The unlabored blade


Flanked by a host of guards, all of whom regard you with mute hostility, Lord Raedric VII observes you from his throne, clad in ornate plate. His eyes have a hollow quality, and there is a pallor to the man’s gaunt face that leaves his features showing stark against his dark and unkempt hair. There is a dagger discarded upon one stone arm of the throne. A thin, crimson rivulet worms its way down from the blade and past Raedric’s fingers, even as he leans forward to regard you with a piercing gaze.

Raedriv VII is the descendant of the proud Aedyran house of Raedric that allied itself with the Dyrwood during the War of Defiance, receiving Gilded Vale and surrounding lands as their own. He was once a stern, but benevolent ruler and a devout follower of Eothas. However, the events of the Saint’s War have turned him away from his faith. Worse, the wheat blight and the Hollowborn plague convinced him that the utter destruction of Eothasian followers was necessary, turning him into a bloodthirsty zealot.

As expected, his rule became tyrannical, with the mighty tree in the heart of the village turned into an improvised gallows. As time passed and the crisis worsened, more and more people wound up hanging from its branches, for a variety of transgressions the lord deemed worthy of capital punishment. When his wife, Ygrid, became pregnant, his madness reached a critical point. Moving heaven and earth to somehow ensure his wife gave birth to a healthy child with an intact soul, he wound up attracting all manner of animancers… Nearly all of whom were hanged when they couldn’t provide a reliable solution. His cousin, Kolsc, decided to kill his cousin and establish a more reasonable ruler over the domain of the Vale.


You cannot imagine the power bestowed upon me. I feel the touch of the gods. My faith is a font from which I draw life. My wrath is a sweeping flame. And you will burn this day.

An armored figure strides forward. In place of its eyes, great flames burn, emanating heat and light. In that orange glow you can see that the face beneath has succumbed to rot — the cheeks sunken, the lips pulled back over gray gums and decaying teeth. But it is unmistakably Raedric who stands before you. If the Watcher disposed of Raedric, then Berath will return him to this world as a death guard in return for his zeal and faith. The resulting monster will set about putting things to rights, unless the Watcher intervenes and kills him. Again.

Игра Pillars of Eternity — общая информация

Релиз игры состоялся в 2015 году — в версии для ПК. Однако она оказалась настолько популярной, что в августе 2017 года также вышли игры для PS4 и Xbox One, а ещё через два года — для Nintendo Switch.

Игра не разочарует даже придирчивых геймеров

Важным достоинством игры является её нетребовательность — запустить можно даже на сравнительно слабом компьютере. Нужно всего 4 Гб оперативной памяти, процессор уровня Core i3, а также видеокарта Geforce 9600 GT. Конечно, любой современный игровой компьютер может похвастать куда более внушительными параметрами.

Время, затрачиваемое на игру, сильно зависит от стиля геймера. Если поспешить, выполняя только сюжетные задания, то прохождение игры «Пилларс оф Этернити» займет около 22 часов. Ну а чтобы заглянуть в каждый уголок, выполнить все побочные квесты, придется потратить значительно больше времени — до 70 часов.

При этом нужно понимать, что выше указано чистое время игры, когда геймер прекрасно знает всю последовательность действий и ему не приходится отвлекаться. Если же просто играть в свое удовольствие, затрачивая по 2-3 часа вечером, то на освоение мира уйдет пара тройка недель.

Факт! На протяжении всей игры геймеру предстоит много раз делать выбор — от этого зависит развитие сюжета и то, какую концовку он увидит.


Woedica is usually depicted with burned and withered skin, having been cast from her rightful seat by war and burned in Magran’s fire. Nevertheless, she retains her dignity and plots her «rightful» revenge. She has no allies among the other gods, believing they owe her fealty. However, Skaen is associated with her, though the exact nature of their relationship is unclear.

Woedica manifests in the world as the Strangler, a leathery-skinned old woman, always clad in tattered finery, who appears on an empty road or abandoned alleyway to murder those who break a solemn oath. According to those few that claim to have seen her, she is supernaturally agile and quick while possessing the strength to strangle a full grown aumaua. Woedica’s avatar is believed to have slain several usurpers in Dyrwoodan history, though it is possible that the real murderers merely blamed the goddess. For this reason, oath breaking is punished by strangulation in many cultures.


