Cybran weaponry
Evaluator Kael[]
Kael (full name unknown)leads the Order of the Illuminate and is allied to the Seraphim faction.
Although Kael had hoped to become a Lady-in-Waiting, and thus join the pool of women from which the next Princess would be selected, her family forced her into the priesthood; she eventually became a member of a secretive organization known as the Order of the Illuminate.
Cold and aloof, Kael made few friends, but performed her duties with extreme efficiency and was particularly adept at maneuvering her way through the Order’s political maze. Eventually, she was selected as a permanent member of the Order’s Governing Council.
During the final stages of the Infinite War, QAI put the Order in touch with the Seraphim. It was at this stage when Kael laid the groundwork for what was to follow. Within days of the Seraphim invasion, she seized control, executed her political enemies and renamed the Aeon Illuminate the Order of the Illuminate.
Kael rules the Order with an iron fist and has labeled Rhiza and any other Aeon that remain loyal to the Princess as heretics that must be cleansed. Her paranoia is absolute, and Kael will kill anyone who draws suspicion to themselves, regardless of the circumstances.
When the rest of humanity is cleansed, Kael fully expects the Seraphim to support her as the defacto leader of any remaining humans. This illusion is shattered in the final moments of the war against the Seraphim, however, as they ridicule her attempts to command them and kill the resurgent Burke. What became of Kael after the war is unknown.
Экспериментальные юниты[]
В оригинальной игре имеет огромнейшее количество брони (240.000 и 360.000 при получении максимального ветеранства) и смертельный лазер не встречающееся больше нигде в серии, который испепеляет за считанный секунды всё в радиусе действия включая экспериментальные единицы, а так же как и Киберпаук Кибран уничтожает мгновенно технику и здания лишь своим весом. После уничтожения наносит немалый урон при падении.
- «Буря» — экспериментальный линкор-субмарина. Улучшенная пушка «Забвение» наносит около 10к (в будущем редактировании будет названа более точна цифра) урона в сочетании с 6-ю торпедными установками «Хроно», предназначенными для самообороны, а также возможностью создания Т1 и Т2 морских подразделений (в Forged Alliance так же может строить Т1-Т3 инженеров). Этот юнит способен уничтожать флот, когда всплывает на поверхность благодаря его способности погружаться под воду и быть более трудно обнаруженным. Этот юнит настоятельно рекомендуется командирами для миссий, требующих военно-морских подразделений, где он превосходен в обороне и строительстве.
- «Царь» — летающая крепость. Установленный в центре квантовый генератор лучей доминирует в юните, но он так же оснащен Т2 зенитными установками и глубинными торпедами. Если вражеский командир сталкивается с одним из них, уничтожение указанного командира практически неизбежно, но отсутствие брони делает этот юнит очень хрупким. Он будет уничтожен, если подвергнется значительному зенитному обстрелу или обстрелу Т3 истребителей, поэтому многие командиры не рекомендуют отправлять его в одиночку для воздушных атак. Однако при правильных условиях это становится очень разрушительной машиной. Не может быть отремонтирован юнитами с инженерными комплектами из-за его неспособности приземлиться, но он восстанавливает броню, хотя и медленно. Кроме того, он обладает способностью как конструировать, содержать, так и выполнять техническое обслуживание воздушных судов, что позволяет ему функционировать в качестве летающего авианосца.
