Boyfriend’s mom


  • ninjamuffin99, PhantomArcade and Kawai Sprite have all stated that Boyfriend’s name is simply Boyfriend.

    • An official T-shirt created in collaboration with PKettles and Shark Robot refers to him as Boyfriend.
      • Additionally, there are currently two opening lines in the intro sequence that de-confirms two names: «His name isn’t Evan, silly TikTok» and «His name isn’t Keith, dumb eggy lol
        • ninjamuffin99 has made a TikTok pleading with people to stop calling him Keith, saying, «His name, his name isn’t Keith, it’s not Keith. I’m, I’m sick of seeing everyone calling him Keith.» He has also confirmed his name

          The lyrics «boil ‘lil boyfriend,» in Winter Horrorland also refer to Boyfriend by name.

          to simply be Boyfriend on Reddit.

  • Boyfriend is his only canonical and official name. However, ninjamuffin99 has intentionally confused the community by spouting out random names on his Twitter and TikTok accounts. There have been several attempts to figure out his name (names in bold have been de-confirmed), including:
    • Keith (on Twitter, has been de-confirmed several times to not be his name).
    • Evan (on TikTok, based on misheard lyrics from the song Monster).
    • Luis (on , named after Luis).
    • Cam (on Twitter, based on ninjamuffin99’s real name, Cameron. It was commonly used after becoming the first result when searching for Boyfriend’s name on Google).
    • Jack (on TikTok, not de-confirmed so far).
  • Boyfriend originally had hot pink hair

    Additionally, his shoe laces were originally blue instead of white.

    instead of cyan blue, revealed in early concept sketches of Boyfriend released by PhantomArcade.

  • Boyfriend has the most unused animations in the game.
  • Boyfriend makes a cameo appearance in Sr Pelo’s animation «Spooky Month — Unwanted Guest» as a background plushie. The «Spooky Month» series is also where the characters Skid and Pump originate from.
  • Bopeebo

    With the release of the Week 7 update, Boyfriend strikes this pose during Tutorial as well.

    used to be the only song to use Boyfriend’s V-sign pose during gameplay.

  • Boyfriend lacks a «danger» icon in Week 6.
  • Boyfriend knows a lot of fingerboard tricks, and it’s one of the reasons he won Girlfriend’s heart.
  • Boyfriend’s favorite Newgrounds game is Newgrounds Rumble.
  • Boyfriend’s hair is not dyed and is naturally cyan

    One of Tankman’s Game Over quotes questions (and mocks) the nature of his hair color, stating, «I guess your shitty blue hair dye got in your eyes. It’s okay, it happens to all of us.»


  • Boyfriend is canonically 19 years old.
  • A popular headcanon within the FNF community was that Pico is Boyfriend’s ex. This headcanon gathered so much traction that Tom Fulp, the creator of Pico, tweeted jokingly that «this is official Pico 2 canon,» leading people to believe that it was true. ninjamuffin99 has stated that this was a joke, but later changed his mind and confirmed it was canon.
    • ninjamuffin99 and PhantomArcade have confirmed that Pico and Boyfriend are exes on Reddit, and Twitch several times.
      • This also means that Boyfriend is bisexual.
  • Boyfriend is canonically so reckless and overconfident that he’s essentially fearless.
    • PhantomArcade also clarifies that, just like Girlfriend, Boyfriend is far too dumb

      However, like Girlfriend, Boyfriend appears to be afraid of lightning, as shown in Week 2. Whenever lightning strikes, Boyfriend will briefly wince and shudder.

      to be afraid of many things.

  • Boyfriend loves pepperoni pizza from Dominos.
    • Boyfriend also loves donuts

      Boyfriend likes BRISK iced tea and milk, as confirmed in a Reddit AMA.

      the most out of any character in the game.

