Zombies (plants vs. zombies: garden warfare 2)


Plants vs. Zombies Adventures remained a tower defense game as the original, with the following notable changes:

  1. In Road Trip mode, players have a limited amount of plant types that could be used during battle. Seed slots are unlocked for Zombucks as more stages are reached. Only five of each plant type can be used, although additional plants may be purchased with gems.
  2. Instead of having seeds, a player took along plants grown in the city. Only a maximum of either 15 or 25 of each plant type could be kept in a player’s inventory, for use in road trips.
  3. There were two types of battles: road trip battles, which played similarly to the original game, and city battles, where players defended their houses against zombies sent daily by the computer.
  4. Other players could attack another player’s city with zombies (costed coins) once a day (paying gems for multiple attacks). The attacked player will not see the battle occur, and can’t do anything other than to defend all their houses in advance. If the player lost a zombie battle, the target house became unusable, and must be repaired. The attacker could speed up their own Zombies or stun plants for a cost of 15 fog.
  5. Instead of plants disappearing after getting eaten by zombies, they get KO’ed instead. KO’ed plants can be revived for 25 sun after 10 or so seconds.
  6. During combat, the player could click on plants to «buff» them, or zombies to «stun» them. Boosted plants gained either attack power or attack range for five seconds, while stunned zombies were frozen in place for three seconds.  This ability costed 25 sun per use, had infinite uses, and doesn’t have a cool down.
  7. The sun given would increase to 100 sun more because zombies appearing more earlier.
  8. In the Road Trip game mode, after completing a map, the player would have to spend an amount of gems to unlock the next map.

Spawnable Zombies


Zombie Image Ability
Browncoat Zombie Runs around and can attack Plants and can also hurl rocks from a long distance.
Conehead Zombie Has more health than the Browncoat Zombie, and has the same attacks as him.
Buckethead Zombie Has more health than the Conehead Zombie and has the same attacks.
Exploding Imp Quickly runs around, and explodes when near a Plant.
Newspaper Zombie Has a weak newspaper shield, but gets faster when it is destroyed.
Screen Door Zombie Has a powerful screen door shield, however a Fume-shroom’s attack can pass through it.
Coffin Zombie Wears a coffin as a powerful shield, however it can be hit in the eyes or feet.
Outhouse Zombie Wears a powerful outhouse as a shield, which is stronger than the Coffin Zombie’s shield.
Heal Zombie Runs around and heals injured players and other spawnable zombies.
Flag Zombie Runs around and makes nearby zombies run faster.
Karate Zombie ​​​​​​​ Can punch Plants at close range.


Bots Image Description
Gatling Bot Shoots rapid-fire bullets at Plants, counterpart to the Gatling PeaLONG RANGE: RAPID FIRE
Rocket Bot Shoots rockets from its mouth that damage Plants, counterpart to the Pea CannonLONG RANGE: SINGLE SHOT
Hide-n-Shoot Bot Shoots Plants at long range, but hides when Plants are nearby, counterpart to the Scaredy-shroomLONG RANGE: PRECISION
Mr. Freezy

Shoots an ice burst around it which freezes Plants, counterpart to the Ice-shroomLONG RANGE: ICE

Boxer Bot Punches Plants at close range, counterpart to the Bonk ChoyCLOSE RANGE: MELEE
Mr. Toasty

Breates fire at a short distance, counterpart to the Snap DragonCLOSE RANGE: FIRE

Mr. Electro Deals electric damage to nearby Plants, counterpart to the Lightning ReedMEDIUM RANGE: ELECTRIC
Explody Bot Deals a devastating explosion that vanquishes nearby Plants, counterpart to the Doom-shroomCLOSE RANGE: EXPLOSIVE
Loudmouth Bot Temporarily stuns nearby Plants, counterpart to the Goop-shroomMEDIUM RANGE: STUN
Breaker Bot Punches through Plant shields, counterpart to the Fume-shroomMEDIUM RANGE: ARMOR BREAKER
Uplink Bot Calls an airstrike on nearby Plants, counterpart to the Bamboo ShootLONG RANGE: AIRSTRIKE
Mr. Toxic