В оригинале её луч такой же смертельный как и луч Колосса. К тому же падение этой крепости наносит огромные повреждения, от которых никак не укрыться, из-за этого многие игроки строят её что бы уронить на базу противника. Так же в оригинале имела ограниченное количество топлива, которое нельзя было никак восстановить (хотя наврятли крепость доживёт до момента, когда топливо закончится, так как запас очень большой, либо её быстрее уничтожат)
«Идеал» — экспериментальный генератор ресурсов. Имеет возможность генерировать почти безграничное количество ресурсов, которые вырабатываются в зависимости от спроса. В спокойствии производит 20 материи и 1000 энергии, а так же держит этот уровень производства, когда требуются его ресурсы. Производит до 10.000 материи и 1.000.000 энергии. Однако это почти безграничное производство приводит к тому, что он является самой уязвимой постройкой, поскольку он взрывается с силой стратегического оружия после уничтожения. Имеет очень низкое количество брони, самое низкое из всех экспериментальных единиц. Время сборки чрезвычайно велико и требует огромного количества ресурсов, однако легко компенсирует простым завершением. Мудрые командиры часто надежно защищают его, обычно несколькими щитами и десятками точечных защит и зенитными оружиями, предназначенными исключительно для его защиты.
На практике строится лишь на больших картах, так как игроки просто не позволят начать строить, либо будут специально выматывать игрока его строительством, после чего его уничтожат. В случае, если игрок смог построить «Идеал», то верным решением будет постройка ещё таких же зданий, ведь проблем в ресурсах уже нет.
This section is to help you debug your mods and scripts. If you’re creating a mod, and run into some errors, hopefully this will help you find a workaround.
Handling LazyVars
This is quite a common issue with FA. Usually, LazyVars are related to the User Interface of FA. This sub-section will help you find out how to debug LazyVars and
what’s causing issues with your User Interface code.
The first thing you need to do is find out what’s causing your error. LazyVars don’t provide any helpful error exceptions by default, but this can be changed.
Navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\gamedata and open mohodata.scd with either 7zip or WinRAR.
Once you have opened the SCD file, find a file called ‘lazyvar.lua’ and open it with any text editor (Recommended: Notepad++ or Sublime Text 3) Be sure to make
a back-up of this file before you make any changes as this may cause you to desync in public games when playing FAF.
With the file open, locate the variable «ExtendedErrorMessages = false» and change it to «ExtendedErrorMessages = true».
Click yes and close the archive.
Now, when you open up your game again, you will find that your console (F9) will provide error exceptions related to «LazyVars».
Artillery installations get bonuses from adjacent power generators. This lowers their power consumptions, and increases their fire rate. However, their energy consumptions are already low enough not to require this, and the fire rate increase is so little it makes little, if any, noticible difference. Building generators around a tech 2 artillery installation for the adjacency bonuses is a waste of resources.
Note: A T1 power generator costs ~3.5% of a T2 artillery. A T2 artillery fires 2.5% faster for each T1 power generator it is adjacent to for a maximum total of 10%. If one T1 power generator can provide a bonus to two T2 artillery installations, it improves overall firepower by 5% of a T2 artillery but only costs ~3.5% of a T2 artillery (it also provides 20 power). Therefore, if you plan on building at least two artillery pieces, maximum firepower/cost is achieved by mixing them with T1 power generators. Templates can be of great help here.
If you have to build power generators, you might even be better off having no bonus than surrounding the artillery piece. Keep in mind that artillery are units of very high importance from the opponent’s point of view. This will draw fire to your generators. Further more, if any generator is destroyed, the ensuing explosion could damage your expensive artillery.
Hardest faction to play. Require lot of micro. Good choice for playing on air spot due to versatility.
- ACU — Decent HP, has two gun upgrades and better range that other faction’s gun upgrade, double shield upgrade. Chrono upgrade that stuns units. Double RAS.
RAS upgrade, teleport, sacrificial system.
— Bad in combat since only one gun upgrade available. Double shield upgrade or nano repair.
Tech 1
- Scout — Hover, can go over water.
- Light Assault Bot — Can shoot from transports.
- Aurora Tank — Longer range than other tanks, but low HP and slower speed. Hover, can go over water.
- Artillety — Most accurate from T1 artillery, no splash.
Bomber — Slightly worse than Seraphim, stuns units.
- Frigate — Has torpedo defence, no AA.
- AA boat — Very fast boat with good AA.
Tech 2
- Point Defense – Strong PD that is not blocked by terrain, slow rate of fire, splash damage. Best dps.
