

Бывшая звезда футбола, имел всё о чём можно было только мечтать, но эго Логана положило конец его светлому будущему. Приняв участие в безбашенной стритрейсерской гонке, которая обернулась трагическими последствиями, Логан не только убил молодую женщину — своего пассажира; он сломал колено, положив конец спортивной карьере. Его звезда неотвратимо закатится, и он погрузился в стремительную горечь и отчаяние. В попытке убежать от своих внутренних демонов, он принимает решение отправиться на Баной, чтобы ощутить его красоту.

(На экране выбора персонажа Логан говорит о том, что он недолго играл в канадской полу-профессиональной лиге).


Геймплей в Dead Island является главным объектом внимания для игроков. Для уничтожения игроку предоставлен широчайший выбор самого различного оружия: от примитивного весла до мощной кувалды, от слабого ножа до вакидзаси. Помимо этого, оружие можно модернизировать за деньги, повышая тем самым его характеристики. Также на большинство видов оружия можно устанавливать модификации, которые не только делают оружие ещё более грозным на вид, но и дают возможность наносить дополнительный урон и отправлять противников в полёт (см. «Тесла»). Оружие имеет различные параметры: сила удара, воздействие на персонажа (как быстро он будет уставать) и другие. По мере использования оружие ломается, теряя свои свойства. Поэтому оружие требуется чинить на специальных верстаках. Там же можно и улучшать его.

В игре реализована реалистичная манера поведения персонажа. У персонажа есть шкала выносливости, которая тратится во время бега, прыжков или ударов. Когда шкала опустеет, игрок становится уязвимым на несколько секунд, пока шкала опять не восполнится.

Игрок по мере прохождения игры будет получать опыт, а за каждый новый уровень одно очко навыков, которые распределяются в одну из трех веток: первая ветка ярости позволяет персонажу впадать в ярость и впоследствии улучшать это умение, вторая ветка отвечает за боевые навыки персонажа и владением его вида оружия, а третья ветка помогает выживать в игре, с её помощью игрок может медленно регенерировать здоровье, добывать больше денег, вскрывать замки и быть устойчивей к атакам. У каждого героя свои навыки, способности, владение оружием, ярость и манера игры. Распределять навыки игрок может как ему угодно.

Также в игру введён транспорт. В нём может поместиться до шести человек (хотя кооп. режим поддерживает только до 4-ёх игроков). Также без транспорта в некоторых заданях пришлось бы тащить тяжёлые грузы с одного конца локации в другой, поэтому транспорт облегчает данную задачу. Также на автомобиле довольно удобно давить врагов, особенно таких опасных, как Мясник или Таран.

Райдер Уайт

Он сделает все для своей жены!

Этот парень довольно крутой, у него своя собственная сюжетная линия, так что не ждите, что начнете в отеле, как с Пурна, Логаном, Сэмом или Сиань — вместо этого вы начнете в вертолете и разбитесь позже, когда один из ваших солдат приятели решили стать зомби и укусить второго пилота.

Райдер довольно хорош, вы начинаете как персонаж 15 уровня с 9 полосками здоровья, вы также можете топтать головы других зомби, не улучшая этот конкретный перк. Перки для деревьев — это совсем другая история, у этого парня нет собственных перков для деревьев, что немного досадно, но его оружие наносит больше урона, и вы найдете их больше, чем в предыдущем прохождении.


A blue truck at the Resort


A truck is a light motor vehicle with an open-top rear cargo area (bed). (See the Pickup truck Wikipedia article for more information.) Trucks can be found all around the island. A red truck spawns at the Lifeguard Tower once the quest Lazarus Rising is completed.

Plates read «D34D 1574ND» which is leet-speak for «DEAD ISLAND».

Though it’s most common in the Resort area, a white truck can spawn on a bridge in the city of Moresby. However, this truck can not be driven for more than a quarter mile.


The plate reads «DEAD ISLAND»

  • 4 seat capacity: 1 driver, 1 passenger, 2 passengers in the back
  • Moderately vulnerable
  • Fast
  • Good for transporting goods, up to four items can be placed in the bed.


