Shoulder surfing reloaded

Are You a Victim of Shoulder Surfing?

Shoulder surfing is a simple but surprisingly effective technique. It relies on the fact that while the average person would never give their password to a stranger, but they will happily enter their password while potentially being watched by one.

If you think that you might have been a victim of shoulder surfing, act immediately. Depending on the purpose of the attack, there’s often a delay between the information being obtained and actually being used.

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About The Author

Elliot Nesbo
(39 Articles Published)

Elliot is a freelance tech writer. He primarily writes about fintech and cybersecurity.

From Elliot Nesbo

How Often Does Shoulder Surfing Happen?

It’s difficult to determine how often shoulder surfing happens. During a successful shoulder surfing attack, the victim remains unaware that they are being watched. And even after the stolen information is used, the victim often doesn’t suspect the activity.

If a password is stolen, for example, it could just as easily be caused by phishing, a data breach, or malware. It’s only after these things are ruled out that victims may suspect that they were being watched.

Shoulder surfing is not a new activity and actually predates widespread use of the internet. The idea was first adopted by people who wanted to steal phone card numbers. In the 1980s, criminals would stand around (sometimes even with binoculars!) waiting for somebody to use a payphone.

Evidence of shoulder surfing is now primarily found on ATM cameras. It’s also often used to explain how hackers manage to gain access to restricted systems despite having otherwise effective security.

Shoulder surfing is typically carried out at short distances but this isn’t always necessary. The use of binoculars is particularly popular at ATM machines, while a hidden camera can easily be placed outside a pin operated door.

Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder surfing is defined as the practice of spying on the user of a cash-dispensing machine or other electronic device in order to obtain their personal identification number or password.

Direct observation techniques’ can be used which involves looking over someone’s shoulder to obtain this type of information.

Shoulder surfing can be more achievable in crowded places as it is easier to observe someone who is filling in a form’ or entering a PIN or passcode into their mobile phone.

This technique can also be used at distance as binoculars can be used or closed circuit cameras can be concealed in buildings in order to gain access by observation of data entry.

The most common form of identity theft is by using the victim’s existing credit, bank or other account information.

It can also include opening new accounts in the victim’s name.

It is not usually until the payer defaults that the victim becomes aware of the fraud as they are then contacted by the collections department / agency.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), there are about three fourths of identity theft victims that report the thief only misused their existing accounts.

One-fourth of the victims report that the thief opened up new accounts or committed other types of fraud with their own personal information’.

The FTC states that credit card accounts’ are the most commonly misused existing account.

However, the use of wireless technology has means that telephone accounts can also be accessed and misused.

A survey of IT professionals in a white paper for Secure found that:

• 85% of those surveyed admitted to seeing sensitive information on screen that they were not authorized to see • 82% admitted that it was possible information on their screens could have been viewed by unauthorized personnel • 82% had little or no confidence that users in their organisation would protect their screen from being viewed by unauthorized people.

In order to prevent information from being obtained by shoulder surfing, there can be some changes made to the screen so that it is darker.

Simply, people can cover the keyboard with their other hand (by shielding it) when entering the data so that it cannot be readily available.

There is a device called the Lebanese loop which is currently being used. It involves the perpetrator fitting a device on the ATM/cash machine so that it holds on to the card.

Whilst you go in to the bank to try to sort out the issue, the perpetrator will have had access to the PIN you have entered (by watching you on a fitted camera) and they are then able to obtain money from the account.

Try and avoid using ATMs on the main street and take money out from the ATMs situated inside the bank instead.

If you notice anything suspicious do not use the machine and inform the bank.

Consider how visible you may be on the main street to others.

This can include use of your mobile phone or tablet. Be aware of what is going on around you.


  2. This is Money, (2016). How to protect yourself from cash point fraudsters. Available at:
  3. SearchSecurity, (2016). What is shoulder surfing? – Definition from Available at:

Простой бумажный робот

Чтобы создать поделку робот из бумаги необходимо запастись следующими материалами:

  • схема робота;
  • лист бумаги;
  • ножницы;
  • клей.

Помимо того может понадобится также картон, иголка или шило, фломастеры и резинки для соединения частей.

