
Map Viewers[]

Map viewers are read-only and have an interactive interface.

Name Description Platforms Link Status Latest Compatible Release Source available Programming language Author


Avoyd is a voxel editor, viewer and renderer with the ability to load the largest Minecraft maps and display and explore them in their entirety. World size can go up to 260k x 260k x 260k voxels. Light and atmosphere can be modified. Cameras: first person and arcball cameras, teleport and save multiple camera positions. Imports Minecraft Maps, .vox files and multi-models from MagicaVoxel. Exports to .obj (Blender 3D). High quality Renders with CPU path tracing and denoising. Active Java Edition 1.17 No C++ enkisoftware

Bedrock Viz

Bedrock Viz is a fork of MCPE Viz to fix bugs and add new features. It uses Bedrock Edition world files, creating overview images from the world files, reporting many details of the world. Active Bedrock 1.17.10 Yes, GPL C Jasper Wan


Free top-down world viewer for Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE), includes NBT editor as well. Still in «Beta», stable but not feature complete. Current features: Map-types: overworld, cave, heightmap, biome, grass color, X-Ray and block-light. With markers and coordinates. Local player can be teleported. Inactive Pocket Edition 1.0 No Java ProtoLambda


A Google Maps like interface on Minecraft, accessible through a web browser. Compatible with Bukkit and Forge, and has an API to render of custom elements. Active Java Edition 1.8.9 — Java Edition 1.16.5 Yes, BSD Java/HTML/CSS mikeprimm


Optimized 3D map viewer with an extremely long view distance. Perfect for taking screenshots of your massive builds, or just exploring the world. Includes smooth lighting, biome coloring and customizable block types. Inactive Java Edition 1.12.2Most blocks of 1.12 are supported Yes, BSD C++ Lloigor, exp, rebio, erich666


MCPE Viz is a tool that parses Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) world files. It creates overview images from the world files, and reports lots of details on your world. Inactive Bedrock 1.10 Yes, GPL C Plethora777


Does not have a user interface and is currently under extreme development. Allows you to open minecraft pocket edition worlds and view them in 3D on your computer. Inactive Pocket Edition v0.6.1 alpha Not yet Java jocopa3

Mine View

Allows you to open Minecraft worlds (Bedrock edition or Java) and view them in 3D in your browser. Active Bedrock Edition 1.16.0Java Edition 1.16.0 No Java, Unity3D Smart BI Serv

Minecraft AutoMap

Displays a highly customizable live-updated map of your surroundings, including nearby creatures and players. Works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer. The map runs in a separate window from Minecraft so it can be sized and positioned, fullscreened, or placed on top of Minecraft like a minimap. Requires Risugami’s ModLoader, .NET 4.0, and XNA 4.0. Inactive Java Edition 1.7.1 Yes, MS-PL C# bp2008, Ceii

Minecraft X-Ray

3D map viewer that highlights minerals. Loads Minecraft levels as far back as Alpha, all the way through the current Anvil format. Supports user-supplied custom blocks for mod support. Inactive Java Edition 1.5.1 Yes, BSD Java plusminus, xolotl

Web-based, written in CoffeeScript, uses Three.js. By default shows locations of dungeons and diamonds. Can load .mca files directly from a CORS-enabled web server. Alpha. The website now redirects to the Minecraft Dungeons site. Inactive Java Edition 1.3.2 Yes, MIT CoffeeScript ithkuil


Mineways is meant more for exporting data into Blender and other digital content creation apps, but is also useful for mapping. It includes the ability to peel away terrain and look below. Similar to Minutor, which it is branched from. Listed here because it is actively being maintained, while the official version of Minutor has died off. (works on Linux/Mac with Wine) Active Java Edition 1.18 Yes, BSD C, C++ Eric Haines


GUI, interactive, shows top-down view of your map with a depth slider to reveal caves. Offers to show mobs, items and other entities, visualise light levels, and where hostile mobs may spawn. Inactive Java Edition 1.13 Yes, BSD C/ObjC/C++ mrkite77


In addition to that, Shift combined with arrows does text highlighting (if supported by the terminal): Ctrl-Ins copies to the file
~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip, Shift-Ins pastes from ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip, Shift-Del cuts to ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip, and
Ctrl-Del deletes highlighted text. Mouse highlighting also works on some terminals. To use the standard mouse support provided by your terminal, hold
the Shift key. Please note that the mouse support in the terminal doesn’t share the clipboard with mcedit.