  • ninjamuffin99 has stated that Boyfriend’s voice is not a language, but just random sounds he makes.
  • Not much is known about Boyfriend’s parents. The only information known about them is that they work in accounting.
  • Ritz is confirmed to be Boyfriend’s brother, described by ninjamuffin99 as a Stuart Little situation.
  • Boyfriend is neurodivergent, as he has ADHD and is autistic, confirmed by PhantomArcade during a livestream.
  • Boyfriend likes to listen to Kanye West music, confirmed by ninjamuffin99 during a Reddit AMA.
  • There is a possibility that Boyfriend’s attire, from his red prohibition sign t-shirt, blue pants and red and white shoes, was inspired by a character from a 2009 Flash animation by Newgrounds user Zarla around the 1:52 mark.


Tabi is shown to have extreme hostility and anger issues, given that he has been holding a grudge against Girlfriend and Daddy Dearest for a year. He also seems to have a merciless attitude after blowing up the restaurant, killing multiple people and severely injuring most of them just to kill Girlfriend. Surprising or not, he does not hold a grudge against Boyfriend. In fact, he tries to persuade him into leaving Girlfriend behind, as he thinks Boyfriend is just another «victim». He holds that mindset until his second song, Last Chance, when he realizes Boyfriend was not allowing him to hurt/injure Girlfriend, no matter what. He is also close friends with A.G.O.T.I. and closer friends with his older brother, Aldryx Andromeda, as well as Ayana. When Girlfriend was still dating Tabi, he was a normal human, and also a music producer who had passion for his work. His relationship to Girlfriend was very strong, until Daddy Dearest decided to use him for his own benefit, and Girlfriend had no intention of doing this. While Tabi was a human, he was known to be really kind and nice.


Girlfriend being held by Boyfriend.

The brand new loading screen featuring Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Daddy Dearest, and Mommy Mearest. Made by evilsk8r.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend on the game’s menu background. (Colorless)

Ditto but in yellow.

Ditto but in purple.

Ditto but in magenta.

A Friday Night Funkin’ Newgrounds skin featuring Boyfriend, Girlfriend and Daddy Dearest. The image also appears within the game’s source files.

Girlfriend, Boyfriend and Tankman in the Newgrounds Week 7 skin.

Girlfriend in the Newgrounds Skin in May 2021.

Girlfriend and Boyfriend in the Newgrounds Summer Festival artwork made by prestigiogio.


Tall Tankman.

A sketch of Tankman getting his arm ripped off by Alien Hominid.

Character sketches featuring Tankman and various other characters.

Tankman strangling Boyfriend, wanting no more Week 7 leaks.

Sketch of Tankman, made by evilsk8r on Twitter.

A pog sketch of Tankman by Moawling.

«We reboot the character Tankman, but we replace the T… with a W.»

Sketch of Tankmen, from the Newgrounds’ Pico Day stream.

Mini Tankman from the Newgrounds’ Pico Day stream.

PhantomArcade’s Doodle.

Tankman, Boyfriend, Pico, Meat Boy and a Castle Crasher doodle by evilsk8r on Newgrounds for Pico Day.

A Tankmen doodle made by PhantomArcade in a Twitch stream.


Таби и Гёрлфренд действительно встречались в какой-то момент времени, хотя через год они расстались. Когда они оба начали встречаться, он был начинающим музыкальным продюсером, у которого была страсть и любовь к своей работе, пока он не встретил ее отца.

Отец девушки, будучи рок-звездой, хотел, чтобы его маленькая девочка была такой же, как он, вот почему они оба начали использовать Таби в своих интересах. Прошли годы с тех пор, как они были вместе, когда Таби вдруг заметил, что его подруга использует его для своей карьеры и вообще не заботится о нем. А в свое время он даже потерял карьеру, помогая своей девушке стать звездой. Как только она поняла, что он все понял, в дом Таби пришли двое парней и похитили его. Он очнулся в каком-то переулке без одежды и… удивительно, без своего тела. К его удивлению, оно было невидимо, за исключением его руки, которая была из чистых костей. Он сразу понял, кто это сделал — ее отец. И за это он отомстит, убив их обоих.

Прошел еще год, он составил план и готов его выполнить.


Сенпай — один из персонажей ритм-игры Friday Night Funkin. Обаятельный ученик старшей школы из Симулятора Свиданий. Является главным соперником Бойфренда на 6-ой неделе.

