Tom clancy’s endwar

Unit Transports[]

They can be effectively intercepted with a timely Level 1 Air Strike, or some infantry or IFVs guarding the deployment zone.


Carrying a squad of infantry who fast-rope down the hatch, or 4 ground drones that roll off a ramp, This unit is fast, and the deployment time is fast as well. This is also the unit that carries out extraction of downed friendly troops.

  • EFEC — EC 220 Gadfly
  • JSF — V-25 Goshawk
  • SGB — Mi-55 Locust


These monsters carry four tanks or other armored vehicles into battle, although they usually seem to have enough space to fit in only one or two of them. This transport is slightly slower than their infantry or drone-carrying counterparts, and have more health.

Достоинства и недостатки

Для полноты картинки мы составили для вас два списка. Они включают главные положительные и отрицательные характеристики обозреваемого проекта. Давайте ознакомимся с ними.


  • Интересный игровой сюжет.
  • Отличная графика.
  • Понятный, но в то же время многофункциональный интерфейс на русском языке.
  • Удобное управление, которое геймер может настроить под свои предпочтения.
  • Огромное количество миссий и боевых заданий различного уровня сложности.
  • Ведение боев на разнообразных локациях.
  • В стратегии задействуется голосовое управление.


  • После выполнения нескольких миссий задания начинают казаться однообразными.
  • Иногда встречаются лаги.


The European Federation Enforcer Corps is Europe’s foremost military organization made up of veteran elite counter-terrorist and peacekeeping forces from throughout Europe. Calm and precise, these highly-trained and experienced soldiers are especially skilled in urban warfare, they are also noted as consummate professionals. They excel in electronic warfare as well as advanced directed energy weapons technology, and have the fastest battlefield vehicles. The Enforcer Corps also have access to the world’s best «less than lethal» weaponry. The Kommando Riflemen are noted for their former Rainbow, GSG-9 and GIGN members as well as members from other special and elite European forces. The Enforcer Corps is the elite military group within the European military carrying out high risk missions and aimed at the forefront of assaults and placed to defend critical locations. Quite simply, they are Europe’s foremost military force, the similar emphasis of the JSF and Spetznaz Guard Brigades makes it highly likely the organizations will face each other regularly during World War 3.

The Enforcers Corps currently deploys in Battlegroups which appear to be equivalent to a Battalion. There are currently 12 known EFEC battlegroups. Each Battlegroup has being tailored to meet specific requirements such as armored and mechanized warfare or to provide airborne capabilities, there is also a battlegroup specializing in special operations. The EFEC Battlegroups are likely an evolution of the of the European Union though their numbers seem to have being reduced to battalion level, though this is likely due to the elite nature of the Enforcers.

The European Federation also has a land army and air force besides the Enforcer Corps, and it is suspected that the European military is a combination of all the militaries of its member states. These various armed forces appear to have been allocated and combined into a single armed service under the command of Troop Command Europa (TCE) along with a European air force under the control of Air Command Europa (ACE). Europe’s space assets seem to be organised under Space Command Europa (SCE), who control orbital laser strikes, while information warfare assets are handled by Information Warfare Command Europa (IWCE). IWCE is also responsible for crashing Uplinks.

Europe also deploys a navy; its size and composition are currently unknown though it contains at least one super-carrier and escort vessels for the carrier. It also possesses mobile offshore bases, which are mentioned in mission briefings as a means of deploying units.

Regular armed forces that are seen fighting alongside the Enforcers are clothed in the blue-ish camouflage of Europe and are equipped with FAMAS assault rifles, and also operate Leopard 2 tanks, MOWAG Eagles and combat drones.

World War III[]

Depending on how well you do in the war, Russia can become the victorious faction, or it will be defeated in the war. General Sergei Izotov will be pleased about Russia’s victory, or he will be disappointed that the motherland has lost the war.

(Russia Victory)

«Colonel, the motherland is the victor of yet another great patriotic war. Not that this is a big surprise, but still it is a massive event. We have set our place at our head of the table, and it is a table with just one chair. The earth is so stingy it will support only one global power now. The others will slide off into extinction like ancient civilizations no one has heard of. Relish this victory and the dawn of a new Russian era you helped achieve.»