The completion key (usually Meta-Tab or Escape Tab) completes the word under the cursor using the words used earlier in the file.

To define a macro, press Ctrl-R and then type out the keys you want to be executed. Press Ctrl-R again when finished. You can then assign the
macro to any key you like by pressing that key. The macro is executed when you press Ctrl-A and then the assigned key. The macro is also executed if you
press Meta, Ctrl, or Esc and the assigned key, provided that the key is not used for any other function. The macro commands are stored in the file
~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.macros. Do NOT edit this file if you are going to use macros again in the same editing session, because mcedit caches macro
key defines in memory. mcedit now overwrites a macro if a macro with the same key already exists, so you won’t have to edit this file. You will also
have to restart other running editors for macros to take effect.

F19 will format C, C++, Java or HTML code when it is highlighted. An executable file called ~/.mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc will be created for you
from the default template. Feel free to edit it if you need.

C-p will run ispell on a block of text in a similar way. The script file will be called ~/.mc/cedit/edit.spell.rc.

If some keys don’t work, you can use Learn Keys in the Options menu.

Настройка Midnight Commander

1. Изменение внешнего вида

Нажимаем F9 и открываем меню Options -> Layout:

Здесь можно изменить такие опции:

  • Вид панели (Panel split) — Вертикальный/Горизонтальный;
  • Отображение Меню (Menubar) — включить/выключить вверху;
  • Отображение Командной строки (Command prompt) — внизу;
  • Отображение Быстрых клавиш (Keybar visible);
  • Отображение Подсказок (Hintbar visible);
  • Отображение Заголовка окна терминала (XTerm window title);
  • Отображение свободного дискового пространства (Show free space)

Знак X означает, что опция включена.

С помощью меню Options -> Appearance можно изменить скин файлового менеджера:

Цветовых схем в Midnight Commnader множество, можно выбрать наиболее приятную для своих глаз. Мой любимый скин — nicedark.

В меню Right есть возможность указать, что показывать в правой панели:

Я указал Quick view  — быстрый просмотр файлов. Это значит, что при наведении на текстовый файл — в правой панели покажется его содержимое. Очень удобно. Также тут можно указать вывод любой другой информации — например информация о файле, дерево каталогов, листинг и многое другое на свой вкус.

Еще несколько интересных опций находятся в меню Options -> Panel options.

На вкладке Navigation включаем «Lynx like motion» —  быстрая навигация по папкам с помощью стрелок влево/вправо на клавиатуре.

На вкладке Main options обязательно включаем «Show backup files», «Show hidden files» и «Auto save panels setups» — автосохранение всех изменений в панели.

На вкладке File highlight — включаем «Permissions» (подсветка прав на файлы и папки).

2. Включаем встроенный редактор MCEDIT

По умолчанию, для редактирования файлов в Midnight Commander используется стандартный редактор Linux — nano (или vim). Но у многих новичков могут возникнуть трудности в их освоении, поэтому лучшим вариантом, на мой взгляд, будет использовать простой и понятный встроенный редактор — mcedit.

Для этого переходим в меню Options -> Configuration и ставим X в опции «Use internal edit», после чего нажимаем ОК:

Теперь немного подстроим редактор под себя. Первым делом включаем отображение нумерации строк (ALT + N) и отключаем отображение пробелов в файле конфигурации Midnight Commander — ~/.config/mc.ini:

3. Настройка автосохранения текущей папки в файловом менеджере

Странно, почему в MC до сих пор нет этой важной опции в настройках. Скопируйте скрипт в папку /etc/profile.d командой:

Скопируйте скрипт в папку /etc/profile.d командой:

И добавьте в конец файла /etc/bash.bashrc строку:alias mc=’. /etc/profile.d/’

Перезалогиньтесь — путь к директории теперь будет запоминаться.

Но, этот «фокус» работает только для пользователей, для «рута», к сожалению, не нашел способов. Насколько знаю, тикет по этому багу был открыт.

Map Editors[]

Map editors alter an existing level’s terrain or other properties, such as player position and time of day. Some of them also let you edit your inventory and generate terrain.

