Лучшие моды для watch dogs 2

Issues fixed[edit]

Stuttering during gameplayedit

Install the game on SSD
It’s recommended to install the game on SSD in order to get rid of frequent stuttering on various. Even on high end configurations. Please check the footnotes for reference
(Nvidia) Set maximum pre rendered frames to 4
Turn on in-game Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA)
Turn off multiplayer features in game options or
Limit your framerate with RivaTuner to 45 — 50 — 55 or whatever you want
Reinstall or update Windows 10 to at least Fall Creators Update (e.g. from 1709)
Turn down «Extra Details» responsible for draw distance
Disable «Control Flow Guard» in Windows Defender for WD2
If you use another AV software, then you would naturally assume everything Defender related is disabled, and you would be wrong. If you use Defender, you will be brought to the Windows Defender Security Center straight away, but if you don’t, you will end up on a Settings page saying that Windows Defender is not available because it’s turned off. Click «Turn on Windows Defender Antivirus» — don’t worry, your AV software will disable it again straight away.

Disabling Spectre and Meltdown patchesedit

May lower stuttering and FPS issues on configurations with low RAM and weak CPU.
Restart needed after changes.
Be warned your system will be vulnerable to the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities while this is enabled.

Game doesn’t launchedit

The game cannot handle a second monitor connected via an integrated graphics card

Turn off or unplug the monitor

After the game has launched, you can reconnect the monitor.

Remove the file (which is mentioned in the error message) from the game’s library, also if it’s necesarry.

Incorrect aspect ratio, letterboxing or pillarboxingedit

Delete the 4096×2160 mode (or whatever it is in your case) so the display drivers no longer see it.
Confirmed to work with LG B7 and C8 OLED TVs, as well as ViewSonic VX2475 monitors.
If your display device reports that it can handle a resolution higher than its native resolution, the game will render everything at that resolution and then scale it to the native one, resulting in distortion of some graphics (e.g. the HUD map is not circular, characters are tall or fat vs what they should be) and borders that should not be there on others (e.g. intro videos). This particularly affects some 4K monitors and TVs.
For example, many native 3840×2160 16:9 displays report they can also handle 4096×2160 as an input. The game will see that and render to it, even when you choose 3840×2160/16:9 in its settings.
Edit Configuration file
  1. Go to .
  2. Change the value of (in ) from to . (16:9)
You may need to set file to read-only.


Use these Watch Dogs 2 mods to alter the gameplay in your next playthrough. I’m not saying they’ll improve it necessarily, but they’ll definitely provide a new and unique experience, which should be what you want with the third game in the series on the horizon.

No Intro

Let’s face it, once you’ve played through Watch Dogs 2 for the first time, you know the story. The game’s intro is a massive point of contention, because while it sets up the rest of the game, it’s actually dreadful. There’s very little point to watching it, and most people just want to get on with actually paying the game. This mod removes that intro. Be sure to thank the mod author for their good work.

First-Person Camera

Nobody thought that GTA V needed a first-person mode until it was given to us by Rockstar Games. Now I present to you the exact same thing in Watch Dogs 2. This really is a totally new way to play the game. If you’re looking for something to completely mix up your next paythrough, this will do it. Not only is aiming and hacking incredibly different, mastering parkour in this mode is an almost insurmountable task, but one worth accomplishing.

Credit: Nexus Mods — First-Person Camera.

Rebalanced Police

The police response in Watch Dogs 2 is about as realistic as it gets. NPCs can walk around with a gun and have very few consequences, while you get shot at for so much as looking at someone the wrong way. This mod rebalances the police, but that goes two ways. They’ll be harder to evade with this mod installed, and they’ll appear in the more remote locations that they don’t usually come to in the base game. Handle this one with care.

Credit: Nexus Mods — Rebalanced Police.

Enhanced Parkour

This mod will not make parkour easier, and it certainly won’t make it impressive to unrealistic levels. What it does is ever so slightly tweak the avatar properties of Marcus to allow him to jump higher, and climb further. You’ll probably never see the difference, but the mod makes parkour smoother overall throughout the game. It also adds in more objects that you can vault, which is a very nice touch in a game that’s meant to have the freedom that parkour brings.

Credit: Nexus Mods — Enhanced Parkour.

Watch Dogs 2 Autowalker

Initially this mod was born out of the want to avoid holding down or constantly tapping the ‘W’ key. However, I think it’s aged to be one of the best accessibility mods for the game to date. It makes it possible to walk or run without needing to hold down whatever button you have it mapped to. I know that a number of gamers would appreciate this, but particularly those who might not be able to hold down one key while using another.