  • One is found in the garage at the Lifeguard Tower.
  • One in the car park of the Lighthouse.
  • Crashed into Jeannine’s bungalow where Roger and Jessica Nelson are (still drivable).
  • Two can be found inside the garages at both Gas Stations.
  • One can be found by the entrance to the Diamond Beach south of the Lighthouse.
  • One is found outside Bunker 06 after you hear Jose’s distress call on a radio.


A jeep near the entrance to the Laboratory


The Jeep is found in the Jungle and Laboratory areas. It is mainly used to get around quickly in the Jungle area. The Jeep is probably the fastest vehicle in the whole game — but also the most vulnerable to firearms due to the absence of a roof.

It is exclusive to the Jungle and Laboratory areas.

It also reappears in Dead Island: Riptide as the main mode of road transportation in the Flooded jungle area.


  • 1 driver, 4 passengers
  • Off-road ability
  • Good for transporting goods and passengers
  • Resistant to zombies (but not to Jungle Muggers’ fire)
  • Potentially fast

Locations (Dead Island)

  • The entrance of the Jungle.
  • One at the east gate of the River Village.
  • Near the crashed bus in the Jungle, where you can find the Cold Stone side quest.
  • Three can be found at the Overpass Camp.
  • In front of Mowen’s Boat at the Laboratory.
  • In front of the Laboratory’s entrance.

Locations (Dead Island: Riptide)

  • One is just past the broken bridge past Paradise Survival Camp, the opposite side of the bridge you blow up.
  • One is located in front of the entrance to Dr. Kessler’s Biosphere.
  • At Kiwi Camping.
  • At the junction leading into Marik’s Marina.
  • At the stairs leading from the road down to Halai Village.
  • One is at the gas station opposite the path leading to Pierre’s Magasin.


«В свое время я видел несколько настоящих адских дыр. Видите ли, я был по всему миру. Я был с SASR . Австралийская версия британской SAS . Воевала в Ираке , Восточном Тиморе и Афганистане.. Каждое из этих мест было хуже другого. Политики хотят превратить их в западные демократии, но они примитивны. Племенной. Погружен во всевозможное безумное дерьмо. Они не хотят, чтобы мы были там. Также как они не хотят, чтобы мы были здесь. Из всех жестоких и хаотичных мест, в которых я был, Баной берет кровавый пирог. У них есть враждующие племена в высокогорье, банды Раскола терроризируют трущобы, а у какого-то глупого миллиардера возникла блестящая идея построить этот роскошный курорт. Думаю, земля была дешевая и это красивое место, но глубоко в джунглях некоторые из этих коренных племен до сих пор практикуют каннибализм. Вы знаете, что они называют человеческой плотью? Длинная свинья. Говорят, на вкус совсем как свинина. Моя жена убедила меня пойти с ней сюда, потому что она думала, что я буду в большей безопасности. Как бы вне линии огня. Так что теперь я Я тренирую местные силы обороны Баноя, и я должен быть честным. У меня плохое предчувствие по поводу этого места. Настоящее плохое предчувствие «.


From the outside, the Police Station is a large, grand and imposing building right near the centre of Moresby. It is a two floor building with a large tower in one corner, which adds another two floors and clock to the overall building. There’s a large fenced vehicle gate which leads to a large underground parking garage. The architecture is very Victorian, with a lot of stone and ornate columns and decoration making up the building.

Inside the police station, it’s very dark and claustrophobic, with thin corridors and packed office rooms. The parking garage is the widest, most open area and it’s got a lot of strewn about, as well as the armoured truck from where Jin drove in to deliver supplies. A part of the garage has electrified water covering the floor with some boxes acting as stepping stones. Following completing Lady In Trouble, the garage will become more deadly, often housing a Thug or Suicider, possibly even a Ram. The lift is out of action with a zombie feasting on a body inside it. The cells are overrun, with Walkers and Infected here, with a Thug inside the control room.