A former mining colony established in the White March by the Aedyr Empire, to supply ore to the empire. As long as the colonial presence remained in the Eastern Reach, the village saw a reliable amount of traffic from both sides of the March.

Stalwart has experienced difficulties in recent times due to the closure of the mines after the Aedyr Empire pulled out of the Eastern Reach. With no proper economy to anchor it in place, the village is facing oblivion. Each month more and more people leave, due to a lack of work or supplies necessary to sustain them. The combination of a particularly cold season that affected elk populations across the March and the aggression on part of the ogre clans and wolves are the primary reasons behind the recent difficulties.

To avoid that fate, Renengild, the mayor of the village has decided to reawaken the White Forge of Durgan’s Battery and establish Stalwart as the sole supplier of Durgan steel or an approximation thereof. She contacts The Watcher for assistance after the first dozen attempts fail, as the village came under attack from an Ogre tribe, seemingly in retaliation for attempts to access the Battery. Although numerous adventuring parties have been trying to batter down the doors into the battery for over a year, none succeeded.

Once The White March — Part I is completed

Stalwart is reinvigorated by the opening of Durgan’s Battery and the influx of people and money into the town. Having completed her mission, Renengild stepped down as mayor, allowing the younger generation to take over. Houses ruined in the ogre attack have been torn down, replaced with yurts, while the Temple of Ondra has been rededicated to Abydon, in accordance with the Battery. The mines have also been opened, providing the Battery with a fresh source of ore for the Forges.

However, the influx of newcomers interested in making a life for themselves has caused tensions across the town, as old-time Stalwart residents are aggravated by the fact that newcomers are taking the best jobs, refuse to pay respects to Ondra, and overcrowd the town.


As with other soulbound weapons, the in-game description of Steadfast is only gradually revealed. The description starts as a single paragraph, and more are added each time the weapon is upgraded.

Level 1

Steadfast is a single-edged backsword with a recurved guard and a wire-wrapped grip. Though not especially fancy, the crafter’s skill is readily apparent to any who hold the weapon in their hands.

Level 2

The only surviving son of an indentured servant, Adaryc Cendamyr was one of countless Readcerans who joined the ranks of Waidwen’s army upon the outbreak of the Saint’s War. Despite his youth and inexperience, Adaryc acquitted himself well in the fighting, and was soon popular among his fellow soldiers for his good sense, his passion, and his loyalty. Determined to honor Waidwen, Adaryc proved himself a disciplined and driven soldier.

Level 3

After a spate of hard-won victories, the destruction of Waidwen heralded the immediate retreat of Readceran forces back across the border. Situated far from the vanguard, Adaryc’s company found itself embroiled in brutal fighting as triumphant Dyrwood forces set upon their disheartened foe.

His commander slain, Adaryc had his first taste of command in the chaos. Adaryc and his fellows held off the enemy long enough for their company to rejoin the main body of the retreating army — but at the cost of many lives.

It would be nearly a year later before Adaryc would be able to revisit the battlefield, but he returned to Readceras with the broken blades of several of his fallen brothers in arms. It was from these shattered remnants that Adaryc’s sword was forged.

Level 4

Adaryc maintained contact with the surviving members of his unit after the war. Though he had struggled with bouts of melancholy since childhood, Adaryc was well-regarded as a capable and charismatic leader, devoted to his comrades. It was soon proposed that he should lead the others in forming a tight-knit collective of fighting men, united not by a desire for coin, but by their duty to their fallen comrades, and to their countrymen.

Many of the Iron Flail’s early engagements would be against less discerning mercenary companies, which Adaryc condemned as a particular danger to settlements along the Readceran border. In time, the Iron Flail’s many victories, and Adaryc’s seemingly dauntless will, would draw many more recruits into the fold. The Iron Flail soon had the backing of several prominent families, and was even rumored to have the blessing of Readceras’ ruling powers.


In a world with many gods, there are many different types of priests. Though the majority of priests spend their time tending to worshipers or engaged in relatively peaceful pursuits, there are ranks of dedicated adventuring or mercenary priests who have turned the flame of their faith into a spark to ignite the power of their souls. Such men and women have found a divine link to their chosen deity, but their abilities stem solely from within.