Shoots out a large toxic cloud, counterpart to the Toxic Gloom-shroomMEDIUM RANGE: TOXIC

Heals nearby Zombies, counterpart to the Heal FlowerSPECIAL: HEALING

Unused graphics

Unused Quick Play screen

An unused degrade sprite of Spikeweed

An unused zombie vase with other vase sprites

An unused second stage of degradation for the pumpkin

Unused Bungee Zombie scared sprite

An unused alternative damaged RV sprite

Unused Vasebreaker Menu Button

Unused Gargantuar headwear

An unused brain silver coin texture

Pumpkin with a rounder front (ripped from the flas)

Pumpkin’s rounder back (ripped from the flas)

Pumpkin’s rounder first degrade (ripped from the flas)

The unused second degrade of Pumpkin (ripped from the flas)

Pumpkin’s rounder third degrade (ripped from the flas)

Unused damaged flag texture (ripped from the flas)

Unknown file, most likely just a development texture


Ditto, but possibly used for Plantern

Lex found in files

Full image of Crazy Dave found in files

Full image of Wall-nut found in files

Full image of Lily Pad found in files

Star fruit eyebrow

Unused icon from store (left-over from trial version)

A squirrel that was supposed to be in the Squirrel mini-game

Unused gold coin design

Wall-nut eyeball that supposed to be in the Art Challenge Wall-nut mini-game

Gold fertilizer, scrapped upgrade for the Fertilizer

Gold phonograph, scrapped upgrade for the Phonograph

Gray Spikeweed. Prototype of Spikerock

Ditto, first degradation

Ditto, second degradation

Unknown gray-brown square with the name «cobblestone»

Unknown gray lines


Early speech bubble for plants


Icon for an Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick

Unknown empty file


The unused zombie vase makes its debut Plants vs. Zombies 2 using a different design and color, and always spawns a Vase Gargantuar.

Concept art

As seen in earlier concept art for the game, the player was going to fight against aliens rather than zombies. This concept is used from another PopCap game, Insaniquarium. Some sketches show plants that did not appear in the final version. It also suggests that Jalapeno was going to be bound to the ground. Some of the plants that have not left the concept stage are: a carrot plant, a small cherry (similar to Cherry Bomb), what seems to be a dandelion, a Venus flytrap plant (that seems similar to multiple Chompers), an unknown plant with a gun and an unknown plant with tentacles (possibly a predecessor to Gloom-shroom).

Plants vs. Zombies: Kingdom

These plants were planned to appear in a Chinese-exclusive game Plants vs. Zombies: Kingdom Edition, but were scrapped along with the game. Some of them returned in Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars. From left to right, top to bottom, translated from All Stars, their names are: Morning Glory, Pineapple, Blueberries, Ball Cactus, Apple, and Pomegranate.



Main article:
  • — Allows a fighter to be played on an aquatic lane as well. This does not restrict availability to be played anywhere else.
  • — Gets more strength points equal to its Anti-Hero value when there isn’t an opposing fighter blocking the lane.
  • — Reduces damage from attacks equal to its Armored value. (If a fighter with this trait is hit with, say, 1 damage, its Armored value that acts as «extra health» takes the damage instead. If a fighter with Armored 1 is hurt for 1 damage, its Armored value takes the hit. If 2 damage, the fighter only loses 1 general health.)
  • — Does not charge the Super-Block Meter if a successful hit is landed on the enemy Hero.
  • — Destroy any fighter it does damage to, both plant and zombie, unless the damage is neutralized. Only zombies have this trait.
  • — Does a bonus attack if this fighter survives after combat. Only plants have this trait.
  • — If it survives combat, this does a bonus attack when it destroys a plant directly. Only zombies have this trait.
  • — Hides under a Gravestone until the Zombie Tricks phase; while hiding, they cannot be affected by most tricks or damage. The only plant fighters/tricks that can vanquish or affect Gravestones are: Spyris, Grave Buster, Cool Bean, Blockbuster, and Grave Mistake. Only zombies have this trait.
  • — When an opposing fighter is played in a lane, this fighter moves to the same lane that the opposing fighter is played in unless that lane is already occupied by a fighter without Team-Up.
  • — Does damage to the opposing hero equal to its Overshoot value before combat here. Only zombies have this trait.
  • — Does damage to enemies next door equal to its Splash Damage value per attack, if any. Only plants have this trait. It cannot be changed.
  • — Hits all fighters on the attacking lane, as well as the opposing hero.
  • — Allows a fighter to be played in front or behind another fighter, or allows another fighter to be played in front of or behind the fighter with said trait. Some cards get boosts from having Team-Up fighters. Only plants have this trait.
  • — Grants the fighter invulnerability to all tricks from the opposing side. You can still play your own tricks on them.