The punks are located just after the cells, inhabiting the upper floors of the station. The armoury has been looted and signs of the fighting are seen all over the area, with blood and bodies on the floor as well as a bunch of anti-police slogans scrawled roughly on the walls by the punks. Up here the power is similarly off, making using the flashlight a necessity. A stairway upstairs is located at the back of the main reception which leads to the upper offices. These offices are located off a thin central hallway which navigates through the upper floor. The offices themselves are a lot of divided computer offices with thin walkways through them. The final office has the chief’s office in it and it’s larger than a normal one, with a large cleared office in the back left corner, which is where the chief’s receptionist would sit. The chief’s office itself is unreachable, but it can be assumed to be a large, personal office.

Виды зомби


Бродяга очень медлительный и неуклюжий вид зомби, но достаточно силён и вынослив. Бродяги наиболее опасны в группах. Бродяги довольно тихие, поэтому их трудно обнаружить в тёмных местах.


Заражённый передвигается гораздо быстрее, чем бродяга, но при этом менее живуч

Зараженные крайне опасны и сражаться с ними нужно осторожно. Они очень быстро бегают

В IV акте заражённые будут носить с собой оружие и довольно эффективно им пользоваться, поэтому нужно быть осторожным и вовремя замечать заражённых, чтобы не умереть.


Громила — первый тип особых инфицированных, который встречается в игре. Они намного больше, сильнее и выносливее чем обычные зомби. Громилы обладают большой силой и наносят высокий урон герою, одним ударом сбивая с ног. Громил часто сопровождают несколько бродяг.

  • Самый простой способ убить громилу, это наносить удары тупым оружием по рукам, переломав конечности, а затем добить ударами в голову. Атаки по туловищу не очень эффективны.
  • В первый раз Громила встречаются на станции первой помощи в Акте I.


Самоубийца — второй тип особых инфицированных, который встречается в игре. Необходимо вовремя замечать специфичный визг самоубийцы, чтобы избежать смерти. Персонажи, оказавшиеся слишком близко к самоубийце во время взрыва мгновенно погибнут.

В первый раз Самоубийца встречаются во время выполнения задания «Падение чёрного ястреба» в Акте I.


Таран крайне силён и вынослив, но неповоротлив. Тараны целеустремленно преследуют героев, попавших в поле зрения и пытаются их убить, протаранив с разбега. Если подойти к тарану слишком близко, то он нанесёт мощный удар ногой, способный сбить героя с ног. Слабыми местами Таранов является голова и оголённая спина. По всем остальным частям тела они почти не получают урона.

В первый раз Таран появляется в Акте II, рядом с церковью Святого Кристофера.


Утопленники — медлительные зомби, которые плюются токсичной слизью, ослепляя и дезориентируя врагов на расстоянии. Атаки ближнего боя более эффективны, чем атаки на расстоянии, однако следует остерегаться изрыгания потоков слизи вблизи.

В первый раз Утопленник встречается в канализации в Акте II.


Мясники — быстрые, выносливые и сильные зомби, которые своими атаками наносят большой урон герою. Атаки в прыжке и молниеносная реакция делают их очень сложными противниками в ближнем бою. Мясники нападают на героев в одиночку и благодаря этому их можно окружить.

В первый раз Мясник встречается в джунглях в Акте III.

Dead Island. Game of the Year Edition (Русская версия)

