Watch dogs 2 — смотреть онлайнwatch dogs 2


  • The CTOS is mentioned in an Easter Egg in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.
  • Despite being called the «Central Operating System» in-game, in the eBook Watch Dogs //n/Dark_Clouds by John Shirley, it is referred to as the «City Operating System».
  • CTOS vehicles are rare to come by after completing every district access mission.
  • CTOS is the main antagonist of the Alone Digital Trip, where it takes over the city with an army of robots in a twisted form of martial law.
  • In Watch Dogs 2, the Profiler has been redone to look more visually pleasing, including an emoji to reflect the NPC’s general mood. Vehicles also have their own UI box which states: company name, logo, car make & model, car category, and also its license plate number.
  • While the Chicago Police extensively relied more on CTOS scan, the San Francisco Police rely more on 911 calls and rarely seem to use CTOS scans.

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  1. . Дата обращения: 3 ноября 2019.
  2. . YouTube. Дата обращения: 19 июня 2016.
  3. ↑ . International Business Times UK (13 июня 2016). Дата обращения: 19 июня 2016.
  4. . Игромания (Nov 14, 2016). Дата обращения: 21 ноября 2017.
  5. . (Nov 29, 2016). Дата обращения: 21 ноября 2017.
  6. . (Nov 1, 2017). Дата обращения: 21 ноября 2017.
  7.  (недоступная ссылка). 2017 год Петуха (29 марта 2016). Дата обращения: 18 июня 2016.
  8. . Игры Mail.Ru. Дата обращения: 18 июня 2016.
  9. . CINEMABLEND (23 сентября 2014). Дата обращения: 18 июня 2016.
  10. . gamesradar. Дата обращения: 19 июня 2016.
  11.  (недоступная ссылка). Дата обращения: 18 июня 2016.
  12. . Digital Spy (13 июня 2016). Дата обращения: 19 июня 2016.
  13. . Дата обращения: 18 июня 2016.
  14. . GameRankings. Дата обращения: 22 ноября 2016.
  15. . GameRankings. Дата обращения: 22 ноября 2016.
  16. . GameRankings. Дата обращения: 22 ноября 2016.
  17. . Metacritic. Дата обращения: 14 ноября 2016.
  18. . Metacritic. Дата обращения: 14 ноября 2016.
  19. . Metacritic. Дата обращения: 22 ноября 2016.
  20. Furniss, Zack . Destructoid (14 November 2016). Дата обращения: 14 ноября 2016.
  21. Лихачев, Алексей . 3DNews Daily Digital Digest (25 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 4 декабря 2016.
  22. Майоров, Денис . (22 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 4 декабря 2016.
  23. Васютинский, Евгений . (17 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 17 ноября 2016.
  24. Никифоров, Кирилл. . Riot Pixels (18 декабря 2016). Дата обращения: 19 декабря 2016.
  25. Пилипчук, Алексей . Игромания (14 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 14 ноября 2016.
  26. Маховиков, Илья . Игры@Mail.Ru (14 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 14 ноября 2016.
  27. Косин, Сергей . Навигатор игрового мира (15 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 17 ноября 2016.
  28. Kasumov, Rustam  (недоступная ссылка). (22 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 22 ноября 2016.
  29. . Gameguru (22 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 22 ноября 2016.
  30. Гальперов, Василий . (24 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 4 декабря 2016.
  31.  (недоступная ссылка). IGN Russia (28 ноября 2016). Дата обращения: 4 декабря 2016.
  32. Екатерина Жорова, Евгений Пекло, Алексей Пилипчук. . Игромания (3 января 2017).

Имя нам — Легион

Главная фишка игры заключается в том, что теперь вы можете играть за абсолютно любого прохожего. Зависит только от вашего желания с ним сотрудничать.

Если раньше на карточках горожан писалась различная информация, которая не имела какого-то практического значения, то теперь это не так. В WD: Legion можно и нужно изучать информацию о человеке, потому что в ней могут быть указаны полезные для DedSec и лично вас навыки.