Dedicated to spreading the news of their gods’ dominions in the realms of mortals through their own deeds, adventuring priests thrust themselves into lethal conflict to prove their worth. Often trained to fight alongside soldiers of their respective churches, priests are capable in the fray (and near the fray, for those who follow less melee-oriented faiths), but their true power comes from their prayers, faith-inspired miracles that aid their allies and punish their enemies. These miracles range from combat blessings, weapon enchantments, and protective barriers to divine summons, sanctified wards, and crippling curses. In many ways, the prayers of priests have almost as much variety as wizards spells, though priests are restricted to invoking prayers that are aligned with their faith. Additionally, priests often specialize in the weapons, armor, and litanies of prayers most beloved by their church. Thus, the multitude of gods produces a multitude of different priests, each with their own unique array of abilities.

Priests are well-versed in philosophy, myths, and legends, giving them an inherent bonus to the Lore skill. Additionally, the requirements of their faith often involve traveling long distances in difficult circumstances, giving them an inherent bonus to Athletics.


Eothas is the god of light, redemption, hope, and rebirth. Priests of Eothas are honest and kind in their dealings, condemning all expressions of cruelty and falsehood.

Gaun is an aspect of Eothas that emphasizes the natural ending of mortal life. Commonly represented as a farmer carrying a lantern and sickle, Gaun is a figure of cyclical death as opposed to Rymrgand’s entropic one or Berath’s cold inevitability. The sickle he carries, reaps what is sowed in life, and the lantern guides the deceased through death and rebirth. It is believed that Gaun, instead of Berath’s avatars, visits those who embrace death with acceptance.

Обыскиваем Руины Старого города

Далее вам нужно попасть в центральную часть Старого города. Это несложно – нужно просто идти прямо, и, поднявшись по лестнице, вы найдете вход. Однако в таком случае вы пропустите несколько интересных вещей.

Для начала справа от входа в центральную часть можно найти говорящий меч Модвир – это мощное легендарное оружие с Духовной связью. Если в центре карты свернуть направо, вы сможете добраться до прохода в опциональное ответвление Руин. Там довольно много интересного (как и опасного!), в том числе – труп Ботаро, который нужно найти в рамках задания «Все на борт». Однако больше всего нас интересуют Руины храма, которые находятся в центре локации.

Нажмите на них, и начнется постановочное взаимодействие, в ходе которого вам придется много плавать. Лучше всего для этого подойдет персонаж с высокой Атлетикой: 16 должно вполне хватить, но лучше – больше. Пройдя проверки, вы найдете Корнет Глубин – еще один артефакт, который позволит получить доступ к нескольким уникальным сокровищам, хотя для прохождения квеста это и не является обязательным.

Получив второй Корнет и упокоив зарвавшуюся нежить, отправляемся-таки в главную локацию Старого города.


This character is involved in quests.


Lord of a Barren Land: You meet him at his throne room depending on your previous actions while at Raedric’s Hold:

  • If you previously met Kolsc and took part in his plans to bring down Raedric VII he will address you as a pawn of Kolsc and open lots of different options for you to choose and learn more about the conflict.
    • If you SNEAKED all the way up to Raedric he will act surprised at your infiltration skills (Also there will be 1 Champion of Berath less to fight).
    • If you had a couple of fights he will comment on your strength and skill.
    • If you made your way via the front gate and killed either Osrya or the Captain of the Guard, he will comment that he was expecting an army (Also there will be 1 Champion of Berath more to fight).
    • If you are Godlike Race he will comment that you are a chosen of Berath and question Kolsc intentions.
    • If you are either a Dwarf or an Orlan he will be amazed that you were able to made your way to the throne room.
    • If you have a Adventurer/Mercenary/Raider background he will comment on Kolsc army.
    • If you have Perception 12+ you can comment some elements around the throne room.
    • If you examined the body laying on a bed near the throne room you can comment on his cruelty.
    • If you are a Priest of Eothas and cleared the Temple at Gilded Vale you can comment on his actions and repercussions. This will enrage him and he will attack you.
    • If you are a Goldpact Knight Paladin you may immediately change sides with Raedric asking for a better reward on Kolsc head.
    • If you are a Darcozzi Paladini Paladin you can criticize his actions and attack him immediately.
After this conversation you can either ATTACK him or JOIN him. Depending on your conversation the reward for Lord of a Barren Land will slightly change.
  • Raedric will ATTACK you immediately if you have BAD reputation on Gilded Vale and massacred everyone at the castle (killing him with yield a MODERATE GOOD reputation at Gilded Vale ).
  • If you avoided Kolsc