Герои Dead Island — туристы, которым пришлось столкнуться с ожившими мертвецами на отдыхе, на тропическом курорте The Royal Palms Resort в Папуа — Новой Гвинее. Игрокам предстоит узнать причину заражения и поскорее сбежать с опасного острова, спасая свои жизни. В отличие от героев Left 4 Dead 2, попавших в схожую ситуацию, в Dead Island сражаться с зомби придется всеми подручными средствами: трубами, метлами, бейсбольными битами, мачете. Разжиться огнестрельным оружием и патронами будет нелегко.Действие зомби-хоррора Dead Island разворачивается на тропическом острове Банои, расположенном в южной части Тихого Океана. Там находится отель Royal Palms, где отдыхают богачи. Но внезапная таинственная эпидемия превращает прекрасное место в ад, наполненный толпами зомби. Четырем героям — Сян Мэй (сотрудница курорта), Сэму Би (звезда рэпа), Логану (бывшая звезда Американского футбола) и Пурне (телохранитель — бывший офицер полиции) – предстоит столкнуться со всеми ужасами острова и сразиться за свою жизнь.Главной особенность игрового процесса является возможность использования практически любых находимых в виртуальном мире предметов в качестве оружия. Также игроков ожидает полная свобода действий – к поставленной цели можно будет пойти разными способами, причем предусмотрено несколько концовок. Основная часть боев проходит с использованием ближнего оружия и видом от первого лица, однако можно найти и огнестрельное оружие, которого на острове очень мало.Ключевые особенности игрыDead Island. Game of the Year Edition (Русская версия):- Вам придется пережить весь ужас нашествия зомби, управляя героем от первого лица.- Кооперативный режим, рассчитанный на 4 игроков.- Возможность ремонтировать, модифицировать и создавать оружие из подручных материалов.- Действие разворачивается на курортном острове под открытым небом. Исследование мира не ограничивается сценарием игры.- Возможность развивать персонажа по своему усмотрению.- Орды ужасающих зомби.Дополнения игрыDead Island. Game of the Year Edition (Русская версия):- Bloodbath Arena- The Ripper 2.0- Ryder WhiteМинимальные системные требования игрыDead Island. Game of the Year Edition (Русская версия):- Операционная система: Microsoft XP/Vista/7- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.2 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+- Оперативная память: 1 ГБ оперативной памяти (2 ГБ для Windows Vista/7)- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600- Звуковая карта: Звуковое устройство, совместимое с DirectX 9.0с- Свободное место на жестком диске: 9 ГБ

Жанр: Экшн / ХоррорЯзык интерфейса: Русский / АнглийскийЯзык озвучки: Русский / АнглийскийИнсталлятор (Canek77). Версия игры: 1.3.0Размер: 7,6 ГбОблачное хранилище:пароль на архив: igrozoom.ru

Жанр: Хорроры / Выживание

Sam B

Sam B

Sam B, the Blunt Weapons expert, serves as the «Tank» of the group and can absorb lots of damage while fighting off numerous enemies in close combat at the same time. His Fury skill enables him to punch enemies with increased strength and knockback force. Because of his high durability and expertise with the most common type of melee weapon, he is often considered the easiest character to use.

As a Blunt Specialist, he has numerous skills that increase the attack power and durability of all blunt weapons found in the game. His main element of use is the blunt exclusive Impact which increases Blunt Weapon Damage while his support skills are focused on increasing resistance to enemy damage.

Sam’s best weapons are the Gabriel’s Sledgehammer with the Tesla Mod, a Home Run (Non-Crafted), a Metal Kanabo with the Medieval Mod or Heavy Duty Mod, and the .


