
Exclusive Items[]

Crafting Items

  • Makeshift Tank Barrel
  • Makeshift Tank Firing Base
  • Explosive Compound
  • Explosive Mix
  • Metal Tube
  • Corrugated Iron
  • Taper
  • Charcoal
  • Potassium
  • Fertilizer

Tank Items

The prison has one very specific way of escaping. As stated before, the player must repair and arm a tank to blow through a wall. After that, they will simply walk out. This can even take place during the day without the guards noticing. Escaping is mostly easy, but the tank resets when you go to sleep, so you have to keep everything and use it all in the same day. To use a part you made, select it and click on the tank.
Items that go on the tank (In order requested):

  • Makeshift Tank Turret
  • Makeshift Explosive Round
  • Makeshift Fuse (Note: Using this will cause the tank to fire. After you’ve done this, run!)

Gift Items

There are also unique items in the Escape Team map. Giving these items to the right inmates will increase their opinion largely. You can also give these items to guards for a small opinion boost (except Bag of Trash).

  • Aftershave (Give this to Andy for an achievement.)
  • Sovereign Ring (Give this to Cage for an achievement.)
  • Trash Bag (Give this to Sean for an achievement.)

Third Strategy (IOS[]

You will need:

Gardener Job

Timber Brace x3

Trowel (only use as needed)

Guard Uniform (Optional)


The bad thing about this prison on the IOS is that the only walls you can break is in your cell.

  1. You should start off with the Gardener Job, if not, follow the guy who has it, hit him once and lead him on a merry chase, thus not letting him get his job. Beware, since your player is faster, make sure you don’t lose him
  2. In the gardener place, there is an infinite amount of Trowels. If you can’t be stuffed getting a Sturdy Shovel (80 intellect) then trowels are the way to go. Just remember, trowels only generate twice a day
  3. Move the desk, and start digging right on the screen. Place timber braces when prompted. When it prompts for the 4th one, stop. You are past the wall and electric fence. (Remember, when you finish digging, or need to go to the showers to recouperate, place the desk on top of the hole to hide it)
  4. Wait until evening role call. Once the words (evening roll call) appear on the screen, place your bed dummy. After saving, pop on your guard uniform and dispose of the inmate uniform behind a tree. Go to the gardener spot.
  5. Move the desk again. Move to the end and dig up. Once up, fill the hole, and run to the wooden thing on the bottom S-E corner of the room.
  6. You’ve escaped.

Greater you will need a sturdy shovel and a plastic red key to ESCAPE on and wear a guard outfit and put a bed dummy at your bed then you dig at the corner at the red key exit then you have escaped

Strategies / Ways to Escape[]

Race From Space

Gamemodes: Singleplayer only.
Method 1 (Safe Method):

  • Increase your intellect to 60 (70 to upgrade the contraband pouch. Useful, but not necessary).
  • You’ll need to get the following:
    • Screwdriver or Crowbar
    • 2 Energy Modules
    • A Contraband Pouch
    • A Plastic Red Key
  • Obtain a Jet Pack. You can obtain a Jetpack by doing the following:
    • Control Room: Find a screwdriver or crowbar and head to the unlocked room between the Control Room and eastern maintenance room. Place a desk underneath the vent in that room and unscrew the vent. Go east, remove the second vent and go down to get the Jetpack from the Desk, then leave.
    • Force Field: Go to the corner near the front of the Control Room but go north. Slip past the contraband detector and go upstairs where there is a desk guarded by a force field (which somehow cannot be deactivated with a shutdown of the generator). You have to head to the computer by the top right and disable it with the 2 Energy Modules. Then get the Jetpack.
  • Head all the way to the west, to an area where several dogs reside, protected by red doors and Scanners. Go through the halls and into the room with the Warden in it (a large black box with a red light). Go to the upper left corner of the room, and holding the Jet Pack, interact with the button.
  • Escape!

Method 2 (Fast Method):

  • Get the Jet Pack using the contraband desk route.
  • Beat up guards until you get the red key (or simply take note of the targeted guard’s name in the selection screen.) You may want to train your stats or acquire a weapon, but this is optional.
  • Steal the key. Make sure you knock out the guard while near the warden’s room, this will give you more time before the Medics arrive and take the guard away. If the guard wakes up while you still have the key, a Lockdown will occur, but this should not happen if you are fast enough and made sure to KO the guard near the entrance.
  • Run into the hall and through the scanners. Your heat will rise instantly, but dogs take time to sniff contraband, giving you a few seconds to run.
  • Go into the warden’s room holding the Jet Pack in hand. Pull the switch and escape!

