type Exotic Item
Habitation 1 mk
Colony 1 mk
Research 1 mk
Military 1 mk
Mining 1 mk
Deconstructing Time 10
Deconstructor Materials


The Mucus Ball is a ball of slimy substance, typically not miscible with water, secreted by mucous membranes and glands for lubrication, protection.


The Mucus Ball is only obtainable from a well-fed and happyPeanut.


The Mucus Ball can be held in one hand and thrown around, splattering on impact but does not leave behind any decals.

It can also be deconstructed for the Saline, the Paralyxis, and the Calcium.

Руководство по РП[]

Ролеплэй имеет значимую часть в коммьюнити Barotrauma. На данный момент существуют множества ролеплэй-проектов, и данное руководство поможет вам разобраться в in-game ситуациях, объяснит некоторые аспекты рп-игры на различных серверах, и даст вам возможности реализовать себя в мире Barotrauma.


RDM (Random Death Match) — убийство без РП причин. Зачастую это посчитают руином, если нарушение правила не было обоснованно в РП процессе.

PG / FRP (Power Gaming / FearRP) — превышение своих возможностей. Ваш персонаж — не бессмертен. Он должен испытывать страх и другие чувства. Старайтесь отыгрывать персонажей так — как вы бы сделали.

NonRP — несоблюдение ролевой отыгровки. Нарушение атмосферы и всего процесса действиями, никак не связанными с ролеплэем.

MG (MetaGaming)— использование внеролевой информации, при отыгрыше роли. То-есть, если вам что-то сказали вне РП, то Ваш персонаж не должен этого знать, если не узнает сам.


Ролеплэй в общем плане делят на как минимум, три типа, от самого лёгкого к самому сложному: LightRP, MediumRP, HardRP.

Геймплей в Лайт-РП кардинально отличается от отыгровки в Хард-РП. В Лайт-РП особо можно не напрягаться, отыгрывать как хочешь. В Медиум уже посерьёзней, иногда придётся отыгрывать действия в текстовом виде. В Хард-РП, уже всё очень серьёзно, нужно отыгрывать персонажа как реального человека и отыгрывать приближенно к реальности.


На РП-серверах Баротраумы, чаще всего используются эти стили написания:

Речь — можно просто писать в чат, а иногда в начале сообщения ставят чёрточку, что-бы подчеркнуть факт того, что это речь. Так-же можно использовать голосовой чат игры.

Пример: -Поехали!

Действия — действия персонажа пишутся между двумя звёздочками, и описывают его деятельность. Иногда придётся прерываться на писанину, во время обычной речи.

Пример: *Выхватил револьвер из подсумка, и выстрелил в оппонента*

Нон-РП — Нон-РП(или же OOC) информация пишется в двух скобочках по бокам. Не часто приветствуется Нон-РП через голосовой чат.

Пример: ((Пацаны, мне отойти надо))


Различного рода события производят Гейм-Мастера(рус. — Игровые Мастера). Они — часть администрации, которая следит за РП процессом и вносят что-то своё.

Вы часто зависимы от остальных игроков и администраторов, и должны отыгрывать так, как должны.

И это — вся основная информация о ролевом процессе


The Moloch’s large dark blue shell covers most of its main body, which seems to be mostly made of the creature’s «ballast sac». On the front, three elongated dark brown tentacles protrude off the shell. Underneath the ballast sac, the «skirt» is made of thinner black tendrils.

Molochs are blind, and rely on using echolocation to navigate the ocean. The ballast sac, or core body, can pulsate to provide propulsion. They emit strikingly tuneful notes, stronger and higher in tone when the creature attacks.

The Moloch’s shell serves as both defensive and offensive capabilities. It protects their soft innards and will absorb 90% of incoming damage; it is also immune to Bleeding. After sustaining enough damage, it will shatter, leaving the core unprotected.

The Moloch will ram into its targets, or whip them with its tentacles.

Raw Organic Materials[]

Organic Materials are obtained by Deconstructing certain Plants or as loot from Creatures and can be found in stores as well.