«Юбики» классно проработали случайных прохожих. Они по-разному одеваются, редко появляются повторяющиеся лица, да даже походка отличается. А играть можно хоть уборщиком, хоть стражем порядка, хоть еле стоящей на ногах пенсионеркой.

От выбранного персонажа напрямую зависит ваша тактика. Хотите штурмом захватить здание, вербуйте полицейского или бывшего военного, хотите максимальный стелс — ловкого хакера.

Причём это не какие-то болванчики, которые будут копиться в вашем отряде. Они постоянно проявляют активность, общаются и как-то взаимодействуют между собой. Например, кто-то в ходе оперативного задания погиб, вы лишились игрового персонажа, все будут по нему скорбеть.

Есть у людей и полезные навыки. Кто-то владеет спортивной тачкой, а кто-то может вытащить вас из тюрьмы или заработать денег в казино или на перепродаже техники.

Чтобы позвать простолюдина к себе в команду, зачастую требуется выполнить дополнительный квест, периодически прикрытый интересной историей. Уверен, что они будут повторяться, но без этого никуда. Мне такое пока не встречалось примерно за 20 часов игры.

Мир вокруг вас тоже живет, часто видишь любопытные случайные события

Кстати, помните, я указал про смерть персонажа? Да, здесь могут умереть вообще члены вашей банды при включённой опции пермасмерти (с ней играть намного интереснее, советую). И тогда наступит гейм-овер. Правда, вряд ли вы до такого дойдёте. Разве что специально.

Однако разработчики не смогли реализовать единственно важную особенность. У «героев» нет личности как таковой. Хотя они и проявляют живость, общение и действия происходят по четко прописанному сценарию. Так что советую всё-таки привязаться к какому-то одному человеку и вести его до конца, чтобы больше погрузиться в мир игры.

Я серьезно, главную фишку игры для основного сюжета лучше игнорировать. За исключением некоторых моментов, когда действительно нельзя обойтись без определённого типа людей. Ну и там повествование будет вклинивать их в происходящее.

А вот для дополнительных заданий пожалуйста, перед вами целый мир и делать вы вольны все, что взбредет в голову.


Watch Dogs 2 received «generally favorable» reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic getting a Metascore of 75/100 on PC, 82/100 on PS4, , and 81/100 on Xbox One.

In his review, Destructoid‘s Zack Furniss praised the sequel’s tonal shift to a lack of seriousness and stated that its protagonist Marcus Holloway boasted a similar charm and wit. He thought well of the hacking component as it was suggestible to multiple fields of use, and enjoyed its nature of compatibility with a non-lethal approach; in fact, Furniss felt that for this reason firearms could have been excluded entirely. The driving was lauded as an improvement from the first game, yet technical issues like glitches and low frame rates were cited as shortcomings.To Matt Buchholtz, writing for EGM, the game signified «less a hacktivist tale and more a beautiful immersion into the San Francisco Bay». The setting, characters, and story were cited as considerable refinements from its predecessor. Buchholtz discerned that the tasks demanded to gain followers were successful in encouraging world exploration. He noted however that – in context of the main character – murder made little sense, which led to an increased usage of stealth. Elise Favis at Game Informer both disparaged and praised elements in comparison to those of Watch Dogs. She enjoyed that hacking was prioritized in the gameplay and the new «smoother» driving mechanic, but saw inconsistencies in the protagonist’s actions versus his personality and thought supporting characters «too obnoxious and petty to be meaningful companions». Favis also experienced low frame rate capabilities on PlayStation 4. Aron Garst of Game Revolution stated that Watch Dogs 2 had redressed «nearly every negative aspect of the original», and as such, marked a favorable change in the franchise.