Perimeter Breakout

Gamemodes: Singleplayer and Multiplayer.


  • Increase your intellect to 60 (50 if you would rather get 2 lightweight cutters)
  • You’ll need to get the following:
    • Screwdriver
    • Sturdy Cutters (Or 2 lightweight cutters if you managed to get 2 for cheaper).
  • Head to the shower room, and below it should be a small medic room, then a room w/ a purple key. Head up to the top.
  • Head to the bottom fence and cut through it.
  • Head to the desk, and in the top left of the desk room should be a vent. Enter the vent with the screwdriver and then cut ALL of the fences until the end.
  • Exit the vent, and head up and out to the spaceship.


METHOD 2: Speedrunning method. This method branches off into two plans; a low-risk plan and a high-risk plan. Tip: Rename the 3rd officer in the menu to «Red Key» since he will always have the red key.

  • Get 2 files
  • Get 1 screwdriver
  • Craft a Wad of Putty and raise intellect to 60. Get Molten Plastic as well. (Low-risk plan only)
  • Knock out a guard with a red key and craft a Plastic Red Key with the Putty and the Molten Plastic. Return the real key to the guard. (Low-risk plan only)
  • Steal a red key from a guard. (High-risk plan only)
  • Head to the storage room with dark plaid floors right of the greenhouse entrance.
  • Move the desk to the middle to match the Vent.
  • Unscrew the Vent.
  • Once you open the vent, go all the way east, then south and unscrew the vent up.
  • Go up again and you’ll be in a room.
  • Go north until the red door. Go through that red door.
  • Drop the real key so the dogs won’t find you. (High-risk plan only)
  • Go out the purple door, and with the 2 files, cut through the fence and make your escape.

Peas In A Pod

Gamemodes: Multiplayer only.

Raise at least one player’s intelligence to 60.

  • Acquire 2x Battery, 1x Wire, 1x Medical Mesh, and 1x Tank of Oxygen. ( Medical Mesh can be found in medical desks, for this you will need an Inmate Outfit OR a Guard Outfit and a Tub of Bleach to craft an Infirmary Outfit. You can find Battery on guards.)
  • Craft an Energy Module.
  • With all of these items in your inventory, head to the double doors just above the cafeteria. Go up the staircase and then through either of the Multiplayer doors.
  • Insert your items into the second (starting from the top) escape pod on the right.
  • Escape!


You always live in the middle row of cells on the 2nd row to the left. 8:00 is morning Roll Call. Failing to go to rollcall will cause a prison lockdown. After Roll Call, you have breakfast, which is a good time to take on favors and buy items. After breakfast is Free Period, which is good to plan your escape or complete favors to get cash. Lunch follows the first free period. Use Lunch the same as breakfast (NOTE:You could always skip out on these, but be careful of being spotted!) Your job follows lunch. If you’re unemployed, you can simply take on favors, talk to inmates or try and steal someone’s job. You can steal a job by beating the inmate with the job up so they get no work done. If you’re starting out you probably have laundry duty (See the jobs section on how to complete it.) Finish your quota and leave. A good tactic to complete your quota is leave items ready to go for tomorrow (Like putting 2 dirty outfits in the washer and leaving them for the next day.) Finish your job and head to the gym for either weights or a treadmill. Weights give you more strength and overall health while treadmills increase speed. If you become too fatigued or it’s time to go, head next door to the showers to reduce fatigue. After Shower Time, eat dinner just like breakfast and lunch, then enjoy your 3 hour free period. After, go to roll call and go to bed. Repeat until you escape!

Available jobs:
Janitor, laundry (default), kitchen, mailman, metalshop


There are 12 main types of doors:

Free Doors

Their appearance resembles stereotypical jail doors. They can be freely entered and exited as many times as you want. They are colored white on the map.

Cell (Yellow) Doors

These doors are the entrance of Inmates’ cells. They are unlocked during the day, but when the lights out period begins, other cell doors will be locked shut. You will only be able to go through your own cell door, and that will lock when you get inside your cell. They can be opened with the Plastic Cell/Yellow Key.