Name Description Platforms Link Status Latest Compatible Release Source available Programming language Author


Converts 1-256 image files into a schematic file 1-256 in height. Similar to SpriteCraft (from which BirdCraft gets inspiration), but with more features and more precise color-to-block assignment abilities. Inactive Java Edition 1.8 No VB RapierMother


Buildawall puts a wall around your existing world, creating a psychological and in-game division between old and new. This makes transitions between chunks generated by two different versions of minecraft much more obvious. Inactive Java Edition 1.2.5 Yes Python Mike Verdone


CraftMaster is a companion app for Minecraft PC Edition that allows you to download and import Schematics and 3D models into your Minecraft worlds, export and share your Minecraft creations on Sketchfab, Facebook and Twitter, and manage/navigate your worlds more efficiently. Inactive Java Edition 1.11.2 No C++ CraftMaster Software, Inc.

Creative Mode Plus

Top-down builder for constructing buildings and dungeons quickly and easily for Minecraft maps. Inactive Java Edition 1.4.7 Yes C# MyPace (Caleb Waggoner)


General-purpose Minecraft editor. Version 0.0.8 supports a bunch of non-interactive world modifications, editing of multiplayer user profiles and 2D/3D rendering of the world blocks. The plugins containing all the business logic can be reprogrammed right out of the box. Inactive Java Edition 1.7.9 Partial (all plugin code) C++, homebrew stuff for plugins Shrinker

MCA selector

Loads worlds very fast. Can be used to select (filter), edit, delete, export or import chunks. Can also «import selected chunks» and point to a older/newer version of the same world. active Java Edition Beta 1.3 through 1.17, and snapshots Yes java Querz


The first 3D editor. Created to import older levels into the new Alpha levels. Fly around in 3D and select blocks, then copy or export them. Import blocks from schematics or from entire Classic levels. Resize a level by creating or deleting chunks. Inactive Java Edition 1.11 (stable)Java Edition 1.8 (unstable) Python Currently and formerly codewarrior (David Vierra), was briefly taken over by TKtech during Codewarrior’s sabbatical.


This is an unofficial fork of the original MCEdit by codewarrior, but with a focus on 1.8+ compatability and optimization. Inactive Java Edition 1.12 (stable) Pocket Edition v0.12.2 alpha (unstable) Python Khroki, Ezefe, Trazlander, Podshot, Rubisk, Naor, and many other MCEdit community members

Minecraft Land Generator

Expands a Standard (or modded level with server-mods) to any size specified. Useful for Pre-generating terrain for mappers, or reducing server load. Inactive Java Edition 1.15.2 Yes, Public Domain Java Morlok8k, Corrodias

Amulet Editor

Currently under heavy development. In early development Java Edition 1.12+ Bedrock 1.7+ Yes Python Podshot, naor2013, gentlegiantJGC, BluCode

Euclid Editor

Currently under development In development Java Edition 1.8+ No Java SWinxy, MCContent



The help file for the program.


The default system-wide setup for GNU Midnight Commander, used only if
the user’s own ~/.config/mc/ini file is missing.


Global settings for the Midnight Commander. Settings in this file
affect all users, whether they have ~/.config/mc/ini or not.


The default system-wide syntax files for mcedit, used only if
the corresponding user’s own ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/ file is missing.


User’s own setup. If this file is present then the setup is loaded
from here instead of the system-wide setup file.



To define a macro, press

and then type out the keys you want to be executed. Press

again when finished. The macro can be assigned to any key by pressing that key.
The macro is executed when you press the assigned key.

The macro commands are stored in section

it the file

External scripts (filters) can be assigned into the any hotkey by edit

like following:


This means that ctrl-W hotkey initiates the

action, then editor handler translates this into execution of

shell script.

External scripts are stored in

directory and must be named as


is the number from 0 to 9999.
Menu File Edit

for more detail about format of the script.

Following macro definition and directives can be used:


If this directive is set, then script starts without interactive subshell.

The cursor column position number.

The indent of blank space, equal the cursor column.

The syntax type of current file.

The block file name.

The current file name.

Only the current file name without extension.

The extension of current file name.

The current directory name.

The current file in the unselected panel.

The directory name of the unselected panel.

The currently tagged files.

The tagged files in the unselected panel.
%u and %U

Similar to the


macros, but in addition the files are untagged. You can use this macro
only once per menu file entry or extension file entry, because next time
there will be no tagged files.

%s and %S

The selected files: The tagged files if there are any. Otherwise the
current file.