Dead Island Walkthrough — Ram on Heaven’s Door

  • There is an opening on the back of their straight jacket. Attacking the exposed area with any melee or ranged weapon takes down its health drastically compared to facing it head-on. Shooting the exposed area from a distance (such as from a rooftop) is a safe and quick way to get rid of a Ram.
  • It is possible to headshot the Ram, but you have to be very precise, as only a very small portion of their head is visible above the face mask. This is best performed from an elevated position, and useful if a Ram won’t turn around.
  • Be aware of the area around you so as to not get caught up on small items on the ground or draw the attention of other unseen zombie(s) while dodging and positioning.
  • Rams can also be a beneficial ally with a bit of strategy. If any zombies are closing in on your position while a Ram is in the vicinity, you can angle yourself so that the zombies are between you and the Ram. The Ram will see you and charge, running down any zombies in his path. This can be extremely effective if one such zombie is a Suicider.
  • If you’re facing a Ram outside near some elevation such as a car or ambulance, then he will forget you’re there when you jump onto said object. Sometimes the Ram will be right beside you while you’re on the vehicle and not be aware that you’re killing him slowly. However, when on a car hood or certain elevations, the Ram will walk slowly towards you and eventually kick you instead of charging, knocking you off the elevation and making you vulnerable to a charge; if this happens, it is advised that you run as soon as you stand up.
  • Lure the Ram into a burning area and stand on a structure just out of reach, then move in and out of the area the Ram is able to reach you to keep him inside the flames until it dies. For example, when you face the Ram in the Supermarket, run towards the carts and jump behind them. In some cases, it’ll just walk around and catch itself on fire, granting you an easy kill.
  • Throwing an explosive knife at the exposed back of the Ram while on a car is another way to kill them.
  • Elemental weapons are extremely effective against the Ram because it can do damage through his armor. It is advisable to keep more than enough ingredients for the elemental mods and always carry an elemental weapon as later in the game, you will often face the Ram. Electrical Modifications paralyze the Ram and deal damage over time as do Poison Modifications. Fire Modifications only deal damage over time and do not stun the Ram.
  • Molotovs can be effective on Rams provided they are thrown behind the targeted Ram; upon impact with the surface, the spreading flames of the Molotov will set the Ram ablaze from behind, exploiting its characteristic weakness. It is advised to use a Deo-Bomb or a Grenade when attacking a Ram from a distance.
  • Try shooting explosive containers around or near the Ram for additional damage or the kill regardless of which direction the Ram is facing.
  • The Ram has a habit of attacking whomever attacked it last, so if you are in the vicinity of Punks or other hostile survivors, they will start shooting the Ram as they see it as a bigger threat than you. Lure them together and they should attack one another.
  • Throwing Meat Bait against a Ram causes zombies around that area to attack the Ram, adding additional damage to the target, along with distracting it.
  • Vehicles are highly effective against Rams; not only are they nearly impervious to the Ram’s attacks, but also exploit Dead Island’s physics as a weapon; a charging Ram striking a charging vehicle head on can result in spectacular Ram flight and damage. As the arms of the Ram are restrained, it is unable to get back up and upon falling over, it will die.
  • Highly unusually, it is known to be easier to kill a Ram or a Butcher with a vehicle, than it is to kill a Walker with one. This has been seen on all platforms.
  • If there is a fairly clear area when you encounter a Ram, then an easy kill is attainable by waiting for its charge and then charging at it at the same time, dodging at the last second. When it stops to roar and struggle, sprint behind it and slash (preferably with a shock-modded weapon, but not essential) to score enough hits to easily kill it.
  • Shock and Poison Mods work well against the Ram as it will induce a stun, leaving an opening for an attack.
  • If you face a Ram in an area with rooms or buildings (e.g. the prison or the laboratory) you can lure it into a room, get around it and leave the room, closing the door behind you. This will lock the Ram in the room and out of harm’s way while you go about other business.
  • If you can time it properly, a single Incendiary Grenade will often kill a Ram, though sometimes you will have to face one last charge as the DOT does its work. 


Jin offers the Storage service, allowing the Hero to store their excess inventory with her.

It is wise to remove all items on Jin in the prison prior to completing the game. The point in the game in which you should remove everything is just after waking up in the elevator cut-scene then heading to the roof. That will be the last time you’ll be able to interact with Jin in your current playthrough. (Note: If you have the Bloodbath Arena DLC, you can access your storage items from a crate near the trader.)

After completing the game, you will be able to start a New Game+. You will be able to interact with Jin upon finishing the quest Only the Strong Survive. All items from your previous playthrough are still there.


  • Jin’s storage service currently suffers from a serious bug; if the Hero tries to remove an item from Jin’s storage while their inventory is full, the item will vanish from the game… it does not appear on the ground or in the player’s already full inventory.
  • Storing too many items in Jin caused a serious bug to occur prior to patch 1.3. Unfortunately, the exact number is unknown, so store as few items in Jin as possible. The bug will cause your game to freeze upon reloading and for now there is no known way of recovering/fixing the file. At present, various sites report this occurring on all platforms.