- Static Shield — Strong shield but small radius. Can’t be upgraded to T3.
- TMD — Deflect missiles, can counter infinite number of missiles at once, weak against rapid fire missiles. Can’t stop missile aiming for way further.
- Aeon had no Engineering Station
- Obsidian Tank — Strong shielded tank with slow fire rate but high damage.
- Blaze Tank — Fast hover tank, can go on water.
- Mobile Flak AA — Hover, can go over water.
- Mobile Missile Launcher — Worst from all factions. Slow fire rate.
- Mobile Shield — Hover, can go over water.
- Swiftwind Combat Figher — Dedicated AA fighter. Best T2 AA.
- Gunship — High accuracy.
- Mercy — Suicide aircraft with low HP that deals lot of damage. Used for sniping ACU and other high value targets.
- Torpedo Bomber — Drops depth charge. Can’t be used in shallow water.
- Transport — Slightly better than Cybran, can carry up to 2T3 + 4T1 or 1T3+4T2 units.
- Submarine Hunter — Good torpedos and torpedo defence.
- Destroyer — Big range, slow fire rate, high damage. It’s shots are easy to dodge. Torpedos, torpedo defence and depth charges (ignore torpedo defense).
- Cruiser — Good AA, can shoot at naval and land targets with a weak gun.
Tech 3
- Static Shield — Strong shield, small radius.
- Rapid Fire Artillery — Very expensive, basically breaks through any shielding. Aeon game ender.
- Quantum Optics Facility — Provides small vision radius anywhere on map.
- Sonar — Has torpedo defence.
- Harbinger Bot — Fast shielded bot with good damage and average range. Can reclaim and repair.
- Mobile Artillery — High accuracy. Deals damage over time. Does not need to deploy to fire.
- Shield Disruptor — Large range, great weapon against shields. Hover, can go over water.
- Sniper Bot — Large range, good damage, slow fire rate, low HP. Inaccurate while moving.
- Strategic Bomber — Deals most damage from all T3 bombers, low splash.
- AA Gunship — Good AA and decent anti ground damage.
- Torpedo Bomber — Only Aeon has T3 torpedo bomber. Drops multiple torpedos that deal a lot of damage.
- Battleship — Small range but good damage.
- Aircraft Carrier — Can carry, build and repair aircraft.
- Strategic Submarine — Can build nukes. Has cruise missiles.
- Missile Ship — Long ranged rapid firing cruise missiles. Almost impossible to stop with TMD.
Tech 4 – Experimental
- Galactic Colossus — Strong experimental bot with lots of HP. Long range laser. 2 tractor claws. Has omni and decent vision radius.
- CZAR — Experimental aircraft carrier. Anti ground beam that deals a lot of damage. Decent AA. Can carry, build and repair aircraft.
- Tempest — Experimental battleship. Long range, slow rate of fire with huge damage and splash. Has good long ranged torpedos, torpedo defence. Can build T1 and T2 ships. Can be submerged.
- Paragon — Experimental resource generator. Very expensive. Produces up to 1 million energy and 10,000 mass
The Mavor is the only strategic artillery piece available in Vanilla Supreme Commander, as it is capable of firing at any ground target on the map due to its almost unlimited Range. This, of course, excludes any target within its large minimum range. On land maps sized 81 km, it can cover all land patches if built. The Mavor shells are very accurate and powerful, and also have a very large damage radius. Because of this, the Mavor can destroy any building in one to two shells. Any shields protecting the building will be quickly dealt with. Further, thanks to the large damage radius, the Mavor can efficiently break through any shield patch.
Because of the shell’s high air time, the Mavor is inefficient against mobile units. However, any non-experimental land unit hit by a Mavor shell will be immediately destroyed. Experimental units will receive massive damage, and the Mavor can sometimes also hit flying experimental units, with a little luck.
The only time the Mavor has a maximum range is on the massive 81×81 km maps, but this does not usually get in the way of anything.