Feel free to edit this files, if you need.
Here is a sample external script:

l       comment selection
        TMPFILE=`mktemp ${MC_TMPDIR:-/tmp}/up.XXXXXX` || exit 1
        echo #if 0 > $TMPFILE
        cat %b >> $TMPFILE
        echo #endif >> $TMPFILE
        cat $TMPFILE > %b
        rm -f $TMPFILE

If some keys don’t work, you can use
Learn Keys

in the



This version implements localisation functions.
The resource files are located in the ‘lang’ folder for MCEdit UI.

Custom brushes and filters can be also translated, provided a folder named like the base name of the brush/filter file (without the ‘.py’ extension) can be found alongside the file and contains the resources.
These resources have to be built with the same rules than MCEdit ones.

The UI fixed character strings can appear in users native language by simply editing translation files.
It is also possible to (re)build the language template and files and to use custom fonts.

See TRANSLATION.txt for further details.

Developers don’t have to tweak their code so much.
The only modifications concern strings which need text formatting or concatenation.
See README.txt in subfolder for further information.

— D.C.-G. (LaChal)

Running from source


These programs and packages are required:


  • git
  • Python 2.7+ (Python 3 is unsupported)
  • virtualenv (not strictly required, but highly recommended)

Python packages

  • PyOpenGL 3.1.1a1
  • PyOpenGL-accelerate 3.1.1a1
  • numpy 1.15.0
  • Pillow 5.2.0
  • cython 0.28.4
  • python-xlib 0.14
  • ftputil 3.4 (Optional, but FTP server support will be disabled without it)
  • pyClark (Optional, but error reporting will be disabled without it)

On Windows, these are also required (Either one works, pypiwin32 is recommended):

  • pywin32
  • pypiwin32

1. Clone repo

Clone the repo (recursively, to also clone submodules):

git clone --recursive

2. Install dependencies

On Linux, these may be installed at the system level with your distro package manager.

If they are not available, you can install them using . In this case, you should set up the virtualenv first, like this:

cd MCEdit-Unified  # Enter the repo directory
virtualenv virtualenv  # Create new virtualenv in "virtualenv" directory
source virtualenv/bin/activate  # Deactivate by running "deactivate" when done

Note about python-xlib: Some Linux distros do not have version 0.14 of python-xlib. In this case, you should install it with (either in a virtualenv, or after removing the system package).


On Debian and Ubuntu, the Python packages may be installed from distro repositories like this:

sudo apt-get install python-opengl python-pygame python-yaml python-numpy python-xlib

The Python packages may be installed using .



Enter search string(%d,%d,%d)
Enter replace stringapples %d oranges %d
Enter replacement argument order3,2

It is advisable to use this feature with Prompt On Replace on, because a match is thought to be found whenever the number of arguments found matches the
number given, which is not always a real match. Scanf also treats whitespace as being elastic. Note that the scanf format %[ is very useful for scanning
strings, and whitespace.

The editor also displays non-us characters (160+). When editing binary files, you should set display bits to 7 bits in the Midnight Commander options
menu to keep the spacing clean.



Enter search string
Enter replace string
apples %d oranges %d
Enter replacement argument order

The last line specifies that the third and then the second number are to
be used in place of the first and second.

It is advisable to use this feature with Prompt On Replace on, because a
match is thought to be found whenever the number of arguments found
matches the number given, which is not always a real match. Scanf also
treats whitespace as being elastic. Note that the scanf format %[ is
very useful for scanning strings, and whitespace.

The editor also displays non-us characters (160+). When editing
binary files, you should set
display bits

to 7 bits in the Midnight Commander options menu to keep the spacing



The help file for the program.


The default system-wide setup for GNU Midnight Commander, used only if
the user’s own ~/.config/mc/ini file is missing.


Global settings for the Midnight Commander. Settings in this file
affect all users, whether they have ~/.config/mc/ini or not.


The default system-wide syntax files for mcedit, used only if
the corresponding user’s own ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/ file is missing.


User’s own setup. If this file is present then the setup is loaded
from here instead of the system-wide setup file.


User’s own directory where block commands are processed and saved and
user’s own syntax files are located.