IGN‘s Dan Stapleton liked Marcus Holloway more than Aiden Pearce of the first game and similarly appreciated the supporting characters of DedSec. Marcus’ penchant for moral integrity was a noticeable contradiction for Stapleton, though, in light of the prospect to have him kill innocent people if one so chooses. Therefore, the character’s personality was observed as the only preclusion to violence and an axiomatic push toward the stealth approach, which Stapleton insisted was the most accommodating of available tools. Writing for Polygon, Philip Kollar saw that Watch Dogs 2 could appeal to those able to connect with «being young, angry at the system and certain that you know what’s best for the world». Its tongue-in-cheek demeanor was said to naturally coincide with the hacker culture and open-world genre. San Francisco – the spaces of which were described as «cleverly designed» – never felt overwhelming in size to Kollar but inspired joy as he took advantage of the immediate ability to explore it entirely. His complaints concerned firearms; their use was considered «a complete failure of imagination» and unbelievable from the members of DedSec—»an Anonymous-esque group of peaceful hacktivists». Alice Bell of wrote in her verdict, «Watch Dogs 2 is missing a bit of refinement … but joining DedSec is still a riot and a half. It’s high energy fun with engaging characters, and you can make an entire city your playground».


The behavior of the FBI is largely similar to the Police’s, only that they can’t summon helicopters, K-9s, Coast Guards and SWAT Teams due to their Heat Level being like a gang/Umeni’s though they can arrest the players. However, when calling reinforcements, instead of summoning more agents, the FBI can contact the Police and pit them against the players, making them fight two factions at the same time. This is extremely difficult considering that now K-9s, helicopters, Coast Guards and SWAT teams may arrive depending on how high the player’s Heat Level is. This also means that the player will have to escape a Police Heat Level, which is much harder than a gang/Umeni/FBI Heat Level. Due to this, attacking the agency stealthily and preventing them from calling reinforcements is critical. Also, due to them being a law enforcement agency, agents cannot be framed for an arrest and the Police will ignore them if they attack Marcus and other civilians.

The FBI also drive more aggressively than the police. However, they cannot spawn roadblocks, like the police. Also similar to the police, if the FBI detect the player in a restricted area, they will attempt to arrest them. If the player moves, they will open fire.

Графика и звук

Watch Dogs 2 выглядит очень здорово, хоть и не поражает воображение. Все персонажи оформлены первоклассно, равно как и все, что часто мелькает в кадре, а анимации так и вообще улучшают восприятие игры на порядок.

Безусловно, это не технологический прорыв, и разработчикам пришлось пожертвовать детализацией периферии и некоторых второстепенных объектов. Да и дальность прорисовки иногда подводит, демонстрируя «лысые» окраины.

Но эти упрощения — необходимая и вполне оправданная цена, ведь технически игра сделана качественно. Настолько, что вплотную подобралась в GTA 5 в отношении оптимизации. Она отлично работает заявленных системах и практически не доставляет неудобств вылетами и «глюками».

Со звуком все обстоит даже лучше. Если в отношении мемов и хипстерской атрибутики Ubisoft явно перебрали, то тот, кто подбирал музыку, выполнил свою работу первоклассно. В Watch Dogs 2 целые горы отличной музыки, и почти вся она — в кассу. Любители старорежимной романтики с приятным удивлением обнаружат множество ретровейва и минимал-техно.


The Cavale has good performance, durability and handling, however, the vehicle lacks a high top speed, and the braking seems to fail to stop the vehicle in time. The acceleration time is rather quick. The vehicle also has a long lasting deformation rate, as they can take multiple rams from large vans and trucks, and can take many gun shots before they take damage. In the 2012 E3 Gameplay Demo, it was revealed that the car comes with an automatic transmission. In the final game however, there is an H-pattern shift knob on the center console, indicating that the model has been equipped with a manual transmission or a dual-mode transmission.


General Aspects
Top Speed Acceleration Durability Handling
Technical Aspects
Acceleration Engine Drivetrain Gears
N/A Transverselly-mounted V8 Front engine, rear wheel drive 5


First Phase: 911 Callers

A civilian is calling the police.

At the first phase, Marcus has committed a crime which attracted an unwanted civilian attention, thus civilians begin to report him to the police by dialing 911.