Material Price Colony Price Habitation Price Military Price Mining Price Research Notes Source(s)
Adrenaline Gland 275 N/A N/A N/A 300 Deconstructs into 4 x Adrenaline which is used to craft Fentanyl.
Alien Blood N/A N/A N/A N/A 144 Inefficient blood subsitute to treat , used to craft the more efficient Blood Pack and Paint. Crawler Small Mudraptor Egg
36 40 N/A N/A 36 Used to treat and to craft its upgrade, Calyxanide. Slime Bacteria (3)
Elastin 36 N/A N/A N/A 36 Used to craft Plastiseal and Antibiotic Glue. Elastin Plant (3)
54 60 66 66 54 Provides for 10 mins, crafting Welding Fuel Tanks & Paint & is also used as fuel for the Sprayer to clean walls or remove paint. Sea Yeast Shroom (3)
36 40 N/A N/A 36 The first stage opioid, used to treat and and to craft the more efficient Morphine. Aquatic Poppy (3)
Organic Fiber 37 39 27 27 30 Used to craft Bandages and Toolbelt Fiber Plant (3)
Swim Bladder 250 N/A N/A N/A 275 Deconstructs into 2 Stabilozine and 3 Saline, useful medical components. Hammerhead Golden Hammerhead

Basic Chemicals[]

Chemicals mostly used to craft other, more advanced chemicals.

Chemical Description Usage Acquiring Store
Afflictions Max Stack Duration (Seconds) Level Source(s)
Alien Blood Treats Bloodloss, can also be used to craft Blood Pack. Causes Psychosis. (-8/s | -4/s)*(+3/s | +5/s)* 8 15 40 Crawler Golden Hammerhead Hammerhead Mudraptor Egg 144 (1)*
Opium Mainly used to craft , but can also treat Internal Damage and Burns on its own while causing oxygen deprivation. (-4/s | -2/s)*(-4/s | -2/s)*(+3.5/s | +6/s)*(+1/s | +3/s)*(+1.75/s | +3/s)*(-3/s)* 8 5 15 Aquatic Poppy 36-40 (3)*
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics Treats Husk Infection if used before it is fully developed and gives Husk Infection Resistance, while dealing Internal Damage. Treats 30% infection per use.

Can also be used to craft Antibiotic Glue and .

(-0.5/s | -0.25/s)* (Not a husk)(600 | 300)* (450)*
(+0.55/s | +1/s)* (+0.252/s)*
8 60 25 Slime Bacteria 36-40 (3)*
Stabilozine Reduces poison afflictions over time.

Poisons include: , , , , , , , ,

Also used to craft more advanced and

Poisoning (-1/s | -0.5/s)* 8 30 20 Swim Bladder 36-40 (3)*
Ethanol Used to craft and .Also used as a cleaning agent for the Sprayer.

On its own it makes the user Drunk and increases their Psychosis Resistance.

(+2/s)*(+600)*(+1/s)* 8 10 | 1020 | 20 N/A Sea Yeast Shroom 54-66 (5)*
Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin Treats Paralysis, but much weaker compared to Anaparalyzant. Causes Psychosis. (-1/s)*(+1/s)* 8 20 N/A Psilotoad N/A
Adrenaline Used to craft , has no effect on its own. N/A 8 N/A N/A Adrenaline Gland 54 (2)*
Sulphuric Acid Used to craft and , causes Burns over time if used on its own. (+3/s)* 8 5 N/A Sulphurite Shard 72 (2)*


Performance of certain tasks or usage of certain items will be hindered by an insufficient skill related to the task. This handicap is scaled and proportional to the character’s level difference with the task or item’s skill requirements.

The lowest skill level a character can have in any skill is 5; thus, the maximum handicap is suffered at level 5, and gradually decreases as the skill level increases, being completely removed when reaching the required skill level.

  • Assistants gain experience 25% faster for all skills.
  • In modes other than Campaign, experience gain is multiplied by 5x.
  • Global Experience gain settings are defined in /Barotrauma/Content/SkillSettings.xml

Degree of Success

The degree of success is a value between 0 and 1, used to determine the outcome of skill checks, where 0.5 corresponds to exactly meeting the skill requirement.