Построители карт[]

Имя Описание Дата Версия Платформы Ссылки Последняя совместимая версия Исходный код Язык програм-мирования Автор
Командная строка. Переписанный Cartograph. Официально поддерживаются Windows- и Linux- сборки, также работает на Mac, но требуется компиляция. 26 мая 2011 г. 1.9 Да, BSD C++ udoprog (John-John Tedro)


GUI для c10t, включает в себя одиночную и пакетную обработку данных. 8 июля 2011 г. 1.0 Нет C# conker87 (Simon Fletcher)
Другая версия Cartograph. Поддерживаются самые последние обновления и некоторые фиксы ошибок Cartograph’а. Добавлены новые возможности, не исключаю GUI и поддержку модов. 20 ноября 2011 г. 2011_11_20 Ещё нет C++ (Рендерер), VB (Интерфейс) Gameslinder
Отображение карты в реальном времени в игре или в браузере. Режимы дневной свет, лунный свет, пещеры, Нижний мир, и Край. Показывает монстров и игроков, находящихся рядом. Серверные и одиночные миры, не требуется серверный плагин. 12 апреля 2013 г. 2.5.0 Нет Java, DHTML techbrew (Mark Woodman)
Командная строка + Windows GUI. Mcmap Live доступна для Mac GUI. Создаёт JPG или PNG картинку на выбор. 15 ноября 2013 г. 2.4.2b Да C++ Zahl
16 августа 2012 г. 0.48 (при замене mcmap.exe из поставки на актуальный) Да Python/C# NotTarts/Zahl

MCMap Live

Интерактивный GUI, Xray — карты, и поддержка биомов. 28 марта 2012 г. 1.5.1 Да Objective-C++ Donkey Kong
13 декабря 2013 г. 0.11.53 Да, GPL Python/C — это веб-приложение, которое позволяет размещать миры с друзьями или обществом. Просто загрузите мир и карта автоматически построится для Вас! 29 марта 2011 г. 1.00 Нет perl skeight


Интуитивный интерфейс для создания детализированной, зумируемая карта вашего мира. Рабоает на Tectonicus, Minetographer быстр и прост в использовании. 27 октября 2011 г. 0.7.7 Ещё нет Java jakester2
Быстрый рендер, предусмотренный для больших миров. Поддерживаемые платформы Linux и Cygwin. Нет бинарных файлов; может быть построен из исходников. 29 марта 2012 г. 1.1.2 Да, GPL C++ equalpants

Рендерит высококачественные, зумируемые версии карт, просматривается с помощью Карт Google. Только коммандная строка. Для GUI см. Minetographer.

15 апреля 2012 г. 2.08 Да Java OrangyTang
Простой и быстрый инструмент визуализации карт, предназначенный для эффективного обновления очень больших карт «плитками». 19 июля 2012 г. 2011-07-19 Да Java TOGoS

Особенности и преимущества Midnight Commander

  • Работа с RPM-пакетами;
  • Работа в режимах ASCII и HEX;
  • Работа с различными архивами и образами файловых систем;
  • Работа с сетевыми файловыми системами Samba, Fish, FTP, SFTP;
  • Выполнение операций копирования и перемещения файлов в фоновом режиме;
  • Встроенный текстовый редактор mcedit с подсветкой синтаксиса;
  • Текстовый режим, основанный на библиотеках ncurses и S-Lang. Это позволяет программе работать как в консоли, так и в различных эмуляторах терминала и через удалённые соединения, например, по протоколу SSH;
  • MC поставляется с поддержкой мыши. Мышь подключается, если вы запускаете MC с xterm терминала (эта функция также работает при подключении через telnet или rlogin c xterm) или с Linux консоли при наличии gpm mouse сервера;
  • Поддержка многоязыкового интерфейса;
  • Поддержка кодировки UTF-8 (начиная с 2009 года);


Please, mind to adapt the following information according to your operating system!


To build these libaries, you’ll need Cython 0.21 and setuptools.

First, install or update setuptools:

  • Run it:

Then, install Cython:


This script is intended to be run in a shell opened in MCEdit-Unified folder.

It takes arguments on the command line to work correctly.
Invoke it like this:

Without argument, it will fail. (And let you know…)

Use the argument to build all the libraries the script can handle.
The one will build only the NBT support.
The one will build only the PNG support.
The one can, ehhh, help…

After the NBT support is built, you can run a very simple test:

Pocket Edition Support

MCPE support requires a special library. MCEdit will run without it, but you will not be able to edit Pocket worlds.