The Mavor is quite fragile compared to other experimentals and artillery platforms so be sure to keep it well protected, preferably with multiple Heavy Shield Generators and several T3 SAM Turrets to watch for T3 Bombers.
Aeon Illuminate[]
Aeon units are the most effective in an even fight between equivalent units. Their HP, construction costs, speed and abilities are average, but their weapons are particularly effective. For instance, their tech 2 tanks do more DPS, their tech 3 bombers drop smartbombs that track their targets, and their tech 3 artillery does not stop to deploy stabilizers in order to fire, but also lets them have very good accuracy. The trajectories of their weapons often give them the best effective DPS and initial shot damage.
The Aeon also have the best shields after the Seraphim but the highest shield density as the seraphim shields have a very large radius. Their T2 mobile shield generators have the highest shield points. This allows for a task force to be protected whilst engaging the enemy.
The Aeon is widely considered to have the best navy. Aeon T1 Light Tanks: Auroras are amphibious giving the Aeon an early naval advantage, Aeon mobile shield generators are also amphibious to support the navy, and Aeon naval units are nearly all more hardy and powerful than the other factions’ naval units. They also have the only submersible battleship.
The Aeon tend to utilize weapons with long range, high DPS, low firing randomness, and extremely high initial shot damage. Most of them have a small damage radius and low ROF. Examples of weapons technologies the Aeon Illuminate employs are the Oblivion Cannon, the Fizz Launcher, and the Quantum Cannon.
Unique units
The Aeon navy is the only one that has a T1 Attack Boat: Shard, though this is considered a disadvantage, because it only makes up for the notable lack of anti-air capabilities of the Aeon frigate. However, it does allow for quicker deployment of anti-air when needed. The Aeon use a lot of hover units which make them faster, such as the Aurora, their T1 tank. It is very different from the other factions’ main combat units at T1. It has a far lower health and is slower, but it also hovers over terrain, and has longer weapon range and damage. Overall, Aeon should be handled very differently to the other factions at T1. Their hover units are impossible to hit with torpedoes, and can move across the map freely, traversing both land and sea easily. Their T2 mobile shield generator: Asylum can rush into units, stopping them from firing, but leaving friendly units open to attack. It can also support naval units.
Their unique units are the T2 Guided Missile: Mercy, T3 Shield Disruptor: Absolver, T3 Torpedo Bomber: Solace, T3 AA Gunship: Restorer, T1 Attack Boat: Shard, T3 Missile Ship: Torrent Class, T3 Rapid-Fire Artillery Installation: Salvation, T3 Quantum Optics Facility: Eye of Rhianne and their experimental units: the sacred assault bot Galactic Colossus, the flying fortress: CZAR, the submersible battleship Tempest, and the resource generator Paragon.
Cybran units tend to be Stealthy when possible, and their units are typically cheaper than other factions — often at a slight health penalty.
A good example of this would be the Cybran T1 Assault Bot, «Mantis». It is highly manoeuvrable, and cheaper than the other faction’s T1 units, while still retaining their DPS, and with only a slight penalty to health.
Other good examples of the Cybran philosophy are: The Cybran T3 Armored Assault Bot, with its sea-defences, making stealthy underwater attacks far less risky than with the UEF Percival and the Cybran Monkeylord, the cheapest land Experimental.
История возникновения[]
Во время второй великой экспансии человечества в галактическом пространстве командующий Трент Смит из Империи Земли привел группу ученых и колонистов на Серафим II, планету примерно в пять раз больше Земли. Здесь человечество впервые столкнулось с разумной инопланетной жизнью. Командующий Смит, следуя ранее непроверенному протоколу взаимодействия с разумными инопланетными видами, поместил планету в карантин и отключил связь.
Как записано в журнале Командующего Смита, он приказал людям-колонистам, находящимся под его командованием, встретиться с инопланетянами — которых назвали Серафимами (поскольку их настоящее имя было непроизносимо людьми) с применением насилия. Точная причина его экстремального поведения неизвестна, но более поздний анализ его психологических записей показывает заметную тенденцию к бурной реакции при работе с неизвестными факторами.