Парень и Девушка встречают Senpai, и он вызывает первого на музыкальную дуэль, надеясь, победив, завоевать сердце Подружки.

Треки героя, во время исполнения которых над его головой разлетаются сияющие искры — Roses и Senpai. Третья композиция недели принадлежит Spirit. Актер озвучивания — Kawai Sprite.

Обзор внешности персонажа

Школьник изображается в 32-битном пиксельном формате. Ничего необычного в его облике нет. На лице приветливая улыба и яркий румянец. Небесно-голубые глаза, светло-русые волосы. В руках — лямка от коричневого рюкзака и микрофон розового цвета. В отличие от других героев, микрофон он придерживает за ручку указательным и большим пальцем, а не сжимает всей пятерней.


  • Серо-черные брюки-клеш и одного тона с ними туфли;
  • Небрежно заправленная синяя рубашка с белыми пуговицами;
  • Розовый галстук;
  • Черный пояс с серебряной пряжкой.

32-битный стиль героя объясняется тем, что он попадает в Friday Night Funkin из другой — романтической, игры.

Преображения Сенпай

Множество лет назад Дорогой Папочка запер в видеоигре Симулятор Свиданий персонажа по имени Спирит. Girlfriend и Boyfriend, решив отдохнуть, запускают игру и оказываются втянутыми внутрь нее. Герои также делаются пиксельными, и начинается музыкальная битва.

После того, как Бойфренд одерживает верх над Senpai в первый раз, характер последнего неожиданно изменяется. Персонаж становится агрессивным и злым. А его движения — быстрыми, нервными. Лицо наполовину покрывается лиловым оттенком, перекашивается гримасой. Взгляд — угрожающий и смущенный одновременно.

За вторым проигрышем Сенпая следует появление Духа, долгое время томящегося в его теле. Высокомерный Спирит желает выиграть у Парня рэп баттл, чтобы отомстить отцу Девушки и захватить тела главных героев.

Занимательные факты

В состоявшемся на Twitch прямом эфире было заявлено, что Senpai и Spirit — отдельные персонажи, и ни один из них не контролирует второго. Другие интересные факты:

  • На 6-ой неделе можно увидеть школьниц, чье выражение лиц меняется с каждым треком. Их название в файлах Friday Night Funkin — «bgFreaks.png»;
  • Сенпай является первым героем, у которого есть различные фразы для разной музыки (а также несколько стадий, зависящих от играющейся композиции) и который раскрывается по ходу игры. Другая его особенность — несоответствие общему художественному стилю;
  • Подтвержденный возраст у Senpai отсутствует. По мнению многих, персонаж был позаимствован из игры Yandere Simulator, как бы в насмешку над ней. Иконка «опасность», также как у Духа, Дорогого Папочки и Подружки, отсутствует;
  • Изначально 6-ая неделя должна была быть выдержана в стилистике Dragon Quest.

Кроме Сенпая, в игре умирает только Танкист и Санта-Клаус. Все прочие остаются живы.

Easter Eggs

Gitaroo Man

The secret Game Over screen.

The Gitaroo Man is an easter egg that changes the regular Game Over screen to one reminiscent of Gitaroo Man’s Game Over screen. It has a 1 in 1,000 chance of occurring randomly during normal gameplay. Upon losing, the game will abruptly end with the screen going dark before the special screen appears. The artwork of Boyfriend’s head on this screen was created by Wandaboy.

Secret Tankman Animation Test

In the title screen, pressing the 5 or 8 key will lead to an image of Tankman in a transparent photoshop background. He has no mouth, his right forearm is misaligned and there is a duplicate arm asset next to his microphone.

Pressing the space bar will cause him to move, showing that it’s actually a broken version of the cutscene in Guns.

Multi-Colored Title Screen

Holding down the left or right key during the title screen will cause the color of Girlfriend and the game’s logo to change colors.

Old Boyfriend Icon

During any song in any level, pressing the 9 key will change Boyfriend’s character icon to the old icon he used prior to update 0.2.5.


