Айди блоков

Building & Raiding

  • There are three tiers of structural materials: palm fibre, brick, and spectral. Brick can be harvested with a pickaxe from underwater rocky outcrops of clay, which occur near seaweed forests. Seaweed forests and possible airdrop locations are marked on the GPS. The materials for spectral structures are only on Boubyan Island.
  • There are no sheet metal place-anywhere barricades or structures, only containers and traps. Sheet metal appears to have no use, despite being craftable; the majority of metal crafting recipes use scrap metal.
  • The maximum health of placeable objects is now visible in their item description when held.
  • YouTube P9nda created a for raiding.

ID предметов и блоков


ID по умолчанию:

Имя блока ID
IDblockAdvFurnaceOff 250
IDblockAdvFurnaceOn 249
IDblockElecFurnaceOff 248
IDblockElecFurnaceOn 247
IDoreTin 229
IDoreCopper 246
IDblockCompressorOff 245
IDblockCompressorOn 244
IDblockMaceratorOff 243
IDblockMaceratorOn 242
IDblockMachine 241
IDcopperWire 240
IDblockExtractorOff 239
IDblockExtractorOn 238
IDblockGenOff 237
IDblockGenOn 236
IDblockWaterGenOff 235
IDblockWaterGenOn 234
IDblockLavaGenOff 233
IDblockLavaGenOn 232
IDblockSolarGenOff 231
IDblockSolarGenOn 230
IDblockCannerOff 228
IDblockCannerOn 227
IDblockAlloy 226
IDglassAlloy 225
IDblockRecyclerOff 224
IDblockRecyclerOn 223
IDoreUran 222
IDblockReactorOff 221
IDblockReactorOn 220
IDblockItnt 219
IDblockNtnt 218
IDblockMinerOff 217
IDblockMinerOn 216
IDblockPipe 215
IDblockCryGenOff 214
IDblockCryGenOn 213
IDblockTerraOff 212
IDblockTerraOn 211
IDblockAdvMachine 210
IDblockTransmitOff 209
IDblockTransmitOn 208
IDcopperWireRed 207
IDblockWindGenOff 206
IDblockWindGenOn 205
IDblockLight0 204
IDblockLight1 203
IDblockLight2 202
IDblockLight3 201
IDblockdoorStone 200
IDblockTransformer 199
IDblockTesla 198
IDblockBoomPipe 197
IDblockDPipe 196
IDblockWaterPipe 195
IDblockStorage 194
IDblockKeyChest 193
IDblockItemomat 192


ID по умолчанию:

Имя предмета ID
IDingotAdvIron 30000
IDakkuFull 29999
IDakkuEmpty 29998
IDingotTin 29997
IDingotCopper 29996
IDdustTin 29995
IDdustCopper 29994
IDdustIron 29993
IDdustGold 29992
IDdustCoal 29991
IDpartElecCircuit 29990
IDcopperCable 29953
IDpartRubber 29989
IDitemTreetap 29987
IDpartPlantball 29986
IDitemUFuel 29985
IDitemFuel 29984
IDitemPlantFuel 29983
IDitemUPlantFuel 29982
IDwetdustCoal 29981
IDpartComPlants 29980
IDpartComCoal 29979
IDpickaxeDrill 29978
IDpickaxeDrillUncharged 29977
IDitemCharger 29976
IDpickaxeDDrill 29975
IDpickaxeDDrillUncharged 29974
IDpickaxeDrill 29978
IDpickaxeDrillUncharged 29977
IDaxeSaw 29973
IDaxeSawUncharged 29972
IDitemSuperFuel 29971
IDdustBronze 29970
IDingotBronze 29969
IDshovelBronze 29968
IDpickaxeBronze 29967
IDaxeBronze 29966
IDswordBronze 29965
IDhoeBronze 29964
IDhelmetBronze 29963
IDplateBronze 29962
IDlegsBronze 29961
IDbootsBronze 29960
IDtincan 29959
IDtincanNew 29958
IDtincanMeal 29957
IDcoalball 29956
IDcoalblock 29955
IDcoaldiamond 29954
IDfakediamond 29952
IDhelmetNano 29951
IDplateNano 29950
IDlegsNano 29949
IDbootsNano 29948
IDhelmetNanoE 29947
IDplateNanoE 29946
IDlegsNanoE 29945
IDbootsNanoE 29944
IDhelmetNanoA 29943
IDplateNanoA 29942
IDlegsNanoA 29941
IDbootsNanoA 29940
IDhelmetNanoAE 29939
IDplateNanoAE 29938
IDlegsNanoAE 29937
IDbootsNanoAE 29936
IDcarbonForm 29935
IDcarbon 29934
IDpartMixPlate 29933
IDpartAlloy 29932
IDarmorAlloy 29931
IDitemBatteryBox 29930
IDitemOneBattery 29929
IDpartScrap 29928
IDitemScrapBox 29927
IDarmorJetpackFull 29926
IDarmorJetpackEmpty 29925
IDitemUran 29924
IDingotUran 29923
IDitemMiningLaser 29922
IDitemMiningLaserE 29921
IDitemCrystal 29920
IDitemCrystalCharged 29919
IDitemScanner 29918
IDitemScannerE 29917
IDprintEmpty 29916
IDprintPlant 29915
IDprintDry 29914
IDprintHumid 29913
IDprintSnow 29912
IDprintCompress 29911
IDprintHollow 29910
IDpartAdvCircuit 29909
IDcarbonForm2 29908
IDitemCounter 29907
IDdustIronsmall 29906
IDprintFlat 29905
IDdoorStone 29904
IDitemWrench 29903
IDitemCablePaint 29902
IDarmorBatPackFull 29901
IDarmorBatPackEmpty 29900
IDitemElectroCart 29899
IDadminWrench 29898
IDcoin 29897