This library is embeded in the packages for OSX and Windows, and will mostly work.

On Linux systems, it is necessary to compile the library, because it requires to be linked to one on the system.
It may be necessary to compile specifically for the PE support if the one on the system is not compatible. (It may also happen this library is not on the system…)

The Python script in the directory wuill build the PE support, and the library when needed.
Read in the directory for more information.

Note that, if you use the installer for Linux, this script is used during installation to build the library.

(`Compilation on Windows and OSX part to be written`.«)

It is possible to enable a debug mode for PE support by running MCEdit with the option on the command line.
Some messages will be displayed in the console. A lot of information will be stored in a file. This file can be very big, so be carefull with this debug mode!
You can use this option several times to get more information in the file. Currently, using this option more than 2 times will have no effect.



This option is ignored when invoking mcedit.
Interpret the tab character as being of this length. Default is 8. You should avoid using other than 8 since most other editors and text viewers assume a
tab spacing of 8. Use editor_fake_half_tabs to simulate a smaller tab spacing.
Never insert a tab space. Rather insert spaces (ascii 20h) to fill to the desired tab size.
Pressing return will tab across to match the indentation of the first line above that has text on it.
Make a single backspace delete all the space to the left margin if there is no text between the cursor and the left margin.
This will emulate a half tab for those who want to program with a tab spacing of 4, but do not want the tab size changed from 8 (so that the code will be
formatted the same when displayed by other programs). When editing between text and the left margin, moving and tabbing will be as though a tab space were 4,
while actually using spaces and normal tabs for an optimal fill. When editing anywhere else, a normal tab is inserted.
Possible values 0, 1 and 2. The save mode (see the options menu also) allows you to change the method of saving a file. Quick save (0) saves the file by
immediately, truncating the disk file to zero length (i.e. erasing it) and the writing the editor contents to the file. This method is fast, but dangerous,
since a system error during a file save will leave the file only partially written, possibly rendering the data irretrievable. When saving, the safe save
option enables creation of a temporary file into which the file contents are first written. In the event of an problem, the original file is untouched.
When the temporary file is successfully written, it is renamed to the name of the original file, thus replacing it. The safest method is create backups
. Where a backup file is created before any changes are made. You can specify your own backup file extension in the dialog. Note that saving twice will
replace your backup as well as your original file.
line length to wrap. 72 default.
symbol for add extension to name of backup files. Default «~».
show state line of editor now it show number of file line (in future it can show things like folding, breakpoints, etc.). M-n toglle this option.
Toggle show visible trailing spaces (TWS), if editor_visible_spaces=1 TWS showed as ‘.’
Toggle show visible tabs, if editor_visible_tabs=1 tabs showed as ‘<—->’
Do not remove block selection after moving the cursor.
Allow moving cursor beyond the end of line.
enable syntax highlighting.
show confirm dialog on save.
to be described
to be described
save file position on exit.
symbol representation of codepage name for file (i.e. CP1251, ~ — default).
Search autocomplete candidates in entire of file or just from begin of file to cursor position (0)

Chunk tool:

When you pick the Chunk tool, the visible selection is
automatically expanded to cover all of the chunks it touches. Press Create to create all missing chunks in the selection, ignoring any chunks already present.
Press Destroy to remove any chunks within the selection. Use Prune to keep all of the chunks in the selection, and delete the ones outside.
Use Repop to mark chunks for repopulation of ores and structures next time minecraft loads the chunk.
All of these will ask you for confirmation because there’s no way to undo them. Use TAB to get a better view for chunk pruning.

Finally, you can press Relight to fix any bad lighting within the selected chunks. If other programs leave your level full of black spots, you can fix it with this.



The help file for the program.


The default system-wide setup for GNU Midnight Commander, used only if
the user’s own ~/.mc/ini file is missing.


Global settings for the Midnight Commander. Settings in this file
affect all users, whether they have ~/.mc/ini or not.


The default system-wide syntax files for mcedit, used only if
the corresponding user’s own ~/.mc/cedit/ file is missing.


User’s own setup. If this file is present then the setup is loaded
from here instead of the system-wide setup file.


User’s own directory where block commands are processed and saved and
user’s own syntax files are located.