    If you infiltrated and made a deal with Osrya you may tell him that you are on his side.

    and either infiltrated/fought your way through the hold he will act surprised to see you.

  • The Champion of Berath: Killing Raedric will trigger this quest, available once Twin Elms are unlocked.


Modwyr’s conversation portrait

  • You can ask Modwyr what she thinks about your companions.
    • Eder: Poor guy’s none too bright, but those MUSCLES mmh.
    • Xoti: I half expect Xoti to crawl into your tent when you’re not looking.
    • Aloth: Iselmyr asked me if she could buy me a drink — I told her I only thirst for blood. Almost made Aloth pee his pants.
    • Aloth: If Aloth wants anymore scars, let him know I volunteer to help.
    • Serafen: I asked him which of us he thinks is taller. Now he won’t talk to me.
    • Tekehu: Fishboy’s so self-satisfied, it’s a wonder he has time for anything else.
    • Tekehu: He wants Rekke to touch his hair. I can tell.
    • Konstanten: Konstanten and I have an understanding. The nature of that understanding is none of your business.
    • Fassina: Fassina’s probably the smartest person in this merry band of idiots. Other than me, obviously.
    • Rekke: Do you think Rekke got that scar from doing something noble or stupid? Actually, never mind — I know the answer.»
  • Modwyr will comment on the soulbound mace Magistrate’s Cudgel if you take her to the Subterranean temple north of Poko Kohara (if the soul is still in the sword of course) calling it «really really stupid».
  • Finding Kith enemies could be difficult depending on your progress, but you can always attack ships and start deck-to-deck combat.
  • After completing each requirement, you have to talk to Modwyr in order to advance to the next stage. During the dialogue, she has unique interactions with each of the members of your party. After level 2, you can ask her about what she thinks of each member of your party.
  • You can skip level 3 by going straight to Dunnage to find Yngfrith.
  • The final dialogue with Yngfrith determines Modwyr’s ultimate fate, ranging from freeing the bound soul (if Xoti is present during the dialogue) to handing it over to Yngfrith, to keeping it, as well as some options in-between.
    • Keeping the soul in Modwyr: the sword can still talk, the description is the same as when you first found it.
    • Releasing the soul from Modwyr: the sword stop talking, the description is changed to a new one, describing the change after the soul is gone.
    • Either way, it loses Jealous and soulbound function entirely and can be enchanted like a normal unique sword. Of course, you can’t see these changes if you give Modwyr away.
    • You can also attack Yngfrith, the result is that you lose Modwyr forever.

Как найти и починить Шепот Йенвуда и Клинок бесконечных путей

У вас появится шанс получить сразу два высококлассных меча, когда вы достигните острова Некитака и отправитесь в Возвышенность Перики.

Речь идет о Шепоте Йенвуда и Клинке бесконечных путей. Первым делом осмотрите сундук, расположенный в каюте капитана (корабль главного героя). Там вы отыщите фрагменты одного или сразу двух мечей. Количество осколков зависит от вашего выбора, сделанного в первой Pillars of Eternity – если вы выбрали перековку Клинка бесконечных путей, то в сундучке окажутся части лишь Шепота Йенвуда, а если отказались от нее, то найдете в нем два меча. Соответствующий выбор можно сделать в игровом редакторе при настройке предыстории персонажа.

Итак, получив в свое распоряжение осколки, направляйтесь на Возвышенность Перики (Некитака) и найдите Литейную Марихи. Покажите ей фрагменты и она расскажет вам, как восстановить мечи. К сожалению, сломанных предметов окажется недостаточно для ремонта – вам также потребуется отдать женщине немало меди.