На схемах можно увидеть несколько типов линий. Разрез ножницами предусмотрен по сплошной линии. Пунктирные очертания предназначены для сгибания бумаги.

При необходимости сделать отверстия, используете иглу или канцелярский нож до вырезания макета. Для наглядного представления готовой игрушки согните все части по пунктирным линиям, как видно на фото поделки робот.

Поделку робот из картона делают так:

  • сделать распечатку схемы на картоне;
  • ножницами вырезать все части схемы, действуя по инструкции;
  • вырезанные детали сгибаем по пунктирным линиям;
  • соединяем необходимые части с помощью клея;
  • делаем сбор всех деталей робота в одну бумажную конструкцию, следуя инструкции.

Just Who is Shoulder Surfing?

It would be nice if we
lived in an honest world.  Unfortunately,
we must remain cautious whenever out and about with our personal
information.  Many of us do not put much
thought into routine trips to the market or a retail store, even though this is
where shoulder surfing happens the most. 
As you wait patiently in line to purchase your items, a slick identity
thief just may be looking over your shoulder. 
After pulling out a credit card or entering a pin number, they keep their
eyes wide open in order to memorize your information.  This is why you should always remain cautious
of your surroundings when out shopping. 
When making a purchase, your credit card numbers should always be
concealed from the view of the person behind you. 

You should also keep in
mind that anyone could be an identity thief — this includes the clerk
processing your purchase.   Be sure to
keep an eye on the individual handling your card.  Take note of any suspicious activity and get
your card back immediately.    

Робот из фетра

Помимо обычного материала в виде картона, металла или пластика, поделка роботы для детей можно также сделать из фетра. Такая поделка подойдёт для игры маленьким девочкам.

Для создания флисового робота в стиле амигуруми вырезаем из ткани части по размерам:

  • 4,5 см для туловища;
  • 3,5 см для головы;
  • 2,0 см для ног;
  • 1,5 см для рук.

Для любой из частей туловища требуется по 6 квадратов флисовой ткани. По необходимости величину заготовок можно повысить для увеличения размера мягкой игрушки.

Делаем выкройки без припусков. Сшиваем части со всех сторон, применяя сметочный шов. В итоге должен выйти кубик. Перед прошиванием последней из сторон, заполняем кубик любым наполнителем.

Внимательно отслеживаем, чтобы из кубика не торчало лишних волокон. Если они есть, их можно обрезать ножницами. При выполнении работы, требуется делать все аккуратно.

Подобным образом сшиваем остальные части туловища робота, после закрепляем между собой клеем. На месте глаз пришиваем бусинки.

Проекты WeDo с рабочими программами для занятий с детьми

Урок робототехники № 1.

Из пяти видов жирафов в Мире остался только один! Длинная шея животного вовсе не такая длинная! А спит гигант всего 30 минут в день! Об этом и о многом другом узнают дети на первом уроке по робототехнике! А поможет нам в этом 7 минутный сюжет из эфира программы В мире животных:


Видео о том, как работает собранная модель Жирафа из наборов Wedo наиболее информативно подготовлено компанией RoboCAMP:

Разбор программного кода в среде Lego Education и описание механизмов смотрите в скаченном архиве! Ну а мы движемся ДАЛЬШЕ!

Урок по робототехнике № 2.

Лошадь — главный помощник человека. Именно об этом и будет тема нового занятия!

ВНИМАНИЕ: Программа уже готова, но у меня все никак не хватает времени ее выложить. Поэтому пока размещаю для скачивания только инструкции по сборке животных из Lego

Остальные рабочие программы будут напечатаны немного позже! Подписывайтесь на блог или периодически заходите на эту страницу для обновления данных. Извините за предоставленные неудобства!