Logan Carter


Logan Carter is the Throwing Weapons expert and the «Jack of all Trades» of the team. His Fury Skill allows him to throw an infinite amount of knives at nearby enemies.

Most of his skills are inclined towards improving his throwing ability and how he should be versatile in general. He gains skills that are unique to him such as being able to retrieve a thrown weapon without needing to pick it up again and inflicting damage on multiple targets with a single throw. He also has skills that make him more effective with both edged and blunt weapons. He also is the only Hero with the more reliable bonus from using alcohol. His greatest weakness is his low stamina which, despite hampering his ability to run and fight in melee, is somewhat meaningless since throwing does not consume stamina. 

Unlike the other Heroes, Logan is much better suited at using the developer items due to the fact that thrown weapons do not lose durability. He can use the Mindblowing Military Knife to pop five Walkers or Infected in a single throw with a chance for the weapon to boomerang back, allowing him to do it again without having to pick up the weapon. He can also use the Homerun Baseball Bat to knock away multiple targets which allows him to avoid being overwhelmed by large numbers of zombies.

If the player does not intend to use the developer items due to how they unfairly break the game drastically, they can still depend on the more natural weapons in game. Because of his skill with both blunt and edged weapons, he can use weapons such as Eviscerator for a damage dealing throwable, or a Sledgehammer with Tesla Mod for incapacitation. His options are almost limitless.

Dead Island: Riptide Zombies

Mutated Scientist

Main article: Mutated Scientists

Mutated Scientists are a type of zombie introduced in Dead Island: Riptide. They only appear inside the laboratory dome and act as normal Walkers. They will attempt to grab or hit a survivor as they walk past and they are easily identified by their clothing and gurgling roars. They are similar in appearance to Grenadiers, but wear white hazmat suits and have no ranged attack. However, like the Grenadier, the oxygen tank on their back can be punctured and detonated.


Main article: Drowner

Drowners in Palanai

Drowners are a type of common zombie introduced in Dead Island: Riptide. They appear in heavily flooded areas and try to kill the player by grabbing them and pulling them underwater. They resemble a Walker or Floater due to their decomposition, as well as green discoloration on their remaining flesh. Drowners are classified as Very Fast in Dr. Kessler’s Casebook and attack in a flurry just like the Infected. They are drawn by the sounds of survivors (running, explosives, gunshots) and they also tend to surprise their prey by leaping from the water and relentlessly attacking them. However, most tend to stay close to water and some will even retreat from land back into the water itself, though they will not play dead, instead mindlessly roaming until the player enters their immediate area once again.


Main article: Grenadier

Grenadier about to attack the player

Grenadiers are a type of special zombie introduced in Dead Island: Riptide. These zombies are infected scientists in hazmat suits that toss exploding, toxic pieces of their own flesh at the Heroes. In Dr. Kessler’s Casebook they are classified as slow in movement. Their weak spot is the oxygen tank carried upon their backs. This will explode and kill them if punctured.


Main article: Wrestler

Wayne turning into a Wrestler

Wrestlers are a type of special zombie introduced in Dead Island: Riptide. These zombies have a large, mutated arm that acts as a club to knock down the Heroes; either by swinging it or smashing into the ground. The Wrestler bears immense strength and is able to kill a survivor with 1-2 hits (the damage from a slow overhead strike is roughly half a health bar). It is classified as Very Slow, yet is stronger than a Thug if it lands a hit upon it’s victim.

The first Wrestler encountered is when Wayne mutates into one after making your way through the sewers. He tells Purna (who notices something is wrong with him) that someone ‘pushed’ him. Harlow Jordan informs the group that she pushed him so that she could see what exactly the mutagen would do to someone who was infected with the virus. This means Harlow knew he was infected (she also states such). This seems to be corroborated by a cutscene prior to this boss fight, where Wayne is nearly bitten (or possibly is as he falls, which is also where Harlow may have ‘pushed’ him near the boat on Palanai) which can lead to the speculation that he is infected.