Entrance (Purple) Doors

These doors are unlocked during the day. However, at night, they deny access to exterior areas, only allowing you to enter the room with your cell. They can be opened with the Plastic Entrance/Purple Key.

Utility (Cyan or Orange) Doors

The utility door, which is orange in PC but cyan in Console, Mobile and all versions of TE2, houses the maintenance crew, ladders, the generator room, and shortcut passageways used by urgent medics. They are locked, but can be opened by getting a Plastic Utility/Cyan/Orange Key.

Staff (Red) Doors

This is a door that secures guard-only areas. They protect the guard quarters, the Control Room, the generator room (sometimes blocked by a utility key), and many escape routes. Opening these requires a Plastic Staff/Red Key.

Work (Green) Doors

This door is the entrance into job rooms. It only unlocks for inmates that occupy the respective job. For example, the kitchen room will only accept chefs, not plumbers. With a Work/Green Key, you can access many employment departments such as the Kennels, the Janitor closet, etc.

Guard (Blue) Doors

These doors are blue on the bottom, with a yellow police star. They are the gate to valuable Contraband Desks. They can only be opened when you are wearing a Guard Outfit. On the map they are colored black.

Medic (Dark Green) Doors

These doors are dark green on the bottom, with a green medical cross. They are the gate to medic desks. They can only be opened when you are wearing infirmary overalls/outfit or Medic Outfit (TE2). On the map they are colored black.

Impassable (Grey/Silver) Doors

No matter what you do, this door will not open for you. Only real NPCs can get past. They appear to open in cutscenes, but that is the only time an inmate is shown opening them.

Solitary (Orange) Doors

They look like Free Doors, but they will not open for you unless you have completed your sentence in Solitary. They are orange on the map.

3rd Strategy[]

Another strategy (which also works on Console!) is extremely easy.

All you will need is

  1. A Fake Wall Block
  2. A Bed Dummy
  3. A Red Plastic Key
  4. A Guard Outfit
  5. And a Sturdy Pickaxe

So once you have all of these items, you will basically be all set to escape. Just wait until evening rollcall.

Right when it begins, or just before, place a bed dummy in your bed. Then, wait a few seconds during the rolecall (like one second after all three guards arrive) then get into the solitary room, change into a guard outfit then walk around to the door that leads to the other part of the prison. Try to evade the guards as much as possible but do not worry if one or two see you. There is a door with a red key lock in one of the electric fence areas on the right side. When you find it, go through using the red key and walk down outside of the upper right corner of the barracks. dig under using your pickaxe and once your tunnel; in underneath the inside of the barracks, dig up and cover the inside hole. Now there will be two locks, you can get through both with just the red key. Once you get through both of those doors. you will be on the docks. Walk to the area of it where it extends outwards (where the boats would be) and once you are in the area the game will end. You have escaped!


En el juego, los jugadores asumen el control de un recluso desde una perspectiva descendente. El recluso debe seguir las rutinas diarias en la prisión y, al mismo tiempo, completar misiones para sus compañeros y buscar oportunidades para escapar. The Escapists 2 cuenta con un sistema de artesanía que permite a los jugadores fabricar objetos como palas, pistolas eléctricas y maniquíes para confundir a los guardias Una vez que el personaje del jugador es capturado, todo el progreso se pierde y el recluso es puesto en confinamiento solitario En comparación con sus predecesores, el juego tiene una mayor variedad de prisiones, incluyendo vehículos de transporte de prisioneros e instalaciones de encarcelamiento ambientadas en el espacio. También hay más opciones de personalización para el personaje del jugador. El juego cuenta con un sistema de combate ampliado que permite a los jugadores fijar objetivos, bloquear y realizar ataques ligeros y pesados.

El juego cuenta con un modo multijugador cooperativo local y en línea. Dos jugadores pueden ayudarse mutuamente cuando los personajes de los jugadores escapan de la prisión. El multijugador competitivo enfrenta a cuatro jugadores y gana la partida el que más rápido se escape del centro de reclusión.