(U.S.A. Victory)

“Colonel, we must face hard facts. The Americans have won this war and Russia is dead. If an obsolete concept of duty requires you to surrender to our invaders, and take chances with their notoriously self-righteous war crime tribunals, that is your choice. I will be heading elsewhere, to a more tropical climate, where men of will can yet carve out their destinies. I will need loyal men with command experience to assist in running my operations. I will need a decision before noon tomorrow. Dosvedanya.”

(European Federation Victory)

«Colonel, we must face hard facts, Europe has won this war. If an obsolete concept of duty requires you to surrender to our invaders and watch as they pervert the motherland into a gigantic wine and cheese shop, that is your choice. I will be heading elsewhere, to a more tropical climate, where men of will can yet carve out their destinies. I will need loyal men who are not squeamish to assist in running my operations. Give me your decision before noon tomorrow. Dosvedanya, Colonel.

Cast of Characters[]

United States of America

Joint Strike Force (JSF) Leadership

  • President David Becerra «American Eagle»: The President of the United States
  • Roberta Santiago, National Security Advisor
  • Mark Hellenberg, White House Chief of Staff
  • General Laura Kennedy, U.S. Army, Chairman of the JCS
  • General Rudolf McDaniel, (Vice Chairman of the JCS)
  • Major Alice «Hammer» Dennison, USMC, JSF Tactical Operations Specialist «Hammer» (United States Marine Corps)
  • Charles Shakura, lead interrogator for JSF
  • Major General Smith: A US Army JSF commander in Paris

Joint Strike Force, ODA Special Forces

  • Team Sergeant Nathan Vatz «Vortex»; «Bali»: US Army Special Forces
  • Captain Tom Gerard, Detachment Commander: Commander of Victor Detachment
  • Chief Warrant Officer 3 Douglas Barnes, Assistant Detachment Commander
  • Sergeant Zack Murrow, Weapons Sergeant «Volcano»: Weapons Specialist for Victor detachment
  • Captain Mike Godfrey, Detachment Commander, ODA 888, «Berserker Six»: Commander of Bravo Detachment
  • Captain Manny Rodriguez, Detachment Commander, ODA 897, «Zodiac Six»: Commander of Zulu Detachment
  • Chief Warrant Officer 3 Samson, Assistant Detachment Commander, ODA 888, «Black Bear»: Assistant Detachment Commander of Bravo
  • Sergeant Jac Sasaki, Senior Medic, ODA 888, «Band Aid»: Senior Medic of Bravo Detachment
  • Staff Sergeant Paul Dresden, Assistant Medic, ODA 888, «Beethoven»: Assistant Medic of Bravo Detachment

Joint Strike Force, Marine Expeditionary Forces

  • Colonel Stack, Company Commander: Commander of Marine Expeditionary Forces.
  • Staff Sergeant Raymond McAllen, Force Recon Team Leader, «Outlaw One»: Force Recon team commander
  • Sergeant Terry Jones, Assistant Team Leader, «Outlaw Two»: Assistant Team Leader or Force Recon
  • Corporal Palladino, Team scout/sniper, «Outlaw Three»: Force Recon sniper
  • Corporal Szymanski, Team scout, «Outlaw Four»: Force Recon scout
  • Lance Corporal Friskics, Radio operator, «Outlaw Five»: Radio operator for Force Recon
  • Navy Corpsman Gutierrez, Medic, «Outlaw Six»: Navy Corpsman attached to Force Recon
  • Sergeant Scott Rule, New Assistant Team Leader, «Outlaw Two»: New Assistant Team Leader replacing Sgt. Terry Jones

F-35 Detachment, Northwest Territories

  • Major Stephanie Halverson, USAF, «Siren»
  • Captain Jake Boyd, USAF, «Ghost Hawk»: Maj. Halverson’s wing man
  • Captain Lisa Johansson, USAF, «Sapphire»: Maj. Halverson’s wing man