Marcus can stop the caller by approaching him and using a takedown action which will grab their phones and smash them, driving too close to them, aiming gun at them or using distraction hack. Shooting a witness caller may sometimes attract another civilian calling the police.

If a patrol car witnesses Marcus committing a crime on spot, this phase is skipped to second phase. If Marcus is on foot when the witness call finishes, phase 3 usually starts unless he was driving a car or had more than two heat levels.

Second Phase: Police Pursuit

During this phase, the police has received the call, located Marcus and are giving a chase. This phase is very common and happen a lot by police sight over witness calls, especially if the player is trying to do illegal activities in the public as the police patrols more often.

If the player has more than two heat levels, this message will appear, indicating the police will shoot on sight.

To evade a pursuit, Marcus has to break police line of sight by keeping a long distance from every patrol car for several seconds. Using vehicle hacks is highly recommended during this phase, as shooting will make matters worse and escalate more heat levels, thus bringing tougher and larger police force. Marcus can use traffic light hacks, steam pipe hack, blockers and so on to destroy certain police vehicles. There will be automatic usage of hack by pushing a prompt button on the screen if the player has unlocked a certain skill, similarly in predecessor. The player can also take a boat and evade on the water, but there is a high chance for police boats to appear and give chase making all police pursuits around very difficult, especially at higher heat levels particularly at heat level 5 where the police shoot through their windows.

Once all visual contact on Marcus has been lost, the police will enter the third phase. If Marcus had one heat level and was on foot during witness call, the second phase is usually skipped to third phase.

Third Phase: Search Mode

During this phase, police has lost all visual contact of Marcus and are beginning a vicinity search for his sight. Police cars will slowly drive around the area looking for Marcus. Police will also enter third phase if Marcus was on foot with one heat level if a witness call was completed.

This message indicates the police are looking for the player.

Depending on the heat level, the higher it is, the longer time it will take for the search to be called off. Police officers will never leave their patrol car during search mode and no police foot patrols will spawn around the area.

Dispatched Units

  • One triangle: 2 police cruisers will be dispatched. All officers will attempt to arrest the player. More police cruisers can respond in vicinity. Police officers do not wear kevlars.
  • Two triangles: 3 police cruisers will be dispatched. All officers will use lethal force on the player. Roadblocks formed with police cruisers will be placed. Police officers wear kevlars.
  • Three triangles: 4 police cars dispatched. Police Talos along with Police Cruisers will respond. Police Helicopter will respond as support unit and will open fire if being fired to. Roadblocks formed with police cruisers will be placed. Police dogs will also assist the police, but there will be a small number of dogs helping. Other players will be able to start a bounty hunt to kill the player that’s being pursued.
  • Four triangles: 5 police cars dispatched. Police cruisers will be called off as Police Talos and one or two MRAPs will respond. MRAPs are being driven by two Elite SWAT members. Police Helicopter will open fire. Roadblocks formed by Police Talos will be placed. The police dogs have a larger appearance than at three triangles.
  • Five triangles: 6 police cars dispatched. MRAP are taking over the pursuit as only one or two Police Talos will still respond. An Enforcer and a regular SWAT member will be in MRAP. All police officers will shoot through the windows at the player. Roadblocks formed by MRAP will be placed. There will be a large number of police dogs as well.


Watch Dogs

  • The civilian variant is available in the Car On Demand app, for free.
  • Poorly maintained examples can be seen driven around in The Wards, whereas well maintained examples are commonly found in Pawnee.
  • Taxi variants can be found also in The Wards.
  • The Black Viceroys uses the Viceroy Vessel along with their modified Polars. Therefore, they can only be found during certain missions or fixer contracts.
  • The Police Variant is usually encountered in the earlier stages of police chases in CTOS Mobile App, and it is also the cheapest police unit to deploy in the App for Watch Dogs multiplayer. It’s never found in normal police chases.
  • It can be found parked at The Wards Police Station.