Main article:

Include, but are not limited to:

  • — Remove the target plant/zombie and put it back into its owner’s hand. It can be played again.
  • — Gain a random card of that kind.
  • — Draw a card to activate this ability.
  • — Play the fighter on a plant/zombie (of a particular tribe, if specified) to activate this ability.
  • — That plant/zombie skips its next attack. Making the fighter do a bonus attack cancels out the freeze effect.
  • — Restore health to a damaged plant/zombie or hero.
  • Health-Strength — Attack using its instead of its .
  • — Cannot take damage in battle or from tricks. They are still vulnerable to tricks that can destroy fighters or lower Strength/ Health.


Каждый день растения и зомби сражаются как обычно. После уничтожения нескольких зомби Доктор Зомбосс внезапно появляется в своём новом Зомботе-герой-троне 5000 и использует лазер героя Зомбота, чтобы превратить обычного зомби в героя по имени Супермозги. Доктор Зомбосс от радости случайно нажимает кнопку с надписью «Не нажимать!» Зомбот ломается, в результате чего лазер героя превращает ближайшего Подсолнуха, Стенореха, Бонк Чоя и Горохострела в их соответствующих героев, Солнечную вспышку, Стенорыцаря, Травяных Кулаков и Зелёную Тень. Затем Зомбот взрывается, и лазер героя превращает несколько других растений и зомби по всему миру в героев. Теперь битва по-настоящему начинается, поскольку обе стороны собирают всех героев мира, чтобы стать победителями.

Game information

Game modes

Main article: Game modes (PvZ2)

In Plants vs. Zombies 2, there are some game modes. Most of the modes return or are similar to the first game, with minor tweaks:

  • Adventure
  • Brain Busters
  • Endless Zone
  • Piñata Party
  • Vasebreaker
  • Zen Garden
  • Arena
  • Penny’s Pursuit


Main article: Achievements (PvZ2)

Like in the previous game, there is an achievement system. Those are extra optional tasks that rewards the player with some points. Those can be accessed via Google Play Games on Android or via Game Center on iOS.

Travel Log quests

Main article: Travel Log

Introduced on the 3.5.1 update and being updated with new content ever since, the Travel Log is a quest system that guides new players on how to unlock new content and offers repeatable quests and Epic Quests that extends the longevity of the game.

Update history

Main article: Plants vs. Zombies 2/Update history

Since it was first released, this game has been monthly updated with new content and other tweaks. Check this article to see the update history of this game.

Concept art and upcoming content

Main article: Plants vs. Zombies 2/Concepts
Main article: Plants vs. Zombies 2/Upcoming content

Check these articles to see concept art of the game and upcoming content that is going to be added in the future new updates. However, beware, as there are spoilers ahead.


Main article: Plants vs. Zombies 2/Glitches

Check this list to find glitches that this game has and maybe how to fix them.


Day Plants Zombies Flags Notes Reward*
Choice with Two
Choice Two
Choice with Two
Choice Two Steam Ages lawn mowers
Two Special Delivery level
Choice with Two
Choice Two
Choice Two
Summoned: Two Special Delivery level
Choice Summoned: Two Power Tiles present
Two Locked and Loaded level
Two Special Delivery level
Easy mode: Reach 2000 pointsHard mode: Reach 4200 points Whack-a-Zombie level
Choice with Two Objective: Produce at least 2500 sun
Choice excluding most free plants and sun-producing plants One Last Stand level
Choice Two
Two Special Delivery level
Choice Two
Choice Two
Choice Two
Choice excluding most free plants and sun-producing plants Two Last Stand level
Choice Three
Choice Two

*First time reward other than stars, coins and chests.