Stryker Brigade Combat Team

  • Captain Chuck Welch, Company Commander: U.S. Army Captain. He is directly in command of Staff Sergeant Rakken
  • Staff Sergeant Marc Rakken, «Sparta Six»: A U.S. Army Staff Sergeant. Friend of Sgt.Vatz
  • Sergeant Timothy Appleman, Vehicle Commander: A U.S. Army vehicle Sergeant
  • Private First Class Penny Hassa, Vehicle Driver: A U.S. Army Vehicle driver

USS Florida SSN-805

  • Commander Johnathan Andreas
  • «Jack», Operations Officer
  • Senior Chief Radioman Sheldon
  • Chief Electronic Technician Burgess
  • «Dan», Communications Officer

JSF Navy High Command, Honolulu

  • Admiral Donald Stanton, Commander, Pacific Fleet, COMPACFLT
  • Admiral Charles Harrison, Commander, Submarines, Pacific Fleet
  • «Smitty», USS Florida’s Submarine Squadron Commander

Russian Federation

  • Vselovod Vselovodovich Kapalkin, President: The President of Russia
  • General Sergei Izotov, Director of the Glavnoje Razvedyvatel’noje Upralvenije (GRU)
  • Colonel Pavel Doletskaya, (GRU): A Russian Officer
  • Major Alexei Noskov, Tactical Operations Officer «Werewolf»
  • Colonel Viktoria Antsyforov (GRU)
  • Commander Ivan Golova , commander of the Russian Aircraft Carrier Ulyanovsk
  • Captain Pravota, Ka-29: A Russian Army Pilot.
  • Captain Second Rank Mikhail Anatolyevich Kolosov: Commander of the nuclear submarine Romanov
  • Alexi Vasiliev, aka William Bullard, Russian mole

European Federation

  • President Nathalie Perreau
  • General Amadou Bankolé, EF Enforcers Corps
  • Capitaine Ilaria Cimino, EFEC Executive Officer


Europe is arguably the most technologically sophisticated superpower on Earth. They are the only nation which widely deploys energy weapons in combat, ranging from tactical lasers to microwave emitters. This culminated in the development of a satellite based laser, which is capable of large amounts of destruction. Europe, notably, has developed highly advanced forms of non-lethal weaponry, including tasers and non-lethal microwave emitters. While not heavily armoured, European vehicles are easily the fastest deployed by any nation.

Europe employs hydrogen power in many of its vehicles and has developed effective renewable energy sources and highly efficient hybrid engines. David Michael’s novel indicates that Europe is also planning to build a 400-billion euro solar farm in the Sahara desert to power the Federation.


Европейская федерация: Enforcer Corps

Европейская федерация, основанная в 2018 году, — новая сверхдержава. Он предназначен для решения политических, экономических проблем, проблем безопасности и защиты окружающей среды, возникших в результате глобального энергетического кризиса. Официально это дальнейшее развитие Европейского Союза, но из-за строгих критериев приема, только его богатые члены могли позволить себе присоединиться. Великобритания и Ирландия отклонили приглашение и вместо этого основали «Новое Содружество». Швейцария, которая всегда была строго нейтральной, также отказалась присоединиться к альянсу.

Страстные профессионалы: Корпус Enforcer Европейской Федерации состоит из опытных специалистов по борьбе с терроризмом и элитных миротворцев со всей Европы. Эти высококвалифицированные солдаты никогда не паникуют, очень точны и специализируются на городских боях. Они также очень хорошо осведомлены в области радиоэлектронной борьбы и оружия направленной энергии. У них также есть самые быстрые боевые машины из всех конфликтующих сторон. Корпус Enforcer также имеет доступ к лучшему в мире нелетальному оружию.

США: Joint Strike Force

После роспуска НАТО и создания Европейской федерации США порвали со своими когда-то лояльными союзниками. Две сверхдержавы сейчас участвуют в дорогостоящей и противоречивой гонке вооружений в космосе. Это соревнование обострилось, когда Соединенные Штаты захотели выстрелить в Звезду свободы, огромную космическую станцию, используемую военными, которая, по мнению европейцев, могла отключить свои спутники ракетного щита.