Loud Sounds

This section contains very loud audio. If you are wearing headphones, be careful!Reason: Week 4 contains bad quality voices, making the songs sound loud. ESPECIALLY M.I.L.K.
In Week 2, Spookarooniz is just loud music and bass boosted music. And of course, Tirky’s vocals are just as loud as the if not louder than original Tricky’s, only now in ear-grating quality! Have fun!




Confrontational Talk





Philly Mean


Lucifer’s Underwear



Choccy Milk

Rotten Egg Juice

This guy again?








Gettin’ Bad


Pain Over

IPhone (Hidden in files)

BPM: 85 (Easy & Hard)125 (Normal)

Scroll Speed: 1.8 (Normal)1.9 (Easy & Hard)


Not Likely


Heck Entertainer


Ruckus but dear god please help

Casanova but the universe itself is trolling you

Gossip but unbearable


Art of Boyfriend from PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Sketch of the lovebirds by PhantomArcade from a youtube video.

Sketch of Boyfriend from a PhantomArcade’s youtube video.

Another sketch from a PhantomArcade’s youtube video.

Boyfriend ballin’ from PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

Boyfriend drawing from PhantomArcade’s Newgrounds page.

Boyfriend and Hatsune Miku Sketch.

Boyfriend drawing from PhantomArcade’s Twitter page.

Boyfriend drawing from PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

Boyfriend drawing from PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

Boyfriend shooting JohnnyUtah from PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Boyfriend doodle from PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Boyfriend doodle from PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Broke Boyfriend from PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend Doodle from PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

An accurate sketch containing Boyfriend’s thought process, made by PhantomArcade on a Twitch stream.

«Boyfriend!!! Look out, it’s SEPHIROTH!» — PhantomArcade on his Twitch stream.

Boyfriend being sus with a Crewmate from Among Us on PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend riding on Alien Hominid’s spaceship.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend not being able to resist eating Cheeseman.

Boyfriend drawn as Demi-fiend from Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne from PhantomArcade’s Twitch.

Boyfriend about to get run over.

A sketch of Boyfriend and Mommy Mearest from PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend sketch of them saying goodbye from PhantomArcade’s Twitch Stream.

Boyfriend, Girlfriend and Daddy Dearest sketch from PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Sketch of Boyfriend being possessed by Mommy Mearest and attacking Parappa on PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

A sketch depicting Boyfriend recruiting Isaac on PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Boyfriend in Spooky Month’s style, made by Sr Pelo.

A doodle of Boyfriend made on an Ipad in December, posted on PhantomArcade’s Twitter.

Boyfriend wearing his cool new Friday Night Funkin’ shirt with his homie Pico, available to order on Shark Robot now.

Boyfriend with Spirit drawn by PhantomArcade.

Artwork by PhantomArcade of Boyfriend congratulating Ruv for his song making it on trending music.

Pico slicing Boyfriend in half with a katana.

Boyfriend resisting the tempation of… something… while Girlfriend looks at him in anger.

Boyfriend thinking about Girlfriend while wearing a Pico T-shirt.

Pico, Boyfriend and Girlfriend all thinking about a game, forgetting what it was called though…

PhantomArcade drew this doodle in three minutes.

Boyfriend figuring out if he should «L.O.L» or not. (From the kickstarter update page)

PhantomArcade’s sketch in a reply to Kawai Sprite.

A sketch of Boyfriend from the Newgrounds’ Pico Day stream.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend sharing a passionate kiss on Pico Day.

Boyfriend inflating Parappa from PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

Boyfriend doodle from PhantomArcade’s Twitch stream.

Boyfriend, Pico, Tankman, a Kidbrute Version of Meat Boy and a Castle Crasher doodle by evilsk8r on Newgrounds for Pico day.

Week 1 concept art made by evilsk8r on twitter.

Week 1 redesign concept art made by evilsk8r on twitter.

Sketch of Boyfriend from a YouTube video by PhantomArcade.

Boyfriend meeting Sonic the Hedgehog.

Boyfriend facing against Dad.