Это лужайка новой битвы! Мобильная игра Plants vs. Zombies Heroes позволяет вам собирать и выбирать из сотен персонажей по всей вселенной PvZ в этой эпической коллекционной карточной игре, которая перенесёт вас за пределы заднего двора.

Впервые на мобильных устройствах играйте за растения или за зомби и откройте их невероятные суперсилы. Соберите сотни персонажей, включая новых фаворитов из Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, таких как Супермозги, З-мех, Цитрон и Роза, и отправляйтесь в приключения в совершенно новой вселенной PvZ с уникальным повествованием в стиле комиксов. Выберите своего любимого героя, соберите свою команду и используйте героические навыки, чтобы перехитрить своих противников в бою.

Сражайтесь и отправляйтесь в приключения против ИИ в одиночной кампании или сражайтесь против других игроков в многопользовательской игре в реальном времени! Бросьте вызов своим друзьям или испытайте свои силы и стратегию против остального мира в обычных или рейтинговых многопользовательских сражениях — всё в реальном времени. Выполняйте ежедневные задания, чтобы зарабатывать награды и расширить свой список героев и помощников.

В режиме Приключения возглавьте своё любимое растение и зомби в эпических миссиях, чтобы сражаться и уничтожить всех противостоящих героев в локациях, столь же забавных и разнообразных, как и герои, которые их населяют. Погрузитесь в историю Plants vs. Zombies Heroes с помощью сюжетных последовательностей в стиле комиксов, которые раскрываются по мере продвижения вашего приключения. Используйте режим Приключения, чтобы улучшить свои навыки и отточить свою стратегию, экспериментируя с разными героями и мощными комбинациями товарищей по команде.


All plants (hacking used)

All plants on PopCap’s website, besides Imitater, Cabbage-pult, Spikerock, Gatling Pea, and Twin Sunflower.

  • Most plants take six bites before being eaten.
  • No plants start with letter N, O, Q, V, X, Y, and Z.
  • Mushrooms are classified as plants, even though they are actually fungi, which are an entirely different kingdom in the domain Eukaryote.
  • In the instant kills’ Suburban Almanac pages, they blink.
  • Most game commercials and the mini-game Slot Machine show Peashooters with the back of the Repeater (two leaves).
  • Different animations are seen when the player plants something in different terrain. If the player plants something on land, or a Flower Pot, they can see soil jumping out of the ground. If they plant something on the water, there will be a splash of water.
  • When the player plants on land or on a Flower Pot, there are two slightly different sound effects that can be made. Planting on water, however, will only produce one sound effect.
  • Upgrade plants say they must be planted on their downgrades, Grave Buster must be planted on graves, Lily Pad must be planted on water, and Flower Pot can be planted on both the Roof and the lawn.
  • The most plants the player can have on one square is five: Lily Pad or Flower Pot, a Fume-shroom, a Pumpkin, a Gloom-shroom, and a Coffee Bean. Coincidentally, this is done in many .
  • In the Zen Garden, aquatic plants do not need water (probably because they already have water in the aqua pot or aquarium).