This is calculated by the following equation for a check that uses only 1 skill; if a check requires multiple skills, the average of the skill differences is used.

A value below 0.5 means the requirement is not met. This generally means there is a probability of failure or other detrimental effect.

A value above 0.5 guarantees success for the check, but does not necessarily provide any other benefit.

  • For crafting items with Fabricators

    If the requirement is not met, crafting may be 4 to 100 times longer: Base Crafting Time / (Degree of Success * Degree of Success)

    , exceeding the requirement grants a bonus to crafting speed of up to +100%.

Success Rate for actions involving «Items» is proportional to the difference in levels out of 100, the percentage is calculated as follows:

  • Repairs currently use the same probability to determine if the user immediately takes damage instead of beginning the repair. Highest skill level required to repair is 55 and the minimum skill is 5, the minimum probability of success is 50%.

    Repair time for being skilled or unskilled is set based on the item, this can be changed in the Submarine Editor. By Default, it takes 5 times longer to repair for unskilled characters.

  • For Medical Items, failing the check means reduced positive effects and/or increased negative effects. Exceeding the requirement provides no benefit other than guaranteed success.


Chemicals required to cure .

Stabilozine can also be used to treat poisons excepting Paralysis.

Chemical Description Usage Crafting Store
Afflictions Uses Duration (Seconds) Level Components Craft time (seconds) Level
Calyxanide Cures the user of the Husk Infection if used before it is fully developed and with proper skill.

Deals Internal Damage to fully developed Husks.

(-4/s | -1/s)* (-40)*
(+3/s)* (Husked Humans)(+4/s)* (Natural Husks)
2 | 1 11 | 20 38 Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (25%)*Broad-spectrum AntibioticsStabilozine 60 22 225-275 (5)*
Deliriumine Antidote Cures Deliriumine Poisoning and treats Psychosis over time. (-100 | -25)*(-13.2 | 0)*(-0.33/s | 0)* 2 | 1 21*
| 1
41 Deliriumine (50%)*Stabilozine 60 25 112-137 (5)*
Morbusine Antidote Cures Morbusine Poisoning. (-100/s | -1/s)* (-25/s)* 2 | 1 2 | 30 44 Morbusine (50%)*Stabilozine 60 315-385 (5)*
Cyanide Antidote Cures Cyanide Poisoning. (-100/s | -1/s)* 2 | 1 2 | 30 42 Cyanide (50%)*Stabilozine 60 26 112-137 (5)*
Sufforin Antidote Cures Sufforin Poisoning. (-100/s | -1/s)* 2 | 1 2 | 30 40 Sufforin (50%)*Stabilozine 60 24 112-137 (5)*
Antirad Cures Radiation Sickness. (-100 | -25)* 2 | 1 2 50 Radiotoxin (50%)*Stabilozine 60 35 112-137 (5)*
Anaparalyzant Cures Paralysis. (+800/s | +6.5/s)*(Cured | -6.5/s)*(+5/s | +0.75/s)* 2 | 1 2 | 60 64 ParalyzantStabilozine 30 24 180-220 (5)*

Damage Values[]

When targeting characters:

Item Target Type Afflictions Structure Damage Kinematic Force Cooldown
Jaw Character Bleeding 1000Bite Wounds 100Stun 2 sec 50 500 4 seconds
Structure Attack Submarine AOE (range 550):Stun 0.5 sec(only if inside the sub) 100+AOE (range 550): 200 500 4 seconds
Item Jaw Structure Attack
Target Type Character Submarine AOE (range 550):Stun 0.5 sec(only if inside the sub)
Structure Damage 50 100+AOE (range 550): 200
Kinematic Force 500 500
Cooldown 4 seconds 4 seconds

When targeting a submarine hull:

Item Target Type Structure Damage Kinematic Force Attack Duration Cooldown
Head Structure 50 30 0.1 sec 15 seconds
Torso Structure 10 20 0.2 sec 10 seconds
Tail 1 (5 units) Structure 10 20 0.1 sec 5 seconds (per unit)
Tail 2 (4 units) Structure 20 10 0.1 sec 5 seconds (per unit)
Item Head Torso Tail 1 (5 units) Tail 2 (4 units)
Target Type Structure Structure Structure Structure
Structure Damage 50 10 10 20
Kinematic Force 30 20 20 10
Attack Duration 0.1 sec 0.2 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec
Cooldown 15 seconds 10 seconds 5 seconds (per unit) 5 seconds (per unit)

Defense-wise, the Charybdis’ only armored body parts are its head, jaw and tail tip, which will absorb 75% of any Internal Damage and are immune to Bleeding. Those will also deflect projectiles. The inside of its mouth however, which can be targeted when the creature opens it, will see all Internal Damage and Bleeding multiplied by 5, and should therefore be targeted whenever the opportunity comes. The rest of the body is unarmored.

Nasonov Alien Artifact[]

Nasonov Alien Artifact
Type Exotic Item
Deconstructing Time 30
Deconstructor Materials Steel Bar

Physicorium Bar x3

The Nasonov Alien Artifact attracts Creatures towards it when being held by the player swimming out in the ocean and when placed in the Submarine. This makes it one of the more dangerous Artifacts as it can cause swarms of Creatures to attack the Submarine simultaneously.

However, the sea Creatures of Europa will always prioritize food over the Artifact. Depending on which Creatures show up first, certain species will attempt to eat smaller preys before focusing on the Submarine. For example, Mantises will prey on Crawlers if they are nearby each other, Tiger Threshers on Mantises, etc.

Regardless, crew members must make haste with the Submarine to safety and avoid sea Creatures as the latter make their way to the Artifact.

When deconstructed, the output includes 1 Steel Bar and 3 Physicorium Bars, which are used to craft Physicorium Harpoons, Physicorium Ammunition Boxes, and Physicorium Shells.


Mudraptors are medium but agile creatures, and are one of the few creatures capable of entering the Submarine. Mudraptors possess two strong legs which allow them to walk in a bipedal posture, and an extremely sharp beak capable of breaching the Submarine hulls and kill Humans by them to death. They have teal skin, covered by many grey shells and tiny, almost vestigial hand-like appendages.

Mudraptors commonly appear in small groups of 1-3 individuals (upper/lower limit depending on the local difficulty), and will tend to stick together, breaching the Submarine and wreaking havoc together.

Strange Eggs[]

Strange Eggs

A strange egg. Try injecting it with saline.

Type Misc Item
Buy Sell
Habitation N/A 400 mk
Colony 600 mk 480 mk
Research 700 mk 560 mk
Military N/A 400 mk
Mining N/A 300 mk
Food Saline
Food Capacity 1
Deconstructing Time 10
Deconstructor Materials

Alien Blood x2

The four Strange Eggs consist of four different species as Pets: Peanut, Psilotoad, Orange Boy, and Cthulhu.


The Strange Eggs are easily acquired in for a high price. There is also a 5% chance that they can be scavenged inside a shipwreck.


The Strange Eggs can be injected with the Saline. As soon as the item is inserted into the Eggs, they will hatch immediately and the corresponding Pet will burst out.


Other than hatching them for Pets, the Strange Eggs can be deconstructed for two units of Alien Blood and the Adrenaline Gland.

Thermal Alien Artifact[]

Thermal Alien Artifact
Type Exotic Item
Deconstructing Time 30
Deconstructor Materials Steel Bar

Incendium Bar x3

The Thermal Alien Artifact periodically (30 second intervals) generates . Caution is to be taken so that they don’t set the submarine ablaze.

One way to make Thermal Alien Artifact harmless is to let it remain in the airlock of the Submarine under flood, or any other hulls that can remain under flood without making it difficult to steer the Submarine.

During the where the Thermal type is the target, the Artifact must be inside the ship’s hull to count as recovered; wedging it in some exterior space does not count toward retrieval.

When deconstructed, the output includes 1 Steel Bar and 3 Incendium Bars, which can be used to craft Incendium Fuel Tanks and Incendium Grenades.

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