A sketch of Boyfriend and Girlfriend representing Newgrounds and being horny while doing it (1).

A sketch of Boyfriend and Girlfriend representing Newgrounds and being horny while doing it (2).

A sketch of Boyfriend and Girlfriend representing Newgrounds and being horny while doing it (3).

A sketch of Boyfriend and Girlfriend representing Newgrounds and being horny while doing it (4).

A sketch of Boyfriend with a smartphone.

A sketch of Boyfriend flipping the bird from a PhantomArcade Twitch stream.

A sketch by PhantomArcade of Boyfriend thinking about the Girlfriend Meal from McDonald’s.

Early concept art of Week 1 with preliminary sketches of Boyfriend, Girlfriend and Daddy Dearest.

Boyfriend concept art by evilsk8r, alongside PhantomArcade’s first and finalized version.

Sketch of Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Daddy Dearest, Mommy Mearest, Pico, and Skid and Pump made by evilsk8r in commemoration for the first anniversary of the game.


View Boyfriend’s full gallery here.

Boyfriend’s V-sign pose used during the Tutorial and Bopeebo.

Boyfriend’s singing animations.

Boyfriend’s miss poses.

Boyfriend’s miss sprites.

Boyfriend is afraid of lightning, as seen during Week 2.

Unused frames of Boyfriend throwing his mic.

Boyfriend preparing to attack.

Boyfriend’s unused attack animation.

Boyfriend’s full attack animation.

Boyfriend’s unused dodge animation.

Boyfriend’s V-sign pose used during Week 4.

Boyfriend as he appears in Week 5.

Boyfriend’s Week 5 singing animations.

Boyfriend’s Week 5 miss poses.

Boyfriend’s unused V-sign pose for Week 5.

Boyfriend’s miss sprites for Week 5.

Boyfriend’s appearance on the Game Over screen.

Boyfriend’s Game Over animation.

Boyfriend’s full Game Over animation.

Boyfriend’s Retry animation.

Boyfriend’s character portrait used during Week 6.

Boyfriend’s Singing animations in Week 6.

Boyfriend’s Miss animations in Week 6.

Boyfriend’s appearance on the Game Over screen during Week 6.

Boyfriend’s Game Over animation in Week 6.

Boyfriend’s full Game Over animation in Week 6.

Boyfriend’s Retry animation in Week 6.

Boyfriend’s singing notes while holding Girlfriend during Stress.

Boyfriend’s miss notes while holding Girlfriend during Stress.

Boyfriend as he appears on the Gitaroo Man easter egg Game Over screen drawn by Wandaboy.

The Friday Night Funkin’ AVI featuring Boyfriend.

The Friday Night Funkin’ application icon featuring Boyfriend.


Boyfriend is portrayed as a young, overzealous rapper with a love for music, donuts and his girlfriend. He loves to sing and show off his skills, resulting in his confident and cocky character. He is very determined and persistent on reaching his goals and won’t let anyone get in the way of his success, even if threatened with death. Boyfriend is also implied to be clingy, as he is never seen without Girlfriend by his side.

Boyfriend has been diagnosed with ADHD and ASD, sometimes he may choose not to communicate normally with strangers and will simply beep at them instead of using his words and is rarely found without his red cap.

Unused Character Assets

Daddy Dearest’s kick animation likely intended for the scrapped «battle mode.»
Daddy Dearest’s earliest draft, seen in the first 3 commits of the source code (between October 2nd to October 3rd).
Unused ducking animation for Girlfriend found in her flash file. Presumably intended for use in Week 4 for the scrapped mechanic where there would be a random light post that needs to be ducked under.
Girlfriend on the speakers, cheering in her Christmas outfit. These sprites could be found in Girlfriend’s Christmas sprite sheet or flash file.
The rest of Girlfriend’s unused Christmas sprites, including her hair blowing, singing and scared animations.
Boyfriend in his outfit from Week 5 doing his V-sign pose. As there was no need for the sprite, it goes unused. However, it can be seen in Bopeebo by swapping Boyfriend with his Christmas variant through the Debug Menu.
Boyfriend in his appearance from Week 6 doing his V-sign pose. It went unused due to none of the songs in Week 6 needing it and it being incomplete as JohnnyUtah did not animate it. (This does not appear in the game’s files, but rather the assets file released by Moawling through their .)
An early draft of Boyfriend’s sprite, seen in the first 3 commits of the source code (between October 2nd to October 3rd).
Boyfriend doing his V-sign pose in Week 4.
Boyfriend’s unused sprites for attacking, getting hit by an attack and dodging an attack.