  • Beat-up favours typically give a lower amount of cash than other favours, but are an easy way to make cash if you get your strength and speed up.
  • In TE2, Delivery Driver is a fast way to make a sizeable profit. Performing all three parts of the favour from one inmate during Roll Call can earn you 75 coins almost effortlessly. This is a good tactic for quickly purchasing an item for a rapid escape, such as a Crowbar.
  • Most items needed for give favours can be found in desks without too much trouble, (i.e paperclips, books, toilet paper, combs, etc), or made easily. This does not apply to TE2, as the items required automatically spawn.
  • In The Escapists 2, Favors can be used to spawn items you need for escaping. Need a piece of string? Find someone with a quest to craft a Candle or any other item that uses the one you need. If you have trouble finding the right quest, note that choosing ‘Maybe’ instead of Accept or Decline causes them to change the item that they ask for, but not the favor type. I.E. if you find someone with the Crafty favor, but not the specific variant you need, just keep clicking maybe on them to cycle through all variants of Crafty. This seemingly works for all favor types, but not all favors tell you what you’re collecting before you accept them.

Concealment Devices

Item Requirements Intelligence Required in TE1 Intelligence Required in TE2 Extra Info
Fake Wall Block Paper Mache + Paper Mache + Jar of Ink 40 40 use amount 20%
Fake Vent Cover Paper Mache + Paper Mache 30 30 use amount 20%
Fake Fence Wire + Wire + Wire 50 50 Left with 80% of durability after placement.
Bed Dummy Pillow + Pillow + Bed Sheet 30 40 Can be used indefinitely
Contraband Pouch Foil + Roll of Duct Tape 50 60 Has 4 uses in TE1. Has 5 uses in TE2. Does not take durability if it is the only contraband item in your inventory (TE1).
Durable Contraband Pouch Foil + Foil + Roll of Duct Tape 70 70 Has 7 uses in TE1. Has 10 uses in TE2. Does not work on console (TE1), uses a Contraband Pouch instead of one of the Foils in TE2. Does not take durability if it is the only contraband item in your inventory (TE1).
Poster Magazine + Roll of Duct Tape 20 30 Has 5 uses in TE2 but can be used indefinitely in TE1.

Favor Types (TE 1)[]


This favor involves knocking out a inmate or guard.

As your target will attempt to fight back, it is recommended that you train your strength and speed before you perform Beat-down favors, especially if your target is a guard, as guards hit much harder than most inmates since they use Batons (or Stun Rods). When carrying out a beating job, follow your target first and beat him up when he is in an isolated area, as Guards will attempt to knock you down if they see you attacking a target. The beat-downs involving a guard will reward you twice as much as inmate beat-downs.

The one-use Cup of Molten Chocolate can easily instant K.O. someone and complete any beat-down favors associated with the target. However, use this on guards since they are stronger and have weapons.

Text Displayed (PC Version)

  • That punk inmate’s been disrespecting me. Knock him about the place a bit and I’ll pay you.
  • I suspect the recent heat on me is coming from inmate. Give him a good hiding and I’ll see you right.
  • Guard thinks he has VIP access to my cell desk. Go lay him out for me and I’ll pay you.
  • My parole was rejected thanks to guard. I want him bruised.
  • I think Guard likes me. Go break his face.

Beat up target for giver.


This favor is accomplished by targeting and hitting an inmate or guard during an assembly event, causing the guards to focus on chasing after you. Alternatively, you can take off your clothing briefly.

Text Displayed

  • I plan to teach someone a lesson during next routine. Get the guards attention so I can do my thing
  • Finally found out who’s been snitching on me to the warden! Distract the guards at next routine for me so I can reward him.
  • If you can divert the guards attention next routine for me I can dish out some justice using this screwdriver!

Distraction at routine for giver.


This favor involves finding a specific item and bringing it back to the inmate that asked for it.

The item requested can be acquired from any source, whether you buy or steal it, but you must personally bring the item back to the inmate that asked for it and giving it to him through the «Give» tab.

Payment is received the moment you give the requested item to the inmate in question.

Text Displayed

  • I need a item, can you hook me up with one?
  • Find me a item and I’ll make it worth your while.
  • Got a item? I have a buyer lined up!

Locate a item for giver.

Steal Char

This favor involves retrieving an item from a specific inmate or guard.