Выше показаны характеристики обоих мечей по отдельности, а также параметры двуручного оружия, получаемого при объединении этих клинков.


As with other soulbound weapons, the in-game description of The Unlabored Blade is only gradually revealed. The description starts as just two paragraphs, and more are added each time the weapon is upgraded.

Level 1

«Simple» might be as specific as one can be when describing this dagger. Its handle is leather-wrapped and plain. Its blade is bronze. It has no markings, no filigree, no gems or fancy metalwork. It appears well made, but it is so unremarkable that it is a challenge to judge.

There is a sense in holding it that there must be something more there, if only because it is difficult to believe any craftsman would take so little pride in his work.

Level 2

It is difficult to say for sure, but the blade seems to have picked up tarnish with use, despite the relatively light usage it has seen since you acquired it. It is hard to imagine that the blade was made so cheaply that it is already near the end of its lifespan, yet it does not appear to be far off.

A single rune is visible along the blade. At first it looked more like a scratch. It seems impossible to remember now whether that rune had always been there.

Level 3

The leather on the handle has become brittle and begun to crack. The blade’s original luster has dulled, and the reflections cast into it are hazy and indistinct.

A second rune appears next to the first. But the blade seems altogether worse despite the new detail.

Level 4

The edge of the blade has lost much of its original sharpness. Every slice is a labor, and it seems increasingly better suited to break the seal on letters than to pierce flesh. The grip has started to fray considerably.

There is a third rune on the blade now. Perhaps it is the symbol for «dull.»

Level 5

The blade appears to be coated with a dense fog, its shine no more than a memory. There are deep scratches across it now, and it seems that all but the softest materials leave their mark upon it. Blobs of rust are spattered across the blade, and seem to spread from one moment to the next. They eat at the metal like a wasting sickness. The leather on the handle has begun to slough off entirely, and it needs to be secured in the palm to ensure a good grip before every use.

Four runes are visible along the blade. It seems increasingly likely that it is some kind of apology in a dead language.

Level 6

The blade has undergone a complete metamorphosis. The dagger is in every respect extraordinary — it seems like some transcendent realization of what a dagger would be in its purest, most perfect form.

Five runes grace the blade now, and their meaning seems to trickle into your mind as you look at them:

«Weather, die, and be born anew, free of old labors.»


Note: Exterior only

  • Maneha, a potential companion, found to the left of the Temple of Ondra (spawns after visiting Taena).
  • Zahua, a potential companion, found to the left of the fishery, in the baskets of fish.
  • Hamond , a trader opportunist appears in The White March — Part II.
  • Yduran, beside his caravan at the village’s eastern entrance.
  • Asca , the new Warden in The White March — Part II and successor of Tealdor.
  • Darzir, leading the crag ogre raiding party.
  • Deryan , a new settler in town.
  • Ista‎, an the jetty near the Temple of Ondra.
  • Keydy and Lurgolder, in the burning house.
  • Nesta , emissary from Defiance Bay.
  • Okrun, outside the Temple of Ondra.
  • Reyfald, outside of The Gréf’s Rest’s front door.
  • Tarfos , the new mayor in The White March — Part II.
  • Tealdor, the warden of Stalwart Village, found east of Renengild’s House.


This quest requires the player character to experience two visions to learn about Durance. Progress in this quest is made through conversing with Durance after with him in the party. Note that it is necessary to camp – resting at an won’t trigger the visions.

First vision

This triggers 3 rests into Act 1, or after Act 2 has begun. Exhaust all dialog options after confronting Durance about the vision.

You awake to see Durance, his staff held in both of his hands before him. A flame flickers at its top end, casting long shadows across his face as he stares in contemplation.

Still, for all the light of the fire, your eyes can’t focus on him… perhaps it is awakening from sleep, or a trick of the light, but he seems… indistinct, blurred around the edges, everything except for the staff.

The staff… he seems to be studying its engravings. As you watch, the engravings glow thinly red, like through the cracks of heat-suffused wood.

The lines stream like molten metal, burning along the edges of his staff, then branch out in an intricate series of fiery veins, bunching thickly where his hands clutch the wood, pulsing as if a heartbeat.