Инструкции лего самоделок по сборке Лошади — скачать

Сборка Быка на родео — скачать

Модель Гориллы из WeDo 9580 — скачать

Инструкция по сборке Lego Стрекозы — скачать

Модель Пеликана — скачать

Самоделка Лего Попугаи — скачать

Инструкция по сборке Скорпиона из Lego — скачать

Подписывайтесь на рассылку сайта через форму в верхнем левом углу или отправив запрос на почту и будьте в курсе новых самодельных инструкций по робототехнике на базе Lego WeDo. Посмотрите бесплатные учебные материалы по детскому программированию в Scratch (перейти) или по более серьезному курсу для подростков в AppInventor (перейти). Все материалы выкладываются бесплатно и я очень надеюсь, что хоть кто-то захочет поддержать этот проект:

Ну а если вы хотите узнать как интересно и недорого провести отдых, то читайте материалы из моих экспедиций по бывшему СССР — поверьте, там очень интересно:

How to Prevent Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder surfing isn’t difficult to prevent. Its effectiveness is largely based on the victim being unaware of the practice.

Pay Attention at ATMs

Pay attention to your surroundings when using an ATM. Always cover your hand when entering your PIN, look around you before doing so, and make sure that the transaction is finished before walking away.

Watch Where You Sit

If you need to enter private information in public, take the time to stop somewhere appropriate. For example, if you’re going to a cafe with the intention of using an electronic device, sit somewhere that allows your back to face the wall. For particularly sensitive information, i.e. your payment details, it’s usually best to wait until you are in private.

Use a Password Manager

Password managers are useful for storing hard to hack passwords and protecting against malware. They can also protect you from shoulder surfing. Once installed, you can log in to any of your accounts without revealing too much.

Use 2-Factor-Authentication

Activate 2-factor-authentication (2FA) on any account that offers it. 2FA prevents anyone from using your password to access your accounts unless they also have access to a personal device such as your smartphone. Without that device, shoulder surfing becomes completely ineffective.

Use a Privacy Screen

If you’re worried about people watching your laptop, you might want to consider a privacy screen. This is a transparent screen cover which is designed to reduce viewing angles. The purpose is to make it impossible to read a screen without being directly in front of it.

7 tips to help prevent shoulder surfing

Shoulder surfers prowl the borders of your personal space. Their goal is to notice without being noticed. Here’s how to help thwart them:

Be aware of your surroundings. Watch for people and recording devices.

See also: Best ID Theft Prevention: Pay Attention

  • Sit with your back to the wall if you’re in a public place and entering personal or financial information into your computer or cellphone. Use VPN if you do financial transactions on Wi-Fi.
  • Shield the keypad on the ATM when you enter your PIN.
  • Make sure your ATM transaction is complete and take your receipt.
  • Pick strong passwords so it’s hard for any observer to guess what you typed.
  • Attach a screen protector on computers to obscure your screens.
  • Lock your computer screen at work when you leave your desk.
  • Find a private place when you need to share financial information over the phone.

Practice smart habits and you can help prevent shoulder surfing from happening and leading to financial loss. Shoulder surfing is a dangerous sport, if you’re the victim.

See also: How Long Does It Take to Recover From Identity Theft?


Indev для Java Edition
20100218 Теперь игрока можно увидеть в ранее сплошном черном квадрате в инвентаре.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.5 Вид от третьего лица больше не заставляет частицы воды окружать игрок. Это могло быть артефактом переключателя дождя F5.
v1.0.14 Нажатие F5 теперь переключает вид на вид от третьего лица. При виде от третьего лица игрок смещен от центра на один блок влево, создавая видимость «через плечо».
Потому что мобы выглядели в камеру, а не в голову игрока, при виде от третьего лица они смотрели не в том месте.
v1.0.17 Теперь игрок находится по центру при виде от третьего лица.
v1.2.0 ? Удерживание F1 при виде от третьего лица теперь вызывает отображение передней части плеера.
Java Edition Beta
1.3 Передняя часть игрока больше не отображается при удерживании F1 в вид от третьего лица.
Java Edition
1.0.0 Бета 1. 9, предварительная версия 5 Манипуляция отладочным представлением, известная в коде как «камера deadmau5», была случайно включена.
Эта функция вызывает ключи Y , H , U , O , I , K , J , L , N и M , чтобы изменить положение камеры различными способами, а нажатие F9 замораживает вид. Одновременное нажатие двух функционально связанных клавиш возвращает вид в нормальное состояние, за исключением нажатия U + O.
Эта функция была добавлена ​​только для deadmau5.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6 Камера deadmau5 был удален.
release Двойное нажатие F5 теперь переключает камеру на переднюю игрока, а теперь требуется третье нажатие F5 , чтобы вернуться в режим просмотра от первого лица.
1.2. 1 12w08a Камера deadmau5 была снова добавлена ​​случайно.
Стороны Голова игрока теперь может отображаться при повороте обзора с помощью камеры deadmau5.
1.2 Камера deadmau5 снова была удалена.
? Находясь внутри блока, игрок больше не видит вид от первого лица.
1.14 ? Больше не блокируется большинством несплошных блоков как трава.
1.16 20w12a Больше не загораживают стекла и другие подобные блоки .
Тем не менее, он все еще закрыт забором, блоками слизи, медовыми блоками и льдом, несмотря на то, что они прозрачны или полупрозрачны, как и другие подобные блоки; это сделано намеренно.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.1.2 Добавлена ​​опция для просмотра от третьего лица.
v0.12.1 build 6 Добавлен вид от третьего лица спереди.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.1 Перекрестие больше не отображается при виде от третьего лица.