Inmates may have the item in their desk or on their person; if it is in their desk, you can simply raid it to retrieve the item, but if it is on their person, you will have to either knock him out personally or wait for him to be knocked out by a guard or another inmate, and then raid his body for the item.

As guards do not have living quarters, the item will always be on their person, so if your target is a guard, you will most likely have to knock him out personally, as other inmates are almost never capable of knocking out guards by themselves.

The item you will need to retrieve will flash repeatedly and will bear the owner’s name in front of the item name. You do not need to personally bring it back to its owner; you just need to pick it up. Items retrieved in this way will not cause the guards to raise your heat and chase after you, which is what they will normally do if you steal an item from a knocked-out NPC.

Payment is received the moment you pick up the required item.

Text Displayed

  • That thieving rat inmate stole my item! I want it back ASAP!
  • My lucky item has found its way into the pilfering palm of inmate. Get it back and I’ll see you right.
  • Guard saw fit to relieve me of my item. I’d appreciate it if you could get it back.
  • I gave guard my item in good faith he’d watch my back. He failed to deliver so I want my payment back.


В игре игроки берут на себя управление заключенным сверху вниз . Заключенный должен следовать распорядку дня в тюрьме, в то же время выполнять квесты для сокамерников и искать возможности для побега. В Escapists 2 есть система крафта, которая позволяет игрокам создавать такие предметы, как лопаты, электрошокеры и манекены, чтобы сбить с толку охранников. Как только персонаж игрока пойман, весь прогресс теряется, и заключенный помещается в одиночную камеру . По сравнению со своими предшественниками, в игре больше тюрем, включая транспортные средства для заключенных и помещения для содержания под стражей, расположенные в космосе. Также есть больше возможностей настройки персонажа игрока. В игре представлена ​​расширенная боевая система, которая позволяет игрокам захватывать цели, блокировать и выполнять легкие и тяжелые атаки.

В игре есть как локальный, так и сетевой кооперативный многопользовательский режим . Два игрока могут помогать друг другу, когда персонажи игроков сбегают из тюрьмы. Соревновательный многопользовательский режим сталкивает четырех игроков друг с другом, и игрок, который быстрее всех вырывается из тюрьмы, побеждает в игре.

Крафты The Escapists. The Walking Dead: Полный список пожалуйста 🙂 | Автор топика: Наталья