Бурная реакция Смита предотвратила любой реальный разговор между двумя видами. Серафимы просто избегали людей, насколько это было возможно. Однако биолог человеческой колонии, доктор Джейн Берк, разыскала Серафимов и тайно подружилась с ними. Другие присоединились к ней, и вскоре небольшая группа людей регулярно посещала Серафимов и училась у них.
Серафимы обучали людей достижениям квантовой и темпоральной механики
Что еще более важно, они ввели философскую точку зрения, считающуюся невообразимой человеческим разумом, путь мира и любви, настолько продвинутый, что он полностью изменил их восприятие вселенной.. Узнав об обучении Берка у пришельцев, Смит убедился, что Берку промыли мозги
Он повел оставшихся имперских колонистов в массивный и самоубийственный поход, чтобы уничтожить пришельцев и Серафим II. Пока силы Смита упали на превосходящую мощь и количество Серафимов, ученым Смита удалось создать штамм вируса, отличающийся от всех, встретившихся на Серафим II. Серафимы были застигнуты врасплох и, несмотря на все усилия доктора Берка, смогли лишь замедлить смертельно опасные последствия. С такой насыщенной атмосферой ни один Серафим не остался незамеченным.
Узнав об обучении Берка у пришельцев, Смит убедился, что Берку промыли мозги. Он повел оставшихся имперских колонистов в массивный и самоубийственный поход, чтобы уничтожить пришельцев и Серафим II. Пока силы Смита упали на превосходящую мощь и количество Серафимов, ученым Смита удалось создать штамм вируса, отличающийся от всех, встретившихся на Серафим II. Серафимы были застигнуты врасплох и, несмотря на все усилия доктора Берка, смогли лишь замедлить смертельно опасные последствия. С такой насыщенной атмосферой ни один Серафим не остался незамеченным.
В последние дни между людьми и инопланетянами, Серафимы решили как можно больше рассказать Берку о своём «Пути». В середине одного урока Берк испытала видение, где галактика, разорвана на части; целые звезды лишены своих ресурсов и оставлены умирать, планеты разрушены и огромное количество жизней бессмысленно потеряно, чем можно было себе представить. В тот момент Берк была убеждена, что “Путь” Серафимов — единственное средство не дать Империи разрушить все.
После 3 лет и многих потерянных Имперских зондов и экспедиций в космос Серафимов, сообщение попало на Землю. Послание было простым: оставшиеся колонисты Серафим II, теперь называющие себя Эоном Иллюминат, предложили империи принять учение мудрой инопланетной культуры и поделиться “чем-то прекрасным”.
Как предсказывали видения Эонов, Империя немедленно прервала связь и отправила военные силы на Серафим II. В глазах Эона судьба Империи как осквернителей и разрушителей миров была предрешена.
Supreme Commander 2[]
В Supreme Commander 2 Эон (или Просвещённые) обделены кораблями, однако обладают особым «охотником за кораблями» и почти все их юниты обладают воздушной подушкой, что дает им возможность перемещаться по воде. Сохранили мощность орудий и узкую специализацию. При улучшении могут телепортироваться.
Экспериментальные юниты
- Универсальный колосс — тень своего прародителя. Сохранил луч из головы и притягаватели.
- Урчиноу — танк-колобок на воздушной подушке. Вооружен тяжелыми дезинтеграторами и артилерией.
- Даркеноид (летающая тарелка) — тень своего прародителя. Оставил только генератор луча, ни тебе противовоздушных орудий, ни тебе возможность переносить самолеты. Помимо луча, сбрасывает маленькие бомбочки, что немного увеличивает площадь поражения под ним.
- Вильфинджа — танк на воздушной подушке. Сам не вооружен, но оборудован роем дронов, стреляющих мощными дезинтеграторами. Прекрасно подходит для уничтожения вражеских кораблей.