  • The Gargantuar Zomboid resembles the Green Giant mascot: the Jolly Green Giant.
  • When an Octo Zombie throws the octopi and hits the Zoybean Pod as it summons a Zomboid, it will freeze and not do anything. This is a glitch.
  • This plant acts as a plant counterpart to Arcade Zombie’s arcade machine, as it spawns Zomboids similar to how an arcade machine spawns 8-Bit Zombies.
  • When a Zomboid dies, a word spells out “TO-FWUMP.”
    • This is a portmanteau of the words «tofu», a food made from soybeans, and «FWUMP», a sound effect relating to the sound the to-fwump makes.
    • It is also used on Turkey-pult’s Tofu Turkey when it dies.
  • The Zomboids can also be tossed by Power Toss, but it won’t send them off the screen.
  • If the Zomboid crosses the flowers, the player won’t lose the level because they are counted as plants.
  • Despite being counted as plants, the Zomboids still be chilled when frozen projectiles (frozen melons and frozen pea) that were deflected by Jester Zombies (because the plants can’t be chilled by that activity).
    • If Jester Zombie deflects butter on Zomboids, they will be stalled as well .
    • If Jester Zombie deflects Primal Peashooter’s knock-back projectiles on Zomboids, they will be knocked forwards.
    • If Jester Zombie deflects Spore-shroom’s Shot and if the Zomboid get defeated by it. It will spawn a Spore-shroom
  • It is the first non-Power Mint plant which costs no coins to level up.
  • Zoybean Pod is the first new plant since Holly Barrier to be neither a Peashooter (PvZ2) nor a Power Mint.
  • The Zomboids coming out of the pod nearly resembles the Adventurer Zombie coming out of tent summoned by Imp Porter

    If a Zomboid passes through Dark Ages’ potions, it will recieve the effect of the potion it crosses, just like a regular Zombie.


  • Depending on the world, when a Zoybean Pod spawns a Zomboid, the future tiles or planks may break.
  • Zomboids can also be damaged by the reflected projectiles from Jester Zombie and the laser shot from Turquoise Skull Zombie.
  • The Zomboids from PvZ2 can represent weeds from GW2 in a way. The Lettucehead Zomboid represents the weed, the Carrothead Zomboid represents the Pumpkin-head weed, and the Melonhead Zomboid represents the Terracotta-head weed.
  • There is a glitch when the player plants a boosted Zoybean Pod in any Last Stand level. It will summon a Gargantuar Zomboid instantly. If the player clicks on the zombie head icon to view the zombie side, they will see that the Gargantuar Zomboid is trying to smash the zombies.
  • If Zoybean Pod is fed Plant Food while Boombox Zombie is activating his special ability, it will summon 2 Zomboid Gargantuars instead of one.

List of levels

Adventure Mode

Level Plants Zombies Flags
5-1 Choice One
5-2 Choice Two
5-3 Choice * Two
5-4 Choice * Three
5-5 * Two
5-6 Choice * Two
5-7 Choice Three
5-8 Choice *


5-9 Choice



Survival Mode

Level Zombies Flags
Survival: Roof


Survival: Roof (Hard)



Survival: Roof (Endless)



Co-op Mode

Level Zombies Flags
Co-op Roof


Co-op Hard Roof



* — Only appears in the final wave. ^ — Console version only.

Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West exclusive (Archived content) (China only)

In addition to the pre-existing ten stages, there were three bonus stages exclusive to Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West. They all had an objective to complete. They required gems to be unlocked or specific fully grown plants in the Zen Garden.

Level Plants Zombies Flags Objective
5-11 Choice with Four Don’t spend any sun in 45 seconds
5-12 Choice with


Three Produce at least 3500 sun
5-13 Choice with Summoned: Four Never have more than 30 plants

Список мини-игр в режиме Мини-игры

  • Зомботаника
  • Стенореховый Боулинг (кроме Android, iOS, Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition и Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West)
  • Игорный Автомат
  • Идёт семенной дождь (кроме PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 PlayStation Vita и Xbox Live Arcade версий)
  • Упыренный
  • Невидимая нежить
  • Видеть Звёзды
  • Зомбаквариум
  • Упыренный Поворот
  • Большие проблемы Маленькие зомби (кроме Android, iOS, DS, DSiWare, Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition и Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West)
  • Портальная битва
  • Колонна, как вы её видите
  • Бобслейная Удача
  • Зомби лёгкий, зомби быстрый (кроме DS и DSiWare версий)
  • Ударь Зомби (кроме Android, iOS, Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition и Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West)
  • Последняя битва
  • Зомботаника 2
  • Стенореховый Боулинг 2
  • Пого-вечеринка
  • Месть Доктора Зомбосса (кроме Android, iOS, Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition и Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West)
  • Тяжёлое оружие (только в Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 и PlayStation Vita версиях)
  • Масляный Попкорн (только в iPad и Android версиях)
  • Тепловая Волна (только в DS и DSiWare версиях)
  • ВЗОРВЁМСЯ Все Вместе! (только в DS версии)
  • Хоум-ран Дерби (только в DS версии)
  • Воздушный налёт (только в DS версии)
  • Зомби-ловушка (только в DSiWare версии)