Светлана ПредметРецептИнтеллектПримечанияTool Handle.png Ручка для инструментаFile.png Напильник + Timber.png Дерево30Основа для создания непрочной лопаты и кирки.Flimsy Pickaxe.png Непрочная киркаTool Handle.png Ручка для инструмента + Crowbar.png Лом + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента40Самая легкая и легко изготавливаемая кирка, но она быстро ломается и медленно разрушает стены и камни.Lightweight Pickaxe.png Облегченная киркаFlimsy Pickaxe.png Непрочная кирка + Timber.png Дерево + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента60Вторая по трудности создания кирка, ломается медленнее легкой, но быстрее прочной.Sturdy Pickaxe.png Прочная киркаLightweight Pickaxe.png Облегченная кирка + Timber.png Дерево + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента80Самая лучшая из всех названных кирок, ломается медленнее всех, а стены и камни поддаются быстрее. Киркой можно копать землю.Flimsy Shovel.png Непрочная лопатаTool Handle.png Ручка для инструмента + Sheet of Metal.png Металл + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента40Самая простая лопата, медленно копает и быстро ломается.Lightweight Shovel.png Облегченная лопатаFlimsy Shovel.png Непрочная лопата + Sheet of Metal.png Металл + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента60Средняя лопата. Средние характеристики.Sturdy Shovel.png Прочная лопатаLightweight Shovel.png Облегченная лопата + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента + Sheet of Metal.png Металл80Самая лучшая лопата, медленно ломается и быстро копает.Flimsy Cutters.png Непрочные ножницыFile.png Напильник + File.png Напильник + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента40Обычные ножницы, используются для создания более крепких ножниц.Lightweight Cutters.png Облегченные ножницыFlimsy Cutters.png Непрочные ножницы + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента + File.png Напильник60Облегченные ножницы. Средние характеристики.Sturdy Cutters.png Прочные ножницыLightweight Cutters.png Облегченные ножницы + File.png Напильник + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента80Самые лучшие ножницы. Быстро режут и медленно ломаются.Powered Screwdriver.png ДрельScrewdriver.png Отвертка + Battery.png Батарейка + Wire.png Провод80Используется для отвинчивания вентиляции.Multitool.png МультитулSturdy Shovel.png Прочная лопата + Sturdy Pickaxe.png Прочная кирка + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента90Используется для разрушения стен и выкапывания.Cutting Floss.png Резная нитьDental Floss.png Зубная нить + Dental Floss.png Зубная нить + Dental Floss.png Зубная нить40Используется для резки вентиляции.ОружиеПредметРецептИнтеллектСила атакиПримечанияComb Blade.png Расческа-ножикComb.png Расческа+Razor Blade.png Лезвие202/5Лучше использовать расческу-заточку чем расческу-ножик, так как урон у них одинаковый, но для расчески-ножика нужно дополнительное лезвие.Toothbrush Shiv.png Щетка-заточкаУдарить Toothbrush.png Щетка по стене02/5-Comb Shiv.png Расческа-заточкаУдаритьComb.png Расческа по стене02/5-Sock Mace.png Носок с мыломSock.png Носок + Soap.png Мыло303/5Идентичный носку с батарейкой, только нужно меньше интеллекта.Super Sock Mace.png Носок с батарейкойSock.png Носок + Battery.png Батарейка503/5Идентичный носку с мылом, но нужно больше интеллекта.Knuckle Duster.png КастетRoll of Duct Tape.png Изолента + Razor Blade.png Лезвие604/5-Glass Shank.png Стекло-заточкаGlass Shard.png Осколок стекла + Roll of Duct Tape.png Изолента04/5Хорошее оружие, несмотря на дешевый рецепт.Nunchucks.png НунчакиWire.png Провод + Timber.png Дерево + Timber.png Дерево705/5Идентичны кнуту, но стоит дороже.Whip.png КнутTimber.png Дерево + Wire.png Провод + Razor Blade.png Лезвие805/5Идентичен нунчакам, но стоит дешевле.Cup of Molten Chocolate.png Кружка горячего шоколадаCup.png Кружка + Bar of Chocolate.png Шоколад + Lighter.png Зажигалка40Мгновенное оглушениеЛучше использовать на

Тюрьма Center Perks 2.0

Первый побег

Это очень простой способ и не требует от вас ничего особенного. Все, что вам нужно, — это манекен и резаки. Когда вы сойдете с края карты, вы покинете тюрьму. Чтобы сделать это, просто положите манекен в свою комнату, после чего выходите наружу. Когда вы окажетесь на улице, дождитесь, пока погаснет свет. В темноте вы сможете вырезать забор с помощью резаков и покинуть тюрьму. Это можно сделать в любом случае, с друзьями или в одиночку.

Третий побег

 Только для мультиплеера. 

Вы можете найти его на столе. Когда у вас будет адрес доставки, вам нужно отправиться в восточную часть карты, где вы найдете дверь с надписью «Доступ». Чтобы войти, нужно, чтобы один игрок держал дверь, а другой зашел внутрь. Внутри комнаты поместите все три части контейнера для перевозки на золотую платформу, чтобы вы могли сбежать.


You will need:

Timber Brace x2

Plastic Staff Key (Optional)

Guard Outfit (Optional)

Plastic Utility Key (Optional)

Plastic Cell Key (Optional)

Any type of food (Optional)

Banned Camp is another slightly awkward prison (Though not as awkward as London Tower was). You have to make use of the utility tunnel next to the kitchen as your starting point. Begin by setting the Bed Dummy in your cell during Evening Rollcall and grabbing your equipment. When Lights Out commences, proceed behind the fence leading to the rest of the prison, before the door locks. If the door locks, you will need a Plastic Cell Key to proceed. Once you’re on the other side of the fence, don your Guard Outfit if you have one and haven’t done so, already. Then head over to the kitchen. You do not need to worry about having the kitchen job or needing a key for the green door. You can simply hop over the serving table by climbing onto it like a desk. If you have a Plastic Utility Key, use it to enter the tunnel through the orange door, otherwise chip through the wall closest so the serving table. Replace the wall block once you’re through.