Объединенные ударные силы — это дальнейшее развитие сегодняшних экспедиционных подразделений морской пехоты, известные своими эффективными комбинированными наземными и воздушными атаками. Ваши солдаты практически воплощают фразу «высокая скорость, низкое сопротивление воздуха», отличаются точностью и готовы к действиям по всему миру за очень короткое время. Возможности маскировки и боевые роботы JSF не имеют себе равных.

Россия: Спецназ

Россия была крупнейшим в мире экспортером нефти и газа со времен ядерной войны, разразившейся на Ближнем Востоке в 2016 году, и сейчас переживает невероятный экономический бум. Недавно усиленная сверхдержава тратит деньги на перевооружение своей армии, которая сейчас более мощная, чем во времена холодной войны.

Никакая другая сила в мире не может сравниться с необузданной, грубой боевой мощью гвардейцев спецназа. Члены этого элитного отряда накопили опыт в многочисленных внутрироссийских конфликтах. Они чрезвычайно эффективны, решительны и смертельно опасны. Спецназ, как правило, использует тяжелое вооружение и танки и охотно адаптирует стандартное оборудование к своим конкретным потребностям. В результате их машины часто смотрят на дополнительные системы вооружения, о которых первоначальные разработчики даже не мечтали установить.

Joint Strike Force[]

Joint Strike Force

Built from the Elite Special Forces of each of the different branches of military service, as well as returning Rainbow operatives, the US Joint Strike Forces employ advanced stealth technology to overwhelm opponents with organized, well-planned, devastating strikes.


«Be more than you think you can be.»

Units of Choice:

Gunship, Drone, Air-Strike

  • Col. Carl Walters
  • Col. Cedric Ferguson
  • Col. Nick Salvatore
  • Col. David Sorensen
  • Col. Lisa Price
  • Maj. Tamara Carver
  • Maj. Jamal Hendricks
  • Maj. Nathan Vatz
  • Cpt. Alexander Brendt
  • Cpt. Ashok Sigh
  • Cpt. Ethan Young
  • Cpt. Gregory Allen
  • Cpt. Isaac Briggs
  • Cpt. Isaiah Morris
  • Cpt. Lisa Sawaguchi
  • Cpt. Rebecca Walters
  • Cpt. Roberto Fuentes
  • Cpt. Steve Rosen
  • Cpt. Tomas Santiago
  • Lt. Aaron McBride
  • Lt. Robert Kaminsky
  • Lt. Diana Olson
  • Lt. Travis Preston
  • Sfc. James Volfe
  • Sgt. James Ellison
  • Sgt. Stephanie Halverson
  • Sgt. Henry Liu

Отменено продолжение

В интервью креативный директор Ubisoft Майкл Де Платер подтвердил, что продолжение игры находится на ранней стадии разработки . По его словам, за разработку отвечает небольшая команда из Ubisoft Shanghai, которая «концентрируется на двух областях улучшения: сюжет для одного игрока и глубина». Однако он не мог назвать дату, когда будет выпущена дополнительная информация о сиквеле. 8 февраля 2010 года было объявлено, что разработка сиквела была отменена из-за коммерческого провала игры.

10 сентября 2013 года Ubisoft объявила, что Ubisoft Shanghai работает над EndWar Online для Windows и OS X, браузерной бесплатной многопользовательской онлайн -игрой на боевой арене, выпущенной в 2014 году, однако в октябре она была закрыта на неопределенный срок. 31, 2016.



  • Wolves — Elite riflemen armed with AK-74’s, they are the toughest troops in the world, and none can match the Wolves’ durability in a combat zone.
  • Bears — Unsophisticated but effective engineers armed with RPG’s and Flamethrowers, the Bears use somewhat cruder equipment compared to Grenadiers and Pioneers but are just as deadly.


  • T-100 Ogre — The SGB’s main battle tank, Ogres are very heavily armed and armoured, being one of the most terrifying units an enemy can face.
  • BTR-112 Cockroach — The primary IFV transport for the SGB, it strikes a fantastic balance between transport and AA platform.
  • Ka-65 Howler — This gunship for the Spetsnaz forces is heavily armed and just as heavily armored, often called the «flying tank.»
  • KV-20 Zhukov — Crude compared to the artillery deployed by the JSF and EFEC, the Zhukov is however in line with Russian artillery tradition of being terrifyingly effective.
  • MAZ-660 King Spider — The Spetsnaz command vehicle, SGB commanders utilize these vehicles for command and control.
  • BMP-3 — The main infantry fighting vehicle of the Russian Federation’s Spetsnaz guard brigades in the EndWar novel.