Watch Dogs 2

  • The civilian version is available in the Total Motors car dealership, for $4,000.
  • Civilian versions spawn around Oakland, usually in poor condition. This version also spawns in good condition in the Marin County area.
  • Taxi variants spawn around the Bay. most notably in Oakland and Silicon Valley.
  • The police variant only appears once, on the CyberDriver movie set. It can be obtained multiple times over with mission replay. However, this is time-consuming, as the player must do the mission to completion in order to obtain the vehicle.

Открытый мир

Как и раньше, игрок может вполне свободно перемещаться по городу, который создан по образу и подобию Сан-Франциско.

После мрачного и унылого Чикаго новое место действия воспринимается сугубо положительно. Это намного более живое место, с кучей разных людей и автомобилей.

Геймплейная реализация выполнена на рядовом для Ubisoft уровне. Повсюду разбросаны различные мини-задания, сумки с деньгами, любопытные заметки и другой вторичный контент.

Безусловно, это здорово, что в игре можно заняться чем-то еще помимо прохождения сюжетной линии, однако не стоит ждать откровений: изучение мира быстро наскучивает, как в The Division, Far Cry 4 и в других играх с открытым миром.


Before Watch Dogs 2

Marcus was born in Los Angeles, California in but moved to Oakland at a young age with his low-income family. Marcus was at one point placed into a community program where he would discover an affinity for computers. In , rising crime rates would lead to the institution of the Home Domain Center, surveillance initiative, and in , Marcus was falsely accused of being the primary suspect in a high tech robbery. With the only evidence being the HDC predictive software, he was merely sentenced to community service as punishment. However, because of the accusation made against him, Marcus was frequently discriminated against by the community. This disillusioned him to the system that put him in these circumstances, and under the alias «Retr0», he hacked local government officials and leak incriminating documents on HDC data gathering. Turning his attention to the rise of CTOS 2.0, Marcus started hanging around DedSec IRCs and searching for CTOS weaknesses on Nudle search.

Events of Watch Dogs 2

Eventually, DedSec took notice of Marcus and offered him a test. A challenge of «the highest difficulty»: erase his CTOS 2.0 profile. Marcus not only accomplished this, but he also installed a backdoor in CTOS 2.0 for easy access. Having passed their test, he was officially inducted into DedSec. Marcus helped DedSec gain followers to use in the fight against the CTOS 2.0, and the people who want to control it for their own gain.

Marcus went on a crusade against Blume and their puppets, so as to expose them for manipulating the people and violating many federal laws, thus ending with Mark Thruss defamed and Dusan Nemec, penniless and incarcerated for a very long time.


Police Heat Level.

There are five triangles with an exclamation mark in them and with depending colors, a black triangle with white sidebar indicates the player has committed a crime but is not being chased by the authorities, on the other hand, if the triangle is red with black sidebar, this indicates the player is currently being chased by the authorities.

CTOS Heat Level.

The heat level will be cleared completely after a successful evasion from the authorities or other factions. If the player has outstanding heat levels from authorities, they will be slowly cleared one by one as time passes by without committing another crime.

The Heat Level has been expanded to other faction members as well. If a faction member(s) commit several crimes in a row (i.e Shooting and killing several police personnel) the heat level on them will be increased slowly at which point the police will send tougher forces to stop them (i.e SWAT). The player can also receive a heat level if they are actively chased by other factions such as Unemi, Tezcas, Bratva, etc which can be increased if the player kills several faction members. If two or more factions are in conflict each other, the heat level will give a hint to the player indicating the certain factions in conflict each other but will not necessarily mean the player is being chased by the factions unless the triangles are flashing red color with exclamation marks as stated above.
Aside from the Heat Level, the game also uses some symbols to indicate the state of an enemy, and what actions the faction is currently doing.

Yellow exclamation point: The enemy has detected the player, but hasn’t engaged them into combat. The enemy will hold the player at gunpoint and slowly walk over to his location to apprehend him. If the player lets the faction member apprehend him, it will be game over and the player will respawn in a location, just as if the player died. Like dying, no penalties will be issued upon the player.