IndustrialCraft²Просмотр: Шаблон:IC2/Содержимое


  • The map was in development for over 4 years
  • It is the only map where the player cannot simply plant crops anywhere; they must use a Planter.
  • It is the first map set in a Desert.
Playable Maps

Germany (Festive)

PEI (Festive • Halloween • Space)

Russia (Festive)







Cyprus Survival

Easter Island







Rio de Janeiro


Alpha Valley


Paintball Arena

PEI Arena

Washington Arena


Athens Arena

Bunker Arena

Canyon Arena

Cyprus Arena

Curated Deathmatch




Devtest 2







All calibers are low-caliber unless otherwise specified.

  • Whip
  • Sandal
  • Scimitar
  • Coloniser: Bolt-action rifle. 10-round civilian magazines.
  • Catalyst: Burst-fire pistol. 18-round civilian magazines.
  • Accelerator: Semi-auto pistol with integrated silencer. A 1911 variant. 7-round civilian magazines. No attachment slots.
  • Al Musaytir («The Master»): Semi-auto rifle. 30-round ranger magazines.
  • Duststorm: Full-auto rifle. 30-round ranger magazines. Low ROF and strong recoil.
  • Swissgewehr: Semi-auto rifle. 30-round military magazines. No tactical slot.
  • Suncrack: Semi-auto rifle. 30-round military magazines.
  • Monarchist: Burst-fire rifle. 21-round military magazines.
  • Hanlon-Reach: Pump-action shotgun. 6-round shotgun magazines.
  • Mirage: Bolt-action rifle. 7-round high-caliber military magazines. Deals structure damage. Occupies secondary weapon slot.
  • Galvanizer: short-range lightning gun which deals structure damage. Extremely loud. Electric/seaweed ammo. Spawns (rarely) from special electric boxes atop cylindrical towers on Boubyan Island.
  • Pulse & Pulsette magazines: Special magazine attachments that cause guns to instead fire rounds which deal structure damage in a small area of effect. Electric/seaweed ammo.

Functionality & Rules

  • Plants will only grow in planters and plots, which require fertilizer to craft. Plots are large planters which are roughly the size of a full square floor. Fertilizer and, more rarely, planters can be found at farms.
  • 4 scrap metal can be crafted back and forth between cans, and 4 cloth can likewise be crafted back and forth into ropes.
  • Clay pots / baskets can be interacted with to produce useful items like drinks, food, metal, and cloth.
  • Plastic is an essential new crafting component. It is used to craft canteens, which are the only way to drink from water sources (such as oases, the sea, crashed water trucks, and the Bayan Water Towers). Plastic can be made by holding a metal bucket in your hands and using it to melee-attack toppled/opened barrels of crude oil, which spawn only around the Burgan Oil Field and nearby oil drills/pumps. This gives the player bottles of crude oil, which take 2×2 inventory slots. Crafting one crude bottle at a heat source (such as a bonfire) will produce plastic, which occupies only one inventory slot. The tall crude oil cracking towers at the Burgan facility can be ignited for a heat source by interacting with a control panel on their top platforms.
  • The only source of cucumbers is the flowers of the giant mutated plant at Al-Abdally. Cucumbers can be crafted with lettuce, tomato, and carrot to create extremely hydrating and space-efficient salads.
  • The western safezone contains a hidden rocky entrance to a cave on the southwest side of the hill.
  • Wild caracals, which spawn in the north of the mainland, drop raw meat or milk when killed.
  • On Boubyan Island, the ghostly forms of clay pots/baskets can’t be used with the «Interact» key, but can be destroyed to yield valuable items.
  • The arc welder provides alternate crafting recipes to the welding torch, usually with identical ingredients but slightly discounted scrap metal costs. It also acts as a mobile heat source for crafting purposes.
  • Two new horde beacons, the blue Supply Beacon and orange Weapon Beacon, have been added, which both require deadzone components to craft.