Spawnable Plants


Plant Image Health Primary Weapon Cooldown Role
Pea Cannon 50 Large Pea 2 min. Ranged
Gatling Pea 60 Small Pea 3 min. Ranged
Scaredy-Shroom 40 Scaredy Shot 4 min. Ranged
Lightning Reed 70 Lightning Beam 5 min. Ranged
Heal Flower 25 N/A 4 min. Support
Goop-Shroom 80 Super Goop 3 min. Support
Bonk Choy 80 Uppercut 2 min. Melee
Doom-Shroom 105 Doom 5 min. Melee
Fume-Shroom 70 Acidic Bubbles 3 min. Melee


Plant Image Health Primary Weapon Cooldown Role
TerracottaWeed 170 Weed Whip (Melee)Seed Spit (Range) 2 min. Melee
Vase Weed 90 Weed Bash (Melee)Seed Spit (Range) 5 min. Melee
Dandelion 25 Dandelion Explode 2 min. Melee
Wildflower TBA Stinging Petal (Range)Weed Whip (Melee)Bloom Boom (Grenade) 3 min. Ranged
TerracottaWildflower TBA Stinging Petal (Range)Weed Whip (Melee)Bloom Boom (Grenade) 5 min. Ranged
Heal Weed TBA TBA 5 min. Support
Hypno-Shroom 70 Hypno Leech (Close)Hypno Pulse (Mid)Hypno Shot (Long) 3 min. Support

List of plants

Recharge time:

  • Fast – 7.5 seconds
  • Slow – 30 seconds
  • Very slow – 50 seconds
Plant Image Description Sun cost Recharge
Peashooter Peashooters are your first line of defense. They shoot peas at attacking zombies. 100 Fast
Sunflower Sunflowers are essential for you to produce extra sun. Try planting as many as you can! 50 Fast
Cherry Bomb Cherry Bombs can blow up all zombies in an area. They have a short fuse so plant them near zombies. 150 Very slow
Wall-nut Wall-nuts have hard shells which you can use to protect your other plants. 50 Slow
Potato Mine Potato Mines pack a powerful punch, but they need a while to arm themselves. You should plant them ahead of zombies. They will explode on contact. 25 Slow
Chomper Chompers can devour a zombie whole, but they are vulnerable while chewing. 150 Fast
Repeater Repeaters fire two peas at a time. 200 Fast
Puff-shroom Puff-shrooms are cheap, but can only fire a short distance. Fast
Scaredy-shroom Scaredy-shrooms are long-ranged shooters that hide when enemies get near them. 25 Fast
Snow Pea Snow Peas shoot frozen peas that damage and slow the enemy. 175 Fast
Sun-shroom Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun later. 25 Fast
Fume-shroom Fume-shrooms shoot fumes that can pass through screen doors. 75 Fast
Grave Buster Plant Grave Busters on graves to remove the graves. 75 Fast
Lily Pad Lily pads let you plant non-aquatic plants on top of them. 25 Fast
Squash Squashes will smash the first zombie that gets close to it. 50 Slow
Spikeweed Spikeweeds pop tires and hurt any zombies that step on them. 100 Fast
Tangle Kelp Tangle Kelp are aquatic plants that pull the first zombie that nears them underwater. 25 Slow
Torchwood Torchwoods turn peas that pass through them into fireballs that deal twice as much damage. 175 Fast
Sea-shroom Sea-shrooms are aquatic plants that shoot short ranged spores. Slow
Jalapeno Jalapenos destroy an entire lane of zombies. 125 Very Slow
Coffee Bean Use Coffee Beans to wake up sleeping mushrooms. 75 Fast
Tall-nut Tall-nuts are heavy-duty wall plants that can’t be vaulted over. 125 Slow
Pumpkin Pumpkins protect plants that are within their shells. 125 Slow
Magnet-shroom Magnet-shrooms remove helmets and other metal objects from zombies. 100 Fast
Blover Blovers blow away all balloon zombies and fog. 100 Fast
Melon-pult Melon-pults do heavy damage to groups of zombies. 300 Fast
Cactus Cactuses shoot spikes that can hit both ground and air targets. 125 Fast
Pickled Pepper* Pickled Pepper can destroy an entire vertical line of zombies. 125 Very slow
Icy Fume-shroom* Icy Fume-shrooms shoot icy fumes that slow zombies, and can pass through screen doors. 200 Fast
Fire-shroom* Fire-shrooms heavily burns nearby zombies. 75 Slow
Flamewood* Flamewood can turn peas that pass through him into a flame ball, increasing the damage of the peas. 300 Fast
Vine-nut* Vine-nuts block zombies, cannot be jumped over and damage nearby zombies. 250 Slow
Twin Sunflower* Twin Sunflowers give twice as much sun as a normal sunflower. 150 Very slow
Gatling Pea* Gatling Peas shoot four peas at a time. 250 Very slow
Gloom-shroom* Gloom-shrooms release heavy fumes in an area around themselves. 150 Very slow
Winter Melon* Winter Melons do heavy damage and slow groups of zombies. 200 Very slow
Super Chomper* Super Chomper can swallow all zombies in front of them, but are very fragile when chewing. 150 Fast
Future Star*’ Future Stars can launch milk stars in five directions at once. 125 Fast
Calm Chuck* Calm Chuck protect plants that are within their shells. 75 Slow