As you watch, the veins spiral into a dozen, separate circles… circles that spiral again until they are arranged in a circle of their own. They pulse, wait, and all is strangely silent… and…

And then, suddenly, there is a great light from the fire, a rushing of air, a great flash… and you awaken again, to see Durance in the same place, still holding his staff, but he is solid, real.

He doesn’t seem to have noticed you… or reacted to what occurred.

Second vision

In the second cut-scene, the Watcher again wakes up to find Durance staring at his staff. This triggers 3 to 6 rests into (or after) Act 3. Exhaust all dialog options after confronting Durance about the vision.

Your eyes open to a familiar scene. Durance sits with his staff laid across his lap, a malignant flame sprouting from one end.

He is difficult to make out, his features soft, bleeding together. But the staff you can see clearly, its etchings aglow in molten orange. Though Durance’s face is difficult to distinguish, there is no mistaking the hardened expression, the furrowed brow. His voice hisses and sputters, low and unintelligible, as though having a private argument with the staff. Traces of spittle catch the firelight as they fly from his lips like sparks.

…and to your surprise, there is a female figure behind him. You are about to call out a warning, when you realize it is the Magran statue where you met Durance at the Fork…

Yet… she seemed almost… alive for a moment… her cast shadow seemed as if it was moving, cloaked, then it is still, frozen with the night at its back.

There is something odd about one of the symbols. A circle of twelve smaller circles. One of the small circles glows brightly, but the other eleven give off little light. They flicker and fade like dying embers.

Between his hissing curses, Durance lowers his face close to the staff and blows on the fading circles with panicked rapidity, coaxing light from them, but they do not ignite. One by one, the light of the circles dies, and smoke rises from their ashes. Only one still burns.

Durance hurls his staff at his feet, and it clatters to the ground. Its edges have become soft, difficult to find. Like its owner, the staff has become a blur.

You close your eyes and reopen them, and Durance is there, picking up his staff from the ground, but the blur is gone, and you are awake.

Final conversation

After the two visions, you need to complete Council of Stars and speak with Durance a third time. Your choices affect his .

  • First ask Durance, «Does what we learned about Woedica trouble you?»
  • Select any dialog options EXCEPT for «I’m not certain — it’s just a feeling I have» to convince Durance of the plot between Woedica and Magran.
  • Exhaust all other dialog options. This will complete the quest.

Points of interest[]

The White March — Part I
  • You enter the village as it is attacked by a war party of crag ogres. To properly meet the denizens, you need to find Darzir, the leader of the ogres, and turn him into kibble.
  • After the attack, the hut to the west is on fire. You can interact with it for a chance to save two villagers. See Durgan’s Battery for details.
  • To the southwest, just next to the fishery, a villager runs away from a basket full of fish. Interact with it to meet Zahua, one of two companions available in the snowy wastes.
  • To the southeast is the Temple of Ondra. Approaching it will trigger a short cutscene with Ista and Okrun.
  • Yduran and his merchant cart is near the entrance to the village. Just a short way north is Thyrsc’s House.
The White March — Part II
  • The village inherits much of its layout from the previous expansion, as expected. The notable changes are that the Temple of Ondra is replaced by the Temple of Abydon, the ruined houses are replaced with yurts, with the northern of the two becoming Hamond’s Emporium, and that the Stalwart Mines in the northeastern corner are reopened.
  • As you enter the village, you are automatically caught in a cutscene, with Deryan calling upon the people of Stalwart to confront the Iron Flail, a Readceran army massing outside the town. They are, obviously skeptical.

Как найти Меч Гладиатора

Меч Гладиатора является одноручным оружием, наносящим от 15 до 22 единиц урона (пробивание составляет 6 единиц). Помимо всего прочего он дает +15 процентов к урону, +4 к точности и +1 к пробиванию. К тому же при использовании персонажем щита у меча повышается урон и пробитие. Таким образом, он станет прекрасным приобретением для персонажа, специализирующегося на ближнем бое.

Для получения этого оружия вам нужно будет посетить Энгвитанские раскопки, а точнее его нижнюю часть – подуровень Арены. Вы побываете в этой локации при выполнении сюжетных квестов «На мели» и «Охота на бога».