Список мобов и ID

Аксолотль Дружелюбный axolotl /summon axolotl
Белый медведь Нейтральный polar_bear /summon polar_bear
Брутальный пиглин Враждебный piglin_brute /summon piglin_brute
Ведьма Враждебный witch /summon witch
Визер-скелет Враждебный wither_skeleton /summon wither_skeleton
Волк Нейтральный Да wolf /summon wolf
Вредина Враждебный vex /summon vex
Всполох Враждебный blaze /summon blaze
Гаст Враждебный ghast /summon ghast
Гигант Дружелюбный giant /summon giant
Дельфин Нейтральный dolphin /summon dolphin
Дракон края Враждебный ender_dragon /summon ender_dragon
Древний страж Враждебный elder_guardian /summon elder_guardian
Железный голем Нейтральный iron_golem /summon iron_golem
Заклинатель Враждебный evoker /summon evoker
Зимогор Враждебный stray /summon stray
Зоглин Враждебный zoglin /summon zoglin
Зомби Враждебный zombie /summon zombie
Зомби-крестьянин Враждебный zombie_villager /summon zombie_villager
Зомбифицированный пиглин Нейтральный zombified_piglin /summon zombified_piglin
Иглобрюх Нейтральный pufferfish /summon pufferfish
Иллюзор Враждебный illusioner /summon illusioner
Иссушитель Враждебный wither /summon wither
Кадавр Враждебный husk /summon husk
Коза Нейтральный goat /summon goat
Корова Дружелюбный cow /summon cow
Кошка Дружелюбный Да cat /summon cat
Крестьянин Дружелюбный villager /summon villager
Крипер Враждебный creeper /summon creeper
Кролик Дружелюбный rabbit /summon rabbit
Курица Дружелюбный chicken /summon chicken
Лавомерка Дружелюбный strider /summon strider
Лама Нейтральный Да llama /summon llama
Лама торговца Нейтральный trader_llama /summon trader_llama
Летучая мышь Дружелюбный bat /summon bat
Лисица Дружелюбный fox /summon fox
Лосось Дружелюбный salmon /summon salmon
Лошадь Дружелюбный Да horse /summon horse
Лошадь-зомби Дружелюбный zombie_horse /summon zombie_horse
Лошадь-скелет Дружелюбный Да skeleton_horse /summon skeleton_horse
Магмовый куб Враждебный magma_cube /summon magma_cube
Мул Дружелюбный Да mule /summon mule
Муухомор Дружелюбный mooshroom /summon mooshroom
Овца Дружелюбный sheep /summon sheep
Осёл Дружелюбный Да donkey /summon donkey
Оцелот Дружелюбный Да ocelot /summon ocelot
Панда Нейтральный panda /summon panda
Паук Нейтральный spider /summon spider
Пещерный паук Нейтральный cave_spider /summon cave_spider
Пиглин Нейтральный piglin /summon piglin
Поборник Враждебный vindicator /summon vindicator
Попугай Дружелюбный Да parrot /summon parrot
Пчела Нейтральный bee /summon bee
Разбойник Враждебный pillager /summon pillager
Разоритель Враждебный ravager /summon ravager
Светящийся спрут Дружелюбный glow_squid /summon glow_squid
Свинья Дружелюбный pig /summon pig
Скелет Враждебный skeleton /summon skeleton
Слизень Враждебный slime /summon slime
Снежный голем Дружелюбный snow_golem /summon snow_golem
Спрут Дружелюбный squid /summon squid
Страж Враждебный guardian /summon guardian
Странствующий торговец Дружелюбный wandering_trader /summon wandering_trader
Треска Дружелюбный cod /summon cod
Тропическая рыба Дружелюбный tropical_fish /summon tropical_fish
Утопленник Враждебный drowned /summon drowned
Фантом Враждебный phantom /summon phantom
Хоглин Враждебный hoglin /summon hoglin
Черепаха Дружелюбный turtle /summon turtle
Чешуйница Враждебный silverfish /summon silverfish
Шалкер Враждебный shulker /summon shulker
Эндермен Нейтральный enderman /summon enderman
Эндермит Враждебный endermite /summon endermite

 8 795


Only high tier vehicles can be locked, (ex. Police cars, Military vehicles, Buses) Boats require no battery and use no fuel, and can stamina for a speed boost. Boats spawn along the coast of the mainland.

  • Duneslayer — A futuristic amphibious hovercraft. Top speed of ~80km/h, seats 1 driver and 7 passengers (6 of which can see out of a bulletproof glass canopy). Requires no fuel but does need a battery. Extremely slow over water. Lockable. Spawns on Boubyan Island.
  • Storage Sanbouk: A wooden boat with a canopy. Top speed 62km/h. 8×8 trunk. Not lockable.
  • Al-Boum: A wooden sailboat. Top speed ~108km/h. Smaller trunk storage capacity than the Storage Sanbouk. Not lockable.
  • Sandspitter: 4-seater single-propeller airplane.
  • Desert Orca: Armoured 6-seater helicopter. 6×6 trunk. Lockable.
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