  • Mi-55 Locust — SGB support helicopter used for infantry deployment.
  • KA-29 — Transport helicopter used by Russian forces in the EndWar novel.
  • Mi-80 Tarantula — Heavy transport helicopter use by SBG to bring in armored vehicles.
  • Su-38 Slamhound — SGB fighter/bomber carries out attack missions for the SGB.
  • Tu-3 Vulture — Armed UAV deployed by the King Spider.
  • RU-20 Bodyguards — Specially trained bodyguards deployed to defend the MAZ-660 King Spider and uplinks, they are used as Russian «drones.»


After capturing a Russian GRU Colonel named Pavel Doletskaya in Moscow, the Joint Strike Force (JSF) Team Victor retreats from Russia, with Sergeant Nathan Vatz as the only survivor of Team Victor. Colonel Doletskaya was interrogated by Major Alice Dennison back in the US. The colonel himself never answered a thing after he was tortured. Major Alice invited Charles Shakura, the best interrogator of the JSF. Yet the Colonel never answered a thing and Doletskaya was sent to Cuba. Meanwhile, the Outlaw Team of the US Marine 1st Force Recon were at Cuba when the team found a Learjet crashing on a field. The Outlaw Team found only one survivor, Charles Shakura. He told that this was only a decoy. Colonel Doletskaya was ferried to Cuba later on. After a combat between the Outlaw Team and the Russians, Terry Jones, the assistant of the Outlaw Team leader was shot in the neck by the Russians.

After launching Freedom Star space station from the JFK Space Center in 2020 (it’s purpose being able to deploy US Marines any where in the world within 90 minutes), the space station was attacked by members of  Green Brigade (later found in the next book that the attack was performed by a splinter group called Forgotten Army), a powerful and infamous terrorist group. Many US Marines were killed and the Russians were blamed for this. Since then, Russia would conduct an operation codenamed Operation: 2659. Major Alice Dennison asked this question many times, «What is Operation 2659? Who is Snegurochka?». Colonel Doletskaya hold the key to these answers. Back at Tampa, Major Alice Dennison received a book from her father for her birthday. The book was entitled ‘Russian Myths and Folklore’. She was reading when she found out that Snegurochka was a female character in Russian folktales. Major Alice believed that Snegurochka must a codename for a female GRU operative. Meanwhile, Commander Andreas and his team were in the submarine USS Florida submerged in the waters of Canada combatting Russian battleships and carriers with JDAM rockets. Major Stephanie Halverson and Captain Jake Boyd of USAF were flying over Canada with their F-35 Lightning II when they were under attack by Russian Ka-29 helos. After Jake’s F-35 was shot down by the Russian helos, Major Halverson shot down many more Russian helos and tried to land the bird to rescue Jake. He refused to be rescued because Major Halverson had the risk of killing herself. Jake Boyd was then killed by the Spetsnaz Infantry after Major Halverson took off with the F-35. The US realized that Russia was invading Canada, the United States, and Europe. At that time, Russia was the world’s leading gas and oil suppliers, while Canada was the world’s second. After refueling at Igloo Base, Major Halverson with her new wingman Captain Lisa Johansson combatted more Russian helos when both of the F-35s were shot down. Major Halverson was the only one who survived the crash after ejecting. Back at the US, Major Alice Dennison figured out the answers to the questions. Operation 2659 is the invasion of North America and Europe, securing the remaining oil wells in the Middle East, and having Russian Allies in Africa engage US allies in Africa. And Snegurochka is Colonel Viktoria Antsyforov. Colonel Doletskaya was in love with Antsyforov until she apparently died.