Меч находится в области, отмеченной на скриншоте выше, однако проход в нужное помещение будет закрыт, а потому первым делом вам нужно будет решить головоломку Испытание огнем. Вначале зажгите огонь слева и справа от закрытого входа. Для этого кликните по нужным точкам, а затем используйте факел или кремень во время интерактивной сцены. В результате активируются нажимные пластины, расположенные неподалеку.

Чтобы решить головоломку, просто нажмите на определенные плитки (показаны на скриншоте выше). Следует встать на 1 и 3 плиты в верхнем ряду и на 1 плиту – в нижнем. После этого откроется проход, за которым вы отыщите сундучок, где и хранится Меч Гладиатора. Там также находится Джейд.


You get this task after you finding an edict of arrest for Eorn in Crucible Keep. Alternatively, you may begin this task by locating Eorn without having to find the letter. You can find Eorn in the Catacombs under Copperlane. Decide Eorn’s fate. Report to Justiciar Aldmar at Crucible Keep.


  • Kill Eorn: Eorn’s corpse yields his Rabbit Fur Gloves. Justiciar Aldmar awards 200 upon reporting Eorn’s death and an additional 50 if pressed further.
  • Attempt to arrest Eorn: Eorn will attack the party to the death if you attempt to arrest him to face the duc’s justice.
  • Find and report Eorn’s location to the Crucible Knights: Justiciar Aldmar awards 200 upon reporting Eorn’s location and sends a party to kill Eorn. Eorn’s corpse is left in the catacombs along with his Rabbit Fur Gloves.
  • Help Eorn leave Defiance Bay: You can give Eorn 300 to escape Defiance Bay. Eorn rewards you with his Rabbit Fur Gloves and departs. You can encounter him later in Dracogen Inn and get Dyrford Village minor positive after you talk with him.) This option grants benevolent disposition.
  • Take Eorn prisoner: Eorn will be locked up in your stronghold dungeon. This option is only available if you have constructed the Dungeons at your stronghold.

Храм Ондры

Храм расположен в левом верхнем углу карты. Чтобы туда пройти, нужен один из Корнетов – без разницы, какой. Будьте осторожны, пока добираетесь до храма – монстры тут становятся гораздо опаснее, чем в предыдущих частях Старого города, и могут доставить много проблем. Дойдя до нужного места, взаимодействуйте со статуей и положите ей в руку Корнет, точно так же, как сделали это на входе в Город. Тогда двери Храма откроются, и вы сможете попасть вовнутрь. А там вас будет ждать гигантский краб!

Краб, как и полагается боссу, очень силен. Он не может двигаться, однако у него есть мощные дистанционные атаки и он умеет притягивать к себе персонажей. Также к нему на помощь сбегаются крабы помельче, но убивать их стоит только в тех случаях, когда по-другому не получается нормально атаковать большого краба. Эта мелочь в любом случае бесконечна, и нет смысла тратить на нее время и заряды способностей.

Прохождение побочных квестов Beast of Winter

Те, что наверху

Как начать: поговорите с Бриде.

Брида попросит нас решить вопрос с паломниками, которые сделали лагерь неподалеку и мешают пройти в храм. Как только мы подойдем к ним, идя в гору, они сразу же набросятся на нас. К сожалению, мирным путем закончить эту миссию нельзя.

Разбираемся со всеми врагами (не забываем о белых мишках), а потом идем обратно к квестодателю. После окончания квеста стоит разговорить Бриде, чтобы она поведала о своей сестрице – это запустит новое задание.

Вознаграждение: 5 тысяч единиц опыта и 3,5 тысячи меди.

Последнее паломничество

Как начать: поговорите с Бриде.

Проходим по маршруту, который описан в миссии «Восход и падение», а потом идем в Заиндевелый храм, воспользовавшись восточным проходом. Убиваем противников, идем в помещение с левой стороны и встречаем Эрис. Уговорить ее не становится Хранителем, не получится. Поэтому помогаем барышне, чтобы впоследствии она провела нас вглубь подземелья до саркофага, в котором находится щит «Зимний оплот».