Red exclamation point: The enemy has engaged the player in combat and will start
attacking him. When this happens, the message “(Faction Name) has engaged you in combat” appears. If the enemy has detected a co-op partner, the message “(Faction Name) has engaged your co-op partner in combat” appears. During this phase, any members belonging to the hostile faction will attack the player/co-op partner on sight.

Yellow interrogation point: The enemy has lost sight of the player and is searching for him. When this happens, the message “(Faction Name) is searching the area for you” appears. If the enemy has detected a co-op partner, the message “(Faction Name) is searching the area for your co-op partner” appears. During this phase, any members belonging to the hostile faction will start detecting the player/co-op partner on sight, even if the player/co-op partner is outside a restricted area or doesn’t hold anyone at gunpoint.

In addition, when the enemy finds a knocked out/dead comrade, they will walk over to them and try to wake them up, the player will have a few seconds to defeat the enemy before they notify their partners of this. If the enemy manages to notify the other faction members, the message “(Faction Name) is searching the area” will appear, and instead of walking passively, the enemies will start actively searching the area for any threats, but they will stop searching the area if they don’t find any hostiles.

The factions and their reinforcements seem to become more powerful by default as the player progresses through the storyline. For example, in the beginning of the game, enemies tougher than a Gunman rarely appear, and each reinforcement call only brings 1 vehicle (Or two faction members) at Heat Level 0. But, by the time the player completes Motherload, Armored Gunmen, Elites and Enforcers are quite common, and each reinforcement call brings at least 3 cars or at least six faction members at Heat Level 0, and those faction members are usually Armored Gunmen, Elites or Enforcers. Marksmen, Jammers and Grenadiers can never call reinforcements, likely because they are more of a specialized enemy instead of a foot soldier. The enemies summoned by a reinforcement call are unable to call new reinforcements, no matter what type of enemy they are.

Skills and Abilities

  • Genius Intelligence: He has been a capable technology engineer and programmer since his youth and developed advanced technology which enabled him to become the CTO of Blume.

    • Hacking Skills: He has said to Raymond Kenney that he kept modifying the original CTOS to better serve his purpose.
    • Master Strategist: He was able to manipulate DedSec into causing panic in Silicon Valley, which instead of turning people against CTOS, got them to buy the system instead.
  • Vast Resources: Aside from having power over Blume Corporation’s near-limitless resources, he himself has vast resources as well. His income is $110,029,000. This gives him a massive stash of funds at his disposal. His wealth enabled him to hire private security contractors (Umeni-Zulu), the police, and even corrupt FBI agents to do his bidding.
  • Combat Skills: He was able to cause the CEO of HAUM to shut up with a karate chop to the throat, which possibly damaged the latter’s vocal cords as he had difficulty speaking. He is almost always seen in some kind of physical training.
  • CTOS 2.0 Manipulation: As the Chief Technology Officer of Blume Corporation, he has absolute control over CT

    Bellwether: Dusan used the Bellwether for at least two projects: to manipulate voters to get Congressman Mark Thruss re-elected, and to manipulate buyers on the New York Stock Exchange to create predictable (and therefore exploitable) market conditions.

    OS 2.0.


A Police Station near Mission Dolores in San Francisco.

A Police Station near Ghiradelli Square.

The Transbay Transit Center Police Station.

Garage of the Transbay Transit Center Police Station

Stanford’s joint Police/Fire station, the only station for both services in Silicon Valley

Police Garage of the Stanford Police Station.

Port of Oakland Police Station.

Police Garage of the Oakland Station.

A SF Police Officer.

A pair of police officers along with their K9 in San Francisco.

A pair of police officers in Oakland.

A pair of Elites.

A pair of Oakland Police Officers arresting a Tezcas Enforcer.

Police Officers instructing a criminal during arrest.

A criminal is being detained in a police car.

Gangsters arguing with police officers as they arrest a fellow gangster.

A SF Police officer is engaging a gunfight with a criminal.