Main article: Screamer

First Screamer encounter

Screamers are type of special zombie introduced in Dead Island: Riptide. These zombies have the ability to emit a loud, piercing scream that can blur the vision of the player and disorient the Heroes. Their deafening scream will draw Infected and Walkers to the unfortunate survivor, whom is unable to react unless they move away from the wide range of the Screamer’s scream. Oddly, the Screamer bears the voice of a female Infected, but appears as a male zombie (being that the Screamer is topless). In Dr. Kessler’s Casebook, the Screamer holds a very fast movement pattern as they travel faster than the Infected. Interesting as well is that the Screamer appears to have been a test subject of some kind due to its appearance: Its brain is exposed and their heads bear an instrument which is used to restrain their neck movement and keep their eyes open. Additionally, the Screamers bear stitches on their shoulders and stomach.

The Screamer also has an alternate form. In Dr. Kessler’s Casebook, the Screamer appears to wear a green dress which is torn, bloody and reveals «her» exposed internal organs as well as her knees (bones) and legs. The alternate appearance to the Screamer is topless and wearing green pants. This is speculated to be the male version, although it still uses the female infected voice. The version where it wears pants also shows «its» areola are missing, which appear to have been surgically removed from its body as opposed to being eaten. A small series of dash lines can clearly be seen on parts of its body as an indicator of future surgical plans.


  • In Greek Mythology, Charon (also known as Kharon) was the ferryman that carried souls of the deceased across the river Styx. The explanation for this nickname was later confirmed by Kevin in Ryder White’s Campaign.
  • Kevin is actually the Voice, as revealed in Ryder White’s Campaign.
  • Charon has worked for many terrorist and criminal organizations, such as Al-Qaeda and the Yakuza.
  • It was initially unclear why Charon intended to increase the spread of the virus, but Escape Dead Island reveals his goals act as a twisted form of revenge over GeoPharm and the Palm Garden Order for their role in the death of his father.
  • Kevin’s secret identity as Charon was subtly implied during the ending when he smiled at the prospect of the world never being the same as he flew the helicopter.

Dead Island: Retro Revenge Zombies

Zombie Dog

Main article: Zombie Dog

Zombie Dogs are just that, dogs who have been infected by the virus and are now actively seeking out living like any of the other infected. They’re quite fast, perhaps not quite as fast as Hyenas but certainly faster than Walkers. They’ll run at Max down one lane but they have no ranged attack and will not switch lane.


Main article: Leader

Leaders are a special type of zombie featured in Dead Island: Retro Revenge. They will attempt to tangle you with their exposed Intestines so be careful when you fight them.


Main article: Stomper

Stompers are great, hulking zombies that have a commanding presence wherever they are found. With thick, powerful legs and arms that end in claws, Stompers are not something you want to meet and tangle with in the street. Very little compares to them and they’re unique with their shockwave stomp ability, increasing their danger further than it already it.


Hyenas are just like the Infected found in the Banoi Archipelago, faster versions of regular Walkers. However, these ones are tougher than the Infected in the archipelago but just as fast. They’re fast and can be dangerous, especially when in large numbers. While they can’t change lanes themselves, hitting them can cause them to move to one of the adjacent lanes.


Approaching a Suicider.

A Suicider hiding in a beach stall.

A Suicider’s remains.

Concept art of Suicider.

Concept art of a native Suicider.

Meeting the Suicider for the first time in Dead Island.

A Suicider exploding.

A Suicider on the streets of Moresby.

A Suicider prior to exploding.

Concept art showing a Suicider in Born to be Wild, just prior to Black Hawk Down.

Suicider in Moresby.

The Suicider entry in Dr. Kessler’s casebook.

A Suicider in Halai Village.

Suicider in the They Thought Wrong Riptide trailer..

A Suicider in the flooded jungle.

The Suicider in Dead Island: Epidemic


The new Suicider.