Now that you’re inside the utility tunnel, you can begin digging. Start your tunnel on the tile down from the door (Do not place it next to the door, as guards come into the kitchen occasionally and can see through the door). Use your Multitool for maximum efficiency. Once you’re inside the tunnel, begin digging north, as well as chipping any boulders you encounter. Use your Timber Braces when prompted. You can use the roof to stash the Dirt you get from digging. A ladder inside the tunnel will lead up there. If you get too fatigued, exit the utility tunnel again (Either by wall or door) and hop into the showers just to the left of the kitchen to drain your fatigue again, then continue. Keep digging until you get the third prompt for a timber brace. This means you’re past the electric fence, so start digging up.

On the surface, plop down some dirt to cover the tunnel again and start heading right and around the entire prison perimeter. Once you reach the far right, head down and past the guard barracks. You will notice all of the walls into the barracks are reinforced, except for one that you can conveniently reach. Chip through this wall when nobody’s looking and replace the wall. Now head out the red door to the bottom, if you have a Plastic Staff Key, or chip through the wall between it and your «entrance» and replace the wall, and head southwest to a dock area. A single prisoner boat is sitting in the water there. Approach it to end the game.

The Escapists 1 DLC Prisons

The following is only in The Escapists 1’s DLC Prisons and are unobtainable in The Escapists 2.

Escape Team

Item Requirements Intelligence Required Extra Info
Makeshift Tank Turret Makeshift Tank Barrel + Makeshift Tank Firing Base + Roll of Duct Tape 20
Makeshift Tank Barrel Metal Tube + Metal Tube + Roll of Duct Tape 20
Makeshift Tank Firing Base Corrugated Iron + Corrugated Iron + Roll of Duct Tape 20
Makeshift Explosive Round Metal Cone + Explosive Compound 40
Explosive Compound Mixing Container + Explosive Mix 40
Explosive Mix Charcoal + Potassium + Fertilizer 60
Makeshift Fuse Lighter + Taper 80

Duct Tapes Are Forever Crafts

Item Requirements Intelligence Required Extra Info
Voice Recording Memoir Tapes x1 + Tape Player x1 60
Fake Fingerprint Weak Fingerprint x1 + Blue Putty x1 60
Weak Fingerprint Dirty Glass x1 + Tub of Talcum Powder x1 + Sticky Tape x1 60
Metal Rimmed Hat Cutting Laser Watch x1 + Pork Pie Hat x1 + Sheet of Metal x1 Unknown
Flamethrower Hairspray x1 + Lighter x1 Unknown

Santa’s Sweatshop Crafts

Item Requirements Intelligence Required Extra Info
Presents Wooden Scooter x1 + Wrapping Paper x1 + Sticky Tape x1 Unknown
Presents Wooden Block x1 + Wrapping Paper x1 + Sticky Tape x1 Unknown
Presents Wooden Doll x1 + Wrapping Paper x1 + Sticky Tape x1 Unknown
Presents Wooden Ball x1 + Wrapping Paper x1 + Sticky Tape x1 Unknown
Tinsel Glitter x1 + Roll of Toilet Paper x1 + Tube of Super Glue x1 Unknown
Fairy Lights Bulbs x1 + Wire x1 + Battery x1 Unknown

Crowbar — Официальная The Escapists Wiki

Ходячие мертвецы
Идентификатор товара: 67
Будет конфисковано
Предмет ограниченного использования
Оружие 3/5
Выкрашивание 2/5
Беглецы 2 Шт.
Можно отколоть одну плитку
Будет конфисковано

Crowbar появляется во всех трех играх Escapists.Может использоваться как оружие или для создания полезных предметов. Его также можно использовать как меньшую альтернативу кирке, с удвоенной режущей способностью пластиковой вилки. Он так же эффективен, как дубинка охранника в бою.

В The Escapists 2 он также используется для побега с железной дороги Кугар-Крик с помощью многопользовательского метода: игроки должны собрать три лома и, удерживая каждый лом, взаимодействовать с соединителем между камбузом и остальной частью поезда. Как только все три лома будут использованы, побег будет завершен.

Можно купить у сокамерников, украсть у сокамерников или охранников или найти в тайнике заключенных. Нельзя найти в партах сокамерников (только TE1, можно найти в партах TE2).

The Escapists 2 — Список ремесел и информация об инструментах

Версия для печати всей информации о ремеслах и инструментах (две страницы): количество применений и т. Д.