These sprites exist due to mechanics related to the «battle mode» that would be scrapped early on.

Boyfriend’s unused battle mode sprites (animated).
Skid and Pump doing an unused animation while saying «Yeah!» This was possibly intended for when they finished a set of notes during their tracks, similar to how Boyfriend would perform a V-sign pose during Bopeebo and Tutorial.
Pico’s currently unused miss sprites. They can be seen using the Debug Menu and swapping Boyfriend out with Pico. However, the animations are not offset correctly.
Pico’s unused missed sprites (animated).
Monster’s original sprite sheet for his eponymous song. It was later replaced with the proper version after Week 7 was released.
An older concept of Monster. Note how the strange head shape eventually inspired Monster’s current head shape.
Lucky Boy’s sprite sheet.
Lucky Boy’s animation.
Lucky Boy tumbling down.
Mommy Mearest‘s old sprite sheet without her hair blowing to the wind, used before the Week 5 update. She also has no face in one sprite for the down pose.
Stalker concept (found in Mommy Mearest’s files.)
Stan from Nightmare Cops (found in Mommy Mearest’s files.) He is holding a microphone, likely as a joke to make him appear as an antagonist.
A cat stalker (found in Mommy Mearest’s files.)
Another stalker (found in Mommy Mearest’s files.)
Yet another cat stalker (found in Mommy Mearest’s files.)
Another stalker similar to a previous one, but with a blood-splattered tiger costume and a bloody kitchen knife (found in Mommy Mearest’s files.)
A single frame of the Henchmen. Note the lack of shading on him. The image file is humorously labeled «dumb.png.»
Henchmen’s sprite sheet. This version lacks any shading.
Henchmen death assets. The top half of the sprites lack any sort of shading while the bottom half does. Originally, they would have died 1 by 1 from getting hit by a lamppost. The developers confirmed that they would be adding these unused animations in a future update. Instead of dying 1 by 1, they will all die at once before eventually being replaced by a new set of Henchmen.
The old version of the Henchmen.

Girlfriend =


Girlfriend wears a red, sleeveless short dress and has auburn long hair. She wears red high heels and is seen standing on her feet in the mod. She holds a microphone in her left hand.

In Crash N’ Burn, she is in her demon form, with horns, wings, and purple skin.

In the Epilogue week, her outfit changes to her Christmas outfit from Week 5, you can select Christmas Girlfriend (BBPanzu) from the debug menu.


Girlfriend as she appears in the main game.

Static idle pose

Left pose.

Down pose.

Up pose.

Right pose.

Girlfriend’s icon, also used in the main game.

Girlfriend’s danger icon.

Her V pose in the version of the mod where she replaces Boyfriend. She also does this pose on the old main image of the GameBanana mod page.

Demon Girlfriend’s Static Idle.

Demon Girlfriend’s Left Pose.

Demon Girlfriend’s Down Pose.

Girlfriend’s Old Game Over Screen.