Best Way To Tear Up Shoulder Joints……… Not Warming Up.

You’ve got to loosen up tight restrictive tissue, get blood moving into muscles bringing oxygen and nutrients, activate stabilizing muscles, mobilize tissue, and get prime mover muscles ready to do their job……….. UPPER BODY WARMUPS!

Hopefully you’re performing some type of warmup before you hop into the surf, and before your workouts. If not, wake the f*** up and realize you should be, and eventually, you’re really likely to hurt yourself if you’re not doing some type of dynamic warmup. 

This is especially true for your shoulders, and becomes even more important the older you get, or if you’ve got terrible posture. Download the FREE Surf Exercise & Mobility Program from this site!!! There’s a solid dynamic warmup for the full body.

But this post is focused on the upper body, showing you a quality surfing shoulder warmup, and really getting that joint and the surrounding muscles “primed” for a surf session or a workout.

As you may know from reading past posts, my shoulders, especially the right one, are really great at giving me shit. The left one, which has had a shoulder reconstruction, behaves pretty well the majority of the time. The right one has given me a range of problems over the last several years that have even baffled the array of specialists I’ve seen.

Through my own trial and error, exercise, and loads of study, I’ve gotten it pretty much under control. It rarely limits my surfing any longer, but I am still really careful with it, and immediately pay attention once it starts “talking” to me.

Since it is still a bit of an issue, as I’m sure many of you surfers out there can relate, I focus a lot of attention on getting it warmed up and stable before I jump into the waves. 

So before my surfs, I make damn sure that I get my shoulders moving, loosen up tight tissue, activate specific rotator cuff and scapular muscles, and get my upper body moving….. “primed” for some surfing.

Робот из спичечных коробков

Симпатичную поделку в виде робота можно выполнить, взяв за основу коробки от спичек.

Зная, как сделать поделку робот, следует подготовить следующие материалы:

  • 9 спичечных коробков;
  • цветная бумага;
  • клей.

Первый делом нужно наклеить цветную бумагу на 5 спичечных коробков (ручки, туловище и голова). На голове из коробка сделать очертания лица используя чёрный маркер.

Остальные четыре спичечных коробка необходимо склеить, а верхнюю часть оклеить любой цветной бумагой.

После сбора всего робота, украсьте его по своему усмотрению. На голове можно приделать аннтенки из спичек. Туловище робота можно приукрасить, наклеив дополнительные частицы.

Изготавливаем комфортёр для малышей

Добро пожаловать на мой мастер-класс по изготовлению комфортёра для новорожденных, её ещё называют игрушка-сплюшка. Размер тельца примерно 40х30 см + голова.

Эта игрушка представляет собой небольшое одеяльце с головой какого-либо животного. Мамы носят её с собой во время кормления, а когда отлучаются, дают малышу, чтобы он чувствовал мамин запах и не беспокоился.

Итак, нам потребуется:

4. Нитки мулине и обычные.

7. Палочка или карандаш для набивки.

Выкройку можно сохранить отсюда и распечатать в формате А4.

Совет 1: сшивать лучше на машинке, так прочнее.

Берём ткань (лучше использовать натуральные и мягкие материалы). Я брала флис и бязь. Складываем лицевой стороной внутрь. К сгибу прикалываем выкройку тельца и вырезаем, отступив примерно 1 см.