Credit: Nexus Mods — Watch Dogs 2 Autowalker.

Remove Red Outlines (Nvidia only)

This final mod is simply something that makes it more aesthetically pleasing. Every time you spot an enemy, they’re lit up like a Christmas tree, even if the only thing that’s in front of them is a wire fence. This has always ruined my immersion, and it’s something that I don’t really understand. Marcus isn’t wearing AR goggles, so the overlay massively breaks the fourth wall for every single player. This mod removes that red outline. You might like the outline, which is fine, but I prefer the game this way. I also think that it makes it a bit tougher when you’re trying to be stealthy, which is always good.

Credit: Nexus Mods

Those are the best Watch Dogs 2 mods that you can find right now. I think that it’s a testament to how good this game is that there aren’t actually that may out there. This list makes up the majority of the mods that people have made, and I think each and every one has its place. Nothing has been created unnecessarily, or out of some need to make something stupid.


Source DRM Notes Keys OS
Deluxe Edition and Gold Edition also available.
Deluxe Edition and Gold Edition also available.
All versions require Ubisoft Connect and DRM.

DLC and expansion packs

Name Notes
Season Pass
Ultra Texture Pack Free
Human Conditions Included in the Season Pass
No Compromise Included in the Season Pass
Mega Pack A bundle that includes: Retro Modernist Pack, Glow_Pro Pack, Ride Britannia Pack, Kick It Pack, Velvet Cowboy and Bay Area Thrash Pack
Supreme Pack A bundle that includes: Black Hat Pack, EliteSec Pack, Guru Pack, Dumpster Diver Pack and Home Town Pack
Ultimate Pack A bundle that includes: Psychedelic Pack, Pixel Art Pack, Ded Labs Pack, Glam Pack, Ubisoft Pack, Punk Rock Pack, Urban Artist Pack, Private Eye Pack and Guts, Grit and Liberty Pack
Bay Area Thrash Pack
Black Hat Pack
Ded Labs Pack
Dumpster Diver Pack
EliteSec Pack
Fully Decked Out Bundle A bundle that includes: The Pixel Art customisation pack, The Guts, Grit and Liberty customisation pack, The Twitch hoodie for Marcus, 5,000 DedSec followers
Glam Pack
Glow_Pro Pack
Guru Pack
Guts, Grit and Liberty Pack
Home Town Pack
Kick It Pack
Pixel Art Pack
Private Eye Pack Free
Psychedelic Pack Included in the Season Pass
Punk Rock Pack
Retro Modernist Pack
Ride Britannia Pack
Root Access Pack Included in the Season Pass
T-Bone Pack Included in the Season Pass
Ubisoft Pack
Urban Artist Pack
Velvet Cowboy
Zodiac Killer Mission Pre-order bonus, also included in Root Access Pack. Can’t be purchased individually.
(Un)Lawful (Dis)Order and Bitflip Suit DLC are PS4 exclusive.


These Watch Dogs 2 mods are designed to improve the game’s visuals and graphics. They could give you the best-looking version of the game’s San Francisco you’ve ever seen, or ruin it with absurd sliders that are just too tempting to mess with.

Natural San Fransisco

This mod feels like a San Francisco resident rifled through the game’s world and put in every little detail that makes it such a beautiful place to live. It’s not exactly a realism reshade, but it certainly does make the game look a lot more like the actual city in real life. This is a mod for anyone looking to spend more time taking in the sights than ruining everyone’s day with hacking.

Credit: Nexus Mods — Natural San Francisco.

Near Perfection

This is the mod to install if you’re looking for more realism in your next Watch Dogs 2 playthrough. It’s subtle, very subtle, but that’s just because the base game looks pretty damn phenomenal already. This is the best-looking reshade out there, so if you just want a visual upgrade, this is it.

Credit: Nexus Mods — Near Perfection.

Watch Dogs 1 Overhaul

This is a mod for those who adore the original Watch Dogs. It not only adds in Aiden Pearce, the protagonist of the first game, but it also converts the camera to be over the shoulder, as it was in the original. It’s a pretty silly mod that doesn’t actually have any gameplay benefits. However, it does allow you to sort of relive the original game that sparked this brilliant series in the world of the second title. Playing through the story might get a little confusing, though.

Credit: Nexus Mods — Watch Dogs 1 Overhaul.

Less Intrusive GPS Markers

This mod does exactly what it says it will. The native GPS markers in Watch Dogs 2 are massive, obnoxious, and ruin my immersion. With this mod installed, they’re much smaller and less intrusive, making for a far smoother gameplay experience.