Первая страница содержит «базовые ремесла» из классических игровых карт, с интеллектом, необходимым для создания предмета (все было подтверждено в последней версии, в которую я играл, 1.37), и некоторые другие предметы, такие как оружие и лекарства, которые вы можете найти на других столах ,


Вторая страница содержит статистику всех инструментов (если я не пропустил какие-то? Не думаю) в зависимости от их использования (копание, скалывание, резка…).

Он также содержит список ключей в зависимости от охранников (советы: легче найти соответствующий ключ, если вы назовете охранников, например, «Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo» или «First Second Third Forth Fifth») ,

Ways To Escape[]

Perimeter Breakout

Speedrun Strategy:

Get a Crowbar. It can be bought from Shops with money (usually 50 coins) which can be quickly obtained by completing certain favors, or doing a job if no favors are sufficient. Alternatively, you can loot a crowbar off someone or find it in a desk, or buy an Iron Bar if that’s available instead.

Now run to the western perimeter of the prison using the exit south of the infirmary (below the meal hall).
After exiting the building run southwest until you find a room guarded by a purple door with some trash bags in it. (The trash bags are not items). There should also be a written message on the northern wall of the room.
Chip your way through the western wall of the room and run to freedom!
This can be performed during any time of day, lockdown will never ensue unless you lure a guard into the room you want to chip.

Strategy 1:

  • Get your Intellect up to 40, or 50 if you want to craft a Guard Outfit.
  • Acquire 2 File.
  • Make a Bed Dummy to put in your bed on the night of the escape.
  • Acquire the Civilian Outfit which can be found on the second floor near the Northern staircase. Alternatively, a Guard Outfit can be crafted or looted from a guard.
  • Put the Bed Dummy in your bed before evening Roll Call.
  • At the end of evening free time, gather at the Roll Call area. Once roll call has begun, you can run off to the perimeter with your 2 Files and your civilian/guard outfit equipped. Be sure to find a place with only one layer of fence.
  • Make sure to exit before roll call ends, or you will be locked in!
  • A minute after Lights Out begins (you’ll know when the «Return to Cell» bar disappears), cut your way out using the Files. Depending on where you choose to escape, Guards may be present. Consult your map when choosing a location.
  • You are out of Center Perks 2.0!

Strategy 2:

  • Find Robinson, the inmate with a red favor icon
  • Select the favor: Chipping Digging or Cutting

Once you’ve selected an option, just follow the favor’s information. It will give you step-by-step instructions to familiarize you with perimeter escape tactics. This is recommended for new players, or those who want to learn the ins and outs of each escape type.

Meet the Crew (Singleplayer only)

Meet The Crew is Center Perks 2.0’s unique singleplayer escape. This method is fast to act out and does not take much effort to set up. Nighttime is not required: this method can be performed any time of the day!

  • Get to the spot where the camera crew is set (The quarters are situated North on the 2nd floor, to the left of the Job Office).
  • At the Camera Crew Quarters, open the desk and acquire the Civilian Outfit and the Radio Receiver.
  • Acquire a Broom and Roll of Duct Tape. Both can be found in desks, and the Duct Tape can be purchased.
  • Raise your Intellect to 50.
  • Craft the Fake Audio Equipment.
The Escape:
  • Equip the Civilian Outfit and the Fake Audio Equipment.
  • Head to the Northeastern part of the prison, where the Visitor Area is located. To the left of it is a corridor leading North. Enter the room at the end of the corridor.
  • Escape through the door on the left side of the room.

Last Post (Multiplayer Only)

BE AWARE: The Last Post is a multiplayer method. It’s not possible to do this alone! It is possible to get in the room by the vent in a singleplayer game, but even after the crate has been completed, you will not be able to escape.

  • Reach 50 Intellect.
  • Acquire 3 Timber, 2 Nails, a Hammer and a Bracket.
  • Craft Crate Base, Crate Casing and 1 Crate Top.
  • Find Postal Address (this can be found in Inmates’ desks.)
The Escape
  • Carry the three Crate parts and the Address and go to the Delivery Room (located on the East side of the prison. Bordered by a multiplayer-only door)
  • Construct the Crate using the four objects, in the middle of the room.
  • You will escape once all four objects have been constructed!
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