По дороге к вышеуказанному предмету, замечаем ледяную глыбу, стоящую в углу коридора. Уничтожаем ее с помощью Ледобоя и получаем доступ к сундуку с отличными вещицами. Далее проходим в пещеру, обезвредив все ловушки, и натыкаемся там на замерзшего беса. Пробуем достать из его рук вещицу, а затем видим, как тот оживает. Мы можем приобрести у него Око Римгранда за 20 тысяч меди или просто прибить его.

Идем обратно к Бриде и сообщаем ей, что мы смогли отыскать ее сестру.

Вознаграждение: 6 тысяч единиц опыта и 5 тысяч меди.

Нектар мертвых

Как начать: поговорите с Нивадиром.

Для начала добираемся до Заиндевелого храма, воспользовавшись маршрутом, указанным в миссии «Восход и падение». Спустившись по веревочке, находим в правом уголке сломанного заледенелого конструкта. Изучаем его и выливаем жидкость. Это создание потом тут же нападет на нас.

Эта жидкость может быть также получена нами в квесте «Последнее паломничество». Помогаем Эрис и ждем ее превращения в конструкта. Затем обыскиваем ее труп и получаем нужный предмет. Потом относим его Нивадиру. Далее мы можем либо уничтожить это ядовитое вещество (получим лишь опыт) или выбрать в качестве награды 4 тысячи меди вместо магического колечка. В последнем случае Нивадир даст опробовать новое пиво персонажу, стоящему неподалеку, и тот тут же умрет.

Вознаграждение: 2 тысячи единиц опыта, 4 тысячи меди или кольцо «Зов окончательности».


Note: Pillars of Eternity only

  • Interdiction – Condemns the priest’s foes, Dazing any enemies in the area of effect.
  • Empowered Interdiction – The priest’s condemnations of an enemy become more apt, increasing the Accuracy of his or her Interdiction ability.
  • Untroubled Faith – The priest’s ability to inspire becomes more than just a sum of his or her actions, negating Reputations that negatively influence Holy Radiance.
  • Painful Interdiction – Priests are able to channel their fury through Interdiction, adding a painful Weakening affliction to the attack.
  • Brilliant Radiance – Enemies take Burn damage from the priest’s Holy Radiance (vessels take increased Burn damage)
  • Inspiring Radiance – Allies gain an Accuracy bonus from the priest’s Holy Radiance.
  • Aggrandizing Radiance – Allies gain less healing from the priest’s Holy Radiance, but the priest gains a bonus to all Attributes and Movement.
  • Bonus 1st Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 1 spells.
  • Bonus 2nd Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 2 spells.
  • Bonus 3rd Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 3 spells.
  • Bonus 4th Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 4 spells.

The following talents are available only to priests of specific deities:

  • (Berath): The Pallid Hand – Accuracy bonus with Mace and Great sword. Can cast special version of Concelhaut’s Corrosive Siphon.
  • (Magran): Inspired Flame – +10 Accuracy with Sword and Arquebus. Can cast a limited version of Burst of Summer Flame.
  • (Eothas): Hope Eternal – Accuracy bonus with Flail and Morning star. Can cast healing spell that shortens Frightened and Terrified.
  • (Skaen): Prey on the Weak – Accuracy bonus with Stiletto and Club. Adds Baby Sneak Attack.
  • (Wael): Incomprehensible Revelation – Accuracy bonus with Quarterstaff and Rod. Can cast a weaker version of Arkemyr’s Dazzling Lights.


Woedica, like the other gods, was created by Engwith out of the sacrifice of thousands of their souls at Sun in Shadow. Intended to be the strongest of the gods and to rule their pantheon, Woedica was simultaneously a patron of justice, oaths, and promises, and conversely, an entity willing to disregard the rules when it was necessary to accomplish her goals. She could do what she wanted with Eora at the apex of her power, which is why the other gods conspired to vanquish her, bringing the Queen down on even footing with the rest of them.

Yet even in exile, Woedica remained a potent god and the favored partner of Thaos, granting the Engwithan effective immortality by awakening his memories in each of his lives. He was devoted to her, favoring her specifically because of her wanton disregard for rules when they stood in the way of goals. The two were a perfect match.

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