Before the formation of the European Federation, Europe used to be made up of many different nations and cultures. Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece would make up the culture of Western Europe. The Roman Empire would split in 284 AD, with the Western Roman Empire in the west, and the Byzantine Empire in the east. Germanic Europe would be located north of the Roman Empire. The Hundred Years’ War, the Napoleonic Wars, WWI and WWII, would be some of the many conflicts fought in Europe. But after WWII, steps into European unity were being made. The «first step in the federation of Europe» was the European Coal and Steel Community, which started in 1951-1952. In 1957, the Treaties of Rome created the European Economic Community. The European Flag came into use in 1986. In 1993, the Maastricht Treaty established the European Union. As time passed, more nations would join the Union.

In 2016, a nuclear terrorist incident in Saudi Arabia killed six million people and crippled world oil supplies. Crude oil is driven up to $800 per barrel. In order to consolidate political and economic power in the face of a world wide energy crisis and accelerating security and environmental concerns around the globe, in 2018 the European Federation was founded. Though officially an evolution of the European Union, the demanding admission criteria prevented all but the wealthiest nations of Europe from joining. The United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland declined membership from the Union, and formed the New Commonwealth, while Switzerland retained her traditional neutrality. This new superpower would boast a population and GNP greater than that of the United States.

Europe’s growing power threatened the United States, however, and relations between the two would become strained. After the United States put a kinetic bombardment satellite into space, Europe reacted with outrage and responded with her own laser satellite system. Soon the two superpowers were locked in a , each having put a dozen weapons systems into orbit. When America attempted to upset the balance of power by constructing the Freedom Star space station, the Federation withdrew from an already divided NATO in protest.

The EF would soon come into conflict with the USA and Russia in WWIII.


Бета-версия Xbox 360

Пользователи Xbox Live Gold могут играть в частную бета-версию. Он включал в себя три карты и матчи 1 на 1 и 2 на 2. Бета-тестирование началось 16 июня 2008 г. и закончилось 9 июля 2008 г. Участникам было предоставлено соглашение о неразглашении до первого коммерческого запуска игры.


VIP-демоверсия для пользователей Xbox 360, оформивших предварительный заказ игры, была выпущена чуть более чем на неделю позже 11 октября. В демоверсии представлена ​​одна сюжетная однопользовательская миссия, одна карта, на которой можно играть в режиме схватки в режиме 1 на 1. или 1 против AI, и тренер голосовых команд.

У VIP-демонстрации есть миссия кампании в Космическом центре Кеннеди . В режиме «Схватка» Европейская федерация противостоит Соединенным Штатам в Космическом центре Кеннеди в режиме «Завоевание». Демоверсия была выпущена на Xbox Live Marketplace 15 октября и в PlayStation Store 30 октября.

Также существует специальный код, который появляется, когда пользователь выходит из демоверсии, который используется для разблокировки специального батальона спецназа для использования в полной игре.

Spetsnaz Guard Brigades[]

Spetsnaz Guard Brigades

Molded by the harsh conditions of Mother Russia, the Spetznaz Guard Brigade fearlessly serve as Russia’s Front line assault troops.


«Leave none alive in your wake. War is no place for cowards and weaklings.»

Units of Choice:

Infantry, Tanks, Air-Transports

  • Maj. Anastasia Brin
  • Maj. Fyodor Istomin
  • Maj. Ksenia Mikhailova
  • Maj. Sonia Makarova
  • Maj. Stepan Drachev
  • Maj. Viktor Nagursky
  • Cpt. Alexei Noskov
  • Cpt. Alexei Severin
  • Cpt. Andrei Lazarev
  • Cpt. Anya Ustinova
  • Cpt. Boris Sedov
  • Cpt. Dmitry Pavlichenko
  • Cpt. Konstantin Lodygin
  • Cpt. Lavrentiy Dushkin
  • Cpt. Leonid Turchin
  • Cpt. Lev Bulganin
  • Cpt. Lydia Raskova
  • Cpt. Maria Durova
  • Cpt. Mikhail Baranov
  • Cpt. Mikhail Gorshkov
  • Cpt. Stepan Ushakov
  • Cpt. Ursula Kulibina
  • Cpt. Yuri Titov
  • Lt. Boris Skobelev
  • Lt. Lavrenty Izmailov
  • Lt. Yakov Zelenko
  • 1SG. Andrei Meretskov

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