Получаем одну сторону тельца.

Прикалываем её к другой ткани и вырезаем.

Аналогично вырезаем остальные детали.

Ушки делаем из двух тканей, как и тельце.

Simple Tips to Prevent Shoulder Surfing

When making purchases
inside of a store, it is always better to take the path less traveled.  This means that you should select a checkout
lane with the least amount of consumers in order to decrease the risk of
identity theft.  In most situations, this
will be a lane that only accepts a small quantity of items or a self checkout
lane.  If at all possible, you should
avoid the long lines and find one that will provide much more privacy. 

You should also attempt
to prevent shoulder surfing when withdrawing cash from an ATM machine.  This can be done by shielding personal
information on the screen with your body. 
The same strategy can be applied when filling out a withdrawal or
deposit form at the bank.  You should
always remember to take and properly dispose of your receipts as well.  

Though you should always
be prepared, shoulder surfing is much more likely to happen in the midst of a
busy holiday season.  Identity thieves are
well aware of how compact the stores will be. 
They also realize that many customers are rushed, overwhelmed and not as
observant during these times. 

Shoulder surfing
certainly is not the most technical form of identity theft, but several have
used this method to commit major fraud. 
The first step in prevention is understanding that this problem does
exist.  If at all possible, you may even
want to avoid using a credit card or writing checks during a busy shopping
season.  While it may sound unreasonable,
the less you flash your personal information, the more you reduce the
possibility of being victimized by identity theft.   

Examples of shoulder surfing

It’s Friday afternoon. The only thing that stands between you and the weekend is a long line at the ATM. You wait. And wait. Finally, it’s your turn. You tap in your PIN number as your bus home rumbles around the corner. You hit the key for “Quick $100,” grab your cash, and sprint to the bus stop. You made it! Later, you find out $400 more has been withdrawn from your bank account.

That person in line standing behind you—you probably didn’t notice if it was a man or a woman—happened to be a shoulder surfer. As you bolted for the bus, your ATM left a message on screen for you: “Would you like to make another transaction?”

What happened? That person who was next in line hit the key “yes,” entered your PIN number and stole your money.

It’s easy to fall victim to shoulder surfing. Often, it happens when you’re distracted or in a rush. There’s a good chance you might be in a crowded, public place.

And guess what? A thief engaging in this low-tech crime might not even have to peer over your shoulder. Binoculars or a cell phone video camera—or even a keen ear—can capture information needed to pierce your finances.

Here are three other ways shoulder surfers might strike:

  1. You’re at the airport, seated in a packed terminal awaiting your flight. Your kid calls you about something she wants to buy online. Mistake: You read to her your credit card number aloud.
  2. You kick back at a café for a cup of coffee and to pay your bills. You share a table, take a seat, and open your laptop. You log in to your bank with your user name and password and click on Bill Pay. Mistake: You’ve put key information in plain view.
  3. It’s your first day at work. You take your place in a sea of cubicles. You dive into your “paperwork,” signing up for employee benefits at your computer. You enter all sorts of personal information—your name, address, Social Security number, bank account, phone number. Mistake: Half a dozen coworkers can see what you’re doing.

Examples of Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder surfing is often carried out at ATM machines. If you don’t cover your hand while entering your PIN, it’s just a matter of standing behind you on either side.

This is profitable because some ATM machines ask if you’d like to continue at the end of a transaction. If you don’t specifically say no, the person next in line can access your account by simply reentering your PIN.

If an ATM has this functionality, it’s not uncommon for thieves to line up in the hope that somebody is in a rush.

Shoulder surfing can be carried out anywhere that people use the internet. The most obvious example is a cafe where people work on laptops. But a busy train full of people glued to their phones can provide the same opportunity.

Shoulder surfing can be used to steal information from documents such as application forms. Carrying out such attacks has never been easier thanks to the increased sophistication of smart phone cameras. All a thief has to do is wait somewhere with forms that require a social security number.

Shoulder surfing can be used to gain access to secure areas including apartment complexes. If the door is opened using a PIN, it’s just a matter of hanging around long enough for somebody to enter. A professional will divert suspicion by wearing a delivery uniform.

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