  • The audio for the old Tutorial comes from this video.
  • The song on the Options menu is from this video.
  • The tutorial stage has many different graffiti drawings, including:
    • Two Awesome Faces, one in orange and one in purple.
    • A cool S.
    • The word «Philly», the original area that the Newgrounds Office was located, and below it blue writing (presumably Boyfriend) «↑ SUX XD» and green writing (presumably Pico) «Fuck u»
    • The WAN! WAN! GAMES mascot.
    • A drawing of a man in sunglasses saying «TAKE IT EZ BABE!!» This was originally drawn by Chris O’Neill (OneyNG) and is supposed to be a depiction of Shaddai Prejean (Shadman).
  • This mod is one of the very few that have a song shorter than 1 minute. The old Tutorial was 2.5 (two and a half) seconds long.
  • This mod barely has any held notes when Pico is singing, other than the joke Tutorial, Teen Suicide and Piconjo’s School.
  • In Nene’s up & down poses (all versions), her microphone disappears from her hands into thin air.
  • The name of the second Week and the songs in it have multiple references:
    • «Nothing, by Nobody» Is a reference to Newgrounds’ slogan, «Everything By Everyone«.
    • «Adobe Thrash» is a reference to the application «Adobe Flash» and how the original Piconjo user’s Flash submissions were considered low quality spam, or «trash». It might also refer to the «thrash metal» music genre.
    • «Piconjo’s School» is a reference to Pico’s School.
    • «Trapped in Teh 6AYM» is a reference to Piconjo: Teh 6aym.
    • Additionally, the background appears to depict the Portal stage from Newgrounds Rumble.
  • The noose around Nene’s neck is a reference to Nene Interactive Suicide

    The bumps around her lips are herpes, another reference to Nene Interactive Suicide, where she contracted herpes from kissing a boy and decided the best option was to kill herself, as seen in the intro to the game.

    , specifically the option to have her hang herself on the ceiling fan.

  • Darnell and Cyclops will likely be added to the game in a future update. Their icons could be seen in the icon grid, and their animations were posted as sneak peeks. A few more characters without icons were confirmed:
    • The orange princess from Castle Crashers, in a pixelated style like Week 6.
    • Cassandra and her Penilian form.
  • Darnell was originally going be the antagonist of Week 3, but it was changed due to the composer for the mod, Burning Sexuality, not being able to come up with a ton of ideas for his week. This is the main reason why Alucard is the antagonist of Week 3 instead.
  • In addition, Burning Sexuality has also confirmed that Darnell will eventually get his own week.
  • Piconjo’s vocals were made using a UTAU of Pico by GenoX.
  • Windows Defender, for an unknown reason, will detect this mod as a trojan virus despite the fact that it’s not. This has also happened with other mods, such as Bikini Bottom Funkin.

Девушка — Girlfriend

Одним из основных персонажей мега-популярной игры Friday Night Funkin является Девушка. Ее главные роли: возлюбленная Парня, и дочка бывшей рок-звезды Дорогого Папы и его супруги Дорогой Мамы.

В локациях Girlfriend чаще всего восседает в середине «башни» из музыкальных колонок, скрестив ноги, и кивает в такт музыке. Кроме того, она время от времени подбадривает своего Бойфренда.

Туториал — трек Герлфренд, в котором она обучает геймеров основам игры. Озвучивает персонажа Kawai Sprit.


При создании внешнего вида героини, в качестве протопопа выступала Девочка из аркадной игрушки 2008 года Rhythm Heaven (разработчик Nintendo).

Ключевые особенности во внешности Девушки:

  • Возраст — также как Парню, 19 лет;
  • Светлая кожа;
  • Длинные каштановые волосы;
  • Черные глаза;
  • Туфли красного цвета, на шпильках;
  • Красное платье без рукавов;
  • Ногти — в цвет платья. Красный цвет покрытия можно увидеть лишь в Туториале.

Незначительные изменения в облике Герлфренд наблюдаются на 5-ой неделе. К образу добавляются золотые колокольчики-серьги, белоснежные чулки с мелкими красными бантиками и красные перчатки с белыми манжетами. Платье украшает белый пушистый воротничок. Колонки, на которых сидит Подружка, сияют огнями.

На 6-ой и 7-ой неделях соответственно — у Girlfriend 32-х битный пиксельный вид и рука Бойфренда на талии.