Multiple Oakland Police Officers are engaging in a gunfight with multiple criminals.

Police officers taking cover as the criminal is aiming at them.

An OPD Enforcer engaging in intense gunfight against another Enforcer.

A police officer poses himself.

An Oakland Police officer posing.

A pair of police officers arguing with each other.

Police Boat.

A patrol car is looking for Marcus or criminals.

SFPD Police units.

SFPD Gunman.

Female gunman. Note the lack of equipment and insignia on her uniform.

SFPD Armored Gunman.


OPD Armored Gunman.


Corrupt OPD Gunman from .


Corrupt OPD Armored Gunman from .

Corrupt OPD Sniper from .

Corrupt OPD Enforcer from .

SFPD Seal.

OPD Seal.

The SWAT team of the Oakland Police Department is arresting a member of the FBI. Usually this is not possible.

SFPD Grenadier

SFPD Jammer

OPD Elite. Note the helmet.

Геймплей[править | править код]

В игре Watch Dogs 2 есть набор основных миссий, задания для подготовки к ним и побочные квесты. По структуре ключевые операции напоминают ограбление в GTA 5 и убийства в Assassin’s Creed 2. Однако, в отличие от протагонистов перечисленных игр, герои здесь являются не преступниками или убийцами, а хакерами. Поэтому Watch Dogs 2 подразумевает стелс-прохождение, хотя в игре не исключено применение оружия.

Для выполнения задания игроку не навязывается единственно правильное решение, а как в предоставляется свобода выбора, заявленную цель можно достичь несколькими способами. Разнообразию действий способствует дизайн уровней, позволяющий до одной и той же локации добраться разными путями.

Для прохождения миссий потребуется взаимодействовать с системами города. Хакеры могут взломать всё, что оснащено микросхемой: телефоны, компьютеры, камеры видеонаблюдения, светофоры, автомобили, электрощиты, трансформаторы и т. д. Предметы, которые можно взломать, главный герой видит благодаря режиму «NetHack». Взлом позволяет персонажам получать информацию, строить козни врагам, создавать ловушки, в общем, вершить правосудие на свой лад.

Также стоит отметить систему прокачки — возможность улучшения навыков главного героя, которую легко подстроить под свой стиль игры. Можно прокачивать навыки социального взлома или управления автомобилем, учиться взлому городских коммуникаций или совершенствовать своих дронов.

Способности и навыки

Эйден обладает высоким интеллектом и является отличным криминологом. Будучи бывшим Фиксером, он отлично понимает как работает и как устроена эта и другие преступные организации. В криминальной среде он уже стал чем-то вроде страшилки: преступники его опасаются и боятся, что однажды он может прийти и за ними.

Также Эйден обладает полным доступом к CToS, что является его главным козырем: абсолютно вся окружающая техника и электроника, связанная с CToS, может быть использована им в любой момент — будь то побег от полиции, бой с бандитами или отвлекающий маневр.

Эйден мастер побегов и скрытности. Он всегда имеет пути отступления и даже при непредвиденных обстоятельствах ему не составит труда обдурить врагов, чтобы уйти от них.

Также Эйден демонстрирует исключительные боевые навыки: он мастер скрытных проникновений, что помогает ему пробираться на вражескую территорию; он показывает хорошие навыки рукопашного боя, будучи способным быстро (и нелетально) нокаутировать противника (даже в тяжелой броне); он превосходный тактик и стратег, способный быстро ликвидировать большую группу врагов (или наоборот, вырубить их, используя нелетальные тактики); он — великолепный стрелок, который одинаково хорошо управляется с любым оружием — от пистолетов до снайперских винтовок; его рефлексы отточены до максимума.

Также он является опытным фриранером, будучи способным бегать на большие расстояния, попутно преодолевая препятствия (заборы, машины, ограждения и т. д.). Эйден комбинирует навыки паркура со взломом CToS, своими навыками скрытности и арсеналом оружия. Все это делает его невероятно непредсказуемой и смертельной угрозой, за что он и получил прозвище «Мститель».