- Аирномо — противовоздушный робот. Вооружен шестью электро-ПВО и четырьмя дезинтеграторами. Подходит для поддержки других эксперименталок,а также можно использовать для защиты базы.
Концепция Юнитов[]
Юниты ОФЗ спроектированы таким образом, чтобы напоминать более старые танки и самолеты двадцатого и двадцать первого веков. Они отдают предпочтение тяжелой броне, а не скорости передвижения и мощи оружия. Кроме того, иногда прицепляются, но при этом наблюдаются эффективные способности, такие как радиолокационное заклинивание на Громоголовке или личный щит на Титане. Благодаря лучшей броне, боевые единицы ОФЗ часто служат дольше в бою, но не так эффективны в нанесении урона, как боевые единицы «Эон». Кроме того, большая часть башенного оружия вращается медленнее, чем оружие других рас, что заставляет войска ОФЗ медленнее реагировать на атаки против своих войск. Силы ОФЗ, как правило, более функциональны, чем эстетические, что делает их почти полярной противоположностью эонов. У них также есть некоторые из самых больших компромиссов в отношении определенных способностей, которые включены в их эксперименты.
Armored Assault Bots are useful for escorting or defending against experimental units.
These units, while substantially more powerful than a standard unit, are also substantially more expensive. On the flip side, a handful of these units can hold their own against an experimental unit. It is not rare to see a Cybran Monkeylord destroyed by a group of Percivals. Percivals are particularly effective against Fatboys: armored enough to take the Fatboy’s massive damage output until they are inside the shield and can take one or two final shots. A group of twelve or more should take out a Fatboy. In fact, these units are the missing level between Tech 3 and Experimental. You should build them if your economy is strong enough, but can’t build any experimental units yet.
Armored Assault Bots are also perfect back up to your experimental units. They are the only units that can take the splash damage directed at the experimental units, and they are great at increasing the army’s damage output, and cleaning up around your experimental units.
The Brick is very capable of carrying out attacks with very little escort, but it is important to remember that Percivals only fire once every 4 seconds, so it can be killed by a surround of units, even tech 1 units. Escort for Percivals is absolutely necessary, therefore, unless you have enough Percivals to deal with a swarm of units. Titans are excellent escorts for Percivals, thanks to a much higher rate of fire, shielding, and the ability to chase down escaping units, including faster experimentals if need be.
An interesting thing about armored assault bots, and submersible land units in general is that they can fire while semi-submerged, as long as their firing point is out of the water (for Percivals, their shoulder-cannon, and for Bricks, a little red dot that kinda looks like an eye) they can target and destroy units on land, but those units cannot target the armored assault bot. This includes air units, excluding the Torpedo Bombers.
List of experimental units[]
- Experimental Mobile Factory: Fatboy, a mobile fire base.
- Experimental Aircraft Carrier: Atlantis, a submersible aircraft carrier, with devastating torpedo and anti-air weaponry.
- Experimental Strategic Artillery: Mavor, a powerful artillery piece that can hit anything on the map.
- Experimental Satellite System: Novax Center and its Defense Satellite, an invulnerable orbital beam weapon.
- Experimental Mobile Rapid-Fire Artillery: Scathis, a mobile artillery weapon, with low accuracy but massive damage radius
- Experimental Spiderbot: Monkeylord, a spider-like weapon, featured in the E32006 trailer. Can hide from radar and fires a massive Heavy Microwave Laser
- Experimental Megabot: Megalith, a crab like weapon, extremely resilient, and as dangerous in the water as out.
- Experimental Gunship: Soul Ripper, a gunship overloaded with weaponry
- Experimental Sacred Assault Bot: Galactic Colossus, a humanoid like giant robot, with a single Phason Laser that fires from its eye. It also has tractor beam claws.
- Experimental Aircraft Carrier: CZAR, a giant flying saucer, that can transport and build aircraft, and fires the Quantum Beam Generator, obliterating anything underneath.