A Dead Island 2 Suicider.

The new Suicider design in Retro Revenge

The ‘how to play’ information on the Suicider in Retro Revenge


Dead Island


  • Lifeguard Tower (First encountered).
  • Beach
  • Diamond Beach
  • Beach Bars
  • Royal Palms Resort
  • Gas Stations
  • Lighthouse Gas Station
  • City Tunnel Gas Station
  • Bunker 02
  • Bungalows
  • Silver Bungalows
  • Diamond Bungalows
  • Bunker 01


  • Saint Christopher’s Church
  • Down Town
  • Market District
  • Victory Hill
  • Moresby Gas Station
  • Riverside
  • Queenscliffe
  • Quarantine
  • Sewers
  • Town Hall
  • Police Station


  • Mingende Jungle
  • Ghost Town
  • Jungle Village
  • Camp by Jungle Muggers (After killing them near Jason’s hideout and under the bridge).
  • Laboratory
  • Mowen’s Boat (Sometimes close to the area).
  • Ope’s Cave (Close to the Area).
  • Tomb of Natives


  • Prison
  • Cell Block A
  • Laundry
  • Cell Block B
  • Armoury
  • Prison Showers
  • Cell Block C
  • Prison Rooftop (Before finally meeting Ryder and getting mutated will disappear after this and cutscene).
  • Flooded jungle
  • Halai Village
  • River Village
  • Mataka Village
  • Paradise Survival Camp (Horde Attack).
  • Santa Maria Mission
  • Japanese Tunnels
  • Palanai Ferry Station
  • Henderson
  • Henderson Ferry Station (Disappears after clearing the area).
  • Old Town Cinema
  • Henderson town
  • Henderson Military Base (Inside).
  • Bank of Henderson
  • The Fort of Henderson
  • Sea Market
  • Quarantine Zone
  • Dead Zones


  • In the early parts of the game, the Heroes can be heard yelling whenever they kill zombies. For example, they can be heard exclaiming about zombies not staying down, showing remorse for the infected survivors they have killed. In later areas in the game, they stop yelling and instead become more sarcastic and confident in themselves, showing the psychological development of the Heroes.
  • The blood type of all the heroes is O- (O negative), which is what makes them immune to the kuru zombie prion. However, they can still be killed by wounds inflicted by the infected, and if an O- person is bitten by a zombie, they become a non-symptomatic carrier of the virus, and highly dangerous to people of other blood types.


  • A glitch can occur within the Police Station, allowing multiple zombies to spawn directly in front of the Hero, especially in the second stairwell.
  • Although the area within the glass walls is labelled as the chief’s office, the actual office is behind the closed door, where Jin is being held during Lady in Trouble. The aforementioned area is most likely the chief’s secretary station or meeting area. This means the Hero is actually downloading data from the chief’s secretary’s computer during Paperwork.
  • In the room after the armoury, where there are four Walkers lurking, you can hear the sound of footsteps and keys jingling as if the ghost of one of the police officers wanted to fulfil his duties even in the afterlife.
  • The chief’s office and surrounding office spaces are reused as the interior of the Bank of Henderson in Dead Island: Riptide.


Like most zombies, when the Suicider notices a survivor, it will turn and slowly shamble toward them. Unlike Infected or Walkers, it is incapable of running due to its high center of mass. Upon reaching the survivor, the Suicider does not go for a bite or a scratch. Instead, it will initiate a self destruct and kill itself with a violent explosion that will hopefully either kill or knock down the survivor for other zombies to then pounce on.

The zombie is easily recognizable from its striking appearance, as well as the audible pulsing sounds of blood and the almost bubbling boils all across their skin. It also emits a rasping noise and can even say short words or phrases, most famously «Help me». They are most dangerous in enclosed and confined spaces, where the victim is unable to get away from the explosion when the Suicider goes off. They are easily to spot and the noises they make are also a dead giveaway as to when a Suicider is in the area, giving the survivor forewarning for them to either run away or deal with it safely.

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