Credit: Nexus Mods — Less Intrusive GPS Markers.

Появился графический мод на Watch Dogs с упором на реализм

Время неумолимо скачет вперёд, казалось бы, ещё совсем недавно мы удивлялись презентациям Ubisoft, на которых её представители демонстрировали нам амбициозный и передовой хакерский экшн Watch Dogs. Но, если вернуться в дни сегодняшние, то видим, что выход Watch Dogs уже состоялся, революции не свершилось.

Более того сильно распиаренный проект Watch Dogs, оказался всего лишь проходным «боевичком» для подростковой аудитории. Цели были поставлены высоко в «Сторожевых псах», но достичь их разработчики не смогли и, даже сравняться с серией GTA, им также не удалось, поскольку та, почти во всём превосходит конкурента.

Но, что интересно, игра разошлась неплохим тиражом, поэтому уже достаточно продолжительное время в процессе разработки находится сиквел, о котором создатели отзываются очень хвалебно, что якобы там будет всё на голову выше и лучше. Более того, уже известна примерная дата выхода Watch Dogs 2.

Чтобы не томиться в ожидании, давайте сначала посмотрим само видео демонстрирующее красоты данного мода, а потом перейдём к появившемся улучшениям.

Помимо того, что сам ролик получился достаточно пафосным и ярким, его действительно приятно смотреть из-за похорошевшей картинки в игре. Это не просто меняет достаточно заурядный визуальный ряд оригинальной игры, а выводит его хоть насколько приемлемый современный, даже сравнимый с 5-й GTA.

Что же до основных улучшений, то они таковы:

  • Увеличена глубина поля
  • Дополнены текстуры
  • Улучшены тени
  • Окружающий рельеф
  • Очень заметны обновленные отражения
  • Дым и пар получили новый вид
  • Общее освещение и детальное
  • Улучшены многие эффекты и много чего другого

Где скачать и как установить данный графический мод на Watch Dogs?

Скачать эту модификацию уже можно, размер 823 мегабайта. 

  • Распаковать папки в каталог с оригинальной игрой
  • Папка data_win64 содержит 2 файла со всеми модами, а в bin имеется профиль настройки самого автора sweetfx,  в котором произведена балансировка цвета. Но, правда, он не совместим с Windows 8.1/10, поэтому для них создана специальная версия. Скачав, нужно просто распаковать reshade, после того как уже скопировали весь мод пак с заменой. Если всё равно будут проблемы с запуском, то не пользуйтесь данными надстройками, просто запускайте, когда скопировали моды в игру
  • Также автор рекомендует сделать принудительное форсирование анизотропной фильтрации 16x в драйвере вашей видеокарты для уменьшения размытости текстур

Таким образом, мы получили отличную модификацию на первый Watch Dogs, что возможно, сподвигнет игроков обратить на неё внимание, если их изначально отталкивала не высокого качества графика, ну или тем, кому игра понравилась, взглянуть на неё с новой фотореалистичной картинкой. Watch Dogs — Mod Living City Mod 1.4 — живой город и другие нововведения

Watch Dogs — Mod Living City Mod 1.4 — живой город и другие нововведения


Графический мод SweetFX 5.1 — убирает «мыло, добавляет нормальные цвета и контрастность (ПЛЮС БЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ОТКЛЮЧАЕМ СВЕЧЕНИЕ В НАСТРОЙКАХ ИГРЫ).


(Если ссылка не качается (блокнот и иероглифы), то правой кнопкой «Сохранить объект как…»)

1) Качаем этот файл: Скачать — ReShade_Setup_3.0.2

2) Запускаем его

3) Жмём Select Game, находим и выбираем watch_dogs.exe

4) Переключаем точку на Derect3D 10+

4) В появмвшемся окне жмём «Да» (дождаться подгрузки шейдеров)

5) Заходим в игру, как обычно, ждём пока вверху слева подгрузятся шейдеры и появится сочетание клавиш Shift+F2

6) Нажимаем сочетание клавиш Shift+F2

7) Появится окно, в котором жмём Continue

8) В этом окне ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ставим пару пунктов (нажимаем на квадратики из списка ниже) и жмём Continue

9) Здесь жмём Finish

10) Копируем в игру настройки автора SweetFX 5.1 из этого архива (заменить всё): Скачать — Reshade 5.1 by Nyclix — Config Only

11) Заходим в игру, как обычно и включение — выключение мода SweetFX делаем через клавишу Insert (над стрелками).

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