- Experimental Battleship: Tempest, a submersible naval fire base, equipped with a single over sized Oblivion Cannon.
- Experimental Resource Generator: Paragon, a near infinite resource generator.
- Experimental Strategic Missile Launcher: Yolona Oss, a nuclear missile launcher that can wipe out the largest of bases in a single shot.
- Experimental Bomber: Ahwassa, its bombs can destroy entire armies.
- Experimental Assault Bot: Ythotha, a giant robot equipped with several unstable experimental weapons which when destroyed releases an Unidentified Residual Energy Signature: Othuy, a highly destructive orb of lightning energy.
Nano Dart
A Siren Class unleashes its Nano Dart swarm.
The Nano Dart is a dual-purpose, short-ranged , direct fire weapon. The Nano Dart has a slow acceleration time but speeds up drastically afterwards. It homes in on air-targets, inflicting serious damage, and is often fired rapidly. Unlike its counterparts, it is an Surface-to-All Missile system so can be fired at both ground and air although less accurately against ground targets due to being fired dumb.
The Nano Dart is used by the Siren Class T2 Cruiser and Sky Slammer T1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun.
Nanite Missile System
The Nanite Missile System is an upgraded version of the Nano-Dart; A highly specialized anti-aircraft missile system that is fired very rapidly at enemy airborne targets but can’t attack ground targets.
The Nanite Missile system is used by the Corsair T2 Fighter/Bomber, the Gemini T3 Air-Superiority Fighter, the Wailer T3 Heavy Gunship, the Myrmidon T3 Anti-Air SAM Launcher, Cybran sACU as an upgrade, the Monkeylord Experimental Spiderbot, and the Soul Ripper Experimental Gunship.
Electron Autocannon
The Electron Autocannon is a light AA weapon. The Electron Autocannon provides significant AA ability capable of taking down T1 and T2 units consistently. Attributes include high muzzle velocity and good ROF.
The Electron Autocannon is used by the Prowler T1 Interceptor, Tracer T1 Anti-Air Turret, Trident Class T1 Frigate, Salem Class T2 Destroyer, Command Class T3 Aircraft Carrier, Galaxy Class T3 Battleship, and Revenant T3 Strategic Bomber.
Electron Flak
Electron Flak fired by a Burst Master.
The Electron Flak is the Cybran standard flak weapon, and deals area damage with some firing randomness. It’s highly effective at taking out groups of tech 1 and tech 2 units, but works poorly against high speed units and is only mediocre against air experimental units.
The Electron Flak is used by the Burst Master T2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery, Banger T2 Mobile AA Flak Artillery and Megalith Experimental Megabot.
Weapon Bonuses
Placing Power Generators next to energy-consuming weapons will reduce the reload time of the weapon, the duration of energy consumption as a result, and the energy consumption itself. All static artilleries benefit from the rate of fire bonus and energy drain reduction. UEF T3 Point Defense is an exception and only gains a reduction in energy drain.
The values in the following tables are given when a unit is completely surrounded by a specific power generator.
Rate Of Fire Bonus
When placed next to power generators, static artillery units gain a rate of fire bonus which can be very significant, especially when considering that a 60% reload time can be achieved, and how much cheaper 4 T3 power generators are than a T3 artillery installation.
The reduction of a reload time can be calculated with the following scheme if a unit is fully surrounded with the same type of power generators:
- 10% discount for T1 power generators.
- 20% discount for T2 power generators/hydrocarbon power plant.
- 40% discount for T3 Power generators.
The Aeon T3 Rapid-fire Artillery can achieve the maximum possible reload time discount (42%) because you can place a T1 power generator on each side in addition to a T3 power generator.