* Is a premium plant.

‘ Is a plant that replaces one of the existing plants.


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Для версии Game of the Year Edition

Для версии Game of the Year Edition с фигуркой Обычного зомби

Для версии Game of the Year Edition с фигуркой Зомби-танцора

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Plants vs. Zombies Game Trailer

Plants vs. Zombies for iPhone Game Trailer — Game Launches 2 15!

Plants vs. Zombies HD iPad Trailer

PvZ iPad Multi-Touch Fun

Plants vs. Zombies XBLA Game Trailer

Plants vs. Zombies DS Game Trailer

Plants vs. Zombies PSN Game Trailer

Plants vs. Zombies DSiWare Game Trailer

Disco Zombie — PvZ for Windows Phone 7 Game Trailer

Интересные факты

Изначально предполагалось назвать игру «Lawn of the Dead»(рус. Газон мертвецов), что созвучно названию известного фильма Джорджа Ромеро «Dawn of the Dead» (рус. Рассвет мертвецов). Это название было заменено по юридическим причинам.


Представляет из себя корнеплод пастернака посевного белого цвета с бурыми прожилками с двумя чёрными глазами и ртом посередине. В верхней части от него отходит небольшой зелёный стебель с листьями, в нижней — две пары небольших отростков в виде лап, а по бокам находятся два конусообразных отростка, разделяющиеся на две равные половины и складывающиеся на манер клешней, причём левый отросток больше правого, и они никак не соединены с основным корнеплодом. После расположения Пастернак атакует зомби, робота или такие объекты, как надгробия, в диапазоне до двух клеток перед собой, нанося урон, равный 80 единицам (или 4 горошинам) каждые две секунды. При нанесении определённого урона противником он подпрыгивает и начинает бежать по линии, нанося урон в 300 единиц (или 15 горошин) за каждый укус всем зомби и роботам, находящимся на его пути, кусая каждого противника 4-6 раз в зависимости от его размера. При подкормке Пастернак прячется под землю, при этом отталкивая зомби и роботов, а из ямы, где он расположен, появляются две его небольших копии, которые начинают бежать вперёд и наносить урон, равный 300 единицам (или 15 горошинам) за каждый укус.