  • Selection: Выделите область мышкой по диагонали. Нажмите ещё раз, чтобы менять масштаб, длину, высоту. Вы можете удалить блоки или экспортировать их для файла схемы.
  • Brush: Нажмите, чтобы заполнить выделенную область блоками. Выберите размер кисти, форму и тип блока.
  • Clone: Копирует выделенные блоки. Клавиши ERF для трансформации блоков.
  • Fill: Позволяет заменить блоки в выделенной области.
  • Filter: Используйте один из стандартных фильтров для сглаживания местности или изменения верхнего слоя почвы, или создайте свой собственный фильтр/ плагин используя Python.
  • Crane: Импорт файла схемы или целый уровень.
  • Player: Нажмите, чтобы переместить персонажа. Нажмите дважды, чтобы телепортироваться.
  • Spawn: Нажмите, чтобы переместить персонажа на точку спауна. Не доступен на пустом уровне. Нажмите дважды, чтобы телепортироваться.
  • Chunk: Та же самая операция, как в выделении, только это функция с целыми чанками.

Ваши личные схемы хранятся в папке «Документы», в папке с именем «MCEdit-schematics». Это ваши рабочие копии, по умолчанию включены стандартные схемы MCEdit. Ваши личные настройки для MCEdit хранятся в папке «Документы», в «mcedit.ini» файле.

Удерживая левую кнопку мыши, используйте кнопки перемещения (по умолчанию: WASDQZ) для перемещения соответствующего объекта вокруг. Удерживайте ⇧ Shift, чтобы изменить расстояние.

Если у вас мощный компьютер, нажмите Ctrl + F, и дальность прорисовки увеличится.


In addition to that, Shift combined with arrows does text highlighting
(if supported by the terminal):

copies to the file


pastes from


cuts to


deletes highlighted text. Mouse highlighting also works on some
terminals. To use the standard mouse support provided by your terminal,
hold the Shift key. Please note that the mouse support in the terminal
doesn’t share the clipboard with

The completion key (usually

Escape Tab)

completes the word under the cursor using the words used in the file.


To define a macro, press
and then type out the keys you want to be executed. Press
again when finished. The macro can be assigned to any key by pressing that key.
The macro is executed when you press the assigned key.

The macro commands are stored in section

it the file

External scripts (filters) can be assigned into the any hotkey by edit
like following:


This means that ctrl-W hotkey initiates the
action, then editor handler translates this into execution of
shell script.

External scripts are stored in
directory and must be named as
is the number from 0 to 9999.
Edit Menu File
for more detail about format of the script.

Following macro definition and directives can be used:


If this directive is set, then script starts without interactive subshell.

The cursor column position number.

The indent of blank space, equal the cursor column.

The syntax type of current file.

The block file name.

The current file name.

Only the current file name without extension.

The extension of current file name.

The current directory name.

The current file in the unselected panel.

The directory name of the unselected panel.

The currently tagged files.

The tagged files in the unselected panel.
%u and %U

Similar to the
macros, but in addition the files are untagged. You can use this macro
only once per menu file entry or extension file entry, because next time
there will be no tagged files.
%s and %S

The selected files: The tagged files if there are any. Otherwise the
current file.

Feel free to edit this files, if you need.
Here is a sample external script:

l       comment selection
        TMPFILE=`mktemp ${MC_TMPDIR:-/tmp}/up.XXXXXX` || exit 1
        echo #if 0 > $TMPFILE
        cat %b >> $TMPFILE
        echo #endif >> $TMPFILE
        cat $TMPFILE > %b
        rm -f $TMPFILE

Brush Tool

The brush tool allows you to «Paint» the world using preset shapes, you can use RFEG to Increase size, Decrease size, rotate and roll this tool. The varied version will randomly distribute the blocks you select based on selected weightings.

Line Brush

Hold Z after placing a brush and click a second point to create a solid line of that brush. Line spacing adjusts how close together brushes are.

The line tool works from the last brushed point, so you can continue from the end of your last line.


You can also erode the terrain, making it more natural. To use this tool set the size and strength you want and click and drag over the area you wish to erode.

It is recommended to make multiple lower intensity passes for best results. If the brush is still too strong at strength 1, turn up Minimum Spacing.

Flood Fill

This brush will systematically replace all blocks of the same type touching the block you click on. This will go on until you either cancel the operation or it finishes.

The paste brush simply brushes an imported schematic.

Replace and Varied Replace

The replace and varied replace tools replace the block selected in the first slot with the block(s) selected in the lower slot(s).

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