This table shows all possible time values:
Artillery Unit | T1 Power Generator | Hydrocarbon Power plant | T2 Power Generator | T3 Power Generator | Comments |
T2 Artillery | 2s | 5s | 5s | 8s | T1 pgens useful, especially with multiple artillery structures. |
T3 Artillery | 1s | 2.5s | 2.5s | 4s | Very useful with T3 pgens, or any pgens. Note: Aeon artillery has twice the reload time, and so twice the discount. |
T3 Rapid-fire Artillery | 0.31s | 0.775s | 0.775s | 1.24s | The size allows you to surround it with a T3 and T1 pgen. Reload time discount: 1.302s. |
T4 Artillery | 0.8s | 2s | 2s | 3.2s | Very useful with T3 pgens, or any pgens. |
T3 Ravager | 0s | 0s | 0s | 0s | Only profits from energy consumption reduction (see table below). Quite useless. |
Energy Consumption Reduction
The rate of fire bonus reduces the time structures consume energy, but will also increase the frequency of energy consumption as a result of the increased fire rate. But in addition to that, powergenerators give a general discount on energy consumption to static artilleries. Making decisions around this behaviour is not recommended as the energy reduction is very low compared to the resources invested. This table is mostly to provide you information of how it works.
Energy Producing Structures | Discount Percentage | Typical Discount value | Comments |
T1 Power Generator | 10% | 15-750 | Useful next to all static artillery, especially T2, when safety is important |
T1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant | 20% | 30-1500 | Useful next to T2/T3 static artillery |
T2 Power Generator | 20% | 30-1500 | Useful next to T2/T3 static artillery |
T3 Power Generator | 30% | 60-3000 | Useful next to T3/T4 static artillery |
Napalm Carpet Bomb
The Napalm Carpet Bomb does Damage over time. It is launched in salvos rather than as one bomb. Each bomb has a fairly low damage, but is useful against swarms of low level land units. It is less powerful than its Cybran and Aeon counterparts as most of the bombs usually miss their intended target, but it makes up for this in that any nearby trees, or grass will be quickly burned.
The Napalm Carpet Bomb is used by the Scorcher and Janus.
Small Yield Nuclear Bomb
The Small Yield Nuclear Bomb detonates with a distinctively shaped explosion, with very high damage, and moderate area damage radius in comparison to other strategic bombers.
The Small Yield Nuclear Bomb is used by the Ambassador.
Cluster Neutron Bomb
The Cluster Neutron Bomb drops multiple radioactive shells that do medium damage over a wide radius. Of the four faction’s T1 bomber bombs, it is the one that deals the highest amount of area damage due to shells that spread out from the point of impact.
The Cluster Neutron Bomb is used by the Zeus T1 Attack Bomber.
Neutron Bomb
The Neutron Bomb drops a concentrated version of the cluster neutron bomb that makes a single explosion with a large area of effect and damage. As it has the highest damage radius and lowest damage, it is most suitable for attacking clusters of unshielded structures or units as opposed to penetrating shields.
The Neutron Bomb is used by the Revenant T3 Strategic Bomber.
These units are primarily used as bombers in competitive play. Doing more damage per pass/volley than their T1 attack bomber counterparts, they are used to assassinate the enemy ACU before their AA units have a chance to react. It is better to build multiple T1 interceptors for efficiency rather than use these units as fighters, as their higher mass cost for air-to-ground bombs will not be useful in a dogfight: specialisation of units is key. However, their AA capability over T1 bombers does mean they are less reliant on escort micro, freeing the player up for other duties.
These units can be rushed around the same time a T2 power generator has completed construction, using the T2 upgraded air factory built in conjunction to build the required advanced tech level of engineer.
If you are able to build these, you are able to build air staging facilities. They cost substantially less than any fighter/bomber and will save you lots of mass in terms of being able to repair your planes instead of building new ones.
Because of radar capabilities, attack capabilities and a better fuel supply, fighter/bomber units are much better for patrolling your base, and should replace most if not all of your defensive interceptors and attack bombers ASAP.
Fight/Bombers make good use of Tech 2 base defence, as many groups of a Fighter/Bomber with two intercepter escorts make very good patrols during Tech 2 and can even fare well into Tech 3.