Уровни улучшения
Уровень Пакеты с семенами Стоимость улучшения Стоимость растения Прочность Урон
Вблизи На бегу*
1 0 штук 0 монет 150 солнц 300 единиц здоровья (6 укусов) 80 единиц урона (4 горошины) 300 единиц урона (15 горошин)
2 10 штук 1000 монет 350 единиц здоровья (7 укусов) 100 единиц урона (5 горошин) 330 единиц урона (16.5 горошин)
3 25 штук 2500 монет 400 единиц здоровья (8 укусов) 120 единиц урона (6 горошин) 360 единиц урона (18 горошин)
4 50 штук 5000 монет 125 солнц 450 единиц здоровья (9 укусов) 140 единиц урона (7 горошин) 420 единиц урона (21 горошина)
5 100 штук 10000 монет 500 единиц здоровья (10 укусов) 160 единиц урона (8 горошин) 480 единиц урона (24 горошины)
6 200 штук 20000 монет 550 единиц здоровья (11 укусов) 180 единиц урона (9 горошин) 540 единиц урона (27 горошин)
7 400 штук 30000 монет 100 солнц 600 единиц здоровья (12 укусов) 200 единиц урона (10 горошин) 600 единиц урона (30 горошин)
8 800 штук 50000 монет 700 единиц здоровья (14 укусов) 220 единиц урона (11 горошин) 660 единиц урона (33 горошины)
9 1200 штук 75000 монет 800 единиц здоровья (16 укусов) 260 единиц урона (13 горошин) 720 единиц урона (36 горошин)
10 1600 штук 100000 монет 75 солнц 900 единиц здоровья (18 укусов) 300 единиц урона (15 горошин) 800 единиц урона (40 горошин)

*Урон от укуса одинаковый как для обычной атаки Пастернака в случае, если зомби нанесли ему достаточно урона, так и для атаки двух малых Пастернаков, призванных при подкормке.


In this stage, you only see basic zombies. The common zombie is the easiest to defeat; taking only 10 hits, a single Peashooter can kill it. The Flag Zombie only appears when a wave is starting, however, Peashooters still work. The Conehead Zombie is harder to kill due to its traffic cone, although two Peashooters working together should be able to kill it before it gets too close (a single Peashooter will do for one but not multiple zombies at the same time). The Pole Vaulting Zombie jumps over the first plant it encounters, and is very fast before doing so, so don’t use Wall-nuts to block it. Instead, plant a Sunflower or Potato Mine to make it jump early, after which it will be slowed. The Buckethead Zombie is the hardest zombie of these to kill; so use Cherry Bombs, Chompers, or Potato Mines to take it out, or use a combo of two Peashooters plus a Snow Pea.

Note: Mushrooms fall asleep during this time and are of little use to you unless they are awakened by a Coffee Bean, which you will not have until partway through the roof levels. You can only achieve this after playing Adventure Mode at least once.


It’s the lawn of a new battle! Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes mobile lets you collect and choose from hundreds of characters across the PvZ Universe in this epic collectible card game that takes you beyond the backyard.

For the first time ever on mobile, play as either plants or zombies and unlock their lawn-inspiring super powers. Collect hundreds of characters, including new roster favorites from Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 like Super Brainz, Z-Mech, Citron, and Rose, and adventure through an all new PvZ Universe with a unique, comic-style narrative. Pick your favorite hero, assemble your team, and use your heroic skills to outwit your opponents in battle.  

Battle and adventure by yourself against AI in the single player campaign, or battle against other players in real-time multiplayer! Challenge your friends or test your powers and strategy against the rest of the world in casual or ranked multiplayer battles – all in real time. Complete Daily Quests to earn rewards to expand your roster of Heroes and sidekicks.  

In adventure mode, lead your favorite plant and zombies on epic missions to battle and take down all opposing Heroes across locations as zany and diverse as the Heroes who inhabit them. Experience the story of Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes via comic-styled story sequences revealed as your adventure progresses. Use the adventure mode to tone your skills and fine-tune your strategy, experimenting with different heroes and powerful teammate combinations along the way.  

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