Grove Street

There is a cul-de-sac street in the Elmhurst district of Oakland which is most likely modeled after Grove Street in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The area features a two-story housed based on CJ’s house, a small house similar to that belonging to Sweet and a two-story house where OG Loc would have lived. In addition, the player may occasionally see a green muscle car with a man dressed in green dancing by it; this is another reference to GTA: San Andreas, as the protagonist gang (the Grove Street Families) wore green, and is also a reference to the green Sabre muscle car which was used to kill Sweet in a drive-by shooting but accidentally killed their mother instead.


Entering (Almost) Everywhere: The Quadcopter can obviously fly, and this means you can forgo the slightly laborious process of maneuvering around obstacles on the ground. It can provide reconnaissance information for the entire area, especially after you upgrade it with the Proximity Scanner _/Research ability. It can also enter every vent and gap that the RC Jumper can.

Going Places You and Your Jumper Can’t: The Quadcopter has even more flexibility of movement than the Jumper, as it can immediately and quickly fly over perimeter gates and fences, head to rooftops, fly into open windows without needing to climb up difficult scenery, and it can hide under vehicles. It can hack security doors, push open unlocked doors, and scoot past every type of foe, usually at much closer range than Marcus. The Quadcopter cannot hack closed circuit terminals. Don’t forget the Quadcopter can also take photographs, if you want to see an area from a new angle, especially a ScoutX landmark. Looking down from the sky allows you to view an entire restricted area, much like the maps in this guide.

Enemy Interaction: Expect the same type of enemy interaction as you would when using a Jumper. Enemies spotting this craft will shoot or lob rocks at it. If the Quadcopter is destroyed, it requires a cooldown time (shown on your smartphone minimap). If the Quadcopter is spotted, use Boost and hide or simply fly up vertically, out of enemy range.


Watch Dogs 2 — Hello World RU

Мировая премьера Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2 — Первый трейлер RU

Co-op, More Hacking, and a Bigger Open World — Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2 vs Real Life San Francisco

Watch Dogs 2 — Игровой процесс — E3 2016 RU

Watch Dogs 2 — Геймплейный ролик — E3 2016 RU

Watch Dogs 2 — Трейлер сетевой игры RU

Watch Dogs 2 — Прохождение с комментариями RU


Watch Dogs 2 — Убийца Зодиак — Ролик предзаказа

Watch Dogs 2 — Добро пожаловать в Сан-Франциско

Watch Dogs 2 — Эксклюзивный предзаказ в PS Store RU

Watch Dogs 2 — Трейлер Season Pass

Watch Dogs 2 — Телевизионный трейлер

Watch Dogs 2 — Ролик к выходу игры RU

Watch Dogs 2 — NVIDIA-технологии для ПК

Watch Dogs 2 — Оценки прессы RU

Watch Dogs 2 — Трейлер из реальной жизни

Watch Dogs 2 NEW Secret Ending!
Секретная концовка в игре (Аудиофайл на 02:17)

Что в итоге: стоит брать?

Watch Dogs: Legion не хватает звезд с неба. Это просто хорошо сделанная игра, но она не лишена изъянов, которых здесь достаточно.

Однако это совершенно точно лучшая часть в серии. И если вам нравятся игры про хакеров, то в новинку определенно стоит зайти на пару тройку часов. В этот мир веришь, он погружает и заставляет возвращаться вновь и вновь.

Скучно здесь точно не будет.

Стоит Watch Dogs: Legion 2,5 тыс. рублей на ПК, 4,5 тыс. рублей на PlayStation 4 и Xbox One.

Ну либо можно оформить на ПК подписку Uplay+ за 999 рублей в месяц и сыграть еще дешевле. Плюс, будут доступны новые игры компании.

У неё есть «косяки», но играть они совсем не мешают.

Артём Баусов

Главный по новостям, кликбейту и опечаткам. Люблю электротехнику и занимаюсь огненной магией.

Telegram: @TemaBausov

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