Занимательные факты

Интересные факты про персонажа Девушка:

  • На 7-ой неделе становится ясно, что Подружка, также как и ее Папа и Мама, демон. Скорее всего, она обладает способностью сверхскоростного перемещения. Это косвенно подтверждается также на последней неделе, когда Герлфренд мгновенно оказывается на руках у Boyfriend;
  • Героиня, по сообщениям на стриме и в Твиттере Ninjamuffin99 и PhantomArcade, крайне глупа. Ее глупость проявляется, например, в том, что она не боится ни Рува, ни Уитти. Кроме того, она искренне верит в том, что ее Бойфренд справиться с любым соперником, независимо от его силы;
  • Предпочтения в еде и напитках — оливковая пицца и Доктор Пеппер со вкусом вишни. Любимая игра — Тетрис;
  • У персонажа имеются неиспользуемые голосовые файлы. Скорее всего, они создавались для трека (обучение базам геймплея), однако были удалены в пользу английской речи;
  • Также как Boyfriend, Девушка боится молнии (это заметно на 2-ой неделе), и вздрагивает при каждом ее ударе;
  • Girlfriend входит в краткий список антагонистов без микрофона (кроме нее в нем Дух и Монстр);
  • Из-за отсутствия возможности проигрыша в игре (в Туториале она потерпеть поражение не может, так как фактически лишь занимается обучением геймеров), героиня не имеет символа «опасность». Иконки нет только у Сэнпая и его агрессивного духа, Дорогого Папы.

Когда геймер не может попасть в ноты при комбинациях +10 нот, Подружка плачет (не долго). Но этого не будет на 4-ой и 6-ой неделях, т.к. для данных локаций анимации плача персонажа нет.

Gallery (General)

Friday Night Shootin’s banner.

Banner for Piconjo’s update.

Banner for the Alucard update.

Friday Night Shootin’s first banner.

Friday Night Shootin’s banner in the brand new update.

Friday Night Shootin’s new menu background.

Ditto, but magenta.

Ditto, but orange.

Ditto, but desaturated.

Friday Night Shootin’s old menu background.

Ditto, but green.

Ditto, but blue.

Ditto, but desaturated.

The background for Boyfriend’s Week.

The background for Nene’s Week, featuring her bedroom from Nene’s Interactive Suicide. (Note that the Tomee Bear from Eddsworld is near the cabinet.)

The background for Piconjo’s Week.

The background for Alucard’s Week.

«Combo» asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

«Sick!!» asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

Friday Night Shootin’s «Good!» asset replaced with «Epic!»

Friday Night Shootin’s «Bad» asset replaced with «Ass».

«Shit» asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

Arrow asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

«Ready?» asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

«Set…» asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

«Go!» asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

Number asset in Friday Night Shootin’s style.

The old icon grid.

Friday Night Shootin’s Newgrounds logo.

thje,.png, found in the game’s files.

An outdated sneak peek of Piconjo’s animations. Note how his belt disappears when singing.

Darnell’s new animations.



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Протагонисты Фэвер — Маленький Уитти — Монстр Парень — ENA
Антагонисты Уитти — Кэрол — Хекс — Энни — Трикки — Анонимус — Хацунэ Мику — Roblox Нуб — Сарвенте — Рув — Селевер — Зарди — Лила — Мэтт — Рональд Макдональд — Кирю Казума — Скай — Торд — Скетчи — Гарселло — Брайтсайд — Вирус — Ваза — Боб — А.Г.О.Т.И. — Дерево — Пляжный брат — Неон — Таби — Starecrown — Мелти — Зеленые Обрубки — Vs Sonic.exe (Соник.exe, Дьявольский Соник, Лорд Х, Санки.MPEG) — Хэнк Дж. Уимблтон (VS. Online) — Flip-Side (Девушка-сталкер, Рой, Тыквенный Монстр, Етан) — Эван — VS Nekofreak (Лия — Мия — Кия) — Трикки Фаза 0.5 — Friday Night Fever (Тиа — Пеакек — Вольфи и Вии -Таки -Макорбуз — Хунии — Чертик — Демон Перец — Якучи — Флиппи(Fevertown) — Флафф) — Маг Агент: Пытки(Elirix) — Маг Агент: Пытки — Скаут(Bonkless)
Другое Гендерсвап Скида и Пампа — Безумный Сенпай